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Let’s demystify the hype.  Shell we ? If you are looking of one of the followings...this course is for you -New Career as SEO Expert -Thinking to Start SEO Agency -Already running a business but do not want to pay 1000’s to Agencies to maintain SEO for you -Wants to learn the art of SEO Ranking -Wants to learn new skill to earn Pa ssive Income -Or Just want to expand your knowledge about SEO World If the answer to any of the above Question is Yes- then Sign up and let’s make the difference. My Name is Baraq A. I am a student first then an entrepreneur and technology evangelist .  I like to share my skills so the people can take leverage from my gains and also i share my mistakes so they can learn and avoid them. In this course I will teach SEO (Search Engine Optimization) step-by-step from beginner to Advance level and considering your time is very valuable , I have included everything practical with Free tools so you may not only learn it but practice with professional tools. This intensive course is divided into 4 sections Section 1 We will cover Introduction to SEO and establish understanding of Google Webmaster Guidelines and practical approach for Google Search Console Section 2 We will take SEO to next level and implement Onpage SEO with in depth research and free tools that will allow us to optimize any page. Section 3 We will learn how google helps us for OffPage SEO and will learn 10 amazing strategies to create Back Links with skills and tools available. Section 4 Finally we will learn how to conduct competitors research online and how to build a plan to outrank any website ! I tried to make this course to be the most comprehensive course but since i am student of technologies as well, together we will make it to the next level. let's learn, grow and succeed together.
    If you're a web developer or website owner, you owe it to yourself to spend at least a couple of hours on learning SEO to increase free search traffic to your website. Are you still with me? Good. The question then becomes who you learn SEO from. I've provided SEO consulting for over 30 websites- half of which were for Fortune 500 brands. I started my career working with some of the smartest SEO professionals at two top global marketing agencies in New York City. (My proudest moment: I helped grow monthly SEO revenue for an ecommerce shop from 4 figures to 8 figures. You read that correctly. They were making tens of millions of dollars a month from SEO traffic after I was the main SEO point person for that shop). Unfortunately, in my marketing career, I've also come across soooo many SEO professionals who weren't actual experts (excluding my former coworkers, of course) either providing SEO consultation for clients or teaching SEO. I created this course out of frustration from all the inaccurate, unusable, or outdated SEO advice I had seen everywhere online when I was first learning about SEO. After this short yet highly-packed course, you'll learn how to make the best web development decisions for SEO . Although this course focuses on technical SEO, the curriculum includes course material on content and links for a fundamental understanding of SEO as a whole. [FAQs] How is your class different from other SEO classes? 1. This class is meant for web developers and tech-savvy people that want to learn SEO fast so that they can make the best SEO decisions for their own website; it is focused on technical SEO. Also, I cater to those that have at least a basic understanding of a website to get things moving quick. This is a no fluff, straightforward course. 2. It's highly practical , with lots of exercises you would use directly for your own website/project as you follow along. You'll be introduced to lots of free and paid tools that you can use. 3. It's intended to help you build a foundational understanding of SEO . I know lots of people, including myself when I was a beginner, that waste so much time learning disjointed tactics here and there, which doesn't get them from the beginner to intermediate level fast. Why is the class short? 1. This course is not meant to be a comprehensive class that touches on every SEO detail. SEO is one of those disciplines that you need to implement and practice as you learn, and it doesn't make sense to passively learn about its theory for hours on end. You need a foundational understanding of it, i.e., you need to " get it ," and you need to be equipped with tools to start out. Afterwards, you can learn on your own as you diagnose a specific issue or learn about an SEO tactic as you manage your website, and maybe even decide to take a more advanced course later on. 2. There are many sections in which I encourage you to use different tools and try things out for yourself. If you include the time that it takes for you to participate, the class is much longer. 3. This class is not meant for people that have little knowledge of how websites work (explaining things like hyperlinks or and tags will considerably slow down the class) or for those trying to get an SEO job. That doesn't mean the content in this class is thin. After you complete this class, 1. You'll have a strong foundational understanding of SEO 2. Be equipped with tools and resources to continue on your SEO journey 3. Be able to make practical SEO decisions like which domain to choose for your new website, whether you should use subdomains or subdirectories, how to render content on your webpage, and how to decide what's the best keyword to target. You will also learn things that some of my SEO colleagues that have been doing this for years still don't grasp due to their lack of technical knowledge or due to the specific clientele experience they've had. The average completion rate of an online class is about 5% (how many Udemy courses have you enrolled in, and how many have you completed?), but now you have no excuse to stop in the middle of this class :) Why should I learn from you? If you're learning SEO from someone, make sure they have proven results. Like I said, I've encountered so much bad SEO advice in my career. I have 7 years of experience + worked with the very best SEO minds in the world at top global marketing agencies (Ayima, GroupM) while consulting for Fortune 500 companies. Verticals include automobile, luxury, travel, cosmetics, electronics and more for clients that you're very familiar with. This course is a steal compared to the fees my clients pay. I've way underpriced this course because I wanted to gain experience developing and teaching an online course. I'll be launching new courses that will be much pricier. Other notes This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. For non-native English speakers: I manually edited the English captions/subtitles in the videos for more accuracy. As my student, you'll get preferential access and discounts to new courses that I develop. Slides are available in the first video of Section 2 (lecture 5)
      This course will show you how to create a profit pulling SEO business by transforming yourself into a SEO "company" from a freelancer and help you make more money than an average freelancer. There's a difference between a freelance writing business and offering writing services as a full fledged SEO company. Its diffiult for freelancers to get consistent work and make decent money because the "trust" factor is missing when it comes to freelancers. This course will show you how to present yourself as a full fledged responsible SEO service providing business that your customers can trust. You will learn how to get high paying customers on board and also how to negotiate prices with them. These customers are not to be found on freelance websites and not only are these customers willing to pay good prices for quality writing but they are also going to provide you with consistent work. You will learn how to identify the "SEO needs" of your customers and also how to collect high paying SEO orders from them without ever having to pick up the phone. You will learn how to research domains and create quality baklinks super fast. The techniques used here will help you increase your output without increasing time spent. If you want a full fledged SEO business and enjoy and lifetime of passive spendable income, this course is for you.
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        Got your WordPress site up and running, but hardly anybody seems to be able to find your site in Google? Plus the whole shebang looks like a ghost town or a desert? And all that regardless of whatever you do to promote your site? Sounds familiar? You can just do a quick and to the point video course that coaches you through the process of SEO optimizing your WordPress site. You’ll be able to set up and optimize any WordPress site in a hassle-free way. That’s because you’ll know EXACTLY what you godda do to make that happen. Here’s What You’ll Learn: What is SEO (just to get you started) Installing and Configuring WordPress SEO by Yoast Robots.txt file on a WordPress site Google Analytics Google Webmaster Tools XML Sitemap How to Do Keyword Research Google Keyword Planner Using Synonyms On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO Where to Use Your Keyword Image Optimization How to Boost Page Quality Video SEO SEO Friendly URLs for WordPress Users .htaccess Redirection Made Easy Google Authorship Local SEO for WordPress Users Follow Along with Your Videos It’s best to apply your new skills right after you learn them because it’ll help to use your new knowledge correctly and you’ll remember it for a longer time. So, you wanna watch a video and do what it teaches you right after. See you on the flipside!
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          JOIN 5000+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS USING THIS COURSE TO LEARN TECHNICAL SEO! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Do You Need to get More Traffic to Your Website? Are you an entrepreneur, a blogger, or developer? Do you think: "I wish getting more traffic was easier! I don't have time to watch a boring, long class!" Do you NOT understand why people aren't coming to your website? Do you WISH more people could see your website? Is the SEO information online hard to understand? Or frustrating? Well, you're not alone. I can teach you technical SEO in a simple, no-BS way with pictures and drawings. In this course - just a few videos - you will learn: SEO basics how to make Search Engines happy with your website how to fix all the technical details step by step Do You Need to Get More Clients or Customers? YES! At the end of the course, you will have a fully SEO optimized website which will get you more potential customers or clients. ...AND your website will rank higher on Google. Make a Positive Change on Your Website, Traffic, and Revenue. If you are a developer working at a company, this is for you. If you own a e-commerce website and want to get more sales, this course is for you. If you are an online entrepreneur, this is for you. Easy to Understand, Easy to Take Actionable Steps. The class is EASY, FAST, and you will remember this process FOREVER.
            ★★★ How To Gain A MASSIVE Boost In Conversions, Reviews, Rank & SALES Starting TODAY! ★★★ (This works EVEN IF you have ZERO experience or have tried before and failed.) Did you know the average conversion rate for Amazon Sellers is a measly 9.5% ? This means out of every 10 people you send to your Amazon listing, on average, less than 1 will end up making a purchase! For perspective, my average Amazon listing conversion rate ( # of people who visit my listing ÷ # of people who actually buy ) is 16.5% and is as high as 27.5% for certain products! Imagine if you could increase your Amazon listing’s conversion rate from 9.5% to 16.5% ? If sell an item for $20.00 on Amazon you would make an extra $14,000 from every 10,000 visitors to your Amazon listing! If you increased your conversion rate from 9.5% to 27.5% (which is completely possible) you would see an extra $36,000 from every 10,000 visitors to your listing! Over the course of weeks, months and years this can add up to TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS (or more) and the best part is it doesn’t need to cost you a dime! You’re probably thinking, “ HOW? !” or “ This sounds too good to be true! ”. Luckily for you, gaining exponentially more conversions, reviews, rank & sales STARTING TODAY is completely possible and laid out for you step-by-step. Let me introduce you to the Amazon Listings Secrets Course! In this course you will… Gain 100% FREE access to the most POWERFUL Amazon keyword research tool on the planet. ( Lecture 4 ) Effortlessly craft HYPNOTIC bullet points that get customers to CHOOSE YOUR PRODUCT over the competition. ( Lecture 9 ) How to make your Amazon copy POP , WITHOUT breaking Amazon TOS. ( Lecture 10 ) Breathtaking Amazon product photography WITHOUT breaking the bank. ( Lecture 14 ) 7 ways to get more Amazon reviews FAST ! ( Lecture 25 ) SKYROCKET your Amazon product reviews on autopilot WHILE YOU SLEEP! ( Lecture 28 ) Amazon hijackers - what they are and how to OBLITERATE THEM from your Amazon listing in seconds! ( Lecture 33 ) Save HOURS with 3 PROVEN, plug-and-play templates to create THE BEST title, bullets & description for YOUR Amazon listing! ( $200 Value ) SO MUCH MORE! Why do I (Sumner) have one single ounce of credibility to teach this topic? First, I’m an actual Amazon Seller that gets results ( 170% - 290% higher conversion rate than the average seller). Second, I’ve helped HUNDREDS of Amazon Sellers in the same position as you get RIDICULOUSLY better results with their own Amazon listings. Don’t believe me? Great! Here are just a few Amazon Sellers I’ve been able to help with this very course: ★★★★★ “ATTENTION: I have taken many "highly rated" courses from big names like Ben Cummings, Seller Tradecraft, Kevin David(lol) etc. This is my fav course from Sumner. I can tell he has put his blood,sweat and tears in his courses. I still cannot believe he is given this amount of value at this price. Every single course I have taken was missing some info that is needed to succeed, so they can upsell their advance course (lol). Please listen when I tell you that his courses is the only one's you need to succeed. Thank you sooo much Sumner!!! I can tell you are truly genuine. Bless up!” - Reese ★★★★★ “Sumner = Awesome! This course is full extremely valuable content. I have been working in Amazon for the last couple of years and i have learned so many nuggets of information that i need to go through the entire course again to make sure that i catch everything he discusses. He's a great teacher and brings a fresh approach with concise steps that you can't just get from watching YT. Thanks Sumner!” - Dan F ★★★★★ “Sumner is an enjoyably intense teacher. His style is a breath of fresh air. Half way through this first course I went and purchased his other courses. I started studying FBA a couple of months ago and he is the best teacher I have seen. I am confident that I will implement what I have learned (I may have to watch a lot of it a second time, the info content level is amazing) but ultimately I'm sure it will make me money and aid me in my quest.” - Erbium D ★★★★★ “It was awesome to learn more tips and tricks which I didn't know before I was working on improving my listing in amazon. Now I have implemented not all but some of the lessons taught by Sumner Hobart. It proved to be very good.” - Dhabdeshwaran K ★★★★★ “Great Course! There is a lot of information in this course so I would recommend that everybody watch the course at least twice. The first time you should take notes and the second time you should take action.” - Anthony G ★★★★★ “I have just started the course but already Sumner has shared some very important tricks on how to make your listing stand out. I can’t wait to complete the course. It definitely has a wealth of information.” - Folashade A ★★★★★ “Excellent course with actionable info. No generic information here. I was looking to systematize my Amazon PPC process and this course definitely delivered. Nice job Sumner!” - Blake O Just like all of these students have said, you’re going to learn ALL of the secret strategies, methods & tools that YOU NEED to optimize your Amazon listing for more conversions, reviews, rank & SALES starting RIGHT NOW! BONUS: Along with all of the other life-changing content in this course you will ALSO gain 100% FREE ACCESS to the complete Amazon PPC step-by-step guide for even more profitable Amazon sales! LOVE IT OR YOUR MONEY BACK: If this course doesn’t exponentially improve your Amazon listing’s ability to generate insane amounts of cash, Udemy will refund your ENTRIE PURCHASE within 30-days. NO questions asked. ENROLL NOW and gain an insane boost in conversions, rank, reviews and PROFIT starting right now! P.S. this offer is only available for a limited time so act now before it’s gone!
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              Do you want to earn a name as a great SEO writer? All these and more: add to your skills when it comes to SEO writing with a great course offered by HENRY HARVIN! This course will give you a thorough understanding of SEO copywriting which is a must if you want to establish yourself as a good writer. Get a clear understanding of the subject and be a proficient SEO writer after the completion of the course. This course will give you the confidence and expertise to write compelling content. It is very important to understand what your reader will get hooked to. This course will help you to understand their needs and write effective content that helps you gain better rankings . This will also give you an understanding of how to make your content engaging by giving you an in-depth knowledge of persuasion, tone, and storytelling that forms an important constituent of the content. Not only writing effectively but making your content free from errors like spelling, grammar and plagiarism are all the parts of the course. Now write and edit the content with confidence as it will definitely boost your skills. It definitely lays a road for you to do great SEO writing. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced writer the course has a lot to offer to everyone. For a nitwit, this course will offer great insights and help you to understand the nuances of SEO writing right from the scratch. On the other hand, an experienced writer can take his writing skill to another level with this one. During the tenure of the course, some important study material will be provided in the form of videos and printed copies. During the sessions exercises, and practical sessions are taken to make the concepts clear. The trainers are experienced and carry a multitude of experience in the field of SEO writing. They guide you through the course and are always ready to solve your concerns. After the completion the course will help you in the following ways: UNDERSTAND the concept of Search Engine optimization writing in detail COMPREHEND the difference between content writing and SEO content writing LEARN to write competent copy that helps you achieve good ranking GET the skills to write copies that are engaging, unique and well-structured LEARN the importance of SEO, SEM, and SMO GET the skill to perform keyword analysis to target potential customers. GET the flair to write for national and international clients LEARN to write blogs, websites, social media, newsletters, etc. based on SEO GET the skill to write SEO friendly content for websites UNDERSTAND the importance and usage of keyword density and its frequency GAIN the knowledge to formulate an effective strategy for content LEARN to review plagiarized content COMPREHEND the importance and benefits of on-page and Off-page optimization UNDERSTAND the Ways to measure success, improve effectiveness , and develop better future campaigns. ACQUIRE the knowledge and expertise to write blogs and promoting it UNDERSTAND the concept of content marketing GET the knowledge to understand the power of social media BECOME proficient in evaluating social media impact GET the confidence of being an expert SEO writer Words of appreciation from our Students 1. “Great course! The course gives an insight into useful content writing practice. With this course, I learned a lot about SEO writing.” Nimesh Srivastava 2. “This course will make you learn everything you need to know about search engine optimization Writing, Highly recommended.” Shreya Verma 3. “The course was informative and to the point. The trainer had the best of the knowledge about the subject. He went out of his way to bring out the best and gave ample attention to every participant. I found the course really good as it gave us with much-needed knowledge;” Devanshi Sinha 4. “This course is great for someone like me who wants to have a piece of in-depth knowledge about SEO writing. This course is great in that reference and has really increased my confidence. ” Shankey Bharadwaj 5. “It is too good to miss and one must get enrolled in this course to make himself fit for the industry.” Apoorva Manuel
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                This course is about building a high quality and extremely powerful Private Blog Network (PBN) to efficiently outrank your Competitors on Google, Yahoo, bing or any other search engine. This course will take you step by step through the complex making of Private Blog Network so you'll be able to understand this whole game properly and you will be able to make a powerful PBN that would be able to easily rank your keywords, whether they are youtube videos, blog articles, money sites and even udemy courses. Yeah you read right, You can even rank your udemy coruses on search engines using this amazing technique. But it is mainly for people who have plan of big investment for a huge commission. It is the most advanced SEO you'll ever know. Many SEO experts today are using this kind of Networks to rank keywords of their clients and they just use their PBN and rank keywords in a few days and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can also open your Search Engine Optimization services company if you learn this thing and finally know how and where you can implement it. So, what basically you're going to learn in this course? A little bit introduction about SEO and PBNs A detailed section about Domains A detailed section about Hosting A complete section about setting up, optimizing your main website (money site) A section about Mini Sites (You'll learn about them in the course) A complete section about how you can make Powerful backlinks using your PBN to rank on top of Google A safety section for your PBN (Coming soon)
                  International SEO has it's own unique considerations as global websites target multiple countries and multiple languages. This requires international websites to have a strategic site structure and inform search engines which pages should be shown to specific visitors based on their location and / or language spoken. This course is designed for those with at least a basic understanding of SEO and will walk you through everything you need to do to prepare your website for international rankings in the search engines, countries and languages you'd prefer. Here we'll cover: How to determine if your international SEO efforts will be profitable Which search engines you should target The keyword research process and the tools to use 3 options for structuring international website content How to direct visitors to the right version for their language / country Language tags your site must use The type of back links you need for global sites You should be learning and implementing international SEO if: You have (or would like to have) content in multiple languages Your website targets a specific country You are ready to scale your business Your website / business already has customers around the world International SEO can be quite complex especially with different versions of the same site all targeting different locations. What do you need to know to rank your website internationally? Inside this course we'll walk through the full process that will expand on your existing SEO knowledge so you will know exactly what to do with the website you are working with. I'm also available if you have any questions as you start taking action on your own international site. Join me to take your website to the next level. Enroll now.
                    Learn the 15 Proven Google Ranking Factors to get No #1 Position in Google Search Results . I am doing digital marketing from last 4 years and i have hundreds of clients from all over the world. Most the them ask me a same question that Why their websites don't have a top Position in Google Search Results? and my answer is always same that you're still focusing on Old and Bogus SEO Strategies . After having a deep research on Matt Cutts Videos and Google Webmaster Blog , I am bringing 15 Proven Google's Present and Future Ranking Factors. You will learn how to avoid getting your website penalized and Gain top rank in Google Search Results .This course will give you a clear step by step understanding of Google SEO Guidelines and after completing this course, you'll be able to optimize your website according to the Google's Quality Guidelines . This Course will teach you how to attract free organic traffic from google by focusing on quality Guidelines. In this Search Engine Optimization Course You'll learn SEO Content Optimization - How to create Quality Content Natural Link Building Strategies On-Page/Off-Page Ranking Factors Domain/Server Ranking Factors User Interface/User Experience/Trust Factors Optimize for Conversational Search / Mobile Devices Social Media Optimization/ Power of GOOGLE PLUS and many other Google Ranking Factors. After taking this course you will learn the standards for SEO defined by Google.