
W dzisiejszym konkurencyjnym świecie e-commerce, wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji (AI) i zaawansowanych narzędzi stanowi klucz do osiągnięcia sukcesu w branży dropshippingu i odsprzedaży czy dorabianiu pieniędzy. Ten kurs oferuje uczestnikom unikalną możliwość zgłębienia wiedzy i zdobycia praktycznych umiejętności potrzebnych do pełnego wykorzystania potencjału AI na różnych etapach prowadzenia biznesu.

Kurs ten jest zaprojektowany tak, aby przekazać uczestnikom szczegółową wiedzę oraz praktyczne umiejętności z zakresu dropshippingu i e-commerce. Skupiamy się na wykorzystaniu sztucznej inteligencji w analizie rynku, komunikacji z klientami i tworzeniu efektywnych strategii marketingowych w e-commerce.

Ten kurs omawia konkretne narzędzia i techniki, które pozwalają na znalezienie niszowych produktów o dużym potencjale sprzedaży, a także na automatyzację procesów biznesowych za pomocą specjalistycznych wtyczek, takich jak Ali Tools, Ali Price i AliNiche. Dodatkowo, uczestnicy kursu dowiedzą się, jak korzystać z technologii RSS do tworzenia alertów, które pomagają śledzić nowe produkty na platformach takich jak AliExpress i Alibaba, a także monitorować ukryte rankingi produktów.

Kurs uwzględnia również eksplorację różnych serwisów e-commerce, takich jak Etsy, Geekbuying, Temu, Dropy Ubrań, PandaBuy, i omawia strategie psychologiczne związane z cenami oraz metody scrapingu danych ze stron internetowych. Ten kurs to nie tylko źródło wiedzy, ale także okazja do praktycznego wykorzystania zdobytej wiedzy w rzeczywistym biznesie z wykorzystaniem najnowszych narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji.


W dzisiejszym konkurencyjnym świecie e-commerce, wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji (AI) i zaawansowanych narzędzi stanowi klucz do osiągnięcia sukcesu w branży dropshippingu i odsprzedaży czy dorabianiu pieniędzy. Ten kurs oferuje uczestnikom unikalną możliwość zgłębienia wiedzy i zdobycia praktycznych umiejętności potrzebnych do pełnego wykorzystania potencjału AI na różnych etapach prowadzenia biznesu.

Kurs ten jest zaprojektowany tak, aby przekazać uczestnikom szczegółową wiedzę oraz praktyczne umiejętności z zakresu dropshippingu i e-commerce. Skupiamy się na wykorzystaniu sztucznej inteligencji w analizie rynku, komunikacji z klientami i tworzeniu efektywnych strategii marketingowych w e-commerce.

Ten kurs omawia konkretne narzędzia i techniki, które pozwalają na znalezienie niszowych produktów o dużym potencjale sprzedaży, a także na automatyzację procesów biznesowych za pomocą specjalistycznych wtyczek, takich jak Ali Tools, Ali Price i AliNiche. Dodatkowo, uczestnicy kursu dowiedzą się, jak korzystać z technologii RSS do tworzenia alertów, które pomagają śledzić nowe produkty na platformach takich jak AliExpress i Alibaba, a także monitorować ukryte rankingi produktów.

Kurs uwzględnia również eksplorację różnych serwisów e-commerce, takich jak Etsy, Geekbuying, Temu, Dropy Ubrań, PandaBuy, i omawia strategie psychologiczne związane z cenami oraz metody scrapingu danych ze stron internetowych. Ten kurs to nie tylko źródło wiedzy, ale także okazja do praktycznego wykorzystania zdobytej wiedzy w rzeczywistym biznesie z wykorzystaniem najnowszych narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji.


ChatGPT can help with project planning by generating project outlines, timelines, and task lists. It can analyze project requirements and constraints and suggest possible project structures. This aids in the initial phases of project management, ensuring a solid foundation. ChatGPT can facilitate efficient communication within project teams. It can draft and suggest emails, reports, and documents, ensuring clear and concise messaging. It can also assist in setting up chatbots or automated responses to handle routine inquiries, freeing up human resources for more critical tasks.

ChatGPT can help in task management by creating to-do lists, assigning tasks, and setting priorities. It can also provide reminders and alerts, ensuring that team members stay on top of their responsibilities. ChatGPT can process and analyze project data, making it easier to derive insights. It can generate reports, charts, and graphs based on project metrics, helping project managers make informed decisions.  ChatGPT can assist in identifying and assessing project risks. It can predict potential issues, suggest mitigation strategies, and offer insights into how similar risks have been handled in the past.

ChatGPT can significantly enhance project management by providing support in planning, communication, task management, data analysis, risk assessment, decision-making, documentation, automation, accessibility, and scalability. Its ability to generate content, offer insights, and streamline processes can lead to more efficient and effective project execution, ultimately improving project outcomes. However, it's essential to integrate ChatGPT thoughtfully and ensure that human judgment remains a crucial part of project management to balance the advantages of AI with the nuances of human decision-making.


ChatGPT can help with project planning by generating project outlines, timelines, and task lists. It can analyze project requirements and constraints and suggest possible project structures. This aids in the initial phases of project management, ensuring a solid foundation. ChatGPT can facilitate efficient communication within project teams. It can draft and suggest emails, reports, and documents, ensuring clear and concise messaging. It can also assist in setting up chatbots or automated responses to handle routine inquiries, freeing up human resources for more critical tasks.

ChatGPT can help in task management by creating to-do lists, assigning tasks, and setting priorities. It can also provide reminders and alerts, ensuring that team members stay on top of their responsibilities. ChatGPT can process and analyze project data, making it easier to derive insights. It can generate reports, charts, and graphs based on project metrics, helping project managers make informed decisions.  ChatGPT can assist in identifying and assessing project risks. It can predict potential issues, suggest mitigation strategies, and offer insights into how similar risks have been handled in the past.

ChatGPT can significantly enhance project management by providing support in planning, communication, task management, data analysis, risk assessment, decision-making, documentation, automation, accessibility, and scalability. Its ability to generate content, offer insights, and streamline processes can lead to more efficient and effective project execution, ultimately improving project outcomes. However, it's essential to integrate ChatGPT thoughtfully and ensure that human judgment remains a crucial part of project management to balance the advantages of AI with the nuances of human decision-making.




  1. イントロダクション:ここでは、講師の経歴、このコースで何を学ぶか、なぜ学ぶ必要があるか、そしてどんな価値が得られるかを紹介します。

  2. ペルソナの設定・強みの洗い出し:自分のお客様像を設定する「ペルソナ」と、自分の強みを見つける方法について学びます。

  3. 顧客リストの作成:お客様のリストを作成し、Googleスプレッドシートで管理する方法を学びます。これを使って、効果的な営業活動をするための方法も紹介します。

  4. ChatGPTを用いた営業メールの作成方法:AI技術「ChatGPT」を使った、効果的な営業メールの作成方法を学びます。メールの件名や内容、トーンなどについて詳しく学べます。

  5. オンライン面談の対策:オンラインでの面談のマナーやプレゼンテーションの方法、面談後のフォローアップの仕方について学びます。

  6. 業務委託契約と秘密保持契約書(NDA)の締結:契約書の重要性や基本的な内容、オンラインでの契約書締結について学びます。





  1. イントロダクション:ここでは、講師の経歴、このコースで何を学ぶか、なぜ学ぶ必要があるか、そしてどんな価値が得られるかを紹介します。

  2. ペルソナの設定・強みの洗い出し:自分のお客様像を設定する「ペルソナ」と、自分の強みを見つける方法について学びます。

  3. 顧客リストの作成:お客様のリストを作成し、Googleスプレッドシートで管理する方法を学びます。これを使って、効果的な営業活動をするための方法も紹介します。

  4. ChatGPTを用いた営業メールの作成方法:AI技術「ChatGPT」を使った、効果的な営業メールの作成方法を学びます。メールの件名や内容、トーンなどについて詳しく学べます。

  5. オンライン面談の対策:オンラインでの面談のマナーやプレゼンテーションの方法、面談後のフォローアップの仕方について学びます。

  6. 業務委託契約と秘密保持契約書(NDA)の締結:契約書の重要性や基本的な内容、オンラインでの契約書締結について学びます。



Cold Emailing and Lead Generation with AI: Learn How to Generate More Leads, Clients, and Sales with Email Marketing

Do you want to learn how to generate more leads and sales for your business using cold email?

Do you want to use the power of artificial intelligence to create personalized and engaging emails that get responses?

Do you want to master the tools and techniques of cold outreach and lead generation using Instantly AI?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is for you!

Instantly AI is a cold email software that helps you create customized emails for your prospects. It uses artificial intelligence to generate email copy, subject lines, and follow-ups that match your audience’s needs and preferences. It also helps you find and verify leads, manage and monitor your campaigns, and track and analyze your results.

In this course, you will learn how to use Instantly AI to generate cold emails that convert. You will also learn how to:

  • Set up your account, connect your email provider, and verify your domain

  • Warm up your emails, avoid landing into spam, and make your emails more authentic

  • Find and verify leads using various sources and methods

  • Create and set up campaigns, import leads, schedule emails, and create sequences and subsequences

  • Track and analyze your campaign performance and optimize your conversion rate

  • Use the unibox to manage your email inbox and reply to your prospects

  • Find clients for your leads and emails using various platforms and strategies

  • Build your own agency using Instantly AI

This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to use Instantly AI to generate more leads and sales for their business using cold email. Whether a beginner or an expert, this course will teach you everything you need to know about cold outreach and lead generation using Instantly AI.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Use Instantly AI to generate personalized and engaging emails for your prospects

  • Generate up to 10x more replies than traditional cold emails

  • Increase your open rate by up to 50% with catchy subject lines

  • Boost your response rate by up to 40% with effective follow-ups

  • Grow your pipeline by up to 300% with qualified leads

  • Convert more prospects into customers with proven sales techniques

  • Scale your business with automation and AI

This course contains practical examples, exercises, quizzes, tips, tricks, resources, and bonuses. You will also get lifetime access to the course content, updates, and support from the instructor.

So what are you waiting for?

Enroll now and start generating more leads and sales for your business using Instantly AI!


Cold Emailing and Lead Generation with AI: Learn How to Generate More Leads, Clients, and Sales with Email Marketing

Do you want to learn how to generate more leads and sales for your business using cold email?

Do you want to use the power of artificial intelligence to create personalized and engaging emails that get responses?

Do you want to master the tools and techniques of cold outreach and lead generation using Instantly AI?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is for you!

Instantly AI is a cold email software that helps you create customized emails for your prospects. It uses artificial intelligence to generate email copy, subject lines, and follow-ups that match your audience’s needs and preferences. It also helps you find and verify leads, manage and monitor your campaigns, and track and analyze your results.

In this course, you will learn how to use Instantly AI to generate cold emails that convert. You will also learn how to:

  • Set up your account, connect your email provider, and verify your domain

  • Warm up your emails, avoid landing into spam, and make your emails more authentic

  • Find and verify leads using various sources and methods

  • Create and set up campaigns, import leads, schedule emails, and create sequences and subsequences

  • Track and analyze your campaign performance and optimize your conversion rate

  • Use the unibox to manage your email inbox and reply to your prospects

  • Find clients for your leads and emails using various platforms and strategies

  • Build your own agency using Instantly AI

This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to use Instantly AI to generate more leads and sales for their business using cold email. Whether a beginner or an expert, this course will teach you everything you need to know about cold outreach and lead generation using Instantly AI.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Use Instantly AI to generate personalized and engaging emails for your prospects

  • Generate up to 10x more replies than traditional cold emails

  • Increase your open rate by up to 50% with catchy subject lines

  • Boost your response rate by up to 40% with effective follow-ups

  • Grow your pipeline by up to 300% with qualified leads

  • Convert more prospects into customers with proven sales techniques

  • Scale your business with automation and AI

This course contains practical examples, exercises, quizzes, tips, tricks, resources, and bonuses. You will also get lifetime access to the course content, updates, and support from the instructor.

So what are you waiting for?

Enroll now and start generating more leads and sales for your business using Instantly AI!

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The AI for Small Business Sales course is designed to help small business owners unlock the power of artificial intelligence and use it to improve their sales. In this course, you will learn why you should use AI. How to leverage AI tools and techniques to automate tasks, personalize sales experiences, predict customer behavior, improve customer support, and analyze sales data.

You will start by learning the basics of AI, how it can be applied in sales, and the various AI-powered sales tools available for small businesses. You will then dive deeper into the practical applications of AI in sales, including lead generation, customer engagement, and marketing.

The course will also cover data analysis, customer behavior prediction, and chatbots for customer support. You will learn how to use AI to gain insights into your sales data and make informed decisions about your sales strategy.

By the end of the course, you will have a thorough understanding of how to use AI to improve your sales processes and grow your small business. You will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to implement AI-powered sales tools and techniques and gain a competitive edge in your industry.

Are you ready to take your sales to the next level using tools that will make things easier?

star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border

The AI for Small Business Sales course is designed to help small business owners unlock the power of artificial intelligence and use it to improve their sales. In this course, you will learn why you should use AI. How to leverage AI tools and techniques to automate tasks, personalize sales experiences, predict customer behavior, improve customer support, and analyze sales data.

You will start by learning the basics of AI, how it can be applied in sales, and the various AI-powered sales tools available for small businesses. You will then dive deeper into the practical applications of AI in sales, including lead generation, customer engagement, and marketing.

The course will also cover data analysis, customer behavior prediction, and chatbots for customer support. You will learn how to use AI to gain insights into your sales data and make informed decisions about your sales strategy.

By the end of the course, you will have a thorough understanding of how to use AI to improve your sales processes and grow your small business. You will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to implement AI-powered sales tools and techniques and gain a competitive edge in your industry.

Are you ready to take your sales to the next level using tools that will make things easier?