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This basic, simple and easy to understand course gives an introductory overview of how you can use AI ChatGPT for your digital marketing. It shows the application for funnels, FB and Google ads as well as re-targeting and how you can make those faster, better and more efficient. AI is extremely powerful, but like anything else, one needs to know how to properly use it. As the saying goes: "Garbage in - garbage out", even in AI... So it is important to understand how you need to instruct ChatGPT in order to get your desired output (what we call "prompt engineering" as ChatGPT awaits your instructions in a text prompt.

Jochen has been using digital marketing as a practicing real estate agent (and otherwise) successfully for years and recently also is utilizing AI / ChatGPT for his digital marketing needs. He now has put his knowledge and expertise into a short course which you can access for free.

Video #1: How to utilize ChatGPT when creating/enhancing your funnels

Video #2: Making use of ChatGPT to write better copy for your Facebook ads that convert

Video #3: How to attract more leads with your Google PPC ads with copy written by ChatGPT

Video #4: Re-Targeting, Re-Marketing and Video Marketing with ChatGPT

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This basic, simple and easy to understand course gives an introductory overview of how you can use AI ChatGPT for your digital marketing. It shows the application for funnels, FB and Google ads as well as re-targeting and how you can make those faster, better and more efficient. AI is extremely powerful, but like anything else, one needs to know how to properly use it. As the saying goes: "Garbage in - garbage out", even in AI... So it is important to understand how you need to instruct ChatGPT in order to get your desired output (what we call "prompt engineering" as ChatGPT awaits your instructions in a text prompt.

Jochen has been using digital marketing as a practicing real estate agent (and otherwise) successfully for years and recently also is utilizing AI / ChatGPT for his digital marketing needs. He now has put his knowledge and expertise into a short course which you can access for free.

Video #1: How to utilize ChatGPT when creating/enhancing your funnels

Video #2: Making use of ChatGPT to write better copy for your Facebook ads that convert

Video #3: How to attract more leads with your Google PPC ads with copy written by ChatGPT

Video #4: Re-Targeting, Re-Marketing and Video Marketing with ChatGPT











1.企画構想力の向上: 本コースを受講し仮説設定の方法論を理解することで、アイデアの創造と展開において具体的で効果的な企画構想力を高めることができます。

2.効率的なアイデア発想: 新たな方法論を学ぶことで長時間のブレストや煩わしい思考プロセスから解放されます。より効率的かつ創造的なアイデアの発想が可能となります。

3.ビッグデータからの知見: 本コースでは、専門的な統計知識を必要とせず大量データから価値ある仮説を見出す手法を学びます。












1.企画構想力の向上: 本コースを受講し仮説設定の方法論を理解することで、アイデアの創造と展開において具体的で効果的な企画構想力を高めることができます。

2.効率的なアイデア発想: 新たな方法論を学ぶことで長時間のブレストや煩わしい思考プロセスから解放されます。より効率的かつ創造的なアイデアの発想が可能となります。

3.ビッグデータからの知見: 本コースでは、専門的な統計知識を必要とせず大量データから価値ある仮説を見出す手法を学びます。



Welcome to the ultimate journey in digital marketing! The "Digital Marketing: Cold Email, Lead Generation to Automation" course is your comprehensive guide to mastering the intricacies of modern digital marketing strategies. From the very foundations of lead generation to the cutting-edge world of AI-driven automation, this course equips you with the skills and strategies needed to excel in the dynamic realm of digital marketing.

Key Benefits:

Embark on this comprehensive journey and experience a transformation in your digital marketing prowess:

1. Foundation of Lead Generation: Master the essential art of lead generation as you delve into key modules that lay the groundwork for your marketing success. Build a strong foundation for the skills you'll develop throughout the course.

2. Digital Marketing Mastery: From Lead Generation to SEO: Immerse yourself in the realm of digital marketing, where you'll harness the power of lead generation techniques and unveil the secrets of effective search engine optimization. Develop a holistic understanding of digital marketing strategies.

3. Lead Magnet Mastery: Craft captivating and professional lead magnets that captivate your audience, driving them toward becoming valuable leads. Learn to create resources that resonate and engage.

4. Building Your Imminent List: Discover essential techniques to construct a strong and imminent list, setting the stage for targeted marketing success. Learn how to assemble a list primed for engagement.

5. Mastering Email Marketing: From List Building to Audience Engagement: Become a master of email marketing. From crafting compelling opt-in forms to nurturing relationships, you'll possess the skills to engage and convert your audience through strategic email campaigns.

6. Mastering Precision Targeting Techniques: Unlock the art of precision targeting, ensuring your marketing efforts reach the right audience with pinpoint accuracy. Learn how to tailor your messages for maximum impact.

7. Mastering Influence: Techniques for Lasting Impact: Delve into the science of influence and persuasion, mastering the art of leaving a lasting impact on your audience. Enhance your ability to create compelling content that resonates.

8. Mastering Lead Collection with Search Ad Secrets: Uncover the strategies and secrets behind effective search ad campaigns that drive lead collection and engagement. Learn to optimize your ad campaigns for maximum results.

9. Lead Collection Mastery with Banner Advertising: Harness the power of banner advertising to collect leads effectively and optimize your marketing efforts. Develop a comprehensive understanding of banner ad strategies.

10. Optimizing Lead Collection with Advanced Email Marketing: Elevate your email marketing game with advanced techniques that optimize lead collection and engagement. Leverage sophisticated email strategies for better results.

11. Mastering Lead Collection through Comprehensive Email Marketing Strategy: Gain insights into crafting a comprehensive email marketing strategy that fuels lead collection and conversion. Understand the nuances of creating a holistic email marketing approach.

12. Mastering Email Marketing From Lead Collection to Conversion: Explore the journey from lead collection to conversion, including advanced techniques like webinars and AI-powered direct response marketing. Master the full spectrum of email marketing strategies.

13. Marketing Automation: From Overview to Implementation: Dive into the world of marketing automation, understanding its nuances and implementing it effectively. Streamline your marketing efforts for maximum efficiency.

14. Webinar Mastery: Strategies for Impactful Marketing: Learn the art of hosting impactful webinars that engage, educate, and drive action from your audience. Harness the power of webinars for effective marketing.

15. AI Marketing with ChatGPT: Unlock the potential of AI to streamline your content creation and marketing efforts. Take your strategies to the next level with the power of AI-driven marketing.

16. ChatGPT Masterclass [Advanced Course]: Discover the advanced potential of AI-driven content creation with ChatGPT. Elevate your marketing efforts with cutting-edge AI strategies.

17. Jasper AI Marketing Masterclass: Explore the capabilities of Jasper AI for marketing, leveraging its features to enhance your campaigns and creativity. Harness AI for unparalleled marketing innovation.

18. Mastering the Blogosphere: A Journey to Blogging Success: Become a blogging expert, mastering the art of creating compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Establish your authority in the blogosphere.

19. Affiliate Marketing in General: Uncover the world of affiliate marketing, understanding its principles, and how to successfully promote products for profit. Learn the foundations of affiliate marketing.

20. Mastering Affiliate Marketing: Product Selection to Advanced Tactics: From product discovery to advanced strategies, become a proficient affiliate marketer capable of maximizing earnings. Develop your skills to excel in the affiliate marketing landscape.

21. Affiliate Marketing Mastery: Discover the art of affiliate marketing, exploring platforms like WarriorPlus, JVZoo, and ClickBank to promote products effectively. Unlock the potential of affiliate marketing platforms.

22. Mastering Affiliate Recruitment: Strategies for Success: Learn how to effectively recruit affiliates to promote your products, expanding your marketing reach. Enhance your affiliate marketing network.

23. Mastering Talent Acquisition: Sourcing Creative Designers: Explore strategies to find and recruit creative designers who can elevate your marketing visuals and branding. Enhance the visual impact of your marketing efforts.

24. The Freelancer's Guide: Launch and Thrive in the Online Gig Economy: Dive into the world of freelancing, learning how to launch and succeed in the online gig economy. Discover opportunities to thrive as a freelancer.

25. Mastering eLearning: From Creation to Monetization: Discover the process of creating and monetizing eLearning courses, sharing your expertise with a global audience. Harness the power of eLearning for educational and financial growth.

26. Side Hustle Mastery: Unlock Your Earning Potential: Explore various side hustle opportunities, equipping yourself with the knowledge to boost your income streams. Diversify your revenue sources with strategic side hustles.

27. Mastering Crowdfunding: Strategies for Success: Navigate the crowdfunding landscape with expert strategies to launch successful campaigns and achieve your funding goals. Fund your projects with confidence.

28. Mastering Social Media Marketing: Dominate social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, amplifying your online presence. Become a social media marketing authority.

29. Facebook Ads Mastery: Unleash the Power of Facebook Advertising: Master the art of crafting and running effective Facebook ad campaigns that drive results. Optimize your advertising efforts for success on this dominant platform.

30. Facebook Ads on Track: Mastering Pixel Tracking for Sales Success: Dive into pixel tracking for Facebook ads, optimizing your campaigns for increased sales and conversions. Gain insights into tracking strategies for better results.

31. Optimizing Lead Collection with Newsfeed Advertising: Discover the secrets of newsfeed advertising to effectively collect leads and engage your target audience. Leverage newsfeed ads for impactful lead generation.

32. Mastering ManyChat: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Messenger Marketing: Harness the power of ManyChat for Facebook Messenger marketing that engages and converts. Utilize messenger platforms for enhanced audience interaction.

33. Master the Art of Twitter Timeline Advertising: Unlock the potential of Twitter timeline advertising to reach your audience with compelling messages. Craft effective Twitter ad campaigns.

34. Mastering Video Marketing: Strategies, Production, and Beyond: Become a video marketing expert, crafting compelling videos that resonate with your audience. Harness the power of visual storytelling.

35. Mastering YouTube Advertising: From Setup to Success: Dive into YouTube advertising, learning how to set up and optimize campaigns for success. Leverage the massive reach of YouTube for effective marketing.

36. YouTube Live Mastery: Broadcasting & Engagement Strategies: Learn the art of broadcasting and engaging your audience through YouTube Live sessions. Create dynamic and interactive live content.

37. Mastering LinkedIn Marketing: Building Professional Connections That Convert: Maximize the potential of LinkedIn for business, creating professional connections that drive conversions. Elevate your B2B marketing efforts.

38. LinkedIn Advertising Mastery: Unlock the Potential of B2B Marketing: Discover the world of LinkedIn advertising, leveraging its B2B potential for your marketing campaigns. Reach the professional audience on this platform effectively.

39. LinkedIn Success: Drive Sales and Leads with Strategic Networking: Learn how to strategically network on LinkedIn to generate sales and leads for your business. Build meaningful connections that drive results.

40. Pinterest Marketing Mastery: Ads to Affiliate Strategies: Explore Pinterest marketing, from creating engaging ads to employing effective affiliate strategies. Tap into the visual appeal of Pinterest for marketing success.

41. Pinterest Anatomy: Mastering Pinterest Marketing: Understand the intricacies of Pinterest and leverage them for a successful marketing strategy. Craft effective Pinterest campaigns that resonate with your audience.

42. An Insight into Emerging Social Media Platforms: Stay ahead of the curve by exploring emerging social media platforms, tapping into their potential for marketing success. Innovate your marketing strategies with emerging platforms.

By completing the "Digital Marketing: Cold Email, Lead Generation to Automation" course, you'll be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and strategies needed to navigate the complex landscape of digital marketing. From mastering lead generation techniques to harnessing the power of automation and AI, you'll stand out as a digital marketing expert capable of driving conversions, building strong online presences, and optimizing your marketing efforts with finesse. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey and revolutionize your approach to digital marketing? Prepare to unlock unparalleled opportunities in the world of digital marketing excellence.

This course is prepared by Team AITCD, Australian Institute of Training and Career Development, ensuring a comprehensive and expertly crafted learning experience.

Enroll now and set yourself on the path to becoming a digital marketing master!


Welcome to the ultimate journey in digital marketing! The "Digital Marketing: Cold Email, Lead Generation to Automation" course is your comprehensive guide to mastering the intricacies of modern digital marketing strategies. From the very foundations of lead generation to the cutting-edge world of AI-driven automation, this course equips you with the skills and strategies needed to excel in the dynamic realm of digital marketing.

Key Benefits:

Embark on this comprehensive journey and experience a transformation in your digital marketing prowess:

1. Foundation of Lead Generation: Master the essential art of lead generation as you delve into key modules that lay the groundwork for your marketing success. Build a strong foundation for the skills you'll develop throughout the course.

2. Digital Marketing Mastery: From Lead Generation to SEO: Immerse yourself in the realm of digital marketing, where you'll harness the power of lead generation techniques and unveil the secrets of effective search engine optimization. Develop a holistic understanding of digital marketing strategies.

3. Lead Magnet Mastery: Craft captivating and professional lead magnets that captivate your audience, driving them toward becoming valuable leads. Learn to create resources that resonate and engage.

4. Building Your Imminent List: Discover essential techniques to construct a strong and imminent list, setting the stage for targeted marketing success. Learn how to assemble a list primed for engagement.

5. Mastering Email Marketing: From List Building to Audience Engagement: Become a master of email marketing. From crafting compelling opt-in forms to nurturing relationships, you'll possess the skills to engage and convert your audience through strategic email campaigns.

6. Mastering Precision Targeting Techniques: Unlock the art of precision targeting, ensuring your marketing efforts reach the right audience with pinpoint accuracy. Learn how to tailor your messages for maximum impact.

7. Mastering Influence: Techniques for Lasting Impact: Delve into the science of influence and persuasion, mastering the art of leaving a lasting impact on your audience. Enhance your ability to create compelling content that resonates.

8. Mastering Lead Collection with Search Ad Secrets: Uncover the strategies and secrets behind effective search ad campaigns that drive lead collection and engagement. Learn to optimize your ad campaigns for maximum results.

9. Lead Collection Mastery with Banner Advertising: Harness the power of banner advertising to collect leads effectively and optimize your marketing efforts. Develop a comprehensive understanding of banner ad strategies.

10. Optimizing Lead Collection with Advanced Email Marketing: Elevate your email marketing game with advanced techniques that optimize lead collection and engagement. Leverage sophisticated email strategies for better results.

11. Mastering Lead Collection through Comprehensive Email Marketing Strategy: Gain insights into crafting a comprehensive email marketing strategy that fuels lead collection and conversion. Understand the nuances of creating a holistic email marketing approach.

12. Mastering Email Marketing From Lead Collection to Conversion: Explore the journey from lead collection to conversion, including advanced techniques like webinars and AI-powered direct response marketing. Master the full spectrum of email marketing strategies.

13. Marketing Automation: From Overview to Implementation: Dive into the world of marketing automation, understanding its nuances and implementing it effectively. Streamline your marketing efforts for maximum efficiency.

14. Webinar Mastery: Strategies for Impactful Marketing: Learn the art of hosting impactful webinars that engage, educate, and drive action from your audience. Harness the power of webinars for effective marketing.

15. AI Marketing with ChatGPT: Unlock the potential of AI to streamline your content creation and marketing efforts. Take your strategies to the next level with the power of AI-driven marketing.

16. ChatGPT Masterclass [Advanced Course]: Discover the advanced potential of AI-driven content creation with ChatGPT. Elevate your marketing efforts with cutting-edge AI strategies.

17. Jasper AI Marketing Masterclass: Explore the capabilities of Jasper AI for marketing, leveraging its features to enhance your campaigns and creativity. Harness AI for unparalleled marketing innovation.

18. Mastering the Blogosphere: A Journey to Blogging Success: Become a blogging expert, mastering the art of creating compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Establish your authority in the blogosphere.

19. Affiliate Marketing in General: Uncover the world of affiliate marketing, understanding its principles, and how to successfully promote products for profit. Learn the foundations of affiliate marketing.

20. Mastering Affiliate Marketing: Product Selection to Advanced Tactics: From product discovery to advanced strategies, become a proficient affiliate marketer capable of maximizing earnings. Develop your skills to excel in the affiliate marketing landscape.

21. Affiliate Marketing Mastery: Discover the art of affiliate marketing, exploring platforms like WarriorPlus, JVZoo, and ClickBank to promote products effectively. Unlock the potential of affiliate marketing platforms.

22. Mastering Affiliate Recruitment: Strategies for Success: Learn how to effectively recruit affiliates to promote your products, expanding your marketing reach. Enhance your affiliate marketing network.

23. Mastering Talent Acquisition: Sourcing Creative Designers: Explore strategies to find and recruit creative designers who can elevate your marketing visuals and branding. Enhance the visual impact of your marketing efforts.

24. The Freelancer's Guide: Launch and Thrive in the Online Gig Economy: Dive into the world of freelancing, learning how to launch and succeed in the online gig economy. Discover opportunities to thrive as a freelancer.

25. Mastering eLearning: From Creation to Monetization: Discover the process of creating and monetizing eLearning courses, sharing your expertise with a global audience. Harness the power of eLearning for educational and financial growth.

26. Side Hustle Mastery: Unlock Your Earning Potential: Explore various side hustle opportunities, equipping yourself with the knowledge to boost your income streams. Diversify your revenue sources with strategic side hustles.

27. Mastering Crowdfunding: Strategies for Success: Navigate the crowdfunding landscape with expert strategies to launch successful campaigns and achieve your funding goals. Fund your projects with confidence.

28. Mastering Social Media Marketing: Dominate social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, amplifying your online presence. Become a social media marketing authority.

29. Facebook Ads Mastery: Unleash the Power of Facebook Advertising: Master the art of crafting and running effective Facebook ad campaigns that drive results. Optimize your advertising efforts for success on this dominant platform.

30. Facebook Ads on Track: Mastering Pixel Tracking for Sales Success: Dive into pixel tracking for Facebook ads, optimizing your campaigns for increased sales and conversions. Gain insights into tracking strategies for better results.

31. Optimizing Lead Collection with Newsfeed Advertising: Discover the secrets of newsfeed advertising to effectively collect leads and engage your target audience. Leverage newsfeed ads for impactful lead generation.

32. Mastering ManyChat: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Messenger Marketing: Harness the power of ManyChat for Facebook Messenger marketing that engages and converts. Utilize messenger platforms for enhanced audience interaction.

33. Master the Art of Twitter Timeline Advertising: Unlock the potential of Twitter timeline advertising to reach your audience with compelling messages. Craft effective Twitter ad campaigns.

34. Mastering Video Marketing: Strategies, Production, and Beyond: Become a video marketing expert, crafting compelling videos that resonate with your audience. Harness the power of visual storytelling.

35. Mastering YouTube Advertising: From Setup to Success: Dive into YouTube advertising, learning how to set up and optimize campaigns for success. Leverage the massive reach of YouTube for effective marketing.

36. YouTube Live Mastery: Broadcasting & Engagement Strategies: Learn the art of broadcasting and engaging your audience through YouTube Live sessions. Create dynamic and interactive live content.

37. Mastering LinkedIn Marketing: Building Professional Connections That Convert: Maximize the potential of LinkedIn for business, creating professional connections that drive conversions. Elevate your B2B marketing efforts.

38. LinkedIn Advertising Mastery: Unlock the Potential of B2B Marketing: Discover the world of LinkedIn advertising, leveraging its B2B potential for your marketing campaigns. Reach the professional audience on this platform effectively.

39. LinkedIn Success: Drive Sales and Leads with Strategic Networking: Learn how to strategically network on LinkedIn to generate sales and leads for your business. Build meaningful connections that drive results.

40. Pinterest Marketing Mastery: Ads to Affiliate Strategies: Explore Pinterest marketing, from creating engaging ads to employing effective affiliate strategies. Tap into the visual appeal of Pinterest for marketing success.

41. Pinterest Anatomy: Mastering Pinterest Marketing: Understand the intricacies of Pinterest and leverage them for a successful marketing strategy. Craft effective Pinterest campaigns that resonate with your audience.

42. An Insight into Emerging Social Media Platforms: Stay ahead of the curve by exploring emerging social media platforms, tapping into their potential for marketing success. Innovate your marketing strategies with emerging platforms.

By completing the "Digital Marketing: Cold Email, Lead Generation to Automation" course, you'll be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and strategies needed to navigate the complex landscape of digital marketing. From mastering lead generation techniques to harnessing the power of automation and AI, you'll stand out as a digital marketing expert capable of driving conversions, building strong online presences, and optimizing your marketing efforts with finesse. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey and revolutionize your approach to digital marketing? Prepare to unlock unparalleled opportunities in the world of digital marketing excellence.

This course is prepared by Team AITCD, Australian Institute of Training and Career Development, ensuring a comprehensive and expertly crafted learning experience.

Enroll now and set yourself on the path to becoming a digital marketing master!


Welcome to The Future of Copywriting: Creating Ad Copy & Video with AI course. This is a comprehensive project based course where you will be guided step by step on how to create high quality and compelling ad copies and ad videos for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Tiktok Ads, and Youtube Ads utilising AI text to ads generator. This course will give you a whole new perspective about the future of copywriting and you will be fascinated by how far AI has advanced in the past few years to the point where you can automate copywriting works using AI and save a lot of your time and energy. The course will concentrate mainly on three different aspects, the first one is how AI can be utilised to convert text to ad copies, the second one is how AI can be utilised to convert text to ad videos, and the third one is how to monetise your copywriting skills and potentially turn it into a sustainable business. In the introduction session, you will learn about which part of the ad creation process can be automated and sped up by AI, then followed by getting to know more about criteria of successful ad copies and videos, such as value proposition and emotional appeal. Afterward, you will also learn how to design compelling CTA or calls to action using interactive and action oriented language. Once you learned all necessary basics about automating copywriting using AI, the course will be continued by entering the main section which is a full step by step tutorial on how to create ad copies for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads as well as create ad videos for Youtube Ads and Tiktok Ads. In that section, you will utilise variety of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Copy AI, Write Sonic, Write Cream, Snazzy AI for generating ad copies, Kreateable and Magic Brief for generating ad images, also InVideo, Steve AI, and Deep Brain for generating ad videos. At the end of the course, you will also learn several strategies that you can implement to monetise your copywriting skills like starting a social media marketing agency and selling fully customisable ad copy templates.

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask ourselves this question, why should we learn to automate copywriting using AI. Well, let’s talk about the copywriting perspective first, as the market moves toward the digital economy, more and more businesses are selling their products online and in order to increase their sales, obviously, they need high quality ad copies that will convince their potential customers to purchase their product. Therefore, the demand for copywriters in today’s market has also increased significantly. Meanwhile, if we are talking from AI perspective, anything can be easily automated using AI nowadays and that included copywriting, can you imagine how long it will take to create ad copies or ad videos, well it might take a while since you need to come up with creative ideas, then integrate those ideas with the market trends, as well as create the ad copies and videos from scratch, however, AI can generate you the ad copy and ad video in less than a minute, all you need to do is simply just tell AI about the product that you are selling. Therefore, you will be able to save a lot of your time and energy which will enable you to focus on other things that are actually more relevant.

Below are things that you can expect to learn from this course:

  • Learn how AI can be utilised to automate copywriting, such as generating ad copies, ad images, and ad videos

  • Getting to know several criteria of successful and converting ad copy such as value proposition, emotional appeal, and scarcity

  • Learn how to design compelling CTA or Call to Action

  • Learn how to create ad copy for Google Ads using ChatGPT, Copy AI, Write Sonic, and Write Cream

  • Learn how to create ad copy and ad image for Facebook & Instagram Ads using Snazzy AI, Kreateable, and Magic Brief

  • Learn how to create ad video for Tiktok & Youtube Ads using Invideo, Steve AI, and Deep Brain

  • Learn how to monetise your copywriting skills and get to know several copywriting business models like starting social media marketing agency and selling customisable ad copy templates


Welcome to The Future of Copywriting: Creating Ad Copy & Video with AI course. This is a comprehensive project based course where you will be guided step by step on how to create high quality and compelling ad copies and ad videos for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Tiktok Ads, and Youtube Ads utilising AI text to ads generator. This course will give you a whole new perspective about the future of copywriting and you will be fascinated by how far AI has advanced in the past few years to the point where you can automate copywriting works using AI and save a lot of your time and energy. The course will concentrate mainly on three different aspects, the first one is how AI can be utilised to convert text to ad copies, the second one is how AI can be utilised to convert text to ad videos, and the third one is how to monetise your copywriting skills and potentially turn it into a sustainable business. In the introduction session, you will learn about which part of the ad creation process can be automated and sped up by AI, then followed by getting to know more about criteria of successful ad copies and videos, such as value proposition and emotional appeal. Afterward, you will also learn how to design compelling CTA or calls to action using interactive and action oriented language. Once you learned all necessary basics about automating copywriting using AI, the course will be continued by entering the main section which is a full step by step tutorial on how to create ad copies for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads as well as create ad videos for Youtube Ads and Tiktok Ads. In that section, you will utilise variety of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Copy AI, Write Sonic, Write Cream, Snazzy AI for generating ad copies, Kreateable and Magic Brief for generating ad images, also InVideo, Steve AI, and Deep Brain for generating ad videos. At the end of the course, you will also learn several strategies that you can implement to monetise your copywriting skills like starting a social media marketing agency and selling fully customisable ad copy templates.

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask ourselves this question, why should we learn to automate copywriting using AI. Well, let’s talk about the copywriting perspective first, as the market moves toward the digital economy, more and more businesses are selling their products online and in order to increase their sales, obviously, they need high quality ad copies that will convince their potential customers to purchase their product. Therefore, the demand for copywriters in today’s market has also increased significantly. Meanwhile, if we are talking from AI perspective, anything can be easily automated using AI nowadays and that included copywriting, can you imagine how long it will take to create ad copies or ad videos, well it might take a while since you need to come up with creative ideas, then integrate those ideas with the market trends, as well as create the ad copies and videos from scratch, however, AI can generate you the ad copy and ad video in less than a minute, all you need to do is simply just tell AI about the product that you are selling. Therefore, you will be able to save a lot of your time and energy which will enable you to focus on other things that are actually more relevant.

Below are things that you can expect to learn from this course:

  • Learn how AI can be utilised to automate copywriting, such as generating ad copies, ad images, and ad videos

  • Getting to know several criteria of successful and converting ad copy such as value proposition, emotional appeal, and scarcity

  • Learn how to design compelling CTA or Call to Action

  • Learn how to create ad copy for Google Ads using ChatGPT, Copy AI, Write Sonic, and Write Cream

  • Learn how to create ad copy and ad image for Facebook & Instagram Ads using Snazzy AI, Kreateable, and Magic Brief

  • Learn how to create ad video for Tiktok & Youtube Ads using Invideo, Steve AI, and Deep Brain

  • Learn how to monetise your copywriting skills and get to know several copywriting business models like starting social media marketing agency and selling customisable ad copy templates


Enrolling in this comprehensive course offers students the unique opportunity to unlock a realm of autonomy and proficiency in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Marketing. As the digital landscape rapidly evolves, mastering these cutting-edge techniques equips learners with the skills needed to effortlessly execute sophisticated marketing strategies, affording them invaluable time to cherish moments with their cherished families and loved ones.

Throughout the course, students will delve into the intricate intricacies of AI-powered digital marketing, gaining an in-depth understanding of its core principles, strategies, and tools. From predictive analytics that optimizes ad targeting to automated content generation that captivates audiences, participants will harness the power of AI to elevate their marketing efforts to unprecedented heights.

By mastering these skills, students will not only streamline their marketing campaigns but also reclaim precious hours that can be dedicated to their families. The efficiency gained through AI-driven automation allows for a more balanced life, as time-consuming tasks are deftly managed by AI algorithms, liberating marketers to focus on meaningful interactions and quality time with loved ones.

Upon completion of this transformative course, students will emerge as adept AI Digital Marketers, ready to propel brands to new pinnacles of success. Armed with the ability to curate personalized customer experiences, optimize resource allocation, and decipher nuanced market trends, graduates will savor the freedom to strike a harmonious equilibrium between professional accomplishments and cherished familial connections.

In essence, this course is not only a pathway to professional mastery but also a gateway to enriching one's personal life. By embracing the power of AI in digital marketing, students can relish the joy of contributing to impactful campaigns while relishing a surplus of quality moments shared with their families and beloved ones.


Enrolling in this comprehensive course offers students the unique opportunity to unlock a realm of autonomy and proficiency in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Marketing. As the digital landscape rapidly evolves, mastering these cutting-edge techniques equips learners with the skills needed to effortlessly execute sophisticated marketing strategies, affording them invaluable time to cherish moments with their cherished families and loved ones.

Throughout the course, students will delve into the intricate intricacies of AI-powered digital marketing, gaining an in-depth understanding of its core principles, strategies, and tools. From predictive analytics that optimizes ad targeting to automated content generation that captivates audiences, participants will harness the power of AI to elevate their marketing efforts to unprecedented heights.

By mastering these skills, students will not only streamline their marketing campaigns but also reclaim precious hours that can be dedicated to their families. The efficiency gained through AI-driven automation allows for a more balanced life, as time-consuming tasks are deftly managed by AI algorithms, liberating marketers to focus on meaningful interactions and quality time with loved ones.

Upon completion of this transformative course, students will emerge as adept AI Digital Marketers, ready to propel brands to new pinnacles of success. Armed with the ability to curate personalized customer experiences, optimize resource allocation, and decipher nuanced market trends, graduates will savor the freedom to strike a harmonious equilibrium between professional accomplishments and cherished familial connections.

In essence, this course is not only a pathway to professional mastery but also a gateway to enriching one's personal life. By embracing the power of AI in digital marketing, students can relish the joy of contributing to impactful campaigns while relishing a surplus of quality moments shared with their families and beloved ones.