"Very informative, shows how things are done and explaining clearly." This course was funded by a wildly successful Kickstarter. This is a retro games masterclass! Learn to code in C# by making a game from scratch. Use Unity® 2017 and Adobe Photoshop CC. In this course, game developer Glauco Pires from Mammoth Interactive teaches you how to build a game in Unity®. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and fine-tuning a game. Let's make a complete game! Learn to code, make art, and add sound to build a full action-adventure game. First you design the game and its functionality in Unity®. You learn how to code in C#. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on. We interweave theory with practical examples so that you learn by doing . Mammoth Interactive game designer Kevin Liao teaches you everything you need to know about Photoshop to make game art . One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to. This course is project-based. You will not learn a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course, you will have an AWESOME game to use in your portfolio. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately. Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math! Learning to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future. "I know nothing about Unity, and this course is at the right level for me (it starts from the ground up)." All source code and art assets are included with your purchase. What are you waiting for? Your game could make it big. Enroll today to join the Mammoth community of online game dev learners!
    We at Mammoth Interactive value input from students like you. Feel free to leave us your feedback. Have you ever wanted to make your very own virtual reality games? Well, you've come to the right place! After purchasing this course, you'll be taken step-by-step through every process needed to do just that. Our two very talented instructors, Kevin Liao and Glauco Pires, explain everything from a basic, beginner level. That means, you don't have to have any prior coding or digital art experience to succeed here. In the first section of each tutorial, Glauco Pires will take you through the process of coding the game in Unity® from scratch. The second section of the tutorial will teach you how to create all the artistic elements you will need to complete the game. Kevin Liao will teach this section of the course in Blender; the wonderful, free 3D modeling program. The final section will teach you how to integrate the art you created in Blender to the game in Unity. Glauco will take this part. The beauty of taking an online course like this is the ability to replay any of the lectures at any time. There is no time limit or final tests. You get to learn at your own pace with a practical model method of learning. This course mostly focuses on mobile VR Development. This is because, it is the easiest to develop for and will most widely adopted. "Great course. Definitely learned a lot about how an overall project can come together in Unity. I found the material easy to follow and well constructed. The instructor covers theory and implementation, and it is deep, with real app examples, outstanding." "I like how everything is being explained on a very basic level. Easy to follow, I would imagine, for anyone without any modeling experience. Good job guys, and thanks!" We really hope you decide to purchase this course and take your knowledge to the next level! Let's get started! Enroll now to join the Mammoth community!
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      Greetings everyone, my name is Davidson Julot. I'm an artist and Game developer. I hold a bachelor degree in Chemistry but after college I found my self more focused in Game development and graphic design. In this course I will guide you into making your first Game with Unity 3D. You'll learn about the interface, and will get a brief look on importing assets, creating a terrain Environment. You'll learn to Placing your game objects in the scene and get them moving. You'll design an amazing game, Export it to your PC and share it with the world.
        Have you ever wondered how AAA studios make sleek cutscenes that are integrated throughout a game to tell the player a story?  Are you interested in making your own short films like the Adam Demo created by Unity Technologies? If so, this is the course for you! The Ultimate Guide to Cinematography with Unity teaches you how to create a complete stealth adventure game in Unity, where you’ll not only increase your C# programming capabilities, but also create four finished, cinematic cutscenes that tell your game’s story! This course utilizes two of Unity’s latest features: Timeline and Cinemachine. These features allow developers to take their game a step further by adding animation tracks to tell a story.  Through this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to build amazing cutscenes for your Unity games. Hone your game logic skills and problem solving techniques by developing systems from scratch. In this course, you will: Create a “Point & Click” Character Controller Design Intelligent AI Behaviours Customize Camera Detection Systems Build a Notification System Develop Trigger Interactions Synthesize Animation State Behaviors Integrate a Complete UI Menu And more! In this course, you will also create four visually stunning cutscenes for your game, The Great Fleece. Join Darren, our thief, in this stealth adventure game as he silently descends a black rope and lands in the Beatrice Auction House. Wow your players with panoramic views of the auction house’s treasures: glittering jewels, marble, and fine artwork. Use voiceover and suspenseful music to allow the player a quick glance at the security cameras, patrolling guards, and the main vault. Pull the player into your story and artfully explain your game objective. Additional cutscenes include Darren successfully stealing a keycard from the sleeping guard, reaching the vault to win the game, and getting caught by the guards to trigger “Game Over.” Build these cutscenes with over 50 activities, where you’ll create timeline activation tracks, develop camera positioning and tracking, attach post processing profiles to virtual cameras, and more! Why Is Cinematography Important in Games? What makes some games stand out from the crowd?  Games like Grand Theft Auto, The Last of Us, and Life is Strange are all wildly successful franchises, but why? Apart from advanced game mechanics and creative stories, what makes these games so intriguing? Game developers draw in players by creating vivid storylines with cinematic cutscenes. Take “The Book of the Dead” demo, created by Unity, which gives players a first person cutscene. As a player, you can see what the character sees and imagine that you are in the game yourself. Adding cinematography to a game with cutscenes is essential to telling the story of a game.  Which is more immersive: explaining the game objective in a block of text or providing players with a concrete visual of their goal?  In English class in school, we are taught to “show and not tell.” What better way to show your player the game environment, the player objective, and any other important features through a film-like cutscene?  Not only does this take your game to the next level, but it also provides the player an opportunity to become emotionally invested in the game and want to continue playing. Unity’s newest features, Timeline and Cinemachine, give developers the ability to create absolutely stunning cutscenes that elegantly tell your game’s story. This course will provide you with the foundation needed to understand cutscene development, which can then be applied to future projects! Why Learn From me? This is the second game development course that has been co-created with Unity Technologies on Udemy. Because creating elegant cutscenes can seem intimidating, Unity Technologies wanted to create a course that breaks down how to use Timeline & Cinemachine to make them. You'll learn the process of setting up the scene, placing actors, and working with voice over recordings to create these cutscenes. Just like in my previous course, " The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity ", there will be challenges throughout that test what you've learned, while developing your cutscenes and your games. I've been working in Unity since the initial public release of version 2.6, and I've authored a book on Unity 3.x. As a self-taight software engineer, I found there weren't any interactive video tutorials that allow beginners to truly grasp concepts essential to game development. To remedy this and to help others trying to learn, I created my own YouTube video series focused on Unity game development, where I've had the privilege of helping thousands of others grow their passion for game development. As I've progressed in my career, I've had the opportunity to develop games for Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, the casino industry, and several indie game companies. I've also developed enterprise augmented reality applications for Futune 500 companies like Coca-Cola, GE, and Thyssenkrup. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and i hope you will see that throughout this course. Upon completing this Unity course, you will understand Timeline & Cinemachine and how to use both of these tools to create amazing cutscenes in video games. You will leave this course with confidence in your ability to utilize the latest greatest game development techniques, propelling you to success in your personal or professional aspirations. Join me on this adventure today! I'll see you in the course.
          Enroll Now And Become A Professional Game Developer! This is the most comprehensive online course that will take you from beginner to creating stunning 2D & 3D games in Unity Game Engine! The course is completely project based, and we are going to create 5 games from scratch using Unity Game Engine. We will start with simple things so you will be comfortable even if you are using Unity for the first time. This also applies to your coding skills, if you did not code before, don't worry, we will deeply cover C# from basic to advanced features. I took advantage of my 3 years of online teaching experience and have structured this course in a professional way. I had beginners and intermediate game developers on my mind when I structured this course, so it will not only give you all the information you need as a beginner, but it will also teach you advanced game development techniques if you already know how to make games. Every section in the course starts with basic information about the specific topic, and slowly progresses in difficulty as we finish every video. You will also benefit from my super fast response if you have any issue that you are stuck with(I check Udemy forums every day if someone posts a question). Oh and all the students taking the course will also be there to help you! Some of the things you will learn in the course: Unity's interface Importing Assets Organizing The Project Basic, Intermediate And Advanced C# Programming Basic AI(Artificial Intelligence) Advanced AI(Artificial Intelligence) Basic And Advanced Character Animations Sound FX And Music Basic, Intermediate And Advanced Particle FX Melee Battle Systems Boss Fights Procedural Level Generation Pooling Techniques Learn How To Use Unity's UI System Create And Animate Menus Create Animation Trigger Events With Mecanim Save And Load Your Game Data That And Much More Is Awaiting You In This Course If You ever had an idea for an awesome game, then enroll in this course and learn the tools that you need to develop Your next hit game!!! What Is Your Risk By Taking This Course? Nothing!! If you are not satisfied with the course, I promise I will give you a full refund(within 30 days of purchase) of your money NO questions asked!! Enroll Now!! You Will Not Be Disappointed!
            In this course, you learn how to build a 3D and 2D game with Unity® and Blender as well as Photoshop and Magicavoxel. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. Why Unity®? Unity® is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity® to build 2D and 3D games. Unity® is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms. Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game, including the characters, weapons, cannon, dungeon, and temple. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity®. "At the first glance, I was not very amazed, but when I saw the curriculum and methods used in the classes, I am certain that one can take as much as possible out of this course into a real world example. The course teaches you: Unity from ground up C# Programming in general Blender modeling So you don't have to understand Unity nor programming nor Blender. The pace is more on the slow side, but it is very easy to grasp and pick up. ​It is a great tutorial package with A HUGE library of steps​ . Highly recommended!" "The programming portion is very well explained. The instructor provides very good examples on how C# programming is performed on objects. I'm enjoying the Blender portion of the course. The development of a character in Blender is explained very well and I've learned many new techniques for UV Mapping the character." Why Blender? Blender, like Unity®, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course. The pace is more on the slow side, but this course is very easy to grasp and pick up. It is a great tutorial package with A HUGE library of steps. Glauco Pires takes you through the process of coding a game in Unity® from scratch. Kevin Liao teaches you how to create all the artistic elements you will need to complete the game. Kevin will teach this section of the course in MagicaVoxel, Photoshop, and blender to make original art and assets. Even if you're not an artist, you can make basic art models. You may have heard of Axiom Verge and Stardew Valley. These games are million-dollar successes. But did you know that only one person made each? Usually it takes a whole team of people to build a game. But creators Thomas Happ and Eric Barone developed and designed their games by themselves. Now they're millionaires. You can do it, too. Also now included in these bundles are our extra courses. If you want to learn to use other programs such as Camtasia or Sketch, you get more content than what you paid for this way! We really hope you decide to purchase this course and take your knowledge to the next level. Let's get started. Enroll now to join the community!
              Using the Unity Game Engine as Hobbiest is of course fun, but can also lead you to a good amount of money. In this Course i will talk about different ways to get your work with Unity monetized. I maybe open your Eyes a bit further and give you not just an Idea but a plan or solution to get something in return for your work with Unity. I will talk about the following content: Skill Set Mind Set The Recipe A Game Assets Teaching Freelancing In Game Ads & Purchases Skill Set Analysing or getting knowledge about Skills is crucial to montize your work. Mind Set I open your mind and probably change it, to think about yourself and your current and future mind set. The Recipe I introduce my recipe to you in which i explain a roadmap, to optimize your work. A Game I will talk about making Games and if it a good idea to monetize, and is what you want to create with Unity. Assets I will talk about Asset Creation and the idea behind it, in cases of monetization. Teaching Teaching can produce some income as well, but how does that work? I will explain it. Freelancing How can you monetize your work with freelance work? Is it good or bad? I will let you know. In Game Ads & Purchases I go over IAP and Ads and some strategies to implement them clever . Extra If you have questions or i forget to explain something, or you have a special request for your case, i will add more info's on request to dig a bit deeper. So ask me to do it, and i will go over it in more detail in new videos.
                The goal of this course is to get you up and running with the latest tools and features new to Unity 2020.1. By the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of the most important new features and hands-on experience using each of them. If you use Unity, as a student or an industry professional, it is important that you keep up-to-date on the latest features and versions so that you can use them to build great games. Unity releases some documentation and resources but students often find these to be hard to understand. I created this course so that you could quickly master all of the top features of Unity 2020.1 using hands-on examples and easy-to-follow explanations. Unity and everything I use in this course is available for FREE, and I walk you step by step through downloading and installing anything you need. We will cover exciting new features like Visual Scripting (Unity’s version of the Blueprint system in Unreal), Mobile Device Simulation (an in-editor mobile device emulator), Camera Stacking, and more! A full section of this course is dedicated to teaching you Visual Scripting using Bolt, a new feature of Unity that is similar to Unreal’s blueprint system. Use Bolt when you want to build logic using a visual node based system instead of typing out C# code. The ultimate tool for beginners to Unity and a great resource for industry professionals to quickly prototype games, get ready to unlock the true power of Unity game development by learning Visual Scripting with Bolt! Are you ready to get up-and-running with Unity 2020.1 and master its latest features? Then click the “Enroll Now” button to the right to get started!
                  Whether you’d like to create your own sci-fi or first person military shooter, third person action adventure, or even a role playing game, this Udemy course series provides the training you are looking for. Starting from a blank screen, we'll build all of the systems, together, step-by-step for a game called Dead Earth. Dead Earth is a commercial grade, first-person, action-survival game set in the modern post-apocalypse. As mankind’s last hope,you’ll traverse a fallen world ravaged by a lethal plague. The game presents players with a variety of dangerous environments where the fight for survival gets progressively more difficult as the story unfolds. The infection has manifested in a variety of terrifying ways, so you’ll face a varied set of enemies -- from enraged humanoids to total mutations whose origins are not fully understood. In this first course, we’ll setup our project and start populating the world. You'll learn how to create smart AI characters that think strategically and realistically navigate their environment, all while avoiding obstacles and pursuing the goals that you give them. You'll also learn how to tie the physics and animation systems together with the behaviors and states of your in-game characters. This will enable them to interact with their world and with the player physically and visually correctly. You’ll learn how and when to integrate ragdoll physics with the animation system to offer body part specific damage and more realistic death animations. You’ll even learn how to transition between ragdoll and standard animation systems as we reanimate zombies and other characters that are down, but not out. Along the way we'll discuss in detail concepts like A*, pathfinding and navigation, state machines, animation state machines, and much, much more. By the time we’re done, you’ll be able to fill your own worlds with noble companions, background characters, and deadly enemies that bring your games to life! Over the totality of this course series you'll build the full game from the ground up. You'll learn how to: Use state machine behaviors and animation curves to drive game logic. Create your own missions that chain together different series of game events, unlock additional items and uncover new areas of the world. Develop a complete first person arms/weapons management system with melee and ranged weapon support. Dive deep into the development of a robust and extensible artificial intelligence system that syncs with your characters’ animations. Design smart NPCs for your game who can interact with their world in very realistic ways. Build an in-game inventory system for players to manage their weapons, ammo, health boosters, mission items, and more. Assemble fully interactive worlds with working doors, elevators, cabinets and drawers. Learn how to use scripted events to drive your story line forward. Understand fundamental concepts in the field of game AI, like navigation and path-finding, state machines, animation state machines, and more. Find out how to import and animate multiple characters in less time using humanoid re-targeting Create custom interfaces for health bars, ammo, inventory items, and more. Develop your own audio log system for delivering storytelling elements. Use a combination of Umbra and custom technology to accelerate real-time lighting and shadows in graphics intensive scenes.
                    "The videos are great and the course is interactive. Some of the things have been updated but the community and the instructor is very helpful a must buy for me." "This was a very nice course. Almost sad to have reached the end of it... Each mini-game section starts out from the beginning, like it was the first section of the course, so that makes it nice if you want to jump around and program a certain game first. It's not like each one builds on knowledge from the prior one, though after you've done a few, you start to know how the initial setup is going to go. It's also nice that you build everything - from the code to the art. I enjoyed creating my own 3-D artwork in Blender - much nicer than just being handed meshes by the instructor. Instructors are very thorough in their explanations." - Dave J. "The amount of detail that has gone into explaining the basics of coding is amazing, truly a great example of teaching." "I couldn't come up with a way for this course to be better. This is among the very best I have bought on Udemy." "The videos are great and the course is interactive . Some of the things have been updated but the community and the instructor is very helpful a must buy for me." - Rivek Tamang "Best Unity3d course I have taken so far.... not only you learn Unity , you learn Blender as well. Thank you for such awesome course." - Akash Kumar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have you ever wanted to make your very own virtual reality games? Well, you've come to the right place! After purchasing this course, you'll be taken step-by-step through every process needed to do just that. Our two very talented instructors, Kevin Liao and Glauco Pires, explain everything from a basic, beginner level. That means, you don't have to have any prior coding or digital art experience to succeed here. **This course covers the Google cardboard and not higher end VR headsets like the HTC Vive. It will help you regardless as we do show many techniques for building VR games that are still applicable. In the first section of each tutorial, Glauco Pires will take you through the process of coding the game in Unity® 5.4.3f1 from scratch. The second section of the tutorial will teach you how to create all the artistic elements you will need to complete the game. Kevin Liao will teach this section of the course in Blender; the wonderful, free 3D modeling program. The final section will teach you how to integrate the art you created in Blender to the game in Unity 5.4.3f1. Glauco will take this part. The beauty of taking an online course like this is the ability to replay any of the lectures at any time. There is no time limit or final tests. You get to learn at your own pace with a practical model method of learning. This course mostly focuses on mobile VR Development. This is because, it is the easiest to develop for and will most widely adopted. "Great course. Definitely learned a lot about how an overall project can come together in Unity. I found the material easy to follow and well constructed. The instructor covers theory and implementation, and it is deep, with real app examples, outstanding." "I like how everything is being explained on a very basic level. Easy to follow, I would imagine, for anyone without any modeling experience. Good job guys, and thanks!" "Very good. Very comprehensive and easy to follow. Can't wait for the other courses to learn more." - Yashim W. We hope you decide to purchase this course and take your knowledge to the next level!