Ever wonder why people do what they do? This course—which includes more than $1,000 of video and reading materials—offers some answers based on the latest research from social psychology. Students taking the course for a Certificate will also receive free membership in Social Psychology Network ( COURSE DESCRIPTION FROM PROFESSOR PLOUS: Each of us is dealt a different hand in life, but we all face similar questions when it comes to human behavior: What leads us to like one person and dislike another? How do conflicts and prejudices develop, and how can they be reduced? Can psychological research help protect the environment, and if so, how? This course offers a brief introduction to classic and contemporary social psychology, covering topics such as decision making, persuasion, group behavior, personal attraction, and factors that promote health and well-being. Our focus will be on surprising, entertaining, and intriguing research findings that are easy to apply in daily life. The course will also draw from the websites of Social Psychology Network, the world's largest online community devoted to social psychology. I hope you'll join me for this course, have fun, and learn some useful information that enriches your life.
    Курс направлен на: • формирование адекватного представления о разнообразии методов современной психодиагностики; • глубокое изучение современных мировых этических стандартов работы психолога – психодиагноста; • освоение технологий определения достоверности результатов, полученных с помощью различных методов диагностики; • изучение классических и современных подходов к диагностике интеллекта, личностных особенностей, потенциала одаренности и потенциала достижений личности; • формирование базовых навыков применения классических методов психодиагностики. Программа данного курса предполагает обучение современным способам распознавания, измерения и описания индивидуально-психологических особенностей человека; изучение закономерностей вынесения валидных и надежных диагностических суждений, правил “диагностических умозаключений”, с помощью которых осуществляется переход от признаков или индикаторов определенных психических состояний, структуры, процесса к констатации наличия и выраженности этих психологических переменных; выполнение большинства базовых методик психодиагностики и формирование навыка интерпретации полученных результатов. Данный курс ориентирован на три категории слушателей: • менеджеров по персоналу, специалистов клиент-ориентированного профиля, сталкивающиеся с необходимостью применения психодиагностических методов и/или принятия управленческих решений на основе результатов психодиагностики; • студентов программ очного и заочного бакалавриата гуманитарных и менеджерских направлений образования • магистров и аспирантов с различным уровнем подготовки, прошедших обучение по программам бакалавриата в различных вузах и по различным специальностям. Сертификат о прохождении данного курса дает дополнительные баллы при поступлении в магистратуру Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета. Перечень магистерских программ находится по ссылке:
      Our mind doesn’t work the way we think. When I was a psychology student, I was often baffled by the things I learned. “How can this not be common knowledge?” I thought. In this course, I want to share psychology insights that completely changed the way I look at the world. Many of the lessons you are about to learn may seem crazy, but they are actually backed up by decades of research. Discover how your brain secretly edits what you perceive and remember, why emotions can make your life messy, and how your social nature influences your behavior. After this course, you will understand: What psychology (and a psychologist) really is. How your perception works and how your brain constructs your reality How your memory works and why you often shouldn't trust it. Why emotions can make life messy and the hidden mechanisms behind this. Why most people have an unrealistic self-image and why this is actually healthy. How your social nature influences your behavior (more than you think). In short, you will learn key psychology lessons in just a few lectures and get a completely different perspective on yourself and the world. So click the buy button on the right hand side and find out how your mind really works. Let me add that I want you to be 100% happy with this course. If there is anything you are not satisfied with you can get 100% of your money back . So why not try it out ? Once you enroll you can start with any lecture and see for yourself what it has in store for you. And you can ask me any question you have about the human mind. What do students say? ★★★★★ "An excellent and very helpful course!!! Strongly recommended!" Olga Galanaki ★★★★★ "The course is perfect and on point unlike some other courses its not boring at all.You can easily understand even if you've no prior knowledge." Aruhi Patel ★★★★★ "It was amazing." Nnadiukwu Ronald ★★★★★ "I loved the experiments shared by you, during the course of lecture. It is exceptionally good and helps in relating to the content of this lecture. Simply Awesome." Kinshuk Joshii ★★★★★ "Very informative and easy to understand." Kathryn Sheehan ★★★★★ "Extremely well structured, very engaging, informative and easy to follow! The teacher did a great job in exposing me to my unchallenged beliefs and biases. His lectures gave me a lot to think about." Alice ★★★★★ "Great Course!" Ugochi Oduozo ★★★★★ "This course was perfectly explained. Very informative. I wouldn't change a thing with the lectures." Tiffany Baker ★★★★★ "This is a lot of great informtion in this course. Very worth while taking. Andre Klapper sure knows his psychology. Thank you." Bobbie Smith ★★★★★ "Very insightful and explained in a simple, relatable way." Inge Pick ★★★★★ "I found this topic so fascinating. I will be doing another course to gain a better understanding. Thinking of taking this course, do it, you will not be disappointed." Kerry Munjanganja
        Positive interventions are one of the building blocks for the application of positive psychology in our day-to-day lives. In this course taught by Dr. James Pawelski, we explore positive interventions through theory, research and practice. We provide learners the basic tools for using and measuring positive psychology in professional or personal contexts. Suggested prerequisite: Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science.
          Many innovations deployed to solve social problems never reach their full potential. Sometimes they fail because people resist changing their behavior even when they know they should do things like stop smoking, show up to a job training course, start using solar power, take a daily pill, or wash their hands. Knowledge alone won’t cause them to make the switch. There are other motivations, other drivers, and other factors about how their environments are set up that need to be accounted for and potentially redesigned. This is where social science research can inform the work of social entrepreneurs. In this course, Dan Ariely, a professor at Duke University and the author of the New York Times bestseller Predictably Irrational, will help social entrepreneurs apply insights from behavioral economics and psychology to understand how people make decisions. His research shows that when people make small adjustments to their environment or their daily routines, they can generate new use patterns and trigger better decisions that improve health, education, financial wellbeing, environmental preservation and other forms of social good. By drilling down to specific behaviors that your customers need to perform to use your product or service in the intended way, you’ll uncover new opportunities to redesign elements of the experience or motivate people to take required steps. In addition to video tutorials from Dan, you'll also gain access to 4 Behavior Change Design Guides (totaling over 90 pages) that will include step-by-step exercises to apply these principles to your product, along with examples from other social enterprises. Once you start seeing these principles in everyday life, you won’t be able to resist redesigning elements of your own life and business to help you and the people around you.
            The Dalai Lama has said that Buddhism and science are deeply compatible and has encouraged Western scholars to critically examine both the meditative practice and Buddhist ideas about the human mind. A number of scientists and philosophers have taken up this challenge. There have been brain scans of meditators and philosophical examinations of Buddhist doctrines. There have even been discussions of Darwin and the Buddha: Do early Buddhist descriptions of the mind, and of the human condition, make particular sense in light of evolutionary psychology? This course will examine how Buddhism is faring under this scrutiny. Are neuroscientists starting to understand how meditation “works”? Would such an understanding validate meditation—or might physical explanations of meditation undermine the spiritual significance attributed to it? And how are some of the basic Buddhist claims about the human mind holding up? We’ll pay special attention to some highly counterintuitive doctrines: that the self doesn’t exist, and that much of perceived reality is in some sense illusory. Do these claims, radical as they sound, make a certain kind of sense in light of modern psychology? And what are the implications of all this for how we should live our lives? Can meditation make us not just happier, but better people? All the features of this course are available for free. It does not offer a certificate upon completion.
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              BEHAVIORAL FINANCE is a relatively new area of study. Blending together psychology and finance, this subject came about as professors and practitioners of both professions found themselves faced with an inescapable truth: PEOPLE ARE EMOTIONAL ABOUT MONEY! Not only are people emotional about money, but this emotion and the misjudgement that it causes has a huge negative affect on the average person's finances . Understanding the Psychology of Human Misjudgement, made popular by Warren Buffett's right hand man Charlie Munger, will help you to make better financial decisions, be a better investor, and help you build wealth much faster. In this course you will learn: 1. Contrast Misreaction Tendency 2. Social Proof Tendency 3. Deprival Super Reaction Tendency 4. Over Optimism Tendency 5. Pain Avoiding Tendency 6. Reciprocation Tendency 7. Influence from Association 8. Envy/Jealousy Tendency 9. Kantian Fairness Tendency 10. Curiosity Tendency 11. Inconsistency Avoidance Tendency 12. Doubt Avoidance Tendency 13. Disliking Tendency 14. Reward/Punishment Super Response Tendency 15. Stress Influence Tendency 16. Availability Misweighing Tendency 17. Use it or Lose it Tendency 18. Drug Misinfluence Tendency 19. Senesence Misinfluence Tendency 20. Authority Misinfluence Tendency 21. Twaddle Tendency 22. Reason Respecting Tendency 23. Lollapalooza Tendency Join the course and use your new understanding of Behavioral Finance to make better investing decisions and build more wealth faster than anyone that does not understand these fundamentals principles!
                Everyday Parenting gives you access to a toolkit of behavior-change techniques that will make your typical day in the home easier as you develop the behaviors you would like to see in your child. The lessons provide step-by-step instructions and demonstrations to improve your course of action with both children and adolescents. Among many techniques, you will learn how even simple modifications to tone of voice and phrasing can lead to more compliance. The course will also shed light on many parenting misconceptions and ineffective strategies that are routinely used. The key to the course is practice. It is not enough to know the strategies; you have to do them to reap the rewards. Using the techniques on a temporary basis will lead to permanent change. Chances are your parenting is perfectly fine and working the way you would like. But if you have any frustrations with your child or would like improve your effectiveness in changing your child’s behavior, these videos will be a very useful guide. Subtitles available in Chinese and Spanish.
                  The level of popularity you experienced in childhood and adolescence is still affecting you today in ways that you may not even realize. Learn about how psychologists study popularity and how these same concepts can be used in adulthood to be more successful at work, become better parents, and have a happier life.
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                    This course is based on the principles of William Glasser's Choice Theory. Students  will  be introduced  to a psychology of personal freedom that empowers people to focus on internal locus of control as opposed to the external locus of control  mentality that festers in our society. Students will have an opportunity to reflect on the concepts of the theory and how to apply personal responsibility  to their lives.  Students will leave the course with tangible  cognitive tools  they can use  to combat pessimism, anxiety and depression , improve  self esteem and relationships at home and work one choice at a time.