







  • ChatGPTを使ったことがない

  • 使ってみた事はあるけど、挫折した

  • 使おうとトライしているけれども、なかなかうまく使えない















  • 仕事の時短が実現でき、生産性が向上します。

  • そして空いた時間を他の業務に充てることができます。

  • それによって、今まで後回しにしていた業務もこなせるようになったり、

  • 付加価値のある業務にシフトすることもできます。

  • また、ChatGPTを使えば使うほど、自分自身のスキルも向上していきます。







  • ChatGPTの使い方がわからない

  • 使い方が分かってもそれを業務にどう生かせるのかわからない

  • バックオフィス・管理部門の業務でのイメージができない


  • ChatGPTが使いやすくなる3つのヒント

  • これだけ!言えばいい3つの質問

  • 業務で使っていくための3つのパターン




  • 株主総会

  • 新商品リリース

  • リスクマネジメント

  • サステナブル調達



  • 仕事の時短が実現でき、生産性が向上します。

  • 空いた時間で、会社を基礎から強くする、付加価値のある業務をすることができます。

  • ChatGPTを使えば使うほど、自分自身のスキルも向上していきます。










  • ChatGPTを使ったことがない

  • 使ってみた事はあるけど、挫折した

  • 使おうとトライしているけれども、なかなかうまく使えない















  • 仕事の時短が実現でき、生産性が向上します。

  • そして空いた時間を他の業務に充てることができます。

  • それによって、今まで後回しにしていた業務もこなせるようになったり、

  • 付加価値のある業務にシフトすることもできます。

  • また、ChatGPTを使えば使うほど、自分自身のスキルも向上していきます。







  • ChatGPTの使い方がわからない

  • 使い方が分かってもそれを業務にどう生かせるのかわからない

  • バックオフィス・管理部門の業務でのイメージができない


  • ChatGPTが使いやすくなる3つのヒント

  • これだけ!言えばいい3つの質問

  • 業務で使っていくための3つのパターン




  • 株主総会

  • 新商品リリース

  • リスクマネジメント

  • サステナブル調達



  • 仕事の時短が実現でき、生産性が向上します。

  • 空いた時間で、会社を基礎から強くする、付加価値のある業務をすることができます。

  • ChatGPTを使えば使うほど、自分自身のスキルも向上していきます。


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Unlock the Power of Conversational Commerce and Transform Customer Engagement

In the digital age, the key to thriving in business is connecting with your customers in real time, providing instant solutions, and delivering exceptional service. Welcome to the Tidio Live Chat & Lyro AI Chatbot Master Course, your gateway to mastering the art of conversational commerce and harnessing the potential of cutting-edge AI chatbot technology.

Why This Course?

In today's competitive landscape, businesses that excel in customer communication gain a significant advantage. This comprehensive master course empowers you with the knowledge and skills to leverage Tidio's Live Chat and Lyro AI Chatbot platforms to not only meet but exceed customer expectations. Here's why you should embark on this transformative journey:

  1. Elevate Customer Experience: Learn how to provide 24/7 support, personalized interactions, and instant responses, creating a seamless and memorable customer experience.

  2. Boost Sales and Conversion: Discover the strategies to convert visitors into paying customers through intelligent chatbot-driven engagement and tailored incentives.

  3. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Implement automation to handle routine queries, reducing the burden on your support team and improving operational efficiency.

  4. Data-Driven Insights: Leverage chatbot data and analytics to gain a deep understanding of customer behavior and preferences, enabling data-driven decision-making.

  5. Stay Competitive: In a world where speed and convenience are paramount, this course equips you to keep up with and surpass your competitors.

What You'll Learn:

  • Master Tidio's Live Chat features, from installation to customization.

  • Harness the power of Lyro AI Chatbot to automate interactions and deliver personalized recommendations.

  • Optimize customer support processes for efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Implement chatbots for lead generation, sales, and customer retention.

  • Utilize data analytics to continually improve and refine your customer engagement strategies.

Who Should Enroll:

  • Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

  • Digital Marketers

  • Customer Support Professionals

  • E-commerce Managers

  • Website Administrators

  • Anyone seeking to enhance their online customer engagement skills

Join Me Today:

Embark on this transformative journey, and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to revolutionize your customer engagement strategy. Enroll in the Tidio Live Chat & Lyro AI Chatbot Master Course today and lead the charge in the era of conversational commerce. Elevate your business, delight your customers, and achieve new levels of success. Your journey begins here.

star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border

Unlock the Power of Conversational Commerce and Transform Customer Engagement

In the digital age, the key to thriving in business is connecting with your customers in real time, providing instant solutions, and delivering exceptional service. Welcome to the Tidio Live Chat & Lyro AI Chatbot Master Course, your gateway to mastering the art of conversational commerce and harnessing the potential of cutting-edge AI chatbot technology.

Why This Course?

In today's competitive landscape, businesses that excel in customer communication gain a significant advantage. This comprehensive master course empowers you with the knowledge and skills to leverage Tidio's Live Chat and Lyro AI Chatbot platforms to not only meet but exceed customer expectations. Here's why you should embark on this transformative journey:

  1. Elevate Customer Experience: Learn how to provide 24/7 support, personalized interactions, and instant responses, creating a seamless and memorable customer experience.

  2. Boost Sales and Conversion: Discover the strategies to convert visitors into paying customers through intelligent chatbot-driven engagement and tailored incentives.

  3. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Implement automation to handle routine queries, reducing the burden on your support team and improving operational efficiency.

  4. Data-Driven Insights: Leverage chatbot data and analytics to gain a deep understanding of customer behavior and preferences, enabling data-driven decision-making.

  5. Stay Competitive: In a world where speed and convenience are paramount, this course equips you to keep up with and surpass your competitors.

What You'll Learn:

  • Master Tidio's Live Chat features, from installation to customization.

  • Harness the power of Lyro AI Chatbot to automate interactions and deliver personalized recommendations.

  • Optimize customer support processes for efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Implement chatbots for lead generation, sales, and customer retention.

  • Utilize data analytics to continually improve and refine your customer engagement strategies.

Who Should Enroll:

  • Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

  • Digital Marketers

  • Customer Support Professionals

  • E-commerce Managers

  • Website Administrators

  • Anyone seeking to enhance their online customer engagement skills

Join Me Today:

Embark on this transformative journey, and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to revolutionize your customer engagement strategy. Enroll in the Tidio Live Chat & Lyro AI Chatbot Master Course today and lead the charge in the era of conversational commerce. Elevate your business, delight your customers, and achieve new levels of success. Your journey begins here.
































Prepare to embark on an extraordinary voyage into the realm of AI, where boundless possibilities and transformative potential await. Welcome to our immersive course, "The AI Odyssey - A Journey into Prompt Engineering." This unique experience will plunge you into the cutting-edge world of AI models, with a specific focus on ChatGPT and DALL-E, two technological marvels at the forefront of AI innovation. Witness how AI is rapidly becoming the lynchpin in reshaping every facet of our lives and industries.

Why Enroll in This Course?

Our meticulously crafted program is designed to cater to a diverse audience, regardless of your background. It's a riveting journey through the vast AI landscape, brimming with practical insights and strategic wisdom, tailored to empower anyone – from curious novices to seasoned professionals – with the ability to leverage AI for personal and professional growth.

Course Highlights:

  • ChatGPT: Conversational Wizardry: Immerse yourself in the realm of conversational AI with ChatGPT. Discover how to develop captivating chatbots, lifelike virtual assistants, and interactive applications that communicate with human-like finesse.

  • DALL-E's Artistic Magic: Unleash your inner artist with DALL-E, a revolutionary AI model that generates visually stunning and imaginative images from textual prompts. Explore the limitless creative potential, spanning from art and design to the extraordinary.

  • Adobe AI -  A magical tool for podcasts and videos and audios where you sound like studio just by recording from your phone or PC.

What You Will Master:

  1. Advanced Prompt Engineering Techniques: Acquire the skills to craft prompts effectively, unlocking the full creative potential of AI models.

  2. Real-world AI Applications: Gain hands-on experience in deploying AI models across various industries and practical projects.

  3. Ethical AI Usage: Understand the ethical considerations and best practices for responsible AI utilization.

  4. Exploring AI Limitations: Delve deep into the challenges faced by AI, including ChatGPT and DALL-E.

  5. The Future of AI: Discover how AI is shaping the future across a spectrum of industries and the profound impact it has on society.

Who Will Benefit from This Journey:

  • AI Enthusiasts and Innovators: Students and enthusiasts eager to tap into the boundless creative and practical power of AI.

  • Creatives and Artisans: Writers, designers, and artists aiming to elevate their work with AI-infused innovation.

  • Marketing Visionaries: Marketers striving to revolutionize strategies through AI-generated content and interactive solutions.

  • Enterprising Pioneers: Business owners exploring the innovative potential of AI in a rapidly evolving market.

  • Tech Aficionados and Developers: Programmers and tech enthusiasts keen to master the latest AI technologies.

  • Educators and Trainers: Teachers and trainers committed to infusing AI into their educational content and methodologies.

Join Us in Redefining Possibilities!

In the fusion of AI and human creativity, infinite opportunities beckon. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate the AI-driven world, shaping your present and future. Enroll now and set out on "The AI Odyssey - A Journey into Prompt Engineering," where AI is the key factor in shaping innovation, creativity, and progress.

Seize this opportunity to be part of the AI revolution. Enroll now and embark on your transformative journey through "The AI Odyssey."


Prepare to embark on an extraordinary voyage into the realm of AI, where boundless possibilities and transformative potential await. Welcome to our immersive course, "The AI Odyssey - A Journey into Prompt Engineering." This unique experience will plunge you into the cutting-edge world of AI models, with a specific focus on ChatGPT and DALL-E, two technological marvels at the forefront of AI innovation. Witness how AI is rapidly becoming the lynchpin in reshaping every facet of our lives and industries.

Why Enroll in This Course?

Our meticulously crafted program is designed to cater to a diverse audience, regardless of your background. It's a riveting journey through the vast AI landscape, brimming with practical insights and strategic wisdom, tailored to empower anyone – from curious novices to seasoned professionals – with the ability to leverage AI for personal and professional growth.

Course Highlights:

  • ChatGPT: Conversational Wizardry: Immerse yourself in the realm of conversational AI with ChatGPT. Discover how to develop captivating chatbots, lifelike virtual assistants, and interactive applications that communicate with human-like finesse.

  • DALL-E's Artistic Magic: Unleash your inner artist with DALL-E, a revolutionary AI model that generates visually stunning and imaginative images from textual prompts. Explore the limitless creative potential, spanning from art and design to the extraordinary.

  • Adobe AI -  A magical tool for podcasts and videos and audios where you sound like studio just by recording from your phone or PC.

What You Will Master:

  1. Advanced Prompt Engineering Techniques: Acquire the skills to craft prompts effectively, unlocking the full creative potential of AI models.

  2. Real-world AI Applications: Gain hands-on experience in deploying AI models across various industries and practical projects.

  3. Ethical AI Usage: Understand the ethical considerations and best practices for responsible AI utilization.

  4. Exploring AI Limitations: Delve deep into the challenges faced by AI, including ChatGPT and DALL-E.

  5. The Future of AI: Discover how AI is shaping the future across a spectrum of industries and the profound impact it has on society.

Who Will Benefit from This Journey:

  • AI Enthusiasts and Innovators: Students and enthusiasts eager to tap into the boundless creative and practical power of AI.

  • Creatives and Artisans: Writers, designers, and artists aiming to elevate their work with AI-infused innovation.

  • Marketing Visionaries: Marketers striving to revolutionize strategies through AI-generated content and interactive solutions.

  • Enterprising Pioneers: Business owners exploring the innovative potential of AI in a rapidly evolving market.

  • Tech Aficionados and Developers: Programmers and tech enthusiasts keen to master the latest AI technologies.

  • Educators and Trainers: Teachers and trainers committed to infusing AI into their educational content and methodologies.

Join Us in Redefining Possibilities!

In the fusion of AI and human creativity, infinite opportunities beckon. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate the AI-driven world, shaping your present and future. Enroll now and set out on "The AI Odyssey - A Journey into Prompt Engineering," where AI is the key factor in shaping innovation, creativity, and progress.

Seize this opportunity to be part of the AI revolution. Enroll now and embark on your transformative journey through "The AI Odyssey."


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) are two of the most important skills for success in the 21st century.

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way we work and live, and Emotional Intelligence is essential for navigating the complex and ever-changing world around us.

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the landscape of many industries meaning that Emotional Intelligence now becomes more important for determining personal success, now and in the future.

This short course is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence and how they can be incorporated to enrich the workplace.

Focusing on those qualities that make you uniquely human, this course will help you to comprehend

  • Artificial Intelligence and how it works

  • Emotional Intelligence and how it works

  • How to use your Emotional Intelligence to develop those skills beyond the capability of Artificial Intelligence

  • How to use both Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence to succeed in the future

You'll also learn about practical strategies for improving your Emotional Intelligence focusing on ways to develop these to ensure satisfaction and success in your work and career.

By completing this course, you will be able to

  • Describe the importance of Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence within the workplace

  • Compare and contrast the strengths and limitations of Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in workplace contexts

  • Assess how Emotional Intelligence skills can mitigate potential challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence

  • Analyse real-world scenarios where Emotional Intelligence can enhance workplace productivity

  • Develop strategies for utilising Emotional Intelligence within the workplace culture in the age of Artificial Intelligence

  • Implement Emotional Intelligence strategies for enhancing personal skills and career growth in a technology-driven workplace

Regardless of your experience level, whether you are a student, a professional, or simply curious about these emerging intelligences, the course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed using both effectively.

PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activity that makes up a fundamental part of the course.  You cannot develop your skills and capabilities in emotional intelligence just by watching the video lectures.  It requires you to do some deep, reflective thinking and strategic planning.  I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.

Enrol in the course today and learn the capabilities needed to succeed now and for the future.

All videos are High Definition recorded in 1080p.

All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant.

All videos have grammatically correct English captions.

Latest Update - January 2024


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) are two of the most important skills for success in the 21st century.

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way we work and live, and Emotional Intelligence is essential for navigating the complex and ever-changing world around us.

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the landscape of many industries meaning that Emotional Intelligence now becomes more important for determining personal success, now and in the future.

This short course is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence and how they can be incorporated to enrich the workplace.

Focusing on those qualities that make you uniquely human, this course will help you to comprehend

  • Artificial Intelligence and how it works

  • Emotional Intelligence and how it works

  • How to use your Emotional Intelligence to develop those skills beyond the capability of Artificial Intelligence

  • How to use both Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence to succeed in the future

You'll also learn about practical strategies for improving your Emotional Intelligence focusing on ways to develop these to ensure satisfaction and success in your work and career.

By completing this course, you will be able to

  • Describe the importance of Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence within the workplace

  • Compare and contrast the strengths and limitations of Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in workplace contexts

  • Assess how Emotional Intelligence skills can mitigate potential challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence

  • Analyse real-world scenarios where Emotional Intelligence can enhance workplace productivity

  • Develop strategies for utilising Emotional Intelligence within the workplace culture in the age of Artificial Intelligence

  • Implement Emotional Intelligence strategies for enhancing personal skills and career growth in a technology-driven workplace

Regardless of your experience level, whether you are a student, a professional, or simply curious about these emerging intelligences, the course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed using both effectively.

PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activity that makes up a fundamental part of the course.  You cannot develop your skills and capabilities in emotional intelligence just by watching the video lectures.  It requires you to do some deep, reflective thinking and strategic planning.  I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.

Enrol in the course today and learn the capabilities needed to succeed now and for the future.

All videos are High Definition recorded in 1080p.

All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant.

All videos have grammatically correct English captions.

Latest Update - January 2024