This course examines the relation of advertising to society, culture, history, and the economy. Using contemporary theories about visual communications, we learn to analyze the complex levels of meaning in both print advertisements and television commercials. About the Course The course covers a wide range of topics, including the origins of advertising, the creation of ads, the interpretation of ads, the depiction of race, class, gender, and sexuality in advertising, sex and selling, adverting and ethics, and the future of advertising. The lectures will discuss theoretical frameworks and apply them to specific advertisements. Course Syllabus Week 1: What is advertising and where did it come from? Week 2: Am I being manipulated by advertising? Week 3: What’s in an ad beyond that which meets the eye? Week 4: How do ads get made? Week 5: What do ads teach us about race, class, gender, and sexuality? Week 6: Does sex sell? Week 7: What is the future of advertising? Recommended Background No background is required; everyone is welcome! Suggested Readings Although the lectures are designed to be self-contained, we recommend that students refer to the free online textbook Other free resources will be suggested for each week’s module. Course Format Most videos will be lectures with instructor talking. Each lecture will be illustrated with PowerPoint slides, print advertisements, and TV commercials. The videos for each week will consist of segments that add up to about an hour. Each week will have one quiz that will appear as stand-alone homework. All resources beyond lectures will be available online to students at no charge. Most of these will be from Others will be visits to the sites of ad agencies in the US and abroad, open access websites that deal with course topics, and open-access journal articles.
    Este curso, ofrecido por la UNAM, presenta una visión sintética de dos dimensiones clave para analizar el funcionamiento de la política mexicana actual: la política interna y las relaciones con el exterior. Además, incluye un estudio de caso – los conflictos por el petróleo –como un ejemplo de la relación entre ambas dimensiones y sus consecuencias prácticas. El enfoque del curso es histórico, es decir, se verá cómo se desarrollaron los procesos políticos en el tiempo. Esta perspectiva permitirá al participante interpretar los acontecimientos actuales como consecuencia de grandes procesos que iniciaron hace tiempo, y no como eventos aislados o inexplicables.
      Without the proper understanding of how the economy system of the Kingdom of God works, you may be experiencing frustration with your current business ventures. In this online course, we cover the most important principles to help you break free from the rat race of life and experience true freedom and success. About the Course Understand God's economy system and learn to operate successfully inside it while learning how to use Kingdom resources for your business. In each lecture, you'll find videos from Trista Sue Kragh, international leader and businesswoman, and a workbook to guide the way! It's time to bring yourself and/or your business to the next level! What do I get? The secret to acquiring resources in the Kingdom and maximizing your faith 100% Self-paced - Take this course anywhere, anytime, on any device Exclusive video lectures featuring course instructor, Trista Sue Kragh Private Student Workbook with reflection questions included! Whether you're a struggling or successful entrepreneur or thinking about starting a business, we provide you with the principles and insight to help build a strong business.
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        In this course, you will learn how the changing Arctic environment is tied to the growing economic and strategic importance of the North. After setting the stage through a review of the peoples of the Arctic and how they are dealing with change, Arctic governance, economies national defense, attention turns to marine use of the Arctic, oil and gas exploration, mining, fisheries and tourism. The course ends with a survey of recent Arctic events. Learning Objectives: Articulate the drivers of the growing economic and strategic importance of the Arctic in the context of the environmental changes unfolding in the region, governance, and geopolitics. Identify the impacts of the changing Arctic, both positive and negative, on the peoples of the North.
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          LEARN TO DECIDE- LEARN MICROECONOMICS Have we ever thought that whatever we have been using, consuming and seeing around is one way or the other related to Economics ? How are prices determined in a market ? Infact how does the market works ? How do we decide what must we purchase and what not ? How does producers and consumers interact to determine the price and quantity in a market ? How and why does the Govt interferes and uses certain policies ? Even if you are unaware of what the whole subject is about , you will still learn how Microeconomics effects our "CHOICES AND DECISION MAKING". Since Economics has been influencing our lives in every way. This course of microeconomics provides complete details about the economic system in general and individual economic entities in particular so as to have the ability of better decision making. It enable you to think about the logical facts associated with the economic system . Why do we want a state of equilibrium in a market ? Why do prices change and what are the factors that change them ? What are we concerned with the responses being made after a price change ? And what decisions shall we have to apply for , in such circumstances , yes! This is were we need to learn what Microeconomics is about !!!! The instructors assures that even a student who has not ever taken a course of economics is able to understand the course very easily. And for all the students enrolled in the course of Business, management or Economics can go through it in no time. The course includes an indepth analysis of one of the very most important topics that are : Supply Demand Market Mechanism and equilibrium Changes and adjustment in equilibrium Elasticity and responsiveness to price change . Short-run vs long-run elasticities Consumer choice and much more to come ..... Additionally, the course design includes 4 Quizzes with each topic as well as solved problems . Other Problem sets can also be shared with the students upon request. Furthermore, the course also comprises of explanation of graphical and mathematical analysis with the use of pen tablet. The format of the course is as follows: Defining/explaning the concept Graphical analysis of the concept Mathematical Analysis Relating the concept with real world example Solved Problem with reference to microeconomics various books suggested by the instructor Quiz at the end of each chapter. Upcoming bonus videos will include topics of Cost, Production, Competitive and non-competitive markets Game Theory and much more.... No other experience or knowledge is required for this course.
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            This training course takes students through the cycle of project feasibility study preparation and evaluation. Feasibility study is needed before starting a new project (product or service), establishing a new business, or upgrading/modifying/expanding an existing business. Through feasibility study preparation cycle, projects can be determined if feasible/viable from the marketing and technical viewpoints. Given their estimated capital and operation costs (CAPEX & OPEX), projects can also be determined whether profitable or not. As the name implies, a feasibility study is used to determine the viability of an idea. The objective of this study is to ensure a project is legally and technically feasible and economically justifiable. It tells us whether a project is worth the investment or not.
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              'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities ' If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth , then our courses are for you. In this masterclass Nobel Prize Winner for Economics, Amartya Sen , invites us to reflect on the key concepts of economics, ethics and justice. Is it possible to combine ethical values with the laws of the market? What are the definitions of social justice and well-being ? The sharp analysis of economist Amartya Sen and his idea of economic development, inseparable from the values of democracy and freedom. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in economics and who would like to learn more about how ethical values could combine with laws of economics. Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any economic skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 21 lectures and 1 hour of content! 18 masterclasses and 1 hour and more of content You will learn how the key concepts of economics, ethics and justice are connected to each other You will learn how Amartya Sen suggested a theory capable of regulating the distribution of costs and benefits of social life From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well.
                This  Course covers several Economics topics like Producer's Equilibrium, Concept of Revenue, Forms of Market and Perfect competition. In Producers Equilibrium, we have covered what is producers Equilibrium, when is it achieved, how can you find out Producers Equilibrium using Marginal cost curve, Long and short run equilibrium and what is perfect competition. In the concept of Revenue section, you would learn about, Average, Marginal and Total Revenue, there inter-se relationship and Demand curve of a firm under Perfect competition and Monopoly or monopolistic competition. When looking at Forms of Market, we have explained various forms of market and there characteristics, including perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and Oligopoly. How each of these forms of market compare with each other is also covered as a part of this Course. In case of perfect competition, our course covers what would be the market situation in case where either supply or demand are elastic, or inelastic, and there are changes in the other variable. This would cover simultaneous changes in supply and demand, change in demand when supply is perfectly inelastic and vice versa.
                  Overview As advanced economies come to the end of the process of industrialization and with the rise of information technology we are witnessing the birth of a new type of post-industrial economy, it is built on services, fueled by information and knowledge and it is increasingly integrated through global financial and supply chain networks. These huge changes in the deep architecture to our economies go far beyond our industrial paradigm and are necessitating a re-imagination of economy theory. General equilibrium models that were derived from classical physics got mathematized during the 20th century, these models give us a picture of the economy as composed of isolated, purely rational individuals, optimizing over a well defined set of preferences out of which we get a macro level general equilibrium in a somewhat static and timeless economy. It was a paradigm that fitted well with industrial age mechanization. But today the limitations of general equilibrium theory are becoming more apparent as we build new models, models to individual agents that have bounded rationality, driven by a diversity of motives they are interconnected and interdependent. And it is out of these nonlinear interactions we get the emergence of economic institutions as network structures that are far-from-equilibrium, in an economy that is constantly changing from internal drivers as it develops over time through an evolutionary process. Content This course is an overview to the new area of complexity economics, the application of models from complexity theory to the domain of economic science. The course is broken down into five main sections, we will start off with an overview to economic theory discussing our standard approach before going on to give a clear outline to the main ideas coming out of complexity economies. Next we will borrow from behavioral economics to build up a more complex model to economic agents as we talk about the idea of bounded rationality, different theories of value, choice theory and incentive systems. In the third section we will be looking at nonlinear economics as we apply system dynamics to modeling micro economic phenomena, we will be talking about how feedback loops create nonlinearity and the process of self-organization out of which emerges non-equilibrium patterns of organization in the economy. Next we will apply network analysis to modeling macro level economic institutions such as markets, we will introduce you to the basics of network theory and go on to talk about economic networks, their topology, distribution and dynamics. In the final section will be looking through the lens of complex adaptive systems theory to understand how whole macro economies emerge out of the actions and reactions of many different organizations, we will use the model of a fitness landscape in order to help us understand the process of economic evolution.
                    Welcome to this MOOC on Local Economic Development (LED). Local economic development refers to the processes by which local governments, businesses, and civil society groups get together to raise income sustainably and improve their lives in a well-defined area. It’s about creating jobs, securing livelihoods, improving infrastructure and managing local resources. What do I learn? We will be dealing with questions such as the following. Why does economic development take place in some areas of the world and not in others? Why doesn’t it happen in your place? What prevents people from having the lives they want to live right there? Could your region make more of the opportunities of globalization and new technologies? Did the promises of decentralization in your country fail to deliver better public services and more responsive governments? If these are the questions you are asking yourself, this is the right course for you. It explores the where, who and how of economic development. Please have a look at our list of contents for the coming 8 weeks: 1. What is LED? What drives it? 2. How does globalization shape LED? 3. How does decentralisation affect LED? 4. How does competitiveness affect innovation? 5. What are entrepreneurship and its dimensions? 6. Why are value chains and clusters so important? 7. What are some LED strategies? 8. Your project How will I learn? In each week you will be able to access the content of the videos, suggested readings and additional videos for selective deepening. You will also find assignments that you have to complete if you want to earn a certificate for this MOOC. We will first introduce our “toolkit”, a series of theories and concepts that will help you read the situation in your locality. We will explore the main factors affecting local economic development, such as globalization, decentralisation, and competitiveness. We will discuss key components, like entrepreneurship and innovation and look into the organization of local economies into clusters, value chains and learning regions. We will conclude by deepening on some specific constructs that make local economies grow to benefit their communities. You will also contribute your ideas in the discussion forums, where you will learn from other participants around the world. What makes this course special? There is plenty of information in Internet on local economic development, which is mostly prepared by international donors or multilateral organisations. So what does this course do differently? First of all, the course is offered by academics that have significant published research on local economic development. This course gathers a wealth of academic knowledge that often fights the assumptions on what things are supposed to be like. Second, the instructors of this course have participated in dozens of capacity building projects in Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Putting learning at the centre, they worked with communities, local governments, international donors and business associations. They often found a significant distance between theory and practice in local economic development, and this has been the basis of learning. Third, the course is acutely aware that each region is different and does not attempt to offer a one-size-fits-all recipe. It singles out key factors that drive local economic development and enables participants to do their own learning process, defining local problems and appropriate solutions. The aim of the course is that participants come up with their own ideas on how to promote local economic development. How will I get a certificate? If you want a certificate for participating in this MOOC, you will need to complete a small assignment each week and participate in the discussion forums. In the end of the MOOC, you will put these contributions together in one final document, your Capstone Project. I hope you find this course exciting and that you get to share our passion for promoting local economic development. Your instructors Dr. Georgina M. Gómez, ISS Prof. Emeritus AHJ (Bert) Helmsing, ISS Dr. Jan Fransen, IHS