Il corso fornisce una conoscenza ampia e pratica sul funzionamento delle criptovalute e degli smart contract inclusi: Perché Bitcoin è un'invenzione che rivoluzionerà il concetto di denaro La crittografia e firme digitali come elementi abilitanti Come è possibile che le criptovalute funzionino senza le banche A cosa serve la blockchain Cosa sono gli smart contract Token, standard ERC20 e ICO Al termine del corso gli allievi saranno in grado di analizzare le principali blockchain e comprendere le differenze, i pro e i contro di ogni soluzione. Saranno in grado di valutare meglio la bontà di un progetto basato su blockchain o di una ICO. Avranno essi stessi le basi per lanciare nuovi progetti nel campo delle criptovalute, degli smart contract e ICO e avranno un’idea molto chiara di quali altre competenze dovranno acquisire
    While building enterprise grade Blockchain applications to serve a large set of customers you need to think whether your application complies with data protection regulations. Using the Hyperledger framework you can build permissioned applications with better performance, scalability and trust. This will not only give you full control of data being shared with other parties but also brings in a higher level of security. This course will teach you all the basics of Hyperledger Fabric technology so that you can use it in your Enterprise grade projects with better understanding & clarity. You will learn about Hyperledger Fabric, how it is different from technologies like Bitcoin, Ethereum & related crypto currencies. Architecture and components of Hyperledger Fabric & how this works in applications. You will be building a legal land registration application with Hyperledger Fabric which caters to a large set of customers and also can be used by large enterprises for a non-financial projects. Evaluate if a business application will benefit by adoption of Distributed Ledger Technology. By the end of this course you will be confident in building your own fault-tolerant, high performance, secure business related applications using Hyperledger Fabric and Compose framework on Blockchain technology. All the code and supporting files for this course are available on Github. About the Author Alejandro Vicente Grabovetsky is CTO and Chief Data Scientist at AID:Tech, and uses Blockchain to bring social and financial Inclusion to the world's undocumented and underserved. Sasha got his BA and PhD at the University of Cambridge, and worked as a Cognitive Neuroscience PostDoc at the Donders Institute in the Netherlands before lighting his entrepreneurial spark in 2014. He has worked on Machine Learning and AI during both his scientific life and at his previous healthcare-focused startup Avalon AI, which went through acclaimed accelerators such as Entrepreneur First and Techstars. Currently his favorite toys are Hyperledger Fabric/Composer, Kubernetes/Helm, and Keras/Tensorflow.
      Approximately 360,000 people drown every year. This course will show you how this ancient problem could be addressed with a new innovation called Rapid Aqua Life Save™. The main goal of the course is to provide students with vivid examples of how wearable tech, Blockchain, smart contracts and quantum computing could be applied together in the near future, to save peoples’ lives at sea. In doing so, participants will also be better equipped to understand why Blockchain will become such a transformational technology.
        Have You Heard About Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum or Smart Contracts? Are You Interested In Building Blockchain Applications? Maybe You’ve Been Wanting To Get Involved With The Blockchain Practically? Whatever your motivation to start on your journey with Blockchain, you’ve come to the right place. Blockchain is changing the way we are doing our business & using the available services. Whole world is currently talking about them. In this course I will answer "Frequently Asked Questions" in the Blockchain community & conversation. So that you can talk confidently during the conversation. Through this course you will get two things: What questions people ask when they talk about the Blockchain & It's use cases. What are the answers to those questions. I will make you aware of everything you need to become smart quickly. This will be a quick, short & precise course without wasting your time in talking about something which you never wanna know. Here we will talk about (2-3 minutes each): What is Blockchain? What are the differences between Bitcoin & Ethereum? How Blockchain is different from MySQL? How Blockchain is Immutable? How can Blockchain be considered safe & secure than their counterparts? What are Smart Contracts? How Smart Contracts are better than paper contracts? What's wrong with Smart Contracts? What is Decentralized Ledger & what are their types? What is Peer-to-peer, Centralized & Decentralized network means? What are smart contracts languages? What are primary use cases of Blockchain and Why they are considered the primary use cases? What is Mining, Miner, Mining Reward & Genesis Block? What exactly Miner do for the reward? What is Merkel Root? What is the use of it? Open Platforms to build Decentralized Blockchain Apps? What are Hard Forks in Blockchain? Why we need it? What are some example of Blockchain Attacks? What is Hashrate & How it can affect the Blockchain? So Hop on to this amazing quick & super fast learning of Blockchain & quickly become a person who knows how to answer the questions in Blockchain space.
          This course offers the fundamental knowledge of ICO (Initial Coin Offering) for any beginners - with or without experience in cryptocurrency.  You may have heard that most ICOs are scams or majority fail within the first year. But not all ICOs are doomed from the start if you know what you're doing. Successful ICOs such as Ethereum's very own back in 2014 and some recent ones like Kik ($100 million), Bancor ($153 million), Telegram ($1.7 billion) and EOS ($4 billion) that raised billions of dollars in total. The instructor was an ICO consultant for four ICO companies and the current Korean ambassador for StartupToken. He's also the Global Chief Consultant of Korea Blockchain Entrepreneur Association (KOBEA). You will discover the what, why and how an ICO works. Understand the entire structure of an ICO campaign and what are the processes involved in achieving its funding goal.
            Blockchain technology has been used to implement digital currency systems (Bitcoin and others), smart contract systems (Ethereum), and is under active exploration as a potentially transformational technology in finance, government, and healthcare. This course provides a non-technical overview of blockchain to facilitate a discussion on how this technology may impact the healthcare industry. Key topics include Blockchain properties Healthcare Costs Healthcare Quality Healthcare Value Challenges for using blockchain for healthcare data
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              Requirements Web browser that supports Ethereum wallet, preferably Brave browser No prior knowledge or experience with blockchain is needed. Description Hi there, my name is Dan Plants. I am a blockchain investor and entrepreneur. Are you wanting to integrate blockchain into one of your own websites? This course will show you how to integrate an already existing smart contract content locker on blockchain into you’re website. You will be able to sell a music, videos or any digital content on the blockchain. In this course I will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with your own blockchain content locker website. You'll learn how to build a content lock on the Ethereum blockchain. You will create your very own Wordpress site where you can sell your content on the blockchain. This course is recommended for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge of blockchain or coding. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step. You will learn the blockchain content ‘future market’ whereby we will learn the future of online content monetization. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to sell their digital content online for Ethereum. Newbie's, amateurs, entrepreneurs, website developers, tech enthusiasts, and any digital content creators who want to sell their products per-to-per without needing Stripe or PayPal.
                You must have heard of Blockchain, the path breaking technology behind various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether, shaking up the world of finance. But do you know that this technology is finding applications beyond these cryptocurrencies. This technology is being leveraged in more inventive ways each single day. If you are thinking to apply this technology to your particular business, domain or your potential startup, then you are at the right place. In this course, we will discuss all of these aspects along with 50 real-world applications of Blockchain and uncover the benefits that this technology offers. After going through this course, you will understand how Blockchain can affect the industry where you are working and how you can take advantage of this and stay ahead of the curve. We sincerely believe that this course will open new horizons for your career growth and for many of you this may even act as a facilitator and a trigger to start your own venture in this nascent Technology. You will find tons of great courses about the underlying theory of Blockchain and the role of Blockchain in cryptocurrencies but none of them describe the real world applications of Blockchain in detail. Here in this course you will find in-depth knowledge about 50 real world applications of Blockchain along with the basics of this technology. This course is perfect for: 1. A beginner, who is looking to understand the latest buzz word Blockchain 2. An expert, who wants to explore more about the practical business applications Of Blockchain Technology 3. A Blockchain Developer, who is looking for potential business use cases of Blockchain Technology to build the next Google or Microsoft 4. An Entrepreneur, who is looking for startup ideas in this nascent domain Further with a 30 day return policy, there is nothing to lose for you here. If you feel the course is not worth your money, you can return it and get your money back. Though, we assure you that you will not be disappointed by your wise decision of buying this course. Key Takeaways from this course: What is Blockchain? Properties of Blockchain Components of block Consensus mechanism Hash & its functions What are smart contracts? Criteria for choosing Blockchain for business Blockchain application in Big Data Blockchain application in Land Registration Blockchain application in Vehicle Registration Blockchain application in Voting Blockchain application in Airlines Blockchain application in Charity Blockchain application in Electronic Health Record Blockchain application in combating fake news Blockchain application in Birth & marriage certificate registration Blockchain application in Dairy industry Blockchain application in food safety Blockchain & IoT data marketplace Blockchain application in Diamond & gold industry Blockchain & IoT for smart healthcare Blockchain application in Health Insurance Blockchain application in connected cars Blockchain & IoT for smart homes Blockchain application in aiding refugees Blockchain application in Pharma industry Blockchain application in clinical trials Blockchain application in Human Resource Blockchain application in KYC Blockchain application in Poultry industry Blockchain application in Hotel Industry Blockchain application in efficient implementation of government schemes Blockchain application in Education Blockchain application in Helping farmers Blockchain application in Beauty industry Blockchain application in Sports industry Blockchain application in Fashion industry Blockchain application in Genomics Blockchain & IoT in Logistics Blockchain application in International trade Blockchain application in Customs Blockchain application in Automobile industry Blockchain application in carbon emissions Blockchain application in wine industry Blockchain application in utility services Blockchain application in fine arts Blockchain application in IoT industrial use cases Blockchain application in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blockchain application in Advertisement & marketing Blockchain application in Aviation industry Blockchain application in Defence Blockchain application in Robotics Blockchain application in Identity management Blockchain application in sharing economy Blockchain application in Power industry Blockchain application in Telecom industry Blockchain application in Fishing industry
                  Blockchains are both a trendsetting tool and a transformative technology. In this introductory course, learn what blockchains are and the conceptual details which power this appealing technology and how they apply to enterprises. Familiarize yourself with critical concepts such as distributed ledgers, cryptographic hashing, and smart contracts, while being introduced to the popular Hyperledger frameworks, which involve several different components, each with their own specialized function and constantly communicating with each other. By the end of this course, you will have a firm theoretical understanding of what Blockchains are, and why they offer such an appealing solution for enterprises to record their transaction data. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to understand Hyperledger Fabric Anyone who wants to compare Multiple Blockchain technologies Anyone who wants to do experiments or consult others on Blockchain
                    Las posibilidades de Blockchain son enormes tanto en banca, como Internet de las Cosas, Identificación, sistemas de voto, comercio,... cualquier sector que pueda imaginar evolucionará según esta tecnología vaya madurando. E s la tecnología emergente del momento, hay diferentes tipos de perfiles que necesitan entender cómo funciona para poder apostar por ella: Empresas : Tanto para adoptar la tecnología en sus procesos como para poder desarrollar proyectos propios , es fundamental entender las partes que la conforman y como encajan entre ellas. Inversores : Las criptomonedas son un activo de muy alto riesgo pero también de altas ganancias, es por ello que atrae a un gran numero de inversores por todo el mundo. Pero sin entender la tecnología que soporta dichas divisas, estos inversores irán ciegos. Pudiendo cometer grandes errores al apostar por nuevas monedas que tecnológicamente no aportan nada. Sin este curso no serán capaces de detectarlas. Estudiantes e investigadores : Los desarrolladores de Smart Contract son los más buscados y mejor pagados del momento . No se puede investigar ni desarrollar sin comprender las bases. Todo el curso esta completamente en español y contiene al final del mismo recursos para que pueda ampliar la información que se le da en cada una de las secciones.