This course gives you a basic understanding of the US regulation, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or HIPPA as it is commonly known. The training provides a broader view of the legal and governing background of HIPAA along with the various rules and standards associated with it. In recent years, with the increase in the number of health data breaches, HIPAA has gained a lot of prominence in the healthcare arena. While cyberattacks and ransomware attacks add to the agonies of health insurers and providers, HIPAA assures security and protection.
    We are going to take you through the three phases of framing. Phase 1 floor frame, phase 2 wall framing anf phase 3 roof framing. This is the third of eight courses that will take you through the construction of your dream home and to know more about what you should expect from your builder or contractor.
      Get ready to kick some software project butt. Enter the world of the Agile Samurai, where the most dire of software projects are dispatched with ease and grace. By learning the ways of the Agile Samurai you will discover: What Agile is, how it works, and the mindset necessary for working iteratively Common myths and pitfalls and how to choose the right Agile method for you How to build a good Agile team How from traditional waterfall roles (like developer, analyst, tester, and project manager) change on Agile project How to create a plan you and your customer can believe in How to gather requirements in a fraction of the time using Agile User Stories How to deliver something of value every week What to do when the schedule is wrong, and how to look like a pro correcting it, and The four essential Agile Engineering practices and why they are so important for Agility. By the end of this course you’ll have everything you need to successfully set up, execute, and deliver your own Agile project. Course Outline Agile In a Nutshell What Agile is, how it works, and how to choose the right Agile method for you. Agile Teams What makes the Agile team tick. Characteristics of good Agile teams. And how to find quality players. User Stories In this session we break down what user stories are, how they work, what effective user stories look like for your project, and how to host great story gathering work shops. Estimation By learning how to estimate the Agile way, you’ll stop trying to get something your up-front estimates can’t give (precision and accuracy) and instead focus on what really matters—building a plan you and your customer can believe in. Planning In this session, you’re going to learn how to create plans you can believe in and follow through on commitments you and your team make. Iteration Mechanics This session shows teams how to set the iterations up for success, breaks down what actually occurs during an iteration, and how to setup an agile communication plan for you and your team. Visible Workspaces By learning how to create a visual workspace, you and the team will never be at a loss for what to do next or where you can add the greatest value. Engineering Agile doesn’t work on planning alone. That would be wishful thinking. Only by apply these core software engineering practices can you reduce the time it takes to test, ensure you always have a good design, and confidently make necessary changes with speed. Unit Testing - Automated tests proving your software works Refactoring - Paying down technical debt, while continuously improving your design Test-Driven Development - Write the tests first to help improve your design Continuous Integration - Maintaining a culture of production readiness, and deploying at a moments notice Intended Audience This is an introductory level course on Agile software delivery. Course Requirements No previous experience with Agile expected or necessary. Instructional Level All Levels Update NEW FAQ Section April 2017 New FAQ section added answering most commonly asked questions New templates section added containing downloadable examples of burn down charts Update NEW Cheat Sheet Section August 2018 New section summarizing key concepts in downloadable pdf
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        This course is designed for the students who wish to understand how any company's' financial records are analysed by seeing their financial reports. Short to Long term financial position and Efficiency of resources will be understood in the course. Students who are willing to take up the career as Analyst, they must enroll in this course for more clarity of concepts.
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          Small business operations are often developed informally and by trial and error. Operations management can make or break a business. As your business grows there will be a need to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations. Operations management techniques, which have their origins in large organisations, can be applied with great results in small businesses. This course is a practical guide to how these proven techniques can be used in small businesses. This course will take you on a journey through: Learning the key concepts of operations management Exploring how operations management can deliver your business strategy Learning how to design products, services, operations and processes Exploring how operations can be planned and delivered Learning how operations can always be improved The course is aimed at owners and managers of small businesses. It is also suitable for business studies students, at any level, who are keen to run or work in a small business. You do not need any prior theoretical knowledge to take this course. You will need to have a passion for running a successful business, whether now or in the future. Practical experience of small business management or a general overview of the way a particular small business works will help you to relate these techniques directly to real situations. The course comprises 40 lectures in the form of video presentations and includes: 4 quizzes to confirm your understanding of the course sections Mini case studies of the applications of these techniques in a range of small business sectors Suggestions for activities for you to apply specific techniques to your own business or a business you are familiar with Discussions where we can share experiences of applying these techniques We will be learning a myriad of techniques including: fitting operations to strategy, optimising flexibility and cost, designing layouts, maximising yield, supply chain management, lean approaches, project planning and control, risk management and quality improvement.
            Smart Contracts? They're here. The Ethereum Blockchain? Covered. Solidity? Yep! There can be no understating it: Ethereum and Blockchain technology is the most disruptive force in years.  Companies cannot hire developers who understand blockchain technologies fast enough, but there are a tiny number of resources published to help you truly understand what blockchains are used for, let alone build apps with them.  That's the purpose of this course: to be the best resource online for learning about Ethereum, blockchains, and how to build apps with this new technology. The development community is still figuring out the best way to use Ethereum in the creation of new and exciting apps.  I spent a tremendous amount of time to research and create best practice for interfacing with Ethereum from Javascript.  I can't overstate it enough; this course will show you the best and most easily repeatable patterns for creating production-ready apps with Ethereum. What tools and libraries are used? The Ethereum tech ecosystem is in constant change.  Don't be fooled by other courses that mention how you'll learn a dozen different libraries!  Every library that you'll use with Ethereum breaks and is deprecated on a near-weekly basis!  Instead, this course will teach you how to assemble your own boilerplate package to develop, compile, and test Smart Contracts.  By learning the core technologies , you'll be prepared to adjust to Ethereum no matter how the ecosystem changes. What is Ethereum? Ethereum is a cryptocurrency much like Bitcoin, and it has been heralded as Bitcoins successor .  Whereas Bitcoin currently has issues scaling with an increasing backlog of transactions, Ethereum is poised to surpass Bitcoin in performance, popularity, and value.  Ethereum was created to help developers like you create applications focused around transferring money or value from one party to another. What is Solidity? Solidity is a programming language for writing Smart Contracts.  Essentially, think of it as a way to control a bank account with code.  With Solidity, we can write applications that simulate a crowd funding campaign, a lottery, a loan, or any other type of financial instrument.  Don't be intimidated by learning 'another' programming language; Solidity is known to be quite similar to Javascript and exceptionally easy to pick up for anyone who has previous JS experience.  This course will give you all the tools you need to master Solidity.
              This course has been designed to take you through an interactive, Epic journey from the roots of Agile and Scrum to present day implementation strategies, and beyond. This well narrated, movie style course will show how to implement the Scrum constructs and the importance of the Lean|Agile mindset. The course will also cover the trending frameworks for innovation like Design Thinking and Lean Startup, and how it fits into the Scrum framework. You will learn the roles, artifacts, and ceremonies of Scrum. Each Scrum ceremony will be simulated to illustrate the best practices. The course will also cover the trending frameworks for innovation like Design Thinking and Lean Startup, and how it fits into the Agile paradigm. At the end of the course, you can claim PDU and SEU credits from Project Management Institute and the Scrum Alliance, and review our real life Agile implementation case study.
                "Scrum Open, Professional Scrum™, Professional Scrum Master™, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. Our course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org." Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now! The unique reasons for taking this course are: Complete, Concise, Confident Overview of  Scrum - You will be confident that you have learned Scrum as the founders intended because I only teach accurately from the rule-book of Scrum. Confidence in completing a Scrum Certification - I teach you everything you need to gain confidence in the exam and then guide you on how to get certified online without going into a class room or spending $1000. I send you to the Scrum Open Assessment so you can practice before taking the final certification (Exam purchased separately - I will give you links directly to it). You get to ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully! Updated for 2021 and the v 2020 Scrum guide. Perfect for [2020] Scrum Guide exam preparation! This course is based on the Includes Narration from Ted R. Brown What is Scrum? Agile Scrum is a simple method for managing and completing even the most complex project.  Based on my experience, it has also been the number one reason why projects have delivered on time! Who should take is course? Whether you are a scrum master, product owner, team member, business stakeholder or simply someone who wants to understand what makes scrum tick, this is the place to start.  If you are preparing for a scrum master certification or other scrum certification, this class is for you. What will I learn? In this class you will learn: Concise overview of Scrum - The exact events, roles, rules and artefacts used to deliver a project using scrum along with the history of Scrum.  This includes lectures on the fundamentals of Sprint Planning, The Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Scrum Artefacts and more. The facts based on the Scrum Guide - The correct terminology and use of Scrum is essential to mastering it. The Scrum Guide is the rule book on Scrum and many do not use it or know it. Scrum Certification Preparation - A summary of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and frequently misunderstood points around Scrum that have been in past Open Assessment exams. Scrum Certification - I then tell you how to prepare for Scrum Certification and how to sit it online saving you hundreds if not thousands of dollars. The course is video based with no supporting document necessary.  I go through key gotchas from the scrum guide. The perfect recap for experts and scrum for beginners + Scrum Master Certification Preparation Learn Scrum & prepare for your Scrum Master or Agile certification based on the Scrum Guide™ v2020  ( 2020 scrum guide  ) . How is the course structured? Each section features an overview of a particular aspect of Scrum such as Scrum Roles, Events, or Artefacts, followed by a summary of key exam points and frequent misunderstandings in industry.  All is based on the scrum guide so you know that you are learning the facts. Perfect if you are interested in Scrum Master Certification, Scrum Master Jobs, increasing your Scrum Master Salary, gaining a Scrum Master Role, furthering your Scrum Master Training or meeting a Scrum Master job description. Inspired by God, the Bible, Ken Schwaber, Jeff Sutherland
                  Welcome to Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading! Are you interested in how people use Python to conduct rigorous financial analysis and pursue algorithmic trading, then this is the right course for you! This course will guide you through everything you need to know to use Python for Finance and Algorithmic Trading! We'll start off by learning the fundamentals of Python, and then proceed to learn about the various core libraries used in the Py-Finance Ecosystem, including jupyter, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, zipline, Quantopian, and much more! We'll cover the following topics used by financial professionals: Python Fundamentals NumPy for High Speed Numerical Processing Pandas for Efficient Data Analysis Matplotlib for Data Visualization Using pandas-datareader and Quandl for data ingestion Pandas Time Series Analysis Techniques Stock Returns Analysis Cumulative Daily Returns Volatility and Securities Risk EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) Statsmodels ETS (Error-Trend-Seasonality) ARIMA (Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Averages) Auto Correlation Plots and Partial Auto Correlation Plots Sharpe Ratio Portfolio Allocation Optimization Efficient Frontier and Markowitz Optimization Types of Funds Order Books Short Selling Capital Asset Pricing Model Stock Splits and Dividends Efficient Market Hypothesis Algorithmic Trading with Quantopian Futures Trading
                    Whether it's a potential Fiverr customer, or a current customer, saying the right thing at the right time can make a BIG difference in your bottom line.  In this webinar, I show you the techniques I used to build my monthly income to over $10,000 in less than a year.  There are no tricks or gimmicks here.  Just solid, repeatable techniques that will earn you more money on Fiverr, year in, and year out. In the videos, I approach Fiverr from the standpoint of a voice-over person, but the principles described here are directly translatable to any service you offer on Fiverr. This course is not about setting up your Fiverr account, or the rudimentary basics of getting around on Fiverr.  It's intended instead to help you turn Fiverr into a true earnings tool by showing you techniques that work in building and sustaining your customer base through great customer service and communications. All students of this course are welcome to look up and like our Fiverr Gold Webinars page at Facebook, to receive regular free bonus tips.  And once you've completed the course, also request membership in the Fiverr VO Enclave, also free, a private group of over 250 people who LOVE to help, even with the most basic questions.