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Odkryj nasz rozbudowany kurs AI, który przenosi edukację na wyższy poziom, oferując ponad 90 lekcji wideo i 19+ godzin treści.

Jako internetowi twórcy i osoby zaangażowane w biznes i AI, dobrze rozumiemy problemy, jakie doświadczają osoby z branży. Znaleźliśmy mnóstwo rozwiązań, które pomagają nam w pracy i przynoszą świetne efekty.

Kluczowym elementem było zrozumienie potencjału AI.

Taką wiedzę pragniemy przekazać także i Tobie.

Sprawdź informację na dole opisu, jest tam fakt, który na pewno Cię zainteresuje ;)

Ten kurs jest idealny dla:

  • przedsiębiorców,

  • twórców internetowych,

  • osób interesujących się sztuczną inteligencją,

  • osób chcących zacząć z budowaniem stron i SEO,

  • freelancerów dążących do efektywniejszej pracy z AI.

Nie tylko nauczysz się teorii, ale też dowiesz się, jak stosować AI w:

  • strategiach mediów społecznościowych,

  • planowaniu rozwoju własnego biznesu czy twórczności,

  • budowaniu stron,

  • organizacji czasu pracy,

  • SEO,

  • analizie konkurencji,

  • tworzeniu opisów produktów,

  • pisaniu artykułów,

  • życiu codziennym - praca/studia (mamy dobre sposoby) ;)


AI to nie jest chwilowy trend.

Z tygodnia na tydzień.

Z dnia na dzień.

Sztuczna inteligencja ciągle się zmienia i ewoluuje.

Nie zostawiamy naszej społeczności w tyle! Dlatego kurs będzie stale aktualizowany.

Jeśli to czytasz, to za miesiąc cena kursu może być już wyższa. Nie czekaj i dołącz do naszej niesamowitej społeczności Świata AI.

Zyskaj przewagę dzięki AI i praktycznym narzędziom.

P.S - Pamiętaj, w obecnych czasach internetu i sztucznej inteligencji, nałatwiej się zarabia.

Nigdy nie było to prostsze ! 

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Odkryj nasz rozbudowany kurs AI, który przenosi edukację na wyższy poziom, oferując ponad 90 lekcji wideo i 19+ godzin treści.

Jako internetowi twórcy i osoby zaangażowane w biznes i AI, dobrze rozumiemy problemy, jakie doświadczają osoby z branży. Znaleźliśmy mnóstwo rozwiązań, które pomagają nam w pracy i przynoszą świetne efekty.

Kluczowym elementem było zrozumienie potencjału AI.

Taką wiedzę pragniemy przekazać także i Tobie.

Sprawdź informację na dole opisu, jest tam fakt, który na pewno Cię zainteresuje ;)

Ten kurs jest idealny dla:

  • przedsiębiorców,

  • twórców internetowych,

  • osób interesujących się sztuczną inteligencją,

  • osób chcących zacząć z budowaniem stron i SEO,

  • freelancerów dążących do efektywniejszej pracy z AI.

Nie tylko nauczysz się teorii, ale też dowiesz się, jak stosować AI w:

  • strategiach mediów społecznościowych,

  • planowaniu rozwoju własnego biznesu czy twórczności,

  • budowaniu stron,

  • organizacji czasu pracy,

  • SEO,

  • analizie konkurencji,

  • tworzeniu opisów produktów,

  • pisaniu artykułów,

  • życiu codziennym - praca/studia (mamy dobre sposoby) ;)


AI to nie jest chwilowy trend.

Z tygodnia na tydzień.

Z dnia na dzień.

Sztuczna inteligencja ciągle się zmienia i ewoluuje.

Nie zostawiamy naszej społeczności w tyle! Dlatego kurs będzie stale aktualizowany.

Jeśli to czytasz, to za miesiąc cena kursu może być już wyższa. Nie czekaj i dołącz do naszej niesamowitej społeczności Świata AI.

Zyskaj przewagę dzięki AI i praktycznym narzędziom.

P.S - Pamiętaj, w obecnych czasach internetu i sztucznej inteligencji, nałatwiej się zarabia.

Nigdy nie było to prostsze ! 

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Welcome to Building & Monetizing Newsletter Business with AI course. There is one business that has amazing prospects and huge potentials in the market but not a lot of people talk about it. If you might be wondering what is it? The answer is newsletter business. People might underestimate the prospects of this business because this model is less popular compared to business models like e-commerce, social media marketing agency, and print on demand. Actually, this is good news because it means that you will have relatively less competition and a higher chance to be successful. Now, let’s talk about the course. This is a comprehensive step by step guide on how to start your first newsletter business from scratch, in addition to that, you will also outsource most of your work to AI tools. In the introduction session, you will learn the basic fundamentals of newsletter business model, such as getting to know the market overview of newsletter business, main benefits of having newsletter business, and learn how AI can be used to automate newsletter creation. Then, you will continue by learning how to pick a high demand niche for your newsletter business and specify your target audience. Afterward, you will enter the project section, where you will be guided step by step on how to build your newsletter business from scratch using tools like Beehiiv, Newsletter Pilot, Any Word, Hoopy Copy, Junia AI, and Neural Newsletter. Once you have built your newsletter business using those tools, you will learn how to promote your newsletter and start growing your subscription base using several marketing strategies like social media promotion, uploading your website on Product Hunt, and building email lists. In the next section, you will learn several pricing strategies, specifically we will be mainly focusing on tiered pricing, freemium model, and pay what you want model. Then, you will also learn how to monetise your newsletter business through several monetisation models like monthly subscription, displaying ads, and sponsored content. Lastly, you are also going to learn about selling your newsletter business to big media companies. This section will highlight several marketplaces where you can sell your newsletter business, for example Duuce and Flippa where you can easily find people who might potentially be interested in acquiring your newsletter business.

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask ourselves this question, why should we start a newsletter business? Well, there are many answers to that question but one thing that people do not realise is the fact that there are many hidden monetisation models for this particular business, Not only that, in today’s creator economy, if you have high quality traffic, it opens many doors for monetisation, you can sell your products, you can also promote someone else product and get commission, or get paid through sponsored content, therefore by operating a newsletter business with substantial amount of subscribers, realise it or not you have the traffic that can potentially be monetised. Can you imagine, a lot of businesses have to prepare budgets for running ads to get traffic, but as someone who runs a newsletter business, you already have the traffic and the concept here is actually very simple, you create high quality and valuable news contents, and people who are interested will subscribe and in return you get their attentions

Below are things that you can expect to learn from this course:

  • Learn the basic fundamentals of newsletter business model, such as getting to know, market value and market trend of newsletter business, main benefits of having newsletter business, and how AI can be used to automate newsletter creation

  • Learn how to pick high demand newsletter niche and specify your target audience

  • Learn how to build and customize newsletter website with Beehiiv

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Beehiiv AI

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Hoppy Copy

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Neural News

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Junia AI

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Anyword

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Newsletter Pilot

  • Learn how to create Stripe account and connect it to Beehiiv

  • Learn how to set up price for premium subscription

  • Learn about Boosts marketplace on Beehiiv

  • Learn email automation to optimise newsletter CTR

  • Learn how to promote newsletter and grow subscription base using social media, referral program, and Product Hunt

  • Learn several pricing strategies for newsletter business, such as tiered pricing and freemium model

  • Learn how to monetise newsletter business through subscription based model, displaying ads, and sponsored content

  • Learn how to sell your newsletter business and potentially get acquired by media companies

  • Learn how to estimate your newsletter business valuation using Duuce calculator

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Welcome to Building & Monetizing Newsletter Business with AI course. There is one business that has amazing prospects and huge potentials in the market but not a lot of people talk about it. If you might be wondering what is it? The answer is newsletter business. People might underestimate the prospects of this business because this model is less popular compared to business models like e-commerce, social media marketing agency, and print on demand. Actually, this is good news because it means that you will have relatively less competition and a higher chance to be successful. Now, let’s talk about the course. This is a comprehensive step by step guide on how to start your first newsletter business from scratch, in addition to that, you will also outsource most of your work to AI tools. In the introduction session, you will learn the basic fundamentals of newsletter business model, such as getting to know the market overview of newsletter business, main benefits of having newsletter business, and learn how AI can be used to automate newsletter creation. Then, you will continue by learning how to pick a high demand niche for your newsletter business and specify your target audience. Afterward, you will enter the project section, where you will be guided step by step on how to build your newsletter business from scratch using tools like Beehiiv, Newsletter Pilot, Any Word, Hoopy Copy, Junia AI, and Neural Newsletter. Once you have built your newsletter business using those tools, you will learn how to promote your newsletter and start growing your subscription base using several marketing strategies like social media promotion, uploading your website on Product Hunt, and building email lists. In the next section, you will learn several pricing strategies, specifically we will be mainly focusing on tiered pricing, freemium model, and pay what you want model. Then, you will also learn how to monetise your newsletter business through several monetisation models like monthly subscription, displaying ads, and sponsored content. Lastly, you are also going to learn about selling your newsletter business to big media companies. This section will highlight several marketplaces where you can sell your newsletter business, for example Duuce and Flippa where you can easily find people who might potentially be interested in acquiring your newsletter business.

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask ourselves this question, why should we start a newsletter business? Well, there are many answers to that question but one thing that people do not realise is the fact that there are many hidden monetisation models for this particular business, Not only that, in today’s creator economy, if you have high quality traffic, it opens many doors for monetisation, you can sell your products, you can also promote someone else product and get commission, or get paid through sponsored content, therefore by operating a newsletter business with substantial amount of subscribers, realise it or not you have the traffic that can potentially be monetised. Can you imagine, a lot of businesses have to prepare budgets for running ads to get traffic, but as someone who runs a newsletter business, you already have the traffic and the concept here is actually very simple, you create high quality and valuable news contents, and people who are interested will subscribe and in return you get their attentions

Below are things that you can expect to learn from this course:

  • Learn the basic fundamentals of newsletter business model, such as getting to know, market value and market trend of newsletter business, main benefits of having newsletter business, and how AI can be used to automate newsletter creation

  • Learn how to pick high demand newsletter niche and specify your target audience

  • Learn how to build and customize newsletter website with Beehiiv

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Beehiiv AI

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Hoppy Copy

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Neural News

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Junia AI

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Anyword

  • Learn how to generate newsletter content with Newsletter Pilot

  • Learn how to create Stripe account and connect it to Beehiiv

  • Learn how to set up price for premium subscription

  • Learn about Boosts marketplace on Beehiiv

  • Learn email automation to optimise newsletter CTR

  • Learn how to promote newsletter and grow subscription base using social media, referral program, and Product Hunt

  • Learn several pricing strategies for newsletter business, such as tiered pricing and freemium model

  • Learn how to monetise newsletter business through subscription based model, displaying ads, and sponsored content

  • Learn how to sell your newsletter business and potentially get acquired by media companies

  • Learn how to estimate your newsletter business valuation using Duuce calculator

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Welcome to Automate Filmmaking: AI Text to Film & Storyboard Generation course. Here, in this course, you will be amazed by how far artificial intelligence has advanced nowadays. If I told you last year that you can generate a film and storyboard from just a single text prompt, most likely, you won’t believe that technology actually exists. However, what if I told you that today you actually can utilize AI to generate a film and storyboard with just a single AI prompt describing what you want and in a couple seconds AI can generate the film that you want. That’s exactly what you are going to learn here, in this course, there will be four main projects, the first one is to use AI text to film generator like Vaizz AI, Movie Bot, InVideo, you are going to use those tools to generate a complete film, the second one it to generate a film script using Nolan AI, the third project is to create a storyboard using AI tools like Krock IO and Storyboard That, meanwhile in the fourth project, you are going to create 3D animation film using Deep Motion. In the introduction session, you will learn basic fundamentals of AI text to film generator, such as getting to know its use cases, capabilities, and limitations that you should be aware of. Then continued by learning about storyboarding, especially understanding how it plays an essential role in filmmaking. Afterward you will enter the first project where you will be guided step by step on how to create a film using AI text to film generator tool, Then followed by the second project where you will learn how to generate a complete film script using Nolan AI. Once, we are done with the filmmaking, we will move on to the third project where you will learn step by step on how to generate a storyboard using AI tools like Krock IO, and the project section will be ended with Deep Motion tutorial where you will get to experiment with a lot with 3D avatars and objects to create your own animation videos. Lastly, at the end of the course, you will also learn how to monetise your film content through several business models, such as subscription model, ad revenue, and royalty fees.

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask ourselves this question. Why should we learn to create films and storyboards using AI? Well, there are many answers to that question, firstly, utilising AI technology will enable you to automate and speed up your film production process. Can you imagine how long it will take you if you need to record and edit your film manually? It might take a couple weeks or even a couple months. What if I told you that actually you can speed up the process significantly by utilizing AI text to film generators. Not only that, if we are talking from the cost perspective, can you imagine how much budget that you need to spend to hire film editors, animators, script writers, well, it will be a lot of money. Well, the good news here is you will be able to save up most of your budget since you will outsource the vast majority of all your work to artificial intelligence. Other than those two benefits, utilizing AI will also enable you to concentrate on things that are actually more relevant, such as finding new innovations for your next film and implementing the effective promotion strategies to reach as many people as possible.

Below are things that you are going to learn from this course:

  • Learn how to generate short film using Vaizz AI

  • Learn how to generate short film using Movie Bot IO

  • Learn how to generate short film using Invideo IO

  • Learn how to create storyboard using StoryboardThat

  • Learn how to generate content for storyboard using Krock IO

  • Learn how to generate film script using Nolan AI

  • Learn how to create 3D animation video using Deep Motion

  • Learn several different ways to monetise your film content through several models, such as ad revenue, licensing, and subscription based model.

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Welcome to Automate Filmmaking: AI Text to Film & Storyboard Generation course. Here, in this course, you will be amazed by how far artificial intelligence has advanced nowadays. If I told you last year that you can generate a film and storyboard from just a single text prompt, most likely, you won’t believe that technology actually exists. However, what if I told you that today you actually can utilize AI to generate a film and storyboard with just a single AI prompt describing what you want and in a couple seconds AI can generate the film that you want. That’s exactly what you are going to learn here, in this course, there will be four main projects, the first one is to use AI text to film generator like Vaizz AI, Movie Bot, InVideo, you are going to use those tools to generate a complete film, the second one it to generate a film script using Nolan AI, the third project is to create a storyboard using AI tools like Krock IO and Storyboard That, meanwhile in the fourth project, you are going to create 3D animation film using Deep Motion. In the introduction session, you will learn basic fundamentals of AI text to film generator, such as getting to know its use cases, capabilities, and limitations that you should be aware of. Then continued by learning about storyboarding, especially understanding how it plays an essential role in filmmaking. Afterward you will enter the first project where you will be guided step by step on how to create a film using AI text to film generator tool, Then followed by the second project where you will learn how to generate a complete film script using Nolan AI. Once, we are done with the filmmaking, we will move on to the third project where you will learn step by step on how to generate a storyboard using AI tools like Krock IO, and the project section will be ended with Deep Motion tutorial where you will get to experiment with a lot with 3D avatars and objects to create your own animation videos. Lastly, at the end of the course, you will also learn how to monetise your film content through several business models, such as subscription model, ad revenue, and royalty fees.

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask ourselves this question. Why should we learn to create films and storyboards using AI? Well, there are many answers to that question, firstly, utilising AI technology will enable you to automate and speed up your film production process. Can you imagine how long it will take you if you need to record and edit your film manually? It might take a couple weeks or even a couple months. What if I told you that actually you can speed up the process significantly by utilizing AI text to film generators. Not only that, if we are talking from the cost perspective, can you imagine how much budget that you need to spend to hire film editors, animators, script writers, well, it will be a lot of money. Well, the good news here is you will be able to save up most of your budget since you will outsource the vast majority of all your work to artificial intelligence. Other than those two benefits, utilizing AI will also enable you to concentrate on things that are actually more relevant, such as finding new innovations for your next film and implementing the effective promotion strategies to reach as many people as possible.

Below are things that you are going to learn from this course:

  • Learn how to generate short film using Vaizz AI

  • Learn how to generate short film using Movie Bot IO

  • Learn how to generate short film using Invideo IO

  • Learn how to create storyboard using StoryboardThat

  • Learn how to generate content for storyboard using Krock IO

  • Learn how to generate film script using Nolan AI

  • Learn how to create 3D animation video using Deep Motion

  • Learn several different ways to monetise your film content through several models, such as ad revenue, licensing, and subscription based model.


Quer aprender a criar imagens e animações incríveis, geradas por IA, de forma simples e eficiente sem gastar dinheiro?

Se sim, este curso é tudo o que você precisa para dominar o Leonardo AI!

Use suas criações para ilustrar produtos, criar apresentações impactantes, aumentar seu arsenal de ferramentas de design e criação de arte digital, ou simplesmente divirta-se criando o que você quiser!

Domine o uso das inovadoras ferramentas de criação de Arte e Design usando Inteligência Artificial Generativa!

Leonardo AI é uma poderosa ferramenta baseada no Stable Diffusion, para criação de qualquer tipo de imagem digital.

Diferente do Stable Diffusion, que demanda muito estudo e customização para criar as imagens que você quer de forma rápida, o Leonardo AI oferece workflows eficientes, permitindo criar imagens incríveis em pouco tempo.

Este curso oferecerá oportunidades incríveis para expandir seus horizontes criativos, seja você um artista digital, fotógrafo, designer ou um amante da criatividade visual.

Tenha acesso imediato a:

  • Vídeo aulas produzidas profissionalmente por um instrutor quase 400 mil alunos online.

  • Exemplos práticos da aplicação do conhecimento do curso.

  • Suporte premium caso tenha alguma dúvida.

  • Acesso vitalício ao curso e as atualizações semanais.

Seu Instrutor:

Professor Paulo Andrade é Professor Universitário e Coordenador de Gradução. Coordenou, durante mais de 15 anos, graduações e pós-graduções nas áreas de:

  • Design Gráfico;

  • Design de Animação;

  • Animação 3D;

  • Cinema e Audiovisual;

  • Produção Audiovisual.

Além de ter uma carreira acadêmica de sucesso, o Professor Paulo Andrade é Doutor em Computação e por criou mais de 70 cursos online que já impactaram mais de 400 mil alunos em mais de 150 países.

Não perca tempo!

Saia na frente na criação de arte digital!


Quer aprender a criar imagens e animações incríveis, geradas por IA, de forma simples e eficiente sem gastar dinheiro?

Se sim, este curso é tudo o que você precisa para dominar o Leonardo AI!

Use suas criações para ilustrar produtos, criar apresentações impactantes, aumentar seu arsenal de ferramentas de design e criação de arte digital, ou simplesmente divirta-se criando o que você quiser!

Domine o uso das inovadoras ferramentas de criação de Arte e Design usando Inteligência Artificial Generativa!

Leonardo AI é uma poderosa ferramenta baseada no Stable Diffusion, para criação de qualquer tipo de imagem digital.

Diferente do Stable Diffusion, que demanda muito estudo e customização para criar as imagens que você quer de forma rápida, o Leonardo AI oferece workflows eficientes, permitindo criar imagens incríveis em pouco tempo.

Este curso oferecerá oportunidades incríveis para expandir seus horizontes criativos, seja você um artista digital, fotógrafo, designer ou um amante da criatividade visual.

Tenha acesso imediato a:

  • Vídeo aulas produzidas profissionalmente por um instrutor quase 400 mil alunos online.

  • Exemplos práticos da aplicação do conhecimento do curso.

  • Suporte premium caso tenha alguma dúvida.

  • Acesso vitalício ao curso e as atualizações semanais.

Seu Instrutor:

Professor Paulo Andrade é Professor Universitário e Coordenador de Gradução. Coordenou, durante mais de 15 anos, graduações e pós-graduções nas áreas de:

  • Design Gráfico;

  • Design de Animação;

  • Animação 3D;

  • Cinema e Audiovisual;

  • Produção Audiovisual.

Além de ter uma carreira acadêmica de sucesso, o Professor Paulo Andrade é Doutor em Computação e por criou mais de 70 cursos online que já impactaram mais de 400 mil alunos em mais de 150 países.

Não perca tempo!

Saia na frente na criação de arte digital!

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   The news media plays a very key role in shaping public perception about artificial intelligence, lets all understand that artificial intelligence has its own advantages and disadvantages.There is panic in the total acceptance of artificial intelligence but in my opinion, artificial intelligence will help work to be completed effectively and efficiently, but it will not take away people jobs as its being speculated. As the media ecosystem is going through major changes, it has sparked concerns about how and to what extent artificial intelligence can be used for journalism and rightly so. The several cases encountered so far and gloomy outlook of the future on the subject, disinformation seems to be a running theme. We must understand that misinformation unlike disinformation may or may not be deliberate. But given accuracy is one of the fundamental elements of quality journalism, artificial intelligence getting its basic factual data incorrect on multiple times can threaten the trustworthiness of journalism, in the long term.

    There are many social media artificial intelligence tools that makes generating post easy. This tools can also recognize context from a larger piece of content and create social media posts for promotion.  Artificial intelligence driven social media strategy involves the use of cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies to automate, analyze, and enhance your media effort. In films, artificial intelligence not only allows for quicker production times but also enhances interactivity between viewers and movie makers, making it easier than ever to create great visual content.

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   The news media plays a very key role in shaping public perception about artificial intelligence, lets all understand that artificial intelligence has its own advantages and disadvantages.There is panic in the total acceptance of artificial intelligence but in my opinion, artificial intelligence will help work to be completed effectively and efficiently, but it will not take away people jobs as its being speculated. As the media ecosystem is going through major changes, it has sparked concerns about how and to what extent artificial intelligence can be used for journalism and rightly so. The several cases encountered so far and gloomy outlook of the future on the subject, disinformation seems to be a running theme. We must understand that misinformation unlike disinformation may or may not be deliberate. But given accuracy is one of the fundamental elements of quality journalism, artificial intelligence getting its basic factual data incorrect on multiple times can threaten the trustworthiness of journalism, in the long term.

    There are many social media artificial intelligence tools that makes generating post easy. This tools can also recognize context from a larger piece of content and create social media posts for promotion.  Artificial intelligence driven social media strategy involves the use of cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies to automate, analyze, and enhance your media effort. In films, artificial intelligence not only allows for quicker production times but also enhances interactivity between viewers and movie makers, making it easier than ever to create great visual content.