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Actualmente, un creciente número de países democráticos se están enfrentando a una expansión sin precedentes del poder judicial: cada vez con más frecuencia los derechos para la toma decisiones se desplazan de los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo a los tribunales, un proceso justamente llamado “la judicialización de la política”. El curso analiza las características del fenómeno y su impacto en el sistema político. Por lo tanto, se consideran el papel del juez en el proceso de adjudicación y toda la estructura del sistema judicial. Se dedica una atención específica a la selección, preparación e independencia de los jueces y de los fiscales, así como a las relaciones institucionales entre tribunales y ámbito político. Se analizan las diferentes definiciones del papel judicial y la evaluación de las consecuencias políticas. Por último, el curso analiza el papel general de los tribunales en distintos sistemas políticos considerando las evoluciones futuras.
    American Contract Law I (along with its sister course Contracts II) provides a comprehensive overview of contract law in the United States. The course covers most of the key concepts found in a first year law school class. Each lecture is based on one or more common-law cases, integrating legal doctrines with policy discussions. The course also covers key sections from the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which governs the sale of goods. By the end of the course, the learner should be able to understand: Formation: how a valid and enforceable contract is created, including concepts such as offer, acceptance, consideration, and promissory estoppel.
      After having followed Privacy in the Western world you have become acquainted with the overall global legal system and the origins of privacy as a concept as well as privacy as a (human) right. This course deals with the European legal system to protect privacy. European privacy protection is based upon human rights treaties, both on a European level as well global level such as, e.g. the UN Declaration on Human Rights. This course outlines and deals with these human rights treaties as well as with the specific rules and regulations that govern day to day privacy protection in Europe. The course deals with how the European cooperation came into being after the devastating effects of World War II. Economic cooperation was deemed necessary to prevent another war. From economic cooperation other issues became part of the negotiations, and to this day more and more policy fields have become part of the European cooperation. Dealing with and having respect for different human rights is paramount in this cooperation. And privacy protection and regulation has become an increasingly important subject that has attracted a lot of global attention. The course deals with the different legal elements that have played an important role into grabbing in legal terms the notion of privacy and how to legally protect it. The rules that enable the exchange of personal data between the USA and Europe is being dealt with. It also deals with the constituting legal elements that have become part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). After successful completion of the course you will have sufficient baggage to know about the important legal elements and historical background on the coming into being of European privacy protection. I wish you a lot of success with following the course.
        Welcome to this course on Basics of Indian Companies Act 2013. The Company Law in India witnessed massive change with the enactment of new act called Companies Act 2013. Knowledge of Companies Act and its provisions are very important for every student taking up professional courses like CA / CMA / CS and also for Finance, Accounting and Secretarial Professionals within India. This course will take you through the Introductory part of the Companies Act and it will cover concepts like a) What is Company? b) Classification of Companies c) Registration of Companies d) Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association e) Alteration of Articles f) Prospectus j) Share and Share Capital k) Meetings and Proceedings This course is purely based on Company law prevailing in India. Hence, this is not the right course for students from other countries. This course is structured in self paced learning style. Screen cast model lectures with writings and explanations are used for teaching the provisions and concepts of the act. The course is in its beginning stages only (as on 21st April 2017). It will take months together to upload all the contents in this course as Companies Act is a detailed and comprehensive act. This course will throw lots of practical examples to understand the various provisions of the act and it will help you to prepare for India based Professional Exams like CA / CMA / CS / B.Com / B.L., etc. Listen to this course with your headset connected to your device, alongside with note pad / word application to note down the important case laws and relevant sections. Wish you a happy learning.
          This course will walk you through the fascinating role Legal Assistants play in the day-to-day operations of a Legal Department, Legal Office or Legal Team. Legal support staff are placed in a strategic position within the legal team which enable them to gain exposure, knowledge, information and power that can be used to take that position to higher levels. Whether thinking on improving your legal support skills and/or moving to the lawyer side, this course will equip you with a wide range of resources to become an expert in your area and to showcase your value to faster and more efficiently pursue and achieve your goals. Implementing best practices, being up to date with new technologies and developments in the legal field and talking the same “legal language” will help you to master your role and take it to the next level.
            Note: This course is designed for Indian Students pursuing CA / CMA / CS Professional Courses. This course is structured following the syllabus prescribed for professional examinations of above courses. Hence, Non Indian students, please do not take this course. Welcome to this course Basics of Indian Customs Act A Complete Study. In this course, you will learn about legal provisions prescribed under Indian Customs Act, 1962 and it will help you to understand the act with lots of examples and case studies. Initially only few topics are published. However, over a period of time, following topics also proposed to be included in the course. Hence, go through the course curriculum before purchasing and make your decision to buy only after ensuring, topics you require are covered in this course. Proposed topics: a) Levy & Exemptions from Customs Duty b) Types of Duty c) Classification of Imported & Exported Goods d) Valuation under Customs Act e) Importation, Exportation & Transportation of Goods f) Warehousing g) Duty Drawback h) Demand and Recovery i) Refund j) Provisions / Penalties for Illegal Import, Export, Confiscation & Allied activites k) Appeals & Revisions l) Settlement Commission m) Advance Ruling See you inside the course.
              Following are the course contents. There are 5 video lectures in the course which take you through the entire E-Way Bill mechanism from understanding the concept and reason behind introduction till FAQs regarding the provisions of GST Law Video 1: Basic Concepts & Legal Framework about E-Way Bill Video 2: Exemptions/ Exceptions for Issuance of E-Way Bill Video 3: Mechanism & How to generate E-Way Bill Video 4: E-Way Bill- Procedural Aspects Video 5: FAQ about E-Way Bills
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                Democracy and the rule of law are two of the fundamental values of the EU that are shared among the EU Member States (MS). As of late, however, they have come under increasing pressure. Not only does the Union face criticism about its own democratic and rule of law shortcomings, but it also appears to struggle to find effective responses when faced with the erosion of these values in several of its MS. In this course, an interdisciplinary team of experts will discuss what democracy and the rule of law mean in Europe, how these principles are put into practice, and how they can be defended against backsliding. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 770142.
                  A Law Masterclass Hi, My name is Shaveen Bandaranayake and I am your instructor for this Masterclass course in Law! Who is this course for? The simplified approach of this Masterclass means that, whether you are an LLB student who's just begun your degree, a student who's about to sit for your examinations or someone who wants to get a head-start in learning the Law - this is a great resource. This course is an essential guide to get a bird's eye overview of the complete UK LLB syllabus, through all 3 years of study. The eleven courses compiled and covered in this course are: The English Legal System Constitutional Law Criminal Law Contract Law Commercial Law Property Law Tort Law Trust Law Jurisprudence Intellectual Property Conflict of Laws History of English Law This course is a great supplement for LL.B students who have just begun their degrees, in order to understand the subject matter ahead of their degree. It is also a great way to recap your material prior to your examinations. This Masterclass incorporates the complete set of tools which I developed and utilized to successfully complete my LL.B degree. Thank you for your interest in this Masterclass Looking forward to seeing you in the course!
                    Kurs dostarcza informacji na temat regulacji miejsca i czasu kontroli przestrzegania prawa podatkowego oraz skutków naruszenia tych regulacji przez organy podatkowe. W szczególności ze szkolenia dowiecie się tego, kiedy taka kontrola może być prowadzona w siedzibie, kiedy w biurze rachunkowym, a kiedy w urzędzie, a także jak długo może trwać, jakie zdarzenia powodują, że termin zakończenia kontroli nie biegnie, jak również jak wpłynęło ogłoszenie epidemii COVID-19 na terminy zakończenia kontroli przestrzegania prawa podatkowego. Kurs jest uzupełnieniem cyklu szkoleń dotyczących kwestii proceduralnych w sprawach podatkowych. W przygotowaniu kolejne moduły kursu nt. wszczęcia, przebiegu i zakończenia kontroli przestrzegania prawa podatkowego.