Welcome to Learn to Play Harp. This is my first Udemy course and I am really excited to share with you what I have been teaching students for years. These lessons are concise, simple and you will be playing tunes straight away. Topics include-how to sit at the harp, how to tune your harp, how to play with your second finger and thumb, how to play a scale. Any questions feel free to ask.  Happy Harping! xx Christiane
    0から始めるミニハープ講座【1.準備編】です。 この 【準備編】 では、教室でもなかなか時間をかけて教えてもらえない けれど、 ハープを弾くうえで必ず必要になる 「チューニング」 や 「弦の張り替え」 の テクニック を 実践を交えながらレクチャーします。 ハープについての基礎知識やハープの保管方法まで ハープを弾く前に知っておきたい知識とスキルを学べます。 ハープを弾くうえで、楽器の管理スキルは必須です。 動画講座で一緒にマスターしましょう。 ―――――――――――――――――――― 『ハープを弾いてみたい』 『教室に通いたいけれど時間が無い』 『習いにいっているけれど、弦を替えたりチューニングがするのが苦手』 『独学しているけれど難しい』 『何か新しいことにチャレンジしたい』 『日々の疲れから癒されたい』 そんなあなたのための講座です。 この講座ではオーケストラで使われている大きなハープではなく、 小型の小さなハープ の演奏をレクチャーします。 古来から愛されてきた「ハープ」。 その音色は 神話や聖書 に登場するほど 魅力的 なもの。 『弦を弾けば誰でも音が鳴らせる楽器』 なので 小さいお子様からおじいちゃんおばあちゃんまで 幅広い世代に親しんでもらえる楽器です。 音楽を通して人生を豊かに♪ 一緒に癒しの音楽を奏でましょう! ―――――――――――――――――――― ~内容~ 0.はじめに 【動画を最後まで見てくださった方限定の ボーナスプレゼントがあります!】 1.ハープってどんな楽器? ー1-1.ハープってどんな楽器? ー1-2.弦について 2.ハープのチューニングの仕方 ー2-1.チューニングをする前に ー2-2.チューニングの仕方の確認 ー2-3.【実践編】チューニングの仕方~道具の準備~ ー2-4.【実践編】チューニングの仕方~楽器の準備~ ー2-5.【実践編】チューニングの仕方~実践~ 3.弦の張り方 ー3-1.弦の張り方の確認 ー3-2.【実践編】弦の張り方~準備~ ー3-3.【実践編】弦の張り方~実践~ ー3-4.【実践編】留め具の作り方 4.ハープの保管方法 5.ボーナスレクチャー ―――――――――――――――――――― ハーピストやまばたまい
      Learn sound healing principles, understand the nature of sound therapy vibrations, practice vocal toning, check out singing bowls, learn how to perform your own sound bath with a singing bowl. This course will walk you through terminology, natural vibrations, how sounds affect us, healing tools, preparation, voice healing, ancient instruments, digital sounds, sound healing at home, potential dangers of sound healing.
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        On this course you are going to learn some of the most familiar and popular tunes in the bagpiper's repertoire. All bagpipers know these tunes and with them under your belt you'll be able to join in with any pipe band. The tunes that you will learn are: Highland Cathedral The Minstrel Boy Skye Boat Song (Theme to "Outlander", the tv series) Scotland the Brave Rowan Tree I'll take you through each tune breaking it down for you so that you can learn by ear if you can't read music, but if you can read music then all the better because when I break the tune down I lead you through the music sheet. All music sheets are included in this course as downloadable resources. Plus I've included my colour coding system to make it easier for you to read music faster. Prior to taking this course you'll have learnt the rudimentary techniques of playing the practise chanter, which include how to place your fingers, how to get a good sound of the practise chanter, how to play the scale and trouble shooting. All of these aspects are covered in detail in my Bagpipes Stage 1: Beginner Bagpipe Course, although I do do a quick review in this course of the scale and how to read music. Good luck, once you've been through this course, you'll be able to join a pipe band!
          88 Logic is a theory and method of playing piano developed by Stephen Mackay. The course hands you the key to unlocking one of the simplest techniques for learning piano. Designed for those who have never touched a piano and to assist those who need help developing their skills this course works for you. "88 logic - The Mackay Method. Giving You The Power To Play Piano In Next To No Time." why are there 88 keys on a piano keyboard? you will unlock a simple mathematical system of chord discovery you will discover unique 16 key octave you will learn how to invert chords and play basic chord progressions You will learn how to create simple melodies. "Time Poor?... The This Is The Course For You" The real beauty of this course is in it's overall simplicity. The theory that unlocked this method of learning is a little more involved and explained in full however, even without a comprehensive understanding of the theory anyone can use this method to start playing. 88 Logic will give you the skills you need to find your way around the keyboard with confidence and allow you the freedom to find your own sense of timing, in your own time. "It's All About You" 88 logic was designed to make piano playing easy and fun. This course is quick and simple and you will take away everything you need to get you started on your path to being a great player.
            This is part four of a growing range of courses that will teach you how to play this wonderful instrument! This course will assume you have completed parts one, two and three of my Didgeridoo course on Udemy, or maybe you have taken other courses and have reached a good level of playing. To get the most out of this course you will need to have very good control over your drone, other sounds and effects and, of course, circular breathing. You will need to be able to create rhythms and be confident in your playing. In this series of lectures we will look at taking your playing on to the next level - professional performer! I want to show you how to create engaging sounds, rhythms and music that people will want to listen to and buy! I want to help you promote yourself to get paid work at festivals / private functions / studios and more. You could even become a Didgeridoo teacher and pass on your skills whilst earning money doing so, I'll show you how. As ever we achieve all this with clear Lectures / Videos. This is a bit different from my other courses for a good reason. Yes I will still be asking to push your skills to the very top level with exercises but I will also be spending quite a bit of time just talking. So many of the video lectures require that you take a break from your practice / playing and just watch them. I want to share all the ideas & tips I've picked up in my 25 years of playing, recording, teaching and performing. Important: I will be adding new content to this course on a monthly basis so check back often, even if you have finished watching all you can see on the course. Look in section headings for those marked 'Monthly updates' as these will get added lectures. It's all available to stream for PC or MAC and there is an iPad and iPhone app ready to go! (Android app is coming soon). Keeping track of which videos(lectures) you have already watched is so easy. Udemy has a great way of keeping track of your completed lessons(lectures). The entire course is organised in step-by-step and easy to follow layout that you follow at your own pace.
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              My name is Andrea and in this SINGING BOWLS lessons course you will start a journey into the world of music therapy and positive vibrations , seeing how to play tibetan bells in many unexpected ways, from traditionals to originals : you will listen and see things never seen nor heard on the Tibetan bells until you become a true expert on them. In this homemade tutorials on tibetan singing bowls lessons, I want to share my knowledge gained on these beautiful instruments. Made with seven metals , each one connected to a planet (gold for the Sun, silver for the Moon, iron for Mars, mercury for Mercury, pond for Jupiter, copper for Venus and lead for Saturn), the tibetan singing bells can be used for meditation , in yoga and nada yoga , in the religious practices of Buddhism and for the healing therapies of body, mind and soul. Born to reproduce the mystical Om syllable , mantra and sound, tibetan bells are musical instruments to all effects and it is therefore possible to play the singing bowls together with other musical instruments. EVERYONE CAN PLAY AND LEARN to play tibetan singing bowls : the harmonic bells are very easy to learn and can be used to create a sound bath of healing vibrations capable of restoring the balance of the seven chakras. Meditation with tibetan bells is a practice of music therapy with oriental origin and taoist character: it trains to balance the energies through the harmonization of the yin and the yang. Tibetan singing bowls are available to everyone: from beginners to more experienced musicians. For amateurs and holistic operators , for classical musicians and music therapists , for non musicians people. Discover in how many ways, methods and techniques a tibetan singing bell can be played, revealing all its musical healing power and all its magical and transcendental sound , tuned to special frequencies for healing people. In this video course of singing bowls, we will see how to recognize singing bells and learn how to play the bowls, techniques and various methods. Curiosities and secrets of tibetan bells... everything I learned and I'm learning about sound bowls is in this guide. From how to hold the mallet , to how to amplify tibetan singing bowls. From how to play the harmonic bells with water , with stones, or with rice inside; to how to move or shake singing bowls on hands or pillows. From how to play and tuning a tibetan singing bowl, to how to play, tune and harmonize more singing bells together. Let the bowls harmonize you and ENJOY the special power of healing sound music! I'LL WAIT YOU INSIDE!
                Jazz Piano - The Ultimate Beginners Course for Piano & Keyboard will get you playing some cool jazz sounds in no time at all! Most methods of learning Jazz piano don't cater for beginners. This course takes a fresh look at learning jazz by following simple steps that anyone can use. It starts with the basics, and so you don't need any previous knowledge on the  to be able to follow along. Even if you have learnt piano previously but would be considered a beginner in Jazz, this course is also suitable, as lot's of the methods throughout the course aren't taught in traditional/classical learning environments. Want to be able to improvise Jazz on the piano? Throughout the course you will learn specific scales and arpeggio's, and I have designed special exercises that build in difficulty as you progress, ultimately giving you the skills to be able to improvise over the top of classic jazz chord progressions. Wouldn't it also be cool to be able to understand and play all those complicated jazzy chord symbols on lead/chord sheets? Using simple and understandable methods, you'll learn all about jazz piano chords, chord extentions, quartal harmony, chord voicings and much more. We even take a look at some lead sheets (sometimes known as fake sheets) so you can see how you can make rich jazz piano sounds by just following chord symbols. You'll also learn about comping, exploring using different rhythms that you'll eventually be able to use with songs of your own choice. What else? One of the best ways to truly take on board what you are learning, is to apply it properly, and so throughout the course you will get the chance to learn excerpts from famous jazz songs such as Autumn Leaves (famously covered by Bill Evans), Fly Me to the Moon, Herbie Hancocks Cantaloupe Island and So What by Miles Davis. I have transcribed the scales/exercises and songs into piano notation for anyone who can read music, but again you don't need to be able to read piano sheet music to take the course as I have written out the names of the notes for those who can't. Extra help with your learning! The course comes with supplementary material in the form of PDF's that you can download and print off to have handy at your piano or keyboard. This way it makes it easier to practise the songs/exercises etc by being able to have them up on your music stand, as well as having the lesson info/chord finding methods easily accessible so you can continue to learn jazz piano outside of the course. So why not enroll today, and learn jazz piano the easy way?!
                  This is the only Sylenth Synthesizer course you will ever need. In this course, I will show you how the synthesizer works from scratch, without going through too many "hard words" that synthesis can be for a lot of people. We will create different sounds from scratch as well as comparing presets with big commercial music productions. I will also show you where to get high quality presets that a lot of the biggest guys in the music industry is using. This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production and synthesis. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using - everything is done in the box, meaning that you don't need any kinds of extra hardware besides your computer. This Course Includes All You Need To Learn Sylenth From Scratch. Everything that you need to use is included in this course. You don't have to own a copy of Sylenth to attend this course - There are Demo versions of the software synth out which we also cover where to find in the course. We also include 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your tracks - all royalty-free. This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. Just a few of the things you'll learn in this Sylenth Synthesis course: Learn Sylenth From Scratch LFO's, Modulation, Portamento, ADSR, and other typical Synthesizer parameters. How to create presets & banks. Learn Creating own Sounds like Bass & Synth sounds Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time! Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level. Unlike other Music Production courses, this course will cover everything from scratch and improve your overall music production level as well as getting you motivated to finish your music instead of letting your music ideas die within your project file. About the instructor: Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden
                    If you have ever wondered about learning this ancient, emotional instrument, now is your chance! This first course is designed to give you exactly what you need to know to play the first tune on a practice chanter. I will be covering how to buy a chanter, care of it, hand positioning, the scale, and learning Scots Wa Hae, the first tune everyone learns. Sheet music for all exercises is included for download. With consistent practice, you should be able to play the tune comfortably within a month. Since you can revisit these lessons as much as you want, it is easy to zero in on the segments you need to move forward. You can have a lot of fun learning the pipes, and this course will make it possible with easy to follow, step by step instruction.