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All the tools we are using on this course are all 100% free. Everyone knows about the importance of creating a responsive website that looks smashing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. In this course, we go through step by step how to create a stunning WordPress website with the FREE Elementor and Astra theme. We then go on to explain how to customize the website we created to fit all devices, using Elementor's visual mobile editing tools.
    Hey guys! In this course, I am going to teach you how to speed up your WordPress website without doing any coding or paying any extra dollar! I am Rihab, an Engineer with more than 5 years experience in web designing and seo. I have helped hundreds of people to enhance their website speed and now I intend to help you enhance your website speed. I know how frustrating it is to have a slow website; I have been there myself and I know what you might be feeling right now. Especially, when every article in the internet is telling you that you have to fix your website speed. First of all, you should know that Website speed affects your user's experience. Clients usually avoid slow websites, and not only do they run away from such websites, they also never come back to visit them again! Imagine yourself going to eat at a restaurant. You sit on your table waiting for the waiter to come and give you the menu. And you keep on waiting for a long time without him showing up. What will you do then? I bet you will leave the restaurant and go to the closest one! That is exactly what happens when someone visits a slow website. Furthermore, Website speed affects your Google ranks, and this is something no one should tolerate! Google aims to give their clients the best experience they can get, that is why it favors fast websites and ranks them highly. So if you are aiming for a higher Google rank you have to take good care of your website speed. I know you might have tried so many online solutions, read dozens of articles, downloaded many plug-ins hoping to speed up your website… and nothing really worked out, nothing fixed your website speed. But do not panic. In this course you will find the solution for all your problems, and not only will you be able to fix your website speed instantly but you will also provide your website with the suitable plans to keep it running fast with a minimum of efforts and without having to do any coding! We will start this course by explaining what is website speed. Then we'll see together the method of measuring the website speed and how to analyze the results we get. Next, you will learn how to clean up your wordpress website so that you save space for your valuable data. Then I will teach you, step by step, how to optimize your existing media as well as your new media before uploading them to your website… And believe me, you will be surprised to see how easy this is and how much your media optimization will affect your website speed. Afterwards, I will reveal to you the special tricks I use to change slow and boring websites into fast and vivid ones. These tricks will be the key points in the transformation of your website speed. When I first discovered them, I thought that I had put my hands on some kind of magic tricks because the huge amount of improvement you will see and experience in your website speed shall astonish you. In this course, I will deliver these tricks to you in a simple easy way. I will show you the tricks and I will accompany you into applying them step by step. Here I will teach you how to optimize every part of your website and how to keep it optimized all the time with a minimum of efforts! To maintain a high website speed! This course is simple, quick and straight to the point. It is structured to respond to all your needs and to suit everyone. Both Wordpress beginners and experts will benefit from it. You can start by applying these techniques tonight; I guarantee you that within 2 days you will experience a better website speed, and, thus, you will enhance your Google rank as well. This course doesn't have a fixed price; it gets more expensive every day, i.e. if you visit this page tomorrow you might find that the price of the course has changed. Therefore, you'd better take profit of the opportunity and subscribe today at a lower price. Do not wait or hesitate because each passing minute of your website-life counts. Now, at this very moment, you are losing visitors, clients, and money _and you are losing them for good_, because of your website speed. Act and fix your website speed, let it rank highly in Google, let your visitors enjoy your website, and make them your permanent clients so that you can start collecting your profits! And do not forget you can also check the free parts of my course. See you in few minutes.
      Learn how to duplicate and transfer your entire WordPress site from one location to another — like a pro! Want to know the best, safest, and easiest way to copy and move your own WordPress site? In this course, we'll talk about how WordPress migration works, how to prepare your existing site and your site's destination, and what tools you need to clone and move your entire WordPress site. Whether you plan to migrate your own WordPress website from one web host to another, from your local computer to a web server, or from a web server to your own local computer — understanding how WordPress migration works will help you feel more confident and secure about the process! HOW IS THIS COURSE DIFFERENT? My name is Kathleen, and I've been teaching technology to beginners under the moniker Robobunnyattack! since 2009. I believe that with the right approach, anyone can learn anything. My goal is to help you develop an intuitive understanding of web technologies, and how to make them work for YOU. The lessons in this course are perfect for "advanced beginners" who: Are comfortable using WordPress ; Know (or are willing to learn) how to use FTP software to move files to and from a web server; Know (or are willing to learn) how to perform some basic configuration tasks via their web hosting provider's web hosting control panel (e.g. cPanel). If this describes you, then you're ready to learn how to migrate your own WordPress website! In this course, we'll copy and move a pre-existing WordPress website from one web server to another. As we work together, I'll explain what each step means and WHY we do it, so you can learn more quickly and with more confidence . We'll cover: Why moving a WordPress website is so complicated (and how to approach this); How to prepare your existing site for a successful migration; Free tools you can use to automate and simplify the process; Essential steps for setting up your destination location; Testing, cleanup, and more! By the end of this course, you'll be able to copy and move an entire WordPress website from one location to another, following best practices every step of the way! Here's a sample of what my students have to say about my other WordPress courses on Udemy: "Love, love, love. . . LUUURVE RoboBunny's online lectures. I've worked a bit with WordPress here and there over the years, but RoboBunny certainly has filled in many of the missing parts and I have a much better understanding." —Kimberly M. "This helped build my confidence to go ahead and take action. Tutor has a passion and super knowledge of her subject." —Tania Y. "Course was just the right amount of information at the right price. A clean and concise format. Thank you." —Lori J. "Kathleen's instruction is clear, down-to-earth, and spot on. Her style is devoid of geek-speak and enthusiastic." —Leslie S. "Thank you Kathleen for sharing this information. ... My working life is now a lot easier thanks to your clear, concise and illuminating presentation here." —Paul B. WHAT'S INCLUDED? This course includes lifetime access to over 90 minutes of step-by-step videos. I've included a downloadable "WordPress migration checklist" for you to print and keep. You'll also get supplementary text lectures and links to helpful tools and resources. BONUS: I've also included a FREE bonus section ("SECTION 6: FTP Basics") explaining how FTP (File Transfer Protocol) works. Understanding how to use FTP software is essential in order to move WordPress sites. If you aren't already familiar with FTP or you need a quick refresher, you can start there! HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE ME? This completely depends on your availability and learning preference. You can work through all the video lectures in one afternoon, or pace yourself over several days or weeks — it's up to you! WHAT IF THIS COURSE ISN'T FOR ME? This course comes with an unconditional 30-day Udemy-backed guarantee . Try out this course for 30 days and see for yourself if this course is right for you. If you're not 100% satisfied, simply request a full refund within 30 days — no conditions, no questions asked! I'm confident you'll LOVE this course, and I'm excited to help you learn. Enrol now and add this essential skill to your WordPress toolbox today! —Kathleen Farley (aka Robobunnyattack!)
        WordPress is a website platform often used for blogs but now powers websites for companies and organizations. WordPress is a simple platform and is easy to use but knowing what options to use when can often lead to confusion. I am a website designer with over 13 years of experience. I have been designing websites with WordPress for over 5 years. In 2013, I deployed over 62 customized WordPress websites for Small Businesses and Organizations in my area. With each deployment, came the training. I provided recorded tutorials for each of my clients so they could have something to reference. That is where this course comes into play. I want you to completely understand how to use your WordPress Website so you can get the most out of it. You either spent a lot of time setting up your website or paid somebody else to do it, so it needs to provide you value. In this course, I will walk through WordPress section by section describing how and when to use each feature. By the end of this course, you will know everything that WordPress is capable of doing on its own. I want your website to be a successful website and that starts with understanding how to use it. This course is for anybody who has either just setup Wordpress or was just handed login access to a website they had designed by a website designer. If you have had your Wordpress Website for a while and never got the hang of using it, this course will refresh and renew your desire to create good content and share your story with the world. Sign up today. You can use the Udemy.Com app to view the content on your smart phone or tablet which makes it easy to follow along with your browser as you watch me describe Wordpress features and best practices. Some say I am a little long winded with my explanations, however I am that way because I want all to understand. Some aspects of Wordpress are very apparent to some while others struggle with understanding how a certain feature works. Fast learners may want to cruise through the video at a faster pace.