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Microsoft PowerApps makes it easy for virtually any business or employee in a company to build basic mobile and web-based business apps  . No programming or app development skills required.  With PowerApps, users can more easily create mobile apps that communicate essential data to other employees and stakeholders. They can do this without having to requisition developer resources, thereby cutting overhead, costs, and enterprise red tape. This course will teach students how to design, build and publish modern mobile first and interactive forms using Microsoft PowerApp   without the need to write a single line of code. In this course, you will get up and running with PowerApps and learn all the important features. We'll go through how to create and share apps using data from SharePoint, Excel,  Dynamics, and Salesforce. We'll also get into the different PowerApps  templates and how to use a template to create an app.
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    Warum sollten Sie Microsoft Forms erlernen und nutzen? Mit Microsoft Forms können Sie Umfragen, Quizze und Abstimmungen erstellen und die Ergebnisse einfach anzeigen, sobald sie eintreffen. Wenn Sie ein Quiz oder ein Formular erstellen, können Sie Andere einladen, über einen beliebigen Webbrowser darauf zu antworten, sogar auf mobilen Geräten. Als Office 365-Benutzer können Sie, sobald die Ergebnisse übermittelt werden, integrierte Analysen verwenden, um die Antworten auszuwerten. Formulardaten, wie z. B. Quiz-Ergebnisse, können für zusätzliche Analysen oder Benotungen einfach nach Excel exportiert werden. Nur einige Beispielgründe für die Erstellung von Formularen, Quizzen und Umfragen: Identifizieren Sie potenzielle Neukunden! Betreiben Sie Marktforschung zur Entwicklung neuer Strategien! Können für Bildungszwecke (Schule, Ausbildung, Fortbildung) genutzt werden! Verwandelt Leads in potenzielle Kunden! Gewinnen Sie mehr Verständnis für Ihre Kunden Ihre Vorteile durch die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs: Sie erlernen Microsoft Forms von Anfang an - es sind keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich Praktische Beispiele von A - Z gemeinsam erstellt geben Anregungen für die eigene Nutzung Sie werden den Aufbau von strukturierten Formularen in Abhängigkeit von den Antworten beherrschen Die vorgestellten Auswertungsmöglichkeiten helfen Ihnen bei der eigenen Datenanalyse Sie werden alle Fragetypen und Einstellungen perfekt für die eigenen Bedürfnisse nutzen Alle vorgestellten Möglichkeiten können ohne weitere Kosten oder Investitionen nachvollzogen werden Sollte Sie einmal Fragen oder Anregungen haben steht Ihnen Ihr Dozent Volker Buntrock über das Kommunikationssystem von Udemy gerne zur Verfügung! Zögern Sie nicht, sehen Sie sich jetzt die kostenlosen Schnupperlektionen an und buchen Sie dann! Sie haben auf Grund der "30 Tage Geld zurück Garantie" kein Risiko. Ich freue mich sehr auf Sie. Ihr Dozent Volker Buntrock
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      The OWASP: Threats Fundamentals course is part of a series of training courses on the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). This course covers the fundamental concepts and techniques to identify different types of threats. The course also teaches the students to improve the security by avoiding misconfigurations, data exposure and insecure cryptography. The OWASP Foundation was established with a purpose to secure the applications in such a way that they can be conceived, developed, acquired, operated, and maintained in a trusted way. All of the OWASP tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security. This course along with the other courses in the series on OWASP provides a basic overview of the concepts that form an integral part of the OWASP core values.
        Looking to create a world-class Professional Quality Diagrams and Drawings? Want to learn a powerful diagramming solution software used by 12 million users worldwide? Want a powerful skill on your resume? Whatever your motivation to learn Visio, you've come to the right place. This course is the first, most comprehensive, cost effective Visio 2016 course on the entire web - or your money back. Course latest Update: 01-Nov-2017 30+ exercise files added - every lesson can be exactly replicated by you New section (4 lessons) added - Software Wireframing techniques!! New section added (6 lessons) - Using Layers in Visio - Advanced - 23 /Aug/2016 Microsoft Visio 2016 is trusted by organizations and institutions large and small worldwide - making it the the one-stop diagramming solution to simplify and communicate complex information. Visio's worldwide numbers of more than 12 million users across both Enterprise level usage and academic makes it the world's most widely used diagramming solution. Master the World's Most Popular Diagramming Solution - VISIO in this Comprehensive Course. Learn the LATEST version - VISIO 2016 - and stay miles AHEAD of the curve Start from the very basics - this course makes no assumptions Earn promotions with your new skills - Become indispensable in your institution BONUS - learn what the LATEST and greatest version Visio 2016 brings to the table Create, Simplify and Communicate complex information with data-linked diagrams that you can create in just a few clicks. Get started with Visio easily with a select set of pre-crafted starter diagrams and contextual tips and tricks Take advantage of refreshed templates and thousands of shapes that meet industry standards including Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) 2.4, Business Process Model and Notation ( BPMN ) 2.0 and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) compliance Learn Visio 2016 to create Powerful, Professional Diagrams Bring diagrams to life- using hundreds of predefined templates. Communicate One Version of the Truth - As your underlying data refreshes, your diagrams is refreshed in the browser. Secure diagrams with Information Rights Management (IRM), Visio Professional 2016 now offers IRM features. What am I going to get from this course? A step-by-step video tutorial starting from the absolute basics - all the way to advanced topics. 170 minutes of video lecture - over 35 separate lessons Countess hours saved with Visio 2016's diagramming and automation tools (like the Starter Diagrams) Respect of your Boss, peers, juniors, seniors - and your Domain Industry A powerful and absolutely essential diagramming tool that is indispensable in today's professional life A lifetime access to this course - and all future updates, enhancements BONUS: Tips, tricks, pitfalls and other points distilled from a lot of experience - these are distributed through out the course lessons
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          Quickfile Accounts course is about how to use Quick File based on the most popular functions which you as a QuickFile operator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software. The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you: Read the task Watch the video Have a go at it yourself on your own system Rewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learning You'll learn how to set up a QuickFile system from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, post journals, run reports amongst over things. This is a useful course if: You are thinking of working with the software, You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this software You want to put this skill on your CV, or You are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or even You run your own business and want to know how to use QuickFile for yourself. You will need to access to Quickfile Online. We give you the link to access the FREE online version. This will be sufficient The instructor is usually online to answer student queries within hours. The course materials includes: the handout of the assignment task Successful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts. The course will take about 3-4 hours to complete.
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            Interested in learning how to quickly automate basic administrative functions? Windows PowerShell is rapidly becoming the solution that Operators turn to with its powerful combination of a scripting language, command line speed, and GUI tools (Graphical User Interface). This course is an introduction to Windows PowerShell where you'll have an opportunity to learn how to replace manual, repetitive, and time-consuming operations with an automated solution. In this course, you'll be introduced to the Windows PowerShell console and the Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) as the main command line interfaces you'll use to work with PowerShell commands. Learn the importance of the Windows PowerShell Help system as the quickest way to discover the commands and associated syntax you need for the particular task you want to accomplish. Take advantage of the ISE's Intellisense features to learn PowerShell through syntax completion and sorting and filtering commands with the Show Command add-on. This course will let you be able to understand the thinking way of the Windows PowerShell and work with it as a servant person that will Execute your commands . Every section will be going to let you create a successful habit and a good strategy to easily find the right command, the right syntax of this command, and then running it to get the required result. Also, learn how Providers and Drives work with disparate data sources, such as registry keys, certificates, files, folders, and more What You Will Learn The course is designed to teach you: Basic concepts of Windows PowerShell How to navigate the Windows PowerShell Help system effectively Find and Discover Any PowerShell Commands Interpret and understand how to read the Help of any Commands Formalization of the Right Syntax and Running the commands Working with Providers and Drives Understand the Variables Strings, Hash tables, Core Operators and Regular Expression Basics... And more... By the end of this course, you should be well on your way to creating scripts that save you time, accomplish tasks with greater efficiency, and allow you to be even more productive on the job. PS : Check the Free Preview videos to know more about the course and to be sure you can get accustomed to my accent Enroll now!
              WHAT’S YOUR STORY? Are you a business professional needing to up-skill? Are you struggling to get a pay-rise and/or promotion? Are you a recent graduate with an empty looking resume and no job experience? Have you recently been laid off, fired or had a contract end? If you answered 'yes' to any of the above then having “Expert Microsoft Office Skills” will get you closer to your goal of either landing your first job, a new job or progressing further in your current role. Here's why. The job market has never been more volatile. Statistically, people are changing jobs more often now than they ever have before and that also means people are also losing jobs to newcomers who are far more skilled. So if you’re not up-skilling, you’re falling behind. It’s scary I know. I’ve experienced this myself. A study released by Microsoft and the IDC showed that among 14.6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. Microsoft Office proficiency ranked higher than Project Management skills, Sales Experience, Time Management, Analytical Skills, Interpersonal Skills and Work Ethics. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. These are skills everyone should have no matter the discipline because they are transferable skills. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term. This brings us back to Microsoft Office. It is the oldest, most well-known, most affordable and most trusted data management tool available and hence everyone uses it. So to be noticed and taken seriously in your job or job application, proficiency in these programs is compulsory. ONLINE TRAINING AND THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS One of the most common problems with online learning content is that there is so much of it now and it’s difficult to know where to start or who to turn to. Many go the YouTube route and piece together videos from hundreds of tutorials from hundreds of tutors hoping to become an expert at the end of it all. This simply won’t happen and will just waste your time. Many take the route you’re about to take, they decide to enroll in an online training course. Many charge hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for their courses which is simply unaffordable for university students, recent graduates, the unemployed or those looking for a career change. That is the reason why I have decided to keep this course as low as possible even though I’m offering substantially more content than most of my competitors here on Udemy. COURSE DELIVERY STYLE I have been using Microsoft Office for over 20 years. I know the in’s and out’s and the simplest ways of doing things. My delivery philosophy is simple, if I can’t get a 6 year old to follow along and understand, than I’m not teaching correctly. I hate complicated language and so do you. Nobody likes trainers who focus on impressing rather than teaching and giving value to students. That is also why my lecture videos are as short as can be and divided into small sections for easy consumption. So you won’t get unnecessary chit chat or nonsense. I also assume that all my students are near-sighted and as such, I use a special software tool that allows me to draw on the screen to show exactly what I’m about to press as well as zoom in on small area’s so you don’t miss a thing. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN THIS COURSE When you reach the stage where tables are getting larger and becoming more difficult to sift through, it is time to upgrade your tool set. The use of Lookup's is absolutely essential for the user trying to extract information from long rows or columns of data. This means, that for large or complex sets of data, especially recurring data, one formula can organise/calculate different types of information in one go. Too many times I see people manually searching for what they need for hours rather than simply creating a Lookup formula. Stop wasting your time doing manual searching. Learn this simple function and make your life easier. In this course, I'll teach you everything from the internal structure of the formula, to linking it between columns to even creating your own search engine. ABOUT ME Member of the Udemy Council Co-Founded Paperclip Learning which teaches Microsoft Office Over 60,000 students and over 17,000 students for this course alone Over 130,000 enrollments Over 5,000 Positive Reviews and over 1,000 Reviews for this course Over 20 courses on Udemy Teaching is my passion and my creative outlet. I have been using the Microsoft Office package since I was a child and have been using it consistently throughout my life. My teaching experiences span from teaching primary school students, high school students, university graduates and business professionals. Professionally, I am trained in Aerospace Engineering, Database Design and Business Analytics. TESTIMONIALS Yu Hui Jun Yu - The courses are simply amazing and I can learn them rapidly. The hints presented were also very useful. I like the 'mini-lesson' format. Fast and efficient. The instructor's direction is very detailed and easy to understand. I can immediately start using this program. Thanks! Narayanan Krishnamoorthy - Perfect and to the point...the instructor doesn’t waste time and gets to the point quickly!! Lala Darchinova - I've been looking for this kind of course for ages! And finally I find it. Short, comprehensive and absolutely interesting! Thank you for the work you are doing. Spencer Berkman - Extremely knowledgeable and clear on instructions. E Frank - Simple to learn techniques and instructor made it all really easy. Thank you! Parth Gandhi - I learned techniques in a very short need to google and waste time finding the perfect approach.
                Save 20% by purchasing this 3-Course bundle! Over 200 courses included* Bundle includes: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security (Exam MS-100) Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security (Exam MS-101) SharePoint 365 Site Owner The Microsoft 365 Identity and Services portion of this course will cover topics from the Microsoft MS-100 exam, which measures a student's ability to design and implement Microsoft 365 services, manage user identity and roles, manage access and authentication, and plan Office 365 workloads and applications. In this course, students will get a thorough overview of how to configure Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, how to work with Office Pro Plus, and how to migrate to Office 365. Finally, students will also learn how to configure Microsoft 365 Tenant, learn how to manage user and security groups and licenses, and learn how to use authentication in 365. - This IAAP-certified counts for 5.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. - Email [email protected] with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate. The portion of this course covering topics from the Microsoft MS-101 exam will measure a student’s ability to accomplish the following technical and administrative tasks: Identify threat vectors; use Secure Score; configure Azure Identity Protection; configure Exchange online protection; implement modern device services; implement Microsoft 365 security and threat management; and manage Microsoft 365 governance and compliance. - This IAAP-certified counts for 5.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. - Email [email protected] with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate. The SharePoint 365 Site Owner portion of this course will teach students an overview of SharePoint Site Owner roles and responsibilities. Students will learn to add and configure sites, create and configure libraries and lists, create and customize columns, and manage content types. Students will also learn to manage permissions and permission levels, create and modify site pages and work with navigation and regional settings. - This IAAP-certified counts for 5.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. - Email [email protected] with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.
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                  Every business wants to be more efficient, save time and increase revenue. Isn't it? That's why automation is so important for companies to take their business to the next level. Presenting, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Workflows Mastery Course. If your company or your clients are using Microsoft Dynamics 365, then you this can be the most important course for you to learn and Implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Workflows. So, you can save more time, become efficient and increase business revenue. I have designed this course for Microsoft Dynamics consultants and Microsoft Dynamics Aspirants. By the end of this course, you will have complete practical understanding of Dynamics 365 workflows and how to use it for your company or client. Here's what you will learn: Dynamics 365 Workflows Introduction Types of Workflows Workflows Important Terms & Information Workflows - Creating Records Workflows - Updating Records Workflows - Assigning Records Workflows - Send Emails Workflows - Child Workflow Workflows - Perform Actions Workflows - Change Status, Wait Condition & Stop Workflow Workflows - Custom Workflow Activity (code included) Course Review & Next Steps And everything with a scenario (case study) and practical demo. Feel free to take a look at the course description, watch the preview videos and sign up for the course at the highly discounted price. To Your Success, Abhay Sharma
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                    * BRAND NEW COURSE * - July 2017 Everyone thinks that they know Microsoft Excel. Your sister knows Excel. The guy on the 3rd floor at work knows Excel. But they just think they know Excel. You REALLY know Excel. You're a Microsoft Excel expert. Well, now's your chance to prove it. This practice test is for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Excel, at the expert level, 77-728 . If you think you are ready to take the Microsoft exam and get certified, these practice tests will prove that you know your stuff. Take these tests before taking the real ones to identify your weaknesses, or give you the confidence to spend the money to sit for the real test. In these practice tests, you'll download a set of worksheets and be asked to perform tasks to prove that you know the advanced elements of Excel. The questions are based on the official exam requirements, and were prepared by Billy Wigley - a certified Excel expert and Microsoft Certified Trainer. These questions are tough. They're based on what you might see in the real exam, and every effort has been made to simulate the exam environment. There is also a project-based test that are a very close simulation to the project-based portion of the real exam. You'll get lifetime access to these questions. No 30-day expiry on these ones. Once you buy this, it's yours. Take your time and prepare for the exam, and use these tests to prove you're ready.