
The future is here.

It's called AI, and it's the most powerful technology of our time. With AI, we can create chatbots that can hold conversations with humans, generate text, images, and videos that are indistinguishable from human-created content, and solve real-world problems.

But AI is not just for the experts. It's for everyone.

That's why I created this course: ChatGPT and AI Tools Fundamentals Course for 2023. In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to use AI to create amazing things.

We'll start by learning about the basics of AI. You'll learn what AI is, how it works, and the different types of AI. Then, we'll move on to learning about ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model that can be used to create chatbots, generate text, and answer your questions.

We'll also learn about advanced prompts, which can be used to improve the quality of the text that ChatGPT generates. We'll also learn how to create voice, images, videos, shorts, reels, and graphics from AI.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Create chatbots that can hold conversations with humans

  • Generate text, images, and videos that are indistinguishable from human-created content

  • Use AI to solve real-world problems

  • Make a difference in the world with AI

This course is perfect for:

  • Anyone who is curious about AI

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to use AI

  • Anyone who wants to make a difference in the world

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start learning about AI!


The future is here.

It's called AI, and it's the most powerful technology of our time. With AI, we can create chatbots that can hold conversations with humans, generate text, images, and videos that are indistinguishable from human-created content, and solve real-world problems.

But AI is not just for the experts. It's for everyone.

That's why I created this course: ChatGPT and AI Tools Fundamentals Course for 2023. In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to use AI to create amazing things.

We'll start by learning about the basics of AI. You'll learn what AI is, how it works, and the different types of AI. Then, we'll move on to learning about ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model that can be used to create chatbots, generate text, and answer your questions.

We'll also learn about advanced prompts, which can be used to improve the quality of the text that ChatGPT generates. We'll also learn how to create voice, images, videos, shorts, reels, and graphics from AI.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Create chatbots that can hold conversations with humans

  • Generate text, images, and videos that are indistinguishable from human-created content

  • Use AI to solve real-world problems

  • Make a difference in the world with AI

This course is perfect for:

  • Anyone who is curious about AI

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to use AI

  • Anyone who wants to make a difference in the world

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start learning about AI!

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This course is a practical step-by-step guide to brand marketing online and has a resourceful collection of companies, platforms and tools you can use.

Welcome to Brands Hack for Successful Digital Marketing. A beginner’s step-by-step guide with AI Tutorial and an Extensive List of Online Tools & Resources.

So, you have an idea for a product or service you would like to introduce to the public, but you don’t know where to start. Building a brand helps you clearly decide on your product, service, target market, marketing strategies, etc. You will learn the key elements to build your brand, and how to establish it on social media platforms via digital marketing; as well as learn how to effectively harness the innovative creativity of artificial intelligence!

The point to branding is standing out among your competitors as well as in the customer’s mind because branding is the “face” of the company, and its logo and tagline are the “soul”.

This comprehensive guide includes:

1. 12 Chapter e-textbook

2. Tutoring videos of the main topics.

3. Detailed step-by-step guide, links and online resources on Branding, e-Commerce and Digital Marketing (prepares the student to open an online business).

4. AI Tutorial for Digital Marketing.

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This course is a practical step-by-step guide to brand marketing online and has a resourceful collection of companies, platforms and tools you can use.

Welcome to Brands Hack for Successful Digital Marketing. A beginner’s step-by-step guide with AI Tutorial and an Extensive List of Online Tools & Resources.

So, you have an idea for a product or service you would like to introduce to the public, but you don’t know where to start. Building a brand helps you clearly decide on your product, service, target market, marketing strategies, etc. You will learn the key elements to build your brand, and how to establish it on social media platforms via digital marketing; as well as learn how to effectively harness the innovative creativity of artificial intelligence!

The point to branding is standing out among your competitors as well as in the customer’s mind because branding is the “face” of the company, and its logo and tagline are the “soul”.

This comprehensive guide includes:

1. 12 Chapter e-textbook

2. Tutoring videos of the main topics.

3. Detailed step-by-step guide, links and online resources on Branding, e-Commerce and Digital Marketing (prepares the student to open an online business).

4. AI Tutorial for Digital Marketing.

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Master the use of groundbreaking generative AI writing tools to be more productive, save time, and improve your marketing writing. 

Do you want to learn how to create more written content faster using tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and others? Then this course is for you!

Welcome to Revolutionize Your Marketing Content Writing With AI, an online course designed to help you harness the power of creative AI writing tools and revolutionize your content marketing.

Whether you're a marketing or advertising professional, small business owner, freelance writer, or just passionate about learning how AI can help you become a better writer, this course will unlock the secrets of using these innovative tools.

What will you learn in this course?

Generative AI Fundamentals
The course will teach you the fundamentals of what's known as generative artificial intelligence — generative AI. It is the foundation on which tools like ChatGPT and others are built.

Benefits and Challenges of Using AI
Generative AI offers many benefits, but it's not without challenges. You will learn both the pros and cons of using this new medium.

How to Use ChatGPT
ChatGPT is the standard bearer of the generative AI writing ecosystem. You will learn everything you need to know to become a more productive, efficient writer. 

Generative AI Prompts
You will become a prompting pro — the instructions you give the AI tools like ChatGPT to create content. We will unlock the secrets to creating the perfect prompt and share examples of several of the more popular prompt types.

Workflow Automation
You will also learn how to create a workflow to automate and speed up the content production process. I'll show you the one I use.

AI Writing Tools
We will do a deep dive into the AI tools I use every day to write and edit content. And we will overview some of the more popular content-writing tools that you may want to consider.

AI Writing Examples
Throughout the course, I will provide plenty of marketing-related examples to illustrate how to use these tools effectively.

Job Security
There is a concern among many writers and marketers that AI will take their jobs. However, I like to think of it this way: AI won't take your job; someone who understands how to use these tools will. Let that someone be you.

If you progress through all the lessons in this course, I promise you will learn everything you need to know to become more productive, efficient, and, dare I say it, a better writer than ever.

How can marketing professionals use generative AI?

Content Creation
Generative AI can help in creating engaging content for blog posts, social media posts, and more. It can generate new ideas based on the patterns it's learned from previous successful content.

Personalized Emails
AI can help craft personalized emails to customers based on their preferences and browsing history. This can help drive engagement and increase conversion rates.

Customer Service
Generative AI like ChatGPT can be used to power customer service chatbots. These chatbots can provide instant, 24/7 customer support and handle common inquiries, freeing up human agents for more complex tasks.

Market Research
AI can be used to analyze customer reviews and social media posts to generate insights about consumer behavior and preferences.

Ad Creation
Generative AI can also help create compelling ad copy optimized for conversion.

Get instant access to:

  • Easy-to-watch, informative video lessons

  • Interactive quizzes to test your comprehension

  • Practical downloadable resources

  • Lifetime access to the course & any updates

Who is your instructor?

This course is taught by Paul Chaney, a veteran content marketing professional and owner of Prescriptive Writing, which specializes in writing and editing content for B2B brands and agencies. Paul uses AI tools daily to be more productive and efficient in creating marketing content.

Enroll now and embark on a journey to be more creative, supercharge your workflow, and stay ahead of the curve in the world of generative AI writing.

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Master the use of groundbreaking generative AI writing tools to be more productive, save time, and improve your marketing writing. 

Do you want to learn how to create more written content faster using tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and others? Then this course is for you!

Welcome to Revolutionize Your Marketing Content Writing With AI, an online course designed to help you harness the power of creative AI writing tools and revolutionize your content marketing.

Whether you're a marketing or advertising professional, small business owner, freelance writer, or just passionate about learning how AI can help you become a better writer, this course will unlock the secrets of using these innovative tools.

What will you learn in this course?

Generative AI Fundamentals
The course will teach you the fundamentals of what's known as generative artificial intelligence — generative AI. It is the foundation on which tools like ChatGPT and others are built.

Benefits and Challenges of Using AI
Generative AI offers many benefits, but it's not without challenges. You will learn both the pros and cons of using this new medium.

How to Use ChatGPT
ChatGPT is the standard bearer of the generative AI writing ecosystem. You will learn everything you need to know to become a more productive, efficient writer. 

Generative AI Prompts
You will become a prompting pro — the instructions you give the AI tools like ChatGPT to create content. We will unlock the secrets to creating the perfect prompt and share examples of several of the more popular prompt types.

Workflow Automation
You will also learn how to create a workflow to automate and speed up the content production process. I'll show you the one I use.

AI Writing Tools
We will do a deep dive into the AI tools I use every day to write and edit content. And we will overview some of the more popular content-writing tools that you may want to consider.

AI Writing Examples
Throughout the course, I will provide plenty of marketing-related examples to illustrate how to use these tools effectively.

Job Security
There is a concern among many writers and marketers that AI will take their jobs. However, I like to think of it this way: AI won't take your job; someone who understands how to use these tools will. Let that someone be you.

If you progress through all the lessons in this course, I promise you will learn everything you need to know to become more productive, efficient, and, dare I say it, a better writer than ever.

How can marketing professionals use generative AI?

Content Creation
Generative AI can help in creating engaging content for blog posts, social media posts, and more. It can generate new ideas based on the patterns it's learned from previous successful content.

Personalized Emails
AI can help craft personalized emails to customers based on their preferences and browsing history. This can help drive engagement and increase conversion rates.

Customer Service
Generative AI like ChatGPT can be used to power customer service chatbots. These chatbots can provide instant, 24/7 customer support and handle common inquiries, freeing up human agents for more complex tasks.

Market Research
AI can be used to analyze customer reviews and social media posts to generate insights about consumer behavior and preferences.

Ad Creation
Generative AI can also help create compelling ad copy optimized for conversion.

Get instant access to:

  • Easy-to-watch, informative video lessons

  • Interactive quizzes to test your comprehension

  • Practical downloadable resources

  • Lifetime access to the course & any updates

Who is your instructor?

This course is taught by Paul Chaney, a veteran content marketing professional and owner of Prescriptive Writing, which specializes in writing and editing content for B2B brands and agencies. Paul uses AI tools daily to be more productive and efficient in creating marketing content.

Enroll now and embark on a journey to be more creative, supercharge your workflow, and stay ahead of the curve in the world of generative AI writing.


Imagine having the ability to connect with your audience at the right time and with the right message, all without breaking a sweat. That's what marketing automation does, and it's changing the game for businesses like yours.

Marketing automation refers to applying different tools and AI to cut down on the human contribution to tasks.

It gets rid of the repetitive, time-consuming tasks that used to bog down your team. No more manual data entry; instead, you can focus on your strategy, creativity, and innovation.

Moreover, marketing automation gives you access to loads of data and insights. Dive into customer information, track how your campaigns are doing, and make smart decisions based on the data. Data-driven marketing is your not-so-secret weapon.

Because of that, with marketing automation and AI, you can create tailored campaigns that connect with individual preferences and behaviors. This personalization leads to more engagement and sales. It also ensures your messages hit your audience at just the right moment. Whether it's a welcome email, a product recommendation, or a follow-up message, automation guarantees you won't miss any opportunities.

When you offer personalized, well-timed, and relevant content, your audience feels valued and understood. Keep in touch with them, provide valuable content and information, and wait until they're ready to buy. This steady approach increases your chances of sealing the deal.

In a crowded market, those who use automation get ahead. Stay on top of the game while your competitors play catch-up.



  • What marketing tasks might be automated and how to identify areas for marketing automation

  • How to incorporate AI into your marketing strategy

  • Which tools to use for automation of email marketing, SEO, and ad visual creation

  • How to use AI for making of ad visuals

  • What AI tools to use for text creation and editing

  • Ways to automate your social media marketing (SMM)

  • Steps to manage social media reputation and how tools can help

  • How to choose CRM for your business and different information about CRM to assist you with


  • We have over 14 years of experience in online marketing and education. Our Webpromo Agency has both Google Premier Partner and Facebook Marketing Partner statuses.

  • We've launched over 2,000 successful marketing and educational projects throughout our careers.

  • Anton Voroniuk is a long-time marketing expert. He has used a lot of marketing automation tools for the completion of his marketing tasks and knows what best suits a marketer's needs.

  • Over 500,000 specialists worldwide have enrolled in our online courses. Our blog and YouTube tutorials help the Skillsbooster community stay in the loop and get all the tips they need to succeed in digital marketing and other fields.


  • Theory: 1.5+ hours of lectures with plenty of marketing automation examples. Lessons range from 2 to 10 minutes and are easy to follow.

  • Practice Materials: checklists, pdfs, and video tutorials to make the course more interactive and valuable.

  • Lifetime access to the course and all future updates.

  • 24/7 Support: If you have any questions, I will always be willing to answer them.

  • Udemy certificate for completion.


This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Join us on a journey to create smarter, more effective, and highly targeted marketing campaigns that drive success.

Ready to take the plunge? Enroll now and step into the marketing automation world!


Imagine having the ability to connect with your audience at the right time and with the right message, all without breaking a sweat. That's what marketing automation does, and it's changing the game for businesses like yours.

Marketing automation refers to applying different tools and AI to cut down on the human contribution to tasks.

It gets rid of the repetitive, time-consuming tasks that used to bog down your team. No more manual data entry; instead, you can focus on your strategy, creativity, and innovation.

Moreover, marketing automation gives you access to loads of data and insights. Dive into customer information, track how your campaigns are doing, and make smart decisions based on the data. Data-driven marketing is your not-so-secret weapon.

Because of that, with marketing automation and AI, you can create tailored campaigns that connect with individual preferences and behaviors. This personalization leads to more engagement and sales. It also ensures your messages hit your audience at just the right moment. Whether it's a welcome email, a product recommendation, or a follow-up message, automation guarantees you won't miss any opportunities.

When you offer personalized, well-timed, and relevant content, your audience feels valued and understood. Keep in touch with them, provide valuable content and information, and wait until they're ready to buy. This steady approach increases your chances of sealing the deal.

In a crowded market, those who use automation get ahead. Stay on top of the game while your competitors play catch-up.



  • What marketing tasks might be automated and how to identify areas for marketing automation

  • How to incorporate AI into your marketing strategy

  • Which tools to use for automation of email marketing, SEO, and ad visual creation

  • How to use AI for making of ad visuals

  • What AI tools to use for text creation and editing

  • Ways to automate your social media marketing (SMM)

  • Steps to manage social media reputation and how tools can help

  • How to choose CRM for your business and different information about CRM to assist you with


  • We have over 14 years of experience in online marketing and education. Our Webpromo Agency has both Google Premier Partner and Facebook Marketing Partner statuses.

  • We've launched over 2,000 successful marketing and educational projects throughout our careers.

  • Anton Voroniuk is a long-time marketing expert. He has used a lot of marketing automation tools for the completion of his marketing tasks and knows what best suits a marketer's needs.

  • Over 500,000 specialists worldwide have enrolled in our online courses. Our blog and YouTube tutorials help the Skillsbooster community stay in the loop and get all the tips they need to succeed in digital marketing and other fields.


  • Theory: 1.5+ hours of lectures with plenty of marketing automation examples. Lessons range from 2 to 10 minutes and are easy to follow.

  • Practice Materials: checklists, pdfs, and video tutorials to make the course more interactive and valuable.

  • Lifetime access to the course and all future updates.

  • 24/7 Support: If you have any questions, I will always be willing to answer them.

  • Udemy certificate for completion.


This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Join us on a journey to create smarter, more effective, and highly targeted marketing campaigns that drive success.

Ready to take the plunge? Enroll now and step into the marketing automation world!


Feeling trapped in the maze of mediocre copy that barely gets any attention? Craving to transform your words into a magnetic force that pulls in customers and sells anything?

Step into the realm of Ultimate Copywriting with AI and reshape your writing destiny.

Embark on this enlightening voyage with tens of thousands learners and tap into the expertise of Darius Mora, a name that echoes transformation in the corridors of digital marketing.

Darius Mora's "Ultimate Copywriting Course with AI - Sell More in Less Time" isn’t just another course; it's an avant-garde expedition into the confluence of classic copywriting and AI-driven strategies.

This master course encapsulates:

Timeless Meets Technology: Darius seamlessly integrates age-old copywriting principles with the revolutionary capabilities of AI. Witness the magic as the timeless art of persuasion meets cutting-edge digital tools.

The Golden Formulas: Drawing inspiration from literary maestros and marketing legends, Darius demystifies the science behind the most compelling narratives, offering you formulas that consistently hit the mark.

Interactive Learning at its Finest: With hands-on assignments, your skills are honed in real-time. Every lesson culminates in actionable insights, ensuring that your learning goes beyond mere theory.

Boost Your Traffic and Sales: Darius's methods are not just about eloquence; they are about results. Unlock strategies to skyrocket your engagement, conversions, and ROIs.

Tailored Templates & Resources: From PDFs that encapsulate wisdom to adaptable templates, Darius provides tools that can be instantly applied to your campaigns, saving you hours of work and guesswork.

AI-Enhanced Insights: Stay ahead of the curve. Dive deep into how AI can fine-tune your copy, making it more relevant, engaging, and result-driven. Darius demystifies AI's complexities, turning it into your trusty sidekick.

A Legacy of Excellence: Like the iconic brands and courses that inspire, Darius Mora's Ultimate Web Copywriting with AI MasterCourse (2023) is not just another course – it's a movement. It's about shaping the future communicators of the digital age.

But, the crown jewel? An exhaustive guide on how to use AI in real-life situations! This gem, a rare confluence of technology and text, ensures your copy remains not just relevant, but revolutionary. In Darius Mora's hands, you won't just learn to write – you'll awaken the power to captivate, compel, and convert with your crafted words. Elevate your copy. Command attention. And let your words wield the power they truly deserve.


Feeling trapped in the maze of mediocre copy that barely gets any attention? Craving to transform your words into a magnetic force that pulls in customers and sells anything?

Step into the realm of Ultimate Copywriting with AI and reshape your writing destiny.

Embark on this enlightening voyage with tens of thousands learners and tap into the expertise of Darius Mora, a name that echoes transformation in the corridors of digital marketing.

Darius Mora's "Ultimate Copywriting Course with AI - Sell More in Less Time" isn’t just another course; it's an avant-garde expedition into the confluence of classic copywriting and AI-driven strategies.

This master course encapsulates:

Timeless Meets Technology: Darius seamlessly integrates age-old copywriting principles with the revolutionary capabilities of AI. Witness the magic as the timeless art of persuasion meets cutting-edge digital tools.

The Golden Formulas: Drawing inspiration from literary maestros and marketing legends, Darius demystifies the science behind the most compelling narratives, offering you formulas that consistently hit the mark.

Interactive Learning at its Finest: With hands-on assignments, your skills are honed in real-time. Every lesson culminates in actionable insights, ensuring that your learning goes beyond mere theory.

Boost Your Traffic and Sales: Darius's methods are not just about eloquence; they are about results. Unlock strategies to skyrocket your engagement, conversions, and ROIs.

Tailored Templates & Resources: From PDFs that encapsulate wisdom to adaptable templates, Darius provides tools that can be instantly applied to your campaigns, saving you hours of work and guesswork.

AI-Enhanced Insights: Stay ahead of the curve. Dive deep into how AI can fine-tune your copy, making it more relevant, engaging, and result-driven. Darius demystifies AI's complexities, turning it into your trusty sidekick.

A Legacy of Excellence: Like the iconic brands and courses that inspire, Darius Mora's Ultimate Web Copywriting with AI MasterCourse (2023) is not just another course – it's a movement. It's about shaping the future communicators of the digital age.

But, the crown jewel? An exhaustive guide on how to use AI in real-life situations! This gem, a rare confluence of technology and text, ensures your copy remains not just relevant, but revolutionary. In Darius Mora's hands, you won't just learn to write – you'll awaken the power to captivate, compel, and convert with your crafted words. Elevate your copy. Command attention. And let your words wield the power they truly deserve.