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Are you finding it difficult to start the conversation, or find the right words when communicating in English? Do you know how to start and end conversations in a polite way? Do you want to learn more about American, British, Canadian, Australian, South Korean, Colombian, and Chinese cultures? If so, you’ve come to the right course! 语言最重要的功能就是交流。在交流中我们要知道如何开始一个对方感兴趣的话题,回答别人的提问,自然、流畅地完成一个对话。本课程选取了8个主题,由50多位来自美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、哥伦比亚、中国的老师及各个年龄段的学生,在真实的场景中,用最地道的表达和最纯正的英语,带你谈论日常生活、学习的方方面面。 本课程分为八个单元,每个单元有一个主题,分别是: 1、个人信息的介绍与交换 2、我们的家人和朋友 3、饮食与用餐 4、英语学习的目的和方法 5、假日活动和难忘的经历 6、兴趣爱好 7、情感表达 8、保持健康 每个主题由十余组对话和小组讨论,外籍老师的中西方文化差异介绍,中国老师的重点词汇、句型讲解,听力理解练习和口语测试构成。通过学习和练习,你将可以和讲英语的朋友们自如地交谈、讨论与主题相关的任何问题。本课程的学习方法有很多。英语学习者可以在反复地听和跟读对话的过程中,不断积累语言素材,和你身边的朋友或同课程的学习者进行对话练习;英语教师可以选用本课程中适合的主题,组织学生进行听说训练,组织高效课堂。也许你不能理解每段对话的全部内容,只需听懂大意,随着课程的进展,你听懂的内容会越来越多。让我们一起实现一次英语听说的飞跃吧。 本门课程在制作过程中得到了香港伟新教育基金和Google公司的资助,特此鸣谢。
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    In this communications course, you will learn how to properly write a paper in English, cite references and give attributions. You will also learn how to choose research topics and write proposals for research funding. It is increasingly important that new scholars and students become familiar with, and abide by the international standard when writing papers, submitting them for publication, dealing with editors, and applying for funding. Above all, knowing how to conduct a clear English presentation is an essential requirement for research papers being accepted. In this course, along with learning best practices for writing a paper, you will also learn about “conventions and protocols” of international academia and the cultural differences between East and West. 发表高质量的学术论文和参与国际学术交流已经成为科学研究必不可少的环节及衡量学术成就的重要指标。清晰的英文表达是国际期刊和会议论文被录用的基本要求。论文投稿和修改,与编辑打交道,熟悉并遵守国际学术规则和惯例十分重要。 本课程旨在指导学生如何撰写国际期刊和会议论文,介绍国际学术界的惯例和规则,讨论相关的东西方文化差异,并指导如何正确引用参考文献,尊重他人研究成果,如何参加学术活动如参加学术会议、如何当评审人及如何担任国际期刊编委、国际会议程序委员会委员等学术工作。 本课程简短探讨如何选择研究课题和如何申请科研项目。
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      在组织的人际沟通中,“我”和“我们”哪个更重要?在跨文化的交流中,你有没有遭遇过人际交往的尴尬和痛点?在现代企业的经营活动中,沟通存在着那些陷阱和挑战? 本课程将现代管理沟通理念与中国传统文化思维相结合,分三个篇章讲述管理沟通的科学认知、个体沟通技能和组织沟通技能。重点描述了在中国文化情境中管理沟通的思维模式和行为方式。 这门课程由华北电力大学提供,北京大学推荐。 Which is more important, “I” or “We”, in interpersonal communication in organizations in China? Have you ever encountered an embarrassing and awkward experience in cross-cultural communication? What are the pitfalls and challenges in communication in operating enterprises in China? This communications course is divided into three parts: scientific recognition of management communication, personal communication skills and organizational communication skills, by combining the modern management communication ideology and Chinese traditional cultural thinking. Meanwhile, this online course intensively describes the thinking model and behavior mode of management communication in the Chinese cultural context. If you are beginning your career, a working professional, or planning to work and study in China, this course will help you effectively communicate with Chinese people and understand the Chinese way of management behavior. Realize your personal value and achieve your organizational objectives. This course is offered by North China Electric Power University, recommended by the Peking University. 课程背景: 本课程在中国开课不到1年来,有近六万人在线学习了该课程,很多学友说“这是一门让我们有直接收获的应用型课程”。“赵老师讲的故事让我念念不忘。” 课程主讲教师毕业于中国最富有人文气质高校之一的武汉大学、深造于美国的哈佛大学,具有十余年为“世界五百强企业”讲授经济管理类课程的职业经历,曾在中国国家教育部主办的全国高校教学比赛中获得一等奖。 想要收获价值的伙伴们还等什么?一起来吧! Course Background: Professor Zhao graduated from Wuhan University, which is one of the most famous universities and rich in humanistic environment and talents in China, and pursued advanced researches in Harvard University in the U.S. and he has possessed more than ten years’ professional experience in teaching economic & management courses for World Top 500 enterprises. He was also the First-Prize winner of the national university teaching contest sponsored by China’s Ministry of Education. FAQ课程特色/最吸引你的可能是什么 七百多年前,马可波罗向世界展现了中国的物产、文化和艺术。当今,在全球经济一体化日益加深的前提下, 怎么认识中国,怎么理解中国式思维,特别是那些需要在中国企业工作或是与中国人打交道的朋友,怎么实现和中国人的有效沟通,本课程会以沟通为视角为你开展一个互联网时代的马可波罗式的导游,让你系统认知中国人以独特的心理文化构建的人际世界和组织行为。 FAQ Features/ What will most possibly attract you? Over seven hundred years ago, the abound resources, magnificent culture and art of China were unfolded to the world by Marco Polo. With the deepening of the economic globalization, nowadays, how to understand China, how to obtain a better understanding of the Chinese way of thinking, and how to achieve the effective communication with the Chinese, especially for those who need work in China and make contact with the Chinese? From the perspective of communication, this course will conduct a Marco Polo-styled guided tour in the times of internet for you, and facilitate the systematic recognition of the interpersonal world and organizational behavior constructed by the Chinese in their unique psychological culture.
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        在组织的人际沟通中,“我”和“我们”哪个更重要?在跨文化的交流中,你有没有遭遇过人际交往的尴尬和痛点?在现代企业的经营活动中,沟通存在着那些陷阱和挑战? 本课程将现代管理沟通理念与中国传统文化思维相结合,分三个篇章讲述管理沟通的科学认知、个体沟通技能和组织沟通技能。重点描述了在中国文化情境中管理沟通的思维模式和行为方式。 这门课程由北京理工大学提供,北京大学推荐。 Which is more important, “I” or “We”, in interpersonal communication in organizations in China? Have you ever encountered an embarrassing and awkward experience in cross-cultural communication? What are the pitfalls and challenges in communication in operating enterprises in China? This communications course is divided into three parts: scientific recognition of management communication, personal communication skills and organizational communication skills, by combining the modern management communication ideology and Chinese traditional cultural thinking. Meanwhile, this online course intensively describes the thinking model and behavior mode of management communication in the Chinese cultural context. If you are beginning your career, a working professional, or planning to work and study in China, this course will help you effectively communicate with Chinese people and understand the Chinese way of management behavior. Realize your personal value and achieve your organizational objectives. This course is offered by Beijing Institute of Technology University, recommended by the Peking University. 课程背景: 本课程在中国开课不到5年来,有16万人在线学习了该课程,很多学友说“这是一门让我们有直接收获的应用型课程”。“赵老师讲的故事让我念念不忘。” 课程主讲教师毕业于中国最富有人文气质高校之一的武汉大学、深造于美国的哈佛大学,具有十余年为“世界五百强企业”讲授经济管理类课程的职业经历,曾在中国国家教育部主办的全国高校教学比赛中获得一等奖。 想要收获价值的伙伴们还等什么?一起来吧! Course Background: Professor Zhao graduated from Wuhan University, which is one of the most famous universities and rich in humanistic environment and talents in China, and pursued advanced researches in Harvard University in the U.S. and he has possessed more than ten years’ professional experience in teaching economic & management courses for World Top 500 enterprises. He was also the First-Prize winner of the national university teaching contest sponsored by China’s Ministry of Education. FAQ课程特色/最吸引你的可能是什么 七百多年前,马可波罗向世界展现了中国的物产、文化和艺术。当今,在全球经济一体化的前提下, 怎么认识中国,怎么理解中国式思维,特别是那些需要在中国企业工作或是与中国人打交道的朋友,怎么实现和中国人的有效沟通,本课程会以沟通为视角为你开展一个互联网时代的马可波罗式的导游,让你系统认知中国人以独特的心理文化构建的人际世界和组织行为。 FAQ Features/ What will most possibly attract you? Over seven hundred years ago, the abound resources, magnificent culture and art of China were unfolded to the world by Marco Polo. With the deepening of the economic globalization, nowadays, how to understand China, how to obtain a better understanding of the Chinese way of thinking, and how to achieve the effective communication with the Chinese, especially for those who need work in China and make contact with the Chinese? From the perspective of communication, this course will conduct a Marco Polo-styled guided tour in the times of internet for you, and facilitate the systematic recognition of the interpersonal world and organizational behavior constructed by the Chinese in their unique psychological culture.