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In this course you’ll learn everything there is to know about energy anatomy and how to heal and rebalance your chakras in the most scientific way possible. (There are over 100 peer-reviewed studies in the course bibliography) I studied esotericism and occultism for over 10 years. Most courses about chakra systems give the user an individual interpretation as well as providing some visualization techniques, promised as instant fixes. What those authors would prefer you don't know is that, in order to obtain any lasting benefit, you must clear and heal your chakras repeatedly. Most users, after listening to and absorbing meditations, tend to believe that their work is finished. Their meditations and visualisations laying forgotten on their computer or phone. That’s why in this course we’ll use secret and personal mantras that you’ll be able to repeat throughout the day to heal your chakras in the most convenient way possible. The initial meditations designed to install the mantras are quite long, but they are intended to be a long-term investment. After you've listened to them three times, all you will need is to simply repeat the short mantra throughout your day. This is all you need to reap the amazing benefits of chakra healing For example: if during the day you find yourself uninspired, you’ll simply repeat the third eye chakra mantra, and by association? you’ll open up yourself to divine inspiration. Or as another example, if you find yourself being too hard on you that day, repeating the heart chakra mantra will activate the power of the heart chakra. This enables you to be filled with compassion for self. Furthermore, you’ll be able to improve your confidence by repeating the third chakra mantra, as well as utilizing the second mantra to increase your creativity and sexual vitality. You won’t need to re-listen to an hour long meditation to do it either. After the mantra is installed you can close your eyes, repeating the mantra for just 2-3 minutes, to reap all the amazing benefits. As chakras were traditionally used as a tool for spiritual development; in this course I’ll teach you everything there is to know about spiritual enlightenment. You’ll learn what it is from a scientific perspective? and how to achieve it. What’s more, this course will teach you the secrets of kundalini awakening which most gurus would prefer you didn’t know. It will teach you how to awaken your kundalini and what to do if you get kundalini psychosis,which is a very rare side effect of deep spiritual work, making sure we safeguard your health. You’ll also learn everything there is to know about the human energy system. -       You’ll learn what chakras symbolize -       You’ll learn how to heal chakras using their mantras -       And you’ll learn how to clear other peoples mantras Through this course, you’ll also learn how to feel and heal your whole energy system. Many have a difficult time achieving this. This is because they are numbed towards the subtle sensations in their bodies, due to the distractions of chronic tension and trauma elsewhere. This is why I’ve included a 300 page book (a separate course in of itself) that will teach you how to apply Reichian therapy, a form of body-based psychotherapy.  This approach removes chronic tensions in your body that prevent you from mastering your energy system. It will help you remove numerous psychological issues that keep you from living your life to the fullest.
    Do you want to learn How to Awaken your Kundalini Energy ? Do you really want to open your Seven Chakras with the help of Kundalini Shakti which is laying inside you in sleeping mode? A lot of people around the want to be happy through Yoga & Meditations but results are not that fast because of many blockages in the body. In this course you will learn what Kundalini Energy is and how you can awaken it with two Ancient Techniques of India . These two Ancient techniques of India are being used since many thousands of years to open all Seven Chakras with the help of Kundalini Awakening  techniques. With Your Active participation in this course you will learn fundamentals of Kundalini Energy which is very Powerful Energy . You will come to know about two very Power Ancient Techniques to Awaken your kundalini Energy to open you all chakras , which will lead you to cleansing of all blockages of your body and to an infinite source of energy . Through your practice of these two Kundalini Awakening Techniques,  you will learn how to purify your consciousness from the first Chakra to Seventh Chakra , and experience of ultimate truth, pure being, consciousness, bliss and Enlightenment . As you reach into the deepest state of Being, you'll also regain the presence of the Divine in your life. Outline, Benefits and Outcomes of Course - Practice of full classes for two Ancient Indian techniques to open your Seven Chakras ( One technique is Passive and Second is Active yet both are super powerful ) - Learn about the Basic Fundamentals of Kundalini Energy within you. - Awakening of your own Kundalini Energy with connection to Master Fakira and if you practise these techniques, you will be able to awaken your own Kundalini Energy. - Opening of You all 7 chakras with Kundalini Energy. - Get emotionally and mentally fit and relaxed, develop your natural core strength and inner energy ! - Learn  how to deeply relax the body and mind After completing the course you will feel a new life for you, a life with motive, refreshed, motivated and vibrantly connected with life and with your own being . You will feel healthier in body, mind and spirit and you will have learned how to tap into the sublime energy of Kundalini-Shakti. Who Can do this course : All spiritual seekers who are not getting results of Meditations/Spiritual Practise and People looking to awaken their Kundalini to open up all seven chakras to its highest potential. With Love Fakira
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      Without the option of spending hours daily in guided meditation or scooting off to week-long Zen retreats, you've got to make energetic health fit into everyday life! As a professional Tarot reader, I love what I do, but was finding myself drained and run down after intense sessions. Looking to take better care of myself, I was nudged from the Universe to investigate Chakras as a framework for managing the considerable energetic demands of my work. Staying laser-focused on practical, accessible, and simple options that don’t require much fuss, I was shocked how much impact these very simple techniques had in a very short time . I found myself not merely "less drained," but enjoying significant improvement in physical complaints, with clearer thinking and better focus to boot. Although Chakra work does not replace traditional medical support, it does provide a perfect (and effective) compliment to more traditional therapies without risk. Everybody has non-negotiable demands on time, attention and energy. So often, vital self-care gets relegated to "someday" that never seems to come. We can all use simple, practical ways to stay at our best. Chakra work addresses this need elegantly. Whether we're facing extraordinary challenges or whether we just want to be as happy and successful as possible, Chakra work provides easy, accessible and rewarding options to "center" in the midst of busy life. That's why I decided to share the research I did for myself with others; I knew firsthand how much it could help. This course walks you through each of the Chakras and how they work, individually and within the system. We'll discover how to identify centers that are out of balance and more importantly, simple approaches to bring your energy back into alignment. You'll learn my "Meditation in a Minute" technique to immediately shore up functioning in any area of your life. You'll be armed with information on food, essential oils, gemstones and everyday activities that can help you stay healthy, focused and in balance. Sections cover getting oriented to the Chakra system, the lower Chakras, the upper Chakras, quizzes and review checkpoints to make sure you are fully prepared to put into practice what you've learned. I will be available to answer questions and offer support. Even if you're not ready to enroll in this course, I do hope you make some space for Chakra work in your life. I was blessed with great results from my own Chakra work and hope to inspire others to embark on experiments for themselves. Thanks for coming along on the journey with me.
        In this course you will... Discover a way to improve your physical and emotional health with the zero negative side effects. Learn how to relax and improve mood with a simple and easy technique you can take anywhere. Master a powerful energy healing technique you can use on yourself and teach to others to gain a deeper understanding on what is blocks an abundance of health and joy. Chakra vocal sound healing is a powerful energy healing technique that allows you to quickly locate and clear abundance blocks in your Chakras. Chakra Vocal Sound Healing is an effective way to increase energy, alleviate stress and get real solutions to problematic life issues. It is also a very powerful way to develop your intuitive and psychic skill set. In addition students will learn how to begin to channel healing energy through their voice for continued healing. They will learn how to fuse prana breathing and vocal sounding to heal spiritually, emotionally and physically.
          I am inviting you to access the power you have lost - and to cultivate a new inner strength over 4 weeks with me. Answer this: Do you feel like you are giving too much to others... Are you constantly saying YES to things and later regretting it... Are you disappointed by your inability to stay disciplined and hit your goals... Do you feel constantly worried about money... If you answered "YES", This is a sign you are in need of a Root Chakra Initiation - that primal chakra which empowers you to thrive. This course is the masterpiece of 5 years of research and application into how humans can tap into their inner child's power and potency, and overcome laziness, lethargy, and fear. Now you can take the Root Chakra Initiation - and stop being pushed around by life. This course will give you: Step by Step Action Guides to put you in command of your body, productivity, and finances The deep insights into overcoming 'victim mindsets' that hold us back at subconscious levels Simple Ways you can instantly start improving your performance in any area of life The knowledge and support to cut out negative influences from your life - and NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT 3 Hours of HD Content Designed to make you the most powerful version of yourself in 4 Weeks