SNSの普及によって、自分で料理の写真を撮影することは増えています。 ふらっと立ち寄ったカフェで素敵な料理に出会ったら、食べる前にスマホで写真を撮影する人も多いのではないでしょうか。そんな光景を街中でよく目にするようになりました。 実際、Instagramやfacebookでも、多くの料理写真が投稿されています。 また、簡単に写真が撮影できるツールが普及したことで、今まではプロのカメラマンに撮影を依頼していたメニュー写真等を、お店のスタッフさんがご自身で撮影することも増えています。 そんな皆さんが悩んでいるのが「どうやったら、おいしそうな料理写真が撮れるのか」ということ。 撮影してみたけれど、実際に目にしていた料理より魅力が伝わらない。 おいしそうに見えない…。 もっと、おいしそうな、魅力的な料理写真を撮影したい! そんな悩みをよく耳にします。 このコースでは、これまで5000人以上の受講者がいる料理専門の写真教室フェリカスピコの講師 佐藤が、あなたのカメラでできる自然光をつかった料理写真のテクニックを根本から伝授します。 高価なカメラや機材・撮影場所を用意すれば、必ず「おいしそうな料理写真」が撮影できるわけではありません。 光の使い方や構図でも、料理写真の見栄えは驚くほど変わります。 コツをつかめば、誰でも、どんなカメラでもおいしそうな料理写真を撮ることができるので、安心してください。 是非、このコースを視聴して、素敵な料理写真を撮影するテクニックを身につけていきましょう!
    If you've ever thought about recording yourself or others on video (especially webcam), but just don't know where to begin OR are looking to perfect the process - THIS IS YOUR COURSE! Even the most advanced video designers will learn a thing or two about creating a smoother look to their videos. Whether it's a universally professional background that costs less than $50, the recording equipment that make you sound like the 'perfect you', to the software it takes to bring it all together... I cover it all. This course is meant to be a hand-holding experience, taking you step-by-step through setup of your screen/video recorder OBS, the positioning of your lighting, to the settings of your webcam, allowing you to get crystal-clear video without lagging. Get ready to be able to create amazing videos, even if you've never done it before! BEST PART? You can record your personal expertise on video, teaching people whatever you know (no matter how small) and sell the course. Most courses will take between 2-3 hours to make, and supplies a lifetime of earnings. Cool, huh? PS: If you don't know how to create products like a guru, get my Udemy course: The A-to-Z Product Creation Hack: Blueprint to Guru Launches --------------------------------------- About the Topic --------------------------------------- Building a home recording studio is a HUGE project… isn’t it ? It takes months of planning, research, and preparation… doesn’t it ? Well most people think so, but the truth is… Getting started is far easier than you might imagine. Because REALLY … all you need is a few basic essentials. Why Simple is Best The fact is, not only is it possible to start off with just a simple studio…it’s actually preferable . Because just like with any hobby, by attempting too much too soon: you get overwhelmed, you get discouraged, and… you eventually quit. And all the time and money you invest is wasted. So to avoid this fate, just keep it simple . But you might be wondering… How cheap is too cheap? Since home recording can be expensive…m usicians often search for the cheapest possible solutions to recording their music. And that’s fine, except…there is such a thing as “ too cheap “. While it is technically possible to build a working studio for as little as $400-$500… There are low limits to what can be accomplished in such a studio…and I really wouldn’t recommend it to anyone truly serious about recording their music. Instead…here’s what I do recommend: The Perfect Studio: A Computer- When starting a studio from scratch, the computer is the biggest expenditure by far. Because as common wisdom states: Ideally , you want the fastest one you can afford. But these days, virtually everyone already has a computer of some sort. And virtually all computers are fast enough to at least get you started. So in the beginning, regardless of your budget, I recommend using what you have for now . The Software- There are loads of options for recording software depending on how complex your requirements are. Thankfully recording software is getting cheaper these days although you can still easily spend hundreds of pounds on it. Music software is called your “Digital Audio Workstation” or “DAW” by those in the know. So, my DAW is Logic X. Again I’ve used this for years and so have gotten to know it through it’s many incarnations. It’s a complicated piece of software that will enable you to do lots more than just recording so unless you’re writing scores or recording albums you could use something more straight forward like Garage Band. Other popular DAW software packages are “Sonar”and “Pro Tools”. Speakers- I use my recording setup for writing music as well as basic recording so I have a decent (but not too expensive) pair of monitor speakers. You can spend as much or as little as you want on speakers and there is an endless array of choices. Mine are Yamaha HS-50M studio monitors that I like for their small size and great sound. The cheapest option for monitor speakers is to use hifi gear. For me, it’s important that the monitors give me as accurate a sound as possible. Professional monitor speakers have a very “flat” sound compared to hifi speakers for that reason. They don’t colour the sound (extra bass etc) like some hifi speakers do. There are plenty of monitor speaker options available second hand on ebay if you want to dip your toe in. Audio Interface- Now, this is an important piece of kit. The audio interface takes the signal from the microphone and turns it into a digital signal that your computer can understand. Like everything else, you can spend a little or a lot on one of these fellas. What’s the difference? Well, it all comes down to the quality of the signal conversion. This is important because you only get one chance to do that conversion and if your lovely playing gets squashed up in the conversion process when it goes into your computer, you will be stuck with a squashed sound. That being said, there are some decent lower end audio interfaces available. The one I’m using is an “Apogee One” which isn’t super cheap but sounds great. Actually there are two main considerations when looking at audio interfaces. The first, as I’ve mentioned, is the quality of the conversion or the Analog to Digital (A/D) converter). The second is the number of microphones or instruments you can record from at once. If you are planning on recording a full band then you will need many audio inputs to work at the same time. That way you can record the singer, guitarist, sax player, keyboardist, bass player etc at the same time. For most home recording setups though, you will mostly only ever record one or possibly two things at the same time. My “Apogee One”, as the name suggests, records just one thing at a time. Which is perfect for me. Now remember I was saying how important the A/D converter is? For each instrument an audio interface can record, it will need a separate A/D converter. So an audio interface that can record 8 channels or instruments will need 8 converters. My Apogee One has just – one! So by my Aussie thinking, that means more of my money was spent on a single, great quality A/D converter than 8 or 10 or 12 cheaper ones. Make sense? So to sum up, work out what you really need and get the best quality interface for that job that you can afford. The Mixer- You may not need a mixer depending on what you plan to do with your recording setup. For me, the mixer is kind of like the “Central Station” for all the sound in my studio. The output from my audio interface goes through the mixer to my speakers so I can use the mixer to control the volume of the speakers. I have some other gear in my studio like keyboards and and EWI (midi sax). I connect the audio output from these to my mixer also to control the volume of the playback through my speakers. For a simpler setup, you may be able to connect the output from your audio interface directly to your speakers and control the volume using your computer. Like just having computer speakers but with them plugged into your audio interface, not the actual computer. If you are considering getting a mixer though, plan out what your actual requirements will be and get the smallest mixer that will do that. I used to have a 16 channel mixer – meaning I could plug 16 different things into my mixer and send all their sound to the one set of speakers. 12 of those channels were never used! I now have a 4 channel mixer that fits much nicer on my desk and works great. Mini Keyboard- If you are just recording your playing you won’t need one of these. I use it for quickly writing music and scores – it’s great. Basically this is a “controller keyboard” or a keyboard that doesn’t make any sounds itself. I like the way it fits on my desk and is nice and compact – like the rest of my setup. I have a bigger keyboard for playing. For more details, let's meet inside !
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      Have you ever watched a 3D movie in a cinema or on your 3D TV? Have you ever wondered how on a 2D surface of a TV or cinema screen, the objects jump to life and pop out of the screen in front of you as if you can touch them? Have you ever wanted to understand the technology behind and how it all works? If yes, then you are in luck because in this short and fun course, you will be learning all of that. And not just that but you will also be creating your very own , well not movies or videos, but 3D photographs using your own phone camera ! The technology and the concept is the same – it’s just that we will apply it to photos instead of videos. You will be able to use any ordinary camera including your phone camera, go out for shopping or travel, take photos of your adventures, and convert your memorable photos into real 3D photographs. With a pair of 3D glasses, you will always be able to re-live those precious moments long after those adventures took place. Don’t worry, you will know where to buy the 3D glasses for as little as 30 cents. Share your magical 3D photos with your friends on social media and amaze them with your 3D skills. When you complete this course, you will be able to: Explain how our eyes see and our brain visualizes the real 3D objects in this real world. Recognize different types of 3D photos that can be created. Know and use the three top secrets to taking the amazing 3D photographs. Take your own photos of your picnics, travels or adventures and transform them into 3D photographs and enjoy them with a pair of 3D glasses.
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        It is easy to make a picture. Right? Think again. Of course, in today world, pictures are everywhere and tools for making them are available to everybody. This is a good thing, of course. That was in the inception of photography and still is one of the main goals of this medium; ability to record and remember for everybody. This book takes you to the time when photographs were not easy to make; time when in order to make a photograph, you should have a knowledge of chemistry, medicine, geology, optics, physics, astronomy. When photography was not the right, but luxury; when it was not done with the click in the split of second, but it was slow work by hand. Cyanotype, Dive into the Blue Process, is a book that speaks about, for a long time now commercially obsolete but beautiful photographic process, the Cyanotype. The book is not intended for scientific research, advanced or professional photographic artwork. The book is intended for the starters in alternative photo processes and professional that could use simplification of the process. It is the summary of the experiences in working with this alternative process. However, this does not mean that the workflow is not complicated and it should be followed step by step. This book will cover all those steps needed to get educated and proficient in creation process. Today you can purchase every chemical needed for the creation of the cyanotype already premixed, even already presentenced paper. In that way you just need to put the negative, or the object we want to make a photogram of, and just expose it to the light. In this book you will find not just the chemical needed to make the solutions for mixing the your own magic lights catching potion, but also the reasons to do so. The cyanotype, the simplest among alternative photographic processes is made with combination of two, easy to get, chemicals. They have to be mixed in proper order and amounts for formula to work. These instructions should be followed strictly; however there is always space to experiment. Once the chemicals are separately mixed, they are also mixed together, and they become light sensitive. Once you have a light sensitive emulsion, you can start your work. In this book, we describe step-by-step, tool-by-tool, how do you get to this step and what you could expect. Everything else is left to you, your intuition, interests and creativity. For us, it was very important to perceive our work, so we taught it would be for you too. After you are done with creating, it is important to save your work, that is, to archive and present it in the right way. At the end of the book, its last chapters, you can find the sub-chapters that will explain the process of archiving and presenting, such as: flattening you prints; you can learn how to protect it from moisture and too much sun; how to mat your own work, and couple of different ways of framing your print. And believe me, if we could do it you can do it too
          Are you stuck operating your Camera in Auto Mode? Do you have a camera ready to learn but can't seem to find the right training that makes photography simple? This Course is dedicated to simplifying the 3 elements that will put you in creative control over every shoot that you have. Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO. What I found is that most times starting out, photographers think they understand the concept of how to use aperture, shutter speed, and iso until there put in a dark room and asked to take photos. Not good right????  In this training, I help you understand when to use the 3 and what part of the image that decision effects. Feel free to follow along with your camera to truly retain the instructions. I suggest you watch the training videos first and then follow along so that you will fully get the concept. If your able to focus in and follow along the first time that will be A-Okay. In this 30 minute course, I will make sure to give you a clear understanding of how to control the lighting in any situation. Taking you from Automatic mode to fully manual mode in no time. The practice is the key to learning and creating a truly wonderful experience for yourself. Class includes 4 video lessons, 2 field assignments to practice the techniques learned in the training. Once you understand you will be able to create very nice photo's with any camera.  Within 2 of the assignments, I challenge you, to use just your cell phone that forces you to not get overwhelmed with the tool or camera used but allowing you to focus on the message of what you're looking to convey to your audience. You should take this course if you want an easy to understand the concept of controlling lighting better. This course is for Beginners to Photographers still struggling with the concept of how to control the Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO.
            Creative Photography Masterclass Do You Have A Love For Photography?* Do you want to learn how to take beautiful, powerful and compelling images with any camera? *This course comes with free access to a Private Photography Community where you can get critique and guidance as you develop as a photographer. Are You A Beginner Photographer? Are you a beginner photographer that wants to master the creative side of photography? Do You Want To Learn How To Master The Visual Language And Take Images That Impress? Have you ever wondered why some people seem gifted at photography? Do You Want To Learn How To Take Beautiful Portraits? Using any light or even in a studio setting? Do You Want to Become Gifted At Photography ? Well you can do all of this and more with this Masterclass on Creative Photography. The Hidden Photographer Inside each of us is a hidden photographer, that wants to express themselves, that knows what is beautiful and what isn't, but wants to get out, to reveal themselves. In this course, we will teach you how to discover that hidden photography genius locked up inside you... -------------------------------- The Course Comes In A Modular Format And Will Cover: Creative Photography Part 1 - A Brief History Of Photography Photography is it art or science? Is it both? Is it truth or fiction? Should images be edited at all or left in their purest form possible thus begging the question are we taking an image or creating an image? Why are some images better than others? What does photography mean to you? Learn What Undermines And Influences Photography This course examines the relationship between the photography community and the art community and the concepts of objective and subjective beauty within art.  Through learning these concepts you will be able to understand how to communicate better what it is you really wish to relay through your images so that it is more readily received by your viewers. This course touches upon the elements of photography such as: The Appeal To The Mind Being The Mechanic The Appeal To The Emotions Observation Of Time You will learn the interesting history of photography, how photography went from something enjoyed by the elite only, to something enjoyed by the masses.  You will also learn about the great debate, how the historical different schools of thought of ‘straight photography’ and ‘pictorialism’ has influenced how we view photography even to this day. Subjects Covered Is it Art? The Brief History Of Photography The Great Debate -------------------------------- The Art Of Seeing - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 2 Did you know that Photography has it own visual language? And that if you understand this language you will be able to create your own powerful and compelling images? Did you also know you have an inbuilt beauty detector within you to recognise what is beautiful? Would like like to learn how to take what is already available within you and train yourself to see and take great images? Learn The Laws And Crack The Code It does not have to be a mystery as to why some people are better photographers than others.  The good photographers have learned the laws of composition which dictate what is considered a poor or great image. This course aims to identify what these laws are in an ordered universe, such as laws of light and the impact they have when creating our images. The course also aims to inspire you to appreciate the inbuilt beauty detector within yourself that intuitively knows what makes up good composition and knows what looks nice.  By moving this from a subconscious awareness to a conscious awareness you can train yourself to recognise and create great images. You will learn the stages of how a viewer consumes an image: The Eyes The Mind The Heart The Hands You will also learn the three essential elements of an image: Light Subject Background Lectures included: The Ordered Universe Beauty Detector Let There Be Light The Photographer's Playground Activities -------------------------------- Seeing The Light - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 3 Did you know that photography is all about being able to see the light? Do you understand the different properties of hard light and soft light? Did you know you can use these light sources to achieve very differing effects in your image? Did you know that various lights actually have different colour temperatures which when used correctly can affect the mood of your image? Learn To See The Light And To Embrace It Seeing the light is the single most important skill a photographer can learn, it is the very foundation of photography. All good photographers have learned to be observers of light, they have learned to be light hunters.  If the light isn’t right a good photographer won’t even raise their camera. In this course we will explore the properties and uses of both Hard Light and Soft Light.  We will, through diagrams and examples of images, examine how the light is falling on the subject and reflecting back into the camera. Light colour temperature will also be explained with a helpful diagram. Lectures included: Seeing The Light Hard Light Soft Light Colour Temperature -------------------------------- Controlling The Light - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 4 Did you know that as a photographer you have the ability to control the light? That by applying some simple techniques like moving your feet, moving your subject or moving your light, you can change your images in a dramatic way? By working the scene you have a range of effects you can create in your images which range from dramatic and powerful to intimate and gentle? Learn To Work The Scene To Become A Master Photographer To become a master photographer you must learn to work the scene. In this course you will learn how to move your feet. As a photographer you are the eyes for the viewer.  Wherever you move you are taking your viewer with you.  Your perspective becomes their perspective. In this course we will examine the merits of the following perspectives with illustrative examples: In front Behind From The side Below Your Subject Above Your Subject Birds Eye View The Ant View Up Close Macro View Far Away The second method of control is to move your subject.  This can range from literally moving the whole subject from one location to another, to getting the subject in the case of a person to move their head subtly or express emotion. In this course we will examine the effects the following can have when moving our subjects: Move Your Subject Simple Background Providing Context Creating Disparity Cropping Backgrounds Subtle Movements Displaying Emotions Dramatic Movements The last option is to move the light.  You will learn about the different effects achieved by the direction of where the light is coming from. We will go through helpful examples of light direction in the virtual studio to illustrate this. Lectures included: Working The Scene Moving Your Feet Moving Your Subject Move Your Light -------------------------------- Capturing The Light - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 5 Did you know that a camera uses three main controls to capture light? That each of these control levers will produce a different effect on your image? Do you find it challenging to get the correct exposure every time? Are you losing details in the blacks or blowing out the whites? Do you know why sometimes a camera in auto mode will expose an image incorrectly? Learn How To Take Control Of Capturing The Light In this course you will learn about capturing your image using the three controls in camera which affects the capture of light, these are ISO, Shutter and Aperture. It might be tempting to put your camera in auto mode and shoot away, however for the best results and to master your photography, it is essential to understand how these controls work manually. This course explains how these levers relate to each other and what affects each will have when capturing your image, ranging from shallow and deep depth of the field to slow and fast capture of action and low light capture capabilities. You will learn about setting the correct exposure including the different units of measurements used within each control. The course will also go through the different types of cameras that you can use for photography today ranging from the smartphone to a DSLR. Lectures included: Your Camera The Three Levers ISO The Shutter The Aperture Activities -------------------------------- Processing The Light - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 6 Did you know that editing your own images will teach you how to improve your photography skills? It is at the processing stage that you will learn where you are making mistakes and what to correct next time in camera? Do you want to learn how to use editing to pull and push your images to achieve different effects? Learn How To Edit Your Images For The Best Impact Editing your images will become an essential part of your photography workflow.  It will be from this process that you will learn to become a better photographer as you will learn how to get in right in camera next time. This course will go through some essential editing features: White Balance Cropping Exposure Contrast Filters This course also shares a simple effective editing workflow using the above features that you can follow to get you started. You will learn the differences between Raw and JPeg images which are the types of images produced by cameras. Lectures included: The Digital Darkroom Lightroom Edit Snapseed Edit Activities -------------------------------- The Core Principles Of Composition - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 7 Did you know that all around us are laws that guide and influence photographic composition? That these laws, when applied to photography will enable you to take better images? Do you know how to compose your image even before you put your camera up to your face? Learn The Laws Of Composition To Intentionally Create Your Images There are certain laws within the universe, of how composition works. They act as building blocks for us when creating our images. By observing the compositional laws all around us, by educating ourselves about them, we will learn how to take images that work. In this course you will learn the 3 basic laws of composition and how to master each one.  You will learn how the image must be composed with your eyes and mind before you even lift the camera up. With illustrative examples you will see the necessity of taking an image with intent, by establishing your subject first and then supporting it with other compositional principles. The compositional principles discussed in this course acts as a foundation for the next module on the Rules Of Composition. Lectures included: The Language Of Composition The Subject The Environment Leading The Eye Evoking Emotion Symmetry Activities -------------------------------- The Basic Rules Of Composition - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 8 Did you know that our eyes are naturally drawn to the highest point of contrast? That our eyes will follow leading lines in an image? Do you know where to place your subject in an image to attract the eye of the viewer? Learn The Rules To Compose Your Image In this course you will learn about three basic rules of composition: The Rules Of Thirds Leading Lines The Highest Point Of Contrast With illustrative examples you will see these rules in action in varying environments. You will learn how to use the Rule of Thirds as a tool to guide you to where to place your subject in an image.  The course also examines an extension of this rule with the use of Rule of Fourths and Fifths. Leading Lines takes your viewer on a journey through your image because our eyes naturally follow where lines leads.  You will learn from the use of this rule how you can create an optical illusion of depth or a sense of movement in an image. The Highest Point Of Contrast is the single most powerful rule of composition.  Our eyes are drawn first and foremost to where light and dark are at the highest point of contrast to each other.  Once this compositional rule is learned it becomes easy to create compelling images because you will understand how to make your subject the highest point of contrast and thus draw the viewer’s eye to it. Lectures included: The Rule Of Thirds Leading Lines The Highest Point Of Contrast Activities -------------------------------- Color Photography - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 9 Do you know how to utilize primary and secondary colors in your photography to create interesting images? Do you understand how hue, saturation and luminosity relates to each other and how they affect your images? Or how much you can manipulate color at the editing stage? Learn About The Fascinating World Of Color Photography Color in photography can often be overlooked and not given the attention it deserves. In this course you will first learn in easy to understand language the meaning and application of: Hue Saturation Luminosity Colour Wheels (Primary, Secondary & Tertiary) This will lay the foundation for us to explore the fascinating world of working with colors.  You will learn to appreciate how color appears in both nature and manmade constructs. Using colorful illustrative examples you will learn how to incorporate more color into your photography.  You will learn amongst others things why certain colours work together, how color can communicate temperature and which colors are the strongest. This course also goes through a simple color edit to show you how to manipulate color even further to achieve interesting and impactful images. Lectures included: Adventures In Color Hue Saturation Luminosity The Color Wheel Working With Color Simple Color Edit Activities -------------------------------- Black And White Photography - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 10 Would you like to learn a simple system to help you create exceptional black and white images? By learning a simple zone system your photography will improve overnight. Learn How Captivating Black & White Photography Can Be The love affair with black and white photography runs deep in the photographic community. In this course we will explore why black and white is so entrenched in the photography and art world psyche and the influence this has caused on photography. This course will show you how to see in black and white. Using a simple Zone System you will learn the different tones within the black to white spectrum.  Using illustrative examples you will see which combination of tones gives the best black and white images and why. As with color photography black and white can also be manipulated further at the processing stage.  This course includes a simple black and white edit process to illustrate what powerful results can be achieved at this last stage. Lectures included: Why Black & White King Luminosity A Zone System Seeing In Black & White A Simple Black & White Edit Activities -------------------------------- Controlling The Frame - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 11 Did you know that everything within the frame can either add or subtract from your subject? That an image can fail to make an impact when this principle is not understood and applied? Learn How Take Control Of What Goes Into The Frame Everything in the frame either adds and subtracts. In this course you will learn what elements will support an image and what elements detract.  Using illustrative examples we will see this principle in action which will aid you to set your frame correctly when capturing your image. Your photography will change dramatically when you learn to see everything beyond the subject.  When you learn to conscientiously pay attention to every element in the frame your photography will improve dramatically.. This course will go through the all important element of isolating your subject.  It will also explore the powerful impact of using negative space in your images to convey a whole range of different messages. Lectures included: In The Frame Isolating The Subject Negative Space Framing Your Subject Activities -------------------------------- Abstract And Geometric Composition - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 12 Are you ready to step beyond the traditional photographic composition rules and techniques? To try your hand at producing abstract images and those with geometrical design? Do you want to greatly improve your compositional skills? Learn How To Enjoy Creating Abstract And Geometrical Images An abstract image is one where the identity of the subject is not necessarily obvious or recognizable and the pattern, shapes and colours of the object becomes the subject instead. In this course you will learn advanced compositional skills.  Using various illustrative examples of abstract images you will learn how to find and take great abstract images. You will learn how to start seeing like an architect which will greatly help your compositional skills.  The architect has learned to see in lines, space and shapes. By placing our own architect glasses on we can start observing geometrical designs all around us in buildings and in nature and learn to recognise good composition. When you learn to see beyond the subject into it’s design elements a whole new world of understanding composition starts to open up. This course also covers how to utilize strong visual elements such as arrows, repeating patterns, reflection and shadows plus many more to create powerful images. Lectures included: Abstract Images Seeing Like An Architect Strong Visual Elements Activities -------------------------------- Creative Portraiture - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 13 Learn How To Take Creative Portraiture The best portraiture comes from capturing people when they are natural and not posing. In this course you will learn how to take portraits which capture powerful moments. The biggest battle in portrait photography is getting people to act naturally, this course will show you how to circumvent that.. You will learn to how to take images that captures the in-between moments, those precious moments, that most photographers miss. You will learn the importance of the eyes in portraiture and how to use them to create deep interest in your images. You will also learn about gesture and emotional body language and why capturing it is so important and will help you to create really powerful images. Lectures included: The In Between Moments The Eyes Body Language And Gesture Activities -------------------------------- Finding Your Identity As A Photographer - Creative Photography Composition Masterclass Part 14 Learn How To Find Your Own Identity As A Photographer Figuring out who you are as a photographer can be a challenge. Creating your own style can also be difficult. This course guides you through that with some simple insights from an experienced commercial photographer. You will learn how to think about creating an image. You will learn how to think about developing your own style, creating a series and creating a portfolio. You will also learn some simple tips on how to share your photography online. Lectures included: Creating An Image Creating A Style Creating A Series Creating A Portfolio Creating A Body Of Work Sharing Your Work -------------------------------- Portrait Photography Course No : 1 - Beautiful Natural Light Portraits We are going to show you how to take beautiful portraits just using the light available, so it does not matter where you are and no matter what the conditions are, you will be able to take compelling images that will wow your family and friends. Use Natural & Artificial Light That is both natural light and artificial light outdoors and indoors, so you will learn how to use any light source in your photography and still get interesting and powerful images. Once you have been through this course you will be able to create compelling and powerful portraits quickly and easily and will understand why you are getting the images that you are capturing and why they work so well. No Mumbo Jumbo All of this with as little technical mumbo jumbo as is humanly possible, you can take this course with any camera, so it does not matter if you have a mobile phone, a compact camera or DSLR, this course will help you get the best out of your camera. Elements Covered: Here are the elements that will be covered in the course: Learn what equipment you will need for this course. Understand the difference between hard light and soft light. Learn how to use soft light outdoors and soft light indoors. You will also learn how to use hard light outdoors and soft light indoors. We will cover how to choose your backgrounds and how to pose your subjects. All of this in as simple language as possible! -------------------------------- Portrait Photography Course No : 2 - Start Your Own Photography Business Are you ready to to take your photography to the next level? Maybe you want to earn some additional income with your own studio? Do you want to know how to create a home based studio on a very small budget? Home Based Studio: Studio photography is a great way to earn additional income. A home based studio allows you to set up fast and with very low cost! But how do you set up a photography studio on a very small budget? Equipment Choices: Buying the wrong equipment for the wrong room can be very expensive. Knowing what to buy saves you time and money! What You Will Learn: In this course you will learn how to set up a studio and how to choose a suitable room. What equipment you need to buy on a tight budget. Some simple lighting setups for portraiture that will get you taking good images fast. Camera purchasing decisions. Lens choices for portraiture. What is a good budget flash kit to get you started. Lighting terminology. -------------------------------- Portrait Photography Course No : 3 - Photography - Classic Portrait Photography Learn the classic studio lighting photography styles and skills that a professional portrait photographer uses. Portrait Photography: Do you want to take beautiful images of people? Portrait photography is one of least understand disciplines in photography… Because most photographers have never been taught the basics... Good Portrait Photography: Good portraiture is as much science as it is an art form! Once you understand a few simple principles you will be able to take classic beautiful portraits of your subjects! These principles will move you away from amatuer portraiture and move you towards professional portraiture where you will understand how lighting patterns work and what the classic lighting conventions are. State Of The Art Virtual Studio: This course was created using a virtual photography studio. All elements are designed to be simple and easy to visually comprehend and understand using a virtual 3d environment. You will instantly be able to see the lighting patterns we are teaching and how the lights create those patterns. All the virtual studio sets come with PDF downloads so you can set your own lighting to match the lesson sets! What You Will Learn: In this course you will learn the basic lighting techniques that professional portrait photographers use and the basic equipment required. You will learn the difference between a soft light source and a hard light source and how that affects your images. You will learn the classic lighting patterns professional portrait photographers use and the correct lighting terminology for portraiture. You will learn how to create beautiful yet simple portraits with simple flash photography on a tight budget. We will also teach you how to prepare your subjects, how to pose their bodies and how to pose their faces. We will also discuss the basics of choosing a lens for portraiture. -------------------------------- Portrait Photography Course No : 4 - Photography - Modern Portrait Photography Learn popular studio lighting photography techniques with this studio lighting photography course. Studio Lighting: Learning how to use studio lighting is every serious photographers dream! What techniques do commercial photographer's use? Can you learn them? Modifiers & Lights: Studio photography is all about modifiers and lighting patterns. Once you have learned some simple techniques you will be surprised what images you can produce. Techniques & Styles: But what are the techniques and styles used in studio photography? And how are they applied? Good technique will stop you wasting time in the studio. It will help you get to the finished image faster with better results. The Teaching Method: In this course we will use a virtual studio with rendered images to show you the lighting patterns that top the top studio photographers are using. Who Is This Course For: This course is for photographers that are new to studio photography and want to learn some of the latest lighting techniques the top studio photographers are using. It is also suitable for first year photography students who want to understand studio concepts and patterns. It is not suitable for advanced studio photographers and is designed with the beginner in mind. What You Will Learn: In this course you will learn some of the most popular studio lighting styles around today. All of the lessons come with pdf plans so you can duplicate the lighting exactly! Subjects covered: Choosing studio lights Understanding lighting modifiers Standard lighting techniques One light studio techniques Two light studio techniques Three light studio techniques Four light studio techniques --------------------------------------- So join us on the other side and learn how to take beautiful creative images and also learn the art of portrait photography...
              Are your photos boring? Blurry? Out of focus? Or just plain ol’ ugly? Are you getting frustrated with your camera’s results being different than what’s in your mind’s creative eye? I understand what you’re experiencing and I can help – I promise. This course will help you first build a rock-solid foundation of the photography basics. Then I will show you how to take control of your photography experience. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals we’ll dive into the really good stuff: how to compose your photos to make them more interesting, more likeable, and more enjoyable for you and all the people who’ll look at your art. You’re going to shift from just another person with a camera to an accomplished photographer… and you’re going to love the process of getting from here to there. You are going to quit taking photos – and you’re going to start making great photos. In this course I’ll show you how. You’re going to love my simple system for taking great photos – and it’s easy to remember and apply. Finally, this course will ease into the technical jargon that scares many creative people away from photography: aperture, depth-of-field, shutter speed, exposure, and all those special settings away from the AUTO button on your camera. In this course I’ll breakdown all the technical mumbo-jumbo into easy-to-digest and apply photography principles. In each section you’ll have experiments – not exercises – to practice, explore, and create new photographs on what you’ve just learned. And the best part? You can keep this course forever as a handy reminder of what you’ve learned. You can do this. I’ll help! Let’s get started right now.
                << The first of six digital photography courses by Villiers Steyn >> UPDATED in October 2020! Now that you’ve mastered the basics of your DSLR camera it’s time to take your photography skills to the next level without wasting any time! This course was designed as a follow-up intermediate digital photography course to another Udemy course of mine called Digital Photography for Beginners with DSLR cameras , but anyone with a sound basic photographic knowledge and a DSLR camera will find value in this course. Learn how to turn good photographs into great photographs! Learn what to consider when you upgrade your camera gear. Understand how different camera settings work together to ensure perfect exposures. See the value of a hot shoe flash, which can be used both on the camera or remotely. Push your creative limits by photographing everything from sun stars to the Milky Way. Get introduced to Lightroom – the best photography software on the market! Photographers never stop learning… Switching over from Automatic Mode or Program Mode to Aperture or Shutter Priority is just the first step in becoming an excellent photographer. As a beginner, you would have been introduced to a lot of new settings, like ISO, exposure compensation, f-values amongst many others, but the key is to understand how these settings work together to give you perfect exposures. And that is one of the main goals of this course – to help you understand the relationship between the camera’s most important settings. As your photography knowledge increases, so will the likelihood of you wanting to upgrade your entry-level camera gear, so this course discusses different photographic equipment, including camera bodies, lenses, teleconverters, filters, bags and accessories, as well as hot shoe flashes. Armed with the right gear and settings, the sky’s the limit when it comes to creativity, and this course covers everything from moon and star photography to painting with light and HDR imaging. Last, but not least, you’ll be introduced to every photographer’s best friend: Adobe Lightroom Classic. It’s the most powerful and user-friendly photography software out there and not only allows you to import, view and sort your photos, but also to edit them and export them for specific uses. Content and Overview This course is divided into five broad components: first we look at photographic equipment and what you can consider adding to your current setup; secondly we look at more advanced camera settings and especially the relationship between different settings and how they work together; thirdly we look at flash photography , focussing on hot shoe flashes, remote flash work and studio photography; next we look at a number of more advanced creative tips and techniques that will help you to take images that you’ve only ever dreamed of taking before; and lastly, we look at post-processing of your photos in Adobe Lightroom Classic. Lectures are short and concise (usually between 3 and 10 minutes long) and consist of either video clips (where I talk to you directly), screen casts (where I show you examples, diagrams or recorded workflow in Lightroom), or a combination of the two. THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL LEARN FROM THIS COURSE: What camera equipment to buy next: Upgrading from entry-level to mid-range level gear. When to use teleconverters / extenders. Which filters to use for which conditions. What other small photographic accessories to keep in your camera bag. How to choose a new camera bag once you’ve upgraded your gear. The relationship between the camera’s most important settings: Jpeg      vs RAW files (advantages and      disadvantages of both). Choosing the right shooting mode for the right situation. Master aperture      once and for all by looking at an Aperture Scale . The Exposure Triangle (how Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO work together). Metering mode vs Exposure compensation (which one is best?). Calculating depth of field (so you know exactly how much or how little is in focus). Stay in focus by mastering auto focus modes and focus points. Auto ISO (choose a lower maximum ISO). How to use a hot shoe flash: How a hot shoe flash works and enables you to light your subjects up      creatively and much better than your camera’s pop-up flash. How to use a hot shoe flash remotely with the help of transmitters and transceivers . The basic difference between hot shoe      flash photography and a studio setup. How to become an even more Creative photographer: How to isolate your subject . How to capture movement and light with long exposures. How to photograph the full moon and the Milky Way . How to create sun stars . How to paint with light . How to overcome high contrast with the help of HDR imaging. How valuable Lightroom Classic CC is: How to safely store and import your photos. How to view, filter and sort your photos. How to edit your RAW files . How to export your edited RAW photos for different uses. Take a moment to view the course Promo Video, as well as those lectures that have been made available as free previews. Keep in mind, if you're not happy with the material, there's a 30-day no-questions-asked full money back guarantee! So don't hesitate and enrol today, and take your photography to the next level! “Villiers's presentation skills are superb and better than anything else I've attended or enrolled in before. Not only is his technical knowledge of his subject outstanding, but he is also willing to share practical advice accumulated over years." Helgard de Preez – South Africa
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                  In this course, we deal with one of the broadest fields in Photography: Tabletop. We will walk you through four different shoots for four different types of subjects: Food Drink Product (Necklace) Flowers We've also included a workbook with examples and lighting schemes you can replicate and learn how to take your own tabletop photography to the next level, as well a workbook with photographs and an explanation of the lighting setups we used to achieve them.
                    SELL YOUR PHOTOS ONLINE If you're interested in selling your photos online, this is the right course for you. We'll cover EVERYTHING you need to know to successfully upload and sell your photos online. In this course you'll learn how to plan, shoot, retouch, keyword and upload your photos and sell them online. I'll share with you all my knowledge and secrets acquired through 8 years of uploading more than 20,000 photos and selling more than 700,000 photo licenses worldwide! This course is for you whether you're just looking to make some extra bucks with photos you have lying around in a hard drive or if you're an experienced photographer looking to become a full-time photographer and make a living out of it. What's so great about being a stock photographer you ask? 1. Be your own boss - You decide what to shoot, who to shoot, when to shoot. Just make sure you DO shoot and work, this is not an easy money scheme. More on that below! 2. Manage your time - Work whenever you can, at your own pace. If you have another job, you're a student or anything else and you just have a few hours a day or weekends free, that's fine, that's enough to get you started. That's how I started anyway, and now I'm a full-time stock photographer. I work when I want, I have spare time to spend with my family, friends , I decide when to work and what to work on. 3. Do what you love - If you love to travel, you love food, love pets, love people, anything's fine. You can shoot what you love and still make some money from it. No dealing with clients or bosses, just follow your passion. You won't get rich overnight Don't get me wrong, getting paid for your photos feels great. Finding some of your photos being used across the world is also really great. However, like all good things in life, you have to put some work in it. Stock photography is NOT about taking photos of things you have lying around your house, it's about finding your passion and giving it value by creating a photograph. And sometimes, if you get lucky, you may get that one photo or shoot that becomes viral and gets sold thousands of times! Becoming a successful stock photographer takes time and a lot of work, but you're already ahead of so many people just by taking this course . I'll give you a head start, I'll share with you everything I've learned over the years .