From distracted monkey brain to monk-like peace of mind in one week We've all heard about the transformative power of mindfulness meditation. Nowadays it's almost hard to find a successful person who doesn't do Vipassana meditation or similar. That's because mindfulness meditation increases focus, memory and mental clarity. Mindfulness also lowers anxiety, blood pressure and stress levels. Meditation helps you sleep. All fundamental pieces for high performance at any task in life. Although the main reason to have a mindfulness practice is to understand the nature of conscious awareness. This part is sometimes clouded by overly spiritual meditation practices and teachings. Some of which are a bit "out there". In this course you will learn about the best way to get into mindfulness meditation. All based on concrete science and established experience. So join me now and begin the transcendence to your most peaceful, productive and successful self.
    Mindfulness Meditation should be a practice that anyone can benefit from. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion and complication around this simple practice. This course will make it clear, simple and easy for you to practice mindfulness. This course is about more than just how to practice mindfulness meditation. It's going to give you a fresh perspective on what mindfulness is and provide powerful, direct methods that will show you how to meditate deeply using mindfulness meditation . No more trying to silence your mind in order to experience deep meditation. This is a Complete Mindfulness Meditation Course that will teach you exactly how to live more peacefully, enjoy your life more fully and experience more happiness and better health. All with a small time investment , starting with as little as 5 minutes per day and gradually building to about 30 minutes per day. ________________________________________________________________ "Very informative and well delivered, Ken is easy to listen to and very knowledgable, love the guided meditation! Thank you" -Faye Couchman "This course is a wonderful introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. The instructor has a tremendous gift for summary and your time will *not* be wasted. When carefully reviewed, It will become obvious that a great deal of work has gone into making this course flow well and stay tightly focused on real results. Even on the first pass through the course I've received tangible benefits. It is evident throughout this course that Ken Wells has worked very hard with the ideas presented, achieved remarkable results in return for his effort, and has a sincere desire to help 'others'. This is likely the best Mindfulness course available on Udemy." -Brian Hicks "Truly excellent Course . Ton of exercises and very practical ideas. What I love about the course is that the instructors makes it very clear that we can only get benefits from this material if we try and practice. Personally, I am very big on that." -Braco Pobric "Great content. if you just started to meditate and you are new to this practice, Ken Wells really explains wee what Mindfulness Meditation means. He explains really well and he has great material to support the course." -Christiana Eliott "Another great course by Ken. For new folks, I would suggest his first course, Meditation for Beginners. It introduces basic concepts and hits on the why behind meditation. This one is significantly more dense, but no less enjoyable. Kens' guided meditations are worth their weight in gold and will help you to deepen your meditation practice. Great work Ken, Thanks again." -Wade Michels ___________________________________________________________________ When you watch the video above , you will understand why it's so important to practice mindfulness meditation. Not only for relieving stress and feeling better, but also for improving your physical health! What will I be able to do after enrolling in this course? Build Motivation for Practicing Mindfulness Increase Your Concentration Quiet Your "Inner Critic" Experience Greater Self-Awareness Overcome Negative Thinking Relax Your Body at Will Experience Peace of Mind Throughout Your Day Overcome Negative Thinking Reduce Anxiety Consistently Create States of Deep Relaxation Avoid Excessive Worry Maintain Composure and Poise Dissolve Inauthentic Aspects of Yourself Deepen Your Spiritual Awareness Develop a Consistent Mindfulness Practice What will I learn? "The Awakened Body Guided Meditation" "The Mindful Breath Exercise" The Importance of Learning In The Flow Zone "The Integrative Breathing Exercise" "The Breath of Life Guided Meditation" "The Mindful Body Exercise" "The Active Body Exercise" "The Choice-less Observer Meditation" “The Peaceful Mind Guided Meditation” How to Escape the Prison of the Mind "The Everyday Observer" "The Pathless Path to The Ever-Present One Guided Meditation" Dissolving All That You Are Not ________________________________________________________________ This course will walk you through specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to mindfully meditate and how to meditate deeply using easy to use mindfulness meditation techniques. Mindfulness Meditation is the single best thing you can do for your mental, emotional & physical health. It explains exactly how mindfulness works and how to practice mindfulness in your everyday life, giving you the ability to relax at will. There are also Advanced Mindfulness Meditation Techniques that will help you to greatly increase the depth of your practice and enhance your Spiritual Awareness . Why You Should Take This Course: Greater Peace & Relaxation Less Ruminative Thinking Increased Clarity of Mind Better Mental, Emotional & Physical Health More Mental Discipline Increased Concentration & Focus Enhanced Creativity Decreased Stress Increased Productivity More Self Confidence Greater Self-Awareness Greater Spiritual Awareness Reduced Stress & Anxiety More Happiness Make Less Mistakes at Work and in Your Social Life Increased Mental Strength & Mental Toughness Greater Intuition Better Organizational Skills Faster cognitive functioning Some Questions This Course Answers: Is it really worth it to practice mindfulness? How do mindfulness practices work, and what are their benefits? How can mindfulness benefit your work? How do you practice mindfulness meditation? How exactly can a person watch his or her thoughts? What are the best mindfulness exercises? How can I meditate in a house in a city where I hear car alarms and motorcycle noises? My mind is always looking for reason to worry, why and what can I do for that? Why is it so hard to meditate? How does mindfulness affect the brain? Why is it so hard to completely quiet one's mind during meditation? How can I learn to live in the present? Does mindfulness actually help to relieve stress? Are the benefits of mindfulness proven scientifically? Am I doing this right? What are some proper mindfulness meditation techniques? What Should I Do Now? Give the course a chance to help you relieve stress and live more peacefully by enrolling today. Mindfulness meditation can truly change your life , it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside if you choose to enroll .
      This course will teach you how to develop a mindfulness practice so you can stay mindful during whatever difficult times you are going through. Whether it’s problems with a relationship, workplace issues or a global pandemic, this course will show you some really easy to implement strategies, so you don’t get caught up in fear, worry or anxiety. How is this course different? This course is taught from a very practical point of view. I don’t talk about singing bowls, burning incense or chanting for hours at a time. I’ve taught mindfulness to police officers, federal agents, defence force personnel and others who needed no fuss practical skills they could use in the field. I teach easy to learn skills that you can incorporate into your life today. Who is this course for? Anyone who has suffered with worry, stress, or anxiety Overthinkers People who want to learn about mindfulness but don’t consider themselves ‘mindfulness people’ Anyone who is going through hard times and wants to learn a way out I know you don’t have time to add things to your already busy day so I will show you practical ways you can integrate mindfulness into your normal daily routine. By designing a strategy that works within your context, you will enjoy the benefits of mindfulness without carving out more time for another thing on your to do list. There are often misconceptions around mindfulness and what it all means. Some people think it’s new age, others think it’s religious and some people think it’s just another passing fad. These notions are the reason some people shy away from learning more about mindfulness. In this course I want to introduce you to mindfulness from a practical and pragmatic viewpoint and dispel some of those myths. At the end of this course you will have all the tips and techniques you need to stay mindful during difficult times. And remember, this is a Udemy course, so you have the added benefit of 100% money-back guarantee. You've got nothing to lose, so join me right now in what I can promise will be a really beneficial course.
        As a Christian, we are bombarded with challenges that face us everyday both externally and internally. Though we have a great handle on the external challenges, the internal ones are a bit more difficult. I am talking about our emotions. How much impact do our emotions have on our spiritual lives? A lot! As a matter of fact, because our minds, emotions body and spirits are so connected, one inevitably affects all of the others. If you are interested in learning how to master your emotions so that you can continue to grow to become more like Jesus, then this class is for you. This class will teach you: What the greatest obstacles to our spiritual lives are and how to overcome them. How to get rid of the negative emotions that are trapped in our subconscious, which are sabotaging our lives. How to overcome our limiting beliefs, so that we can be empowered to trust in God more and increase our faith. How to have richer relationships, by establishing more emotionally healthy bonds with others. How to overcome traumatic memories so that they no longer influence our lives. How to overcome any sin that is plaguing our lives. And much more... I have been working with Christians for over 25 years and have found that the greatest enemy to our faith is not just the world, but rather our unresolved emotion that causes us great pain on the inside. This class has definitely changed my life and it will definitely change yours...
          One of the most painful and pervasive forms of suffering in our culture is the belief that “something is wrong with me.” For many of us, feelings of deficiency are right around the corner. It doesn’t take much--just hearing of someone else’s accomplishments, being criticized, getting into an argument, making a mistake at work--to make us think that, deep down, we are just not okay. This, accompanied by our judgment of others, keeps us at war with life.  When not faced, our fears and blame prevent us from living and loving fully. On the societal level, designating a “bad other” fuels the violence that so plagues our world today. As taught in the beloved bestseller Radical Acceptance, mindfulness empowers us to see clearly what is happening in the moment and respond to it with skillfulness. The course will explore this pathway to compassion and freedom through engaging lectures, guided meditations (ideally used many times, going deeper each time), and question & answer sessions on how best to put the teachings into practice in everyday life.
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            About The Course Rewire Your Brain For Success & Personal Wellbeing is a science-based programme designed by Mindful Leadership Advisor & Transformative Coach Palma Michel, combining elements of mindfulness, neuroscience and positive psychology. It is targeted at senior executives, high potentials and anyone wanting to ace their inner game to thrive at their outer game. The course is designed to help you make your mind work for you rather than against you. You will learn how to manage your inner critic, drop out of worst-case-scenario thinking, rewrite the story of your life and gain strength from your past. You will also learn how to use the power of acceptance to experience increased clarity and wellbeing. We will look at counterbalancing the negativity bias of your mind though gratitude practice and how to create positive images to help you navigate through challenging situations. Who is Palma Michel? Palma Michel advises organisations and individuals on successfully navigating the space of not knowing. She is a sought-after mindful leadership advisor, executive and life coach, mindfulness teacher and public speaker. Her global clients include CEOs, founders, philanthropists, start-ups, universities and multinationals. She also supports many clients who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses or burnout. Palma strongly believes in giving back and has been supporting a number of impact accelerators on a pro-bono basis. Her volunteering work with the mental health charity Mind and St Joseph's hospice gives her a unique perspective on living life right now with purpose and meaning. Palma's first book The Authority Guide To Mindful Leadership offers simple evidence-based techniques to manage yourself and others and effect positive change during times of uncertainty. She is also supporting a variety of research projects that investigate the effects of meditation and peak states on overall wellbeing and mental health. Palma is the host of the Explorer's Mind Podcast and her meditations are featured on two of the most popular meditation apps, Muse and Insight Timer. Before making her passion her profession in 2013, Palma was trained as a lawyer, had a stint in strategy consulting and spent 10 years as a board-level head-hunter for two of the top 5 global executive search firms. She has 16 years of experience in advising CEOs, boards and investors on leadership and human potential issues.
              Is Anxiety affecting your life in any way? Trust're not alone. If you would like to take the journey of dissolving your anxiety naturally then this is the course for you! Running a Mental Health & Addiction Clinic we see people from all walks of life, however one common thread that seems to run through everyone in some form or another is a sense of anxiety & stress . So how do we tackle this?? In this course you'll learn: - About your instructors lifelong battles with Anxiety & Addiction - How society primes us to be anxious - Understanding the physical, mental & emotional process of Anxiety - The events where you have unresolved Fear - How to have compassion for yourself while experiencing fear - How to slow your thoughts and tap into something much greater - How to meditate - How to stop accumulating emotional baggage - How to work with your inner child - A tool belt full of strategies to help you manage in the future Let me say this..... I'm not going to click my fingers on a video and your anxiety will be gone. This requires work! There will be many exercises to do, supplemental resources to go through and a thorough PDF Syllabus to fill out. So if you're up for the challenge and would like to take the journey together, Enrol today! And start learning how you can live a life that's no longer controlled by Fear & Anxiety.
                Just imagine casting away your fears and worries, achieving your goals and aspirations. Mindfulness can transform your life. Impossible? This is a common response, but let me share with you my secret tools and techniques to take control of your life. I did it, so can you! You will discover through my mindfulness techniques, how to expose a more vibrant you, full of energy with a real zest for life, decisive, determined and driven. Anyone can practice mindfulness. My step-by-step approach will equip you with the essentials to de-clutter your life, overcome the fears and barriers to change and create the space you need to shape the life you want. I will share my own stories, managing major life upheaval, leaving a relationship, moving home, overcoming empty nest syndrome, starting a business, losing weight, managing depression. It really is a personal insight! The course is designed in easy steps, based on my own personal 25 years experience as a Psychotherapist and Coaching people just like you. The course begins with understanding the tides of change. It explains how to develop mindfulness practice. We unpick the workings of the mind, its endless chatter with techniques on how to tone it down. I will help you understand your emotions. The power and influence of our emotions. We will delve into the miraculous nature of the body, its intuitive guidance and practice techniques to enhance it. The content is designed to be accessible, anytime, any place, any level. You could progress through the course in a single day, or invest time depending on your needs. For maximum benefit, it is recommended that you use a notebook or word document. There are practical exercises, audio meditations to help you develop a rich understanding of mindfulness techniques and how to deploy it in your life.
                  Updated for April 2020. This course has been ranked Best Seller in Self-development on Udemy. Certified Course. Key words in the course: Meditation, Mindfulness, CBT, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Ego, Neuroscience, Neuroplasticity Welcome! My name is Peter Torok and I would like to welcome you to my Mind-mastery course. This combination of lectures and training was designed to let us learn how the mind really works so that we can access a higher aspect of ourselves and leave behind any undesirable ego identifications. Please check out the free previews! Why learn about the mind? Self-awareness training is powerful a psychological tool. There are things we all share, like our desire for love and purpose. The fundamental processes of our mind are also the same. Why do we have certain feelings and problems? Most of the philosophies say, that we are looking for the causes externally rather than looking inside. This is what modern psychology argues as well, and neuroscience, CBT, Schema therapy and mindfulness are the most effective ways thorough which we can connect to, and understand our inner self. I have been researching the nature of the mind for over a decade, and as part of that I did a social experiment: I committed to two-years of 100% honesty in all of my interactions, no matter what the outcome may be. Imagine talking to your boss and really telling them your critical views about their work ethic, or talking to a difficult relative and pointing out everything that they are not willing to face.  -It was challenging… Why is it impossible to be 100% honest about what we say, really? Constant evolution of Self-awareness It is because there is a sense of self that is part of us, which reacts automatically in situations. We can call it the ego or part of the subconscious mind. In what other situation does this part react automatically? Whenever our `pain body` has control over us: when we`re suffering. Our automatic reactions are part of our evolved survival mechanism, however, we have evolved into social, intellectual beings, and the brain`s focus on pure survival mode is no longer beneficial for us. What`s really important is that in our everyday disagreements and power struggles with others, or when we are anxious, our subconscious sense of self that I mentioned feels as threatened as if we were still in the jungle, where a conflict with a tribe member would determine our survival. Life in society is no longer about protecting our lives from others…however the subconscious part of the brain doesn`t know this! These automatic reactions are the cause of most conflicts between us and others. And the same automatic reactions are the cause of our internal problems, like depression, anxiety and so on… Techniques If we truly wish to understand our self, the root of our problems and to recognise that we have power to change anything in our life -we need to take a helicopter ride, which lifts us up from our everyday perspective and lets us take a look at ourselves from above, from the outside… to take a peak into our mind.  The aim of this course is, to gain one more layer of awareness, which enables us to recognise our automatic reactions and patterns, to enable us to choose the way we feel. To give us the ability to look at a problem or challenge and immediately focus on the solution, rather than allowing to be overpowered and pulled into negative emotion. Believe me, even the wisest person on Earth doesn’t have complete control over their mind. This material takes you through my personal journey through stories, psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness and meditation.This training is intended to serve as a manual for the mind, and it`s for anyone who wants to take control of their life. Mindfulness during the day may lead to a new type of awareness in our dreams too, called lucid dreaming. If you are interested, check out my 10 Day Lucid Dreaming course. Why learn from me? Personal - I share the story about how I use mindfulness practice & meditation for self-development, joy and healing anxieties. I demonstrate the power of introspective work through my own examples. Expertise - I began to study the mind in 2010 because I wanted to know the psychology and the neuroscience behind my meditative states and my out of body experiences. Experience - Over the years, I have developed my own meditation technique, which I have taught one to one and on retreats. I visited Hindu and Buddhist masters in India and Nepal. I am also a qualified teacher. Mindfulness - I think that by today I found my passion. I like to learn about the mind and consciousness. Meditation, mindfulness, introspection and lucid dreaming have become the core part of my life. Community - You gain access to my Facebook community, in which you may discuss your progression with other practitioners Check out the free previews! I'm confident that you'll love the course and that once you take action, you will revolutionise your self-development practice! I hope to see you soon, Peter What my students said: `It is difficult to put into words what I think about it. For me, the material was very positive. I`d like to begin with your put me in such a calm state in which I managed to shut out all outside noise. I found the things you have said very interesting and I feel that I must listen to it again. Thank you very much for sharing it with me.` -Anett N. `I am grateful for the video -I have listened to it more than once. I think it is the most valuable video on the topic. I am going to listen to it many more times! Thank you very much. ` -Yvett S.T. "Super enthusiastic about the course. Very accessible and well structured to understand easily. Love it very much" - Ilse
                    "I eat my feelings, I just can't help myself. I come home after a long stressful shift and I work nights sometimes so I often skip meals. I'm just so tired and stressed when I come home but I know that crisps, chocolate and wine are waiting for me. In the moment I feel better.. but the guilt kicks in afterwards." Does this sound like you? Many people struggle with emotional eating or 'comfort eating' and use food as a self-soothing mechanism for strong emotions. The difficulty with emotional eating, is that our society shames people for comfort eating, and then pushes them towards dieting or restricting food in an attempt to curb food intake or counter-act emotional eating. This approach actually exacerbates it and often leads to further eating problems (like binge eating disorder, for example). The approach we take in this course (and the exact approach I use with my coaching clients) is to first increase your emotional awareness through mindfulness and meditation and then help you understand the purpose of even the most negative emotions you feel. We then look at how to build alternative coping strategies to meet your emotional needs and finish off by setting life goals instead of weight-based goals. In taking this approach, you will no longer feel shamed for comfort eating, or destroy your relationship with food further by dieting. Instead you will feel free of food anxiety, empowered to meet your emotional needs and able to take control of your life path. After taking this course you will: Understand what is meant by 'Emotional Eating' Understand the difference between Binge Eating Disorder and emotional eating. Be able to recognise emotional hunger and tell it apart from physical hunger Recognise how emotional eating is benefiting you (yep, really). In this lesson, we look at what you're getting from emotional eating, so that we know specifically what it is we need to seek from other sources, in order to overcome emotional eating. Understanding your emotions, the purpose of them and the symptoms of them to help you label what you're really feeling. Recognise the full spectrum of emotions you may be feeling in a situation - this will help increase your emotional awareness. Recognise your beliefs about emotions - this lesson and exercise will help explain why you're trying to avoid or distract yourself from particular emotions and help you view your emotions differently so that you're not afraid to feel them. Notice your emotions and triggers - in this exercise, we'll practice noticing the emotions and actions you take in an emotive situation. We'll then reflect on how to interpret and respond to the event differently in the future. Develop a basic plan of self-care and understand why it's so important for your emotional health Develop coping strategies for difficult emotions - this is where we put in place alternatives to emotional eating. Be able to carry out a holistic life assessment. In this lesson, we'll look at the different areas of your life to see where you may be lacking in satisfaction and pleasure (causing you to rely heavily on food as a source of pleasure). Have drawn up action plans for the other areas of your life. This is a huge step, but it'll encourage you to take massive action towards improving your life overall and getting as much satisfaction and pleasure from your life as possible (without having to resort to food). Included in the course: 12 Video lessons and exercises. These are kept short and to the point so that you can easily fit it into a busy life and take action straight away. 3 PDF workbooks [Including digitally fillable versions] for you to download and work through, containing all the worksheets and cheat sheets you'll need. Understanding Your Emotions Self-Care Life Assessment. An additional PDF guide to seeking Professional Support for disordered eating and mental wellbeing. A special (free!) bonus for you at the end of the course to help you with body image, binge eating, yo-yo dieting and more. "The emotional eating [course] was LIFE CHANGING for me! I never realised that comfort eating was benefiting me on some level but it all makes sooo much sense for me now. I've been working really hard the last few months to tune into my emotions and pick apart my thoughts to figure out what I really need (it isn't wine - who knew! haha!). The worry journal exercise has stuck with me the most, it's been so helpful, thank you so much for all your help and the videos and workbooks!)" - A client from The Health Mindset Programme , May 2018