Stock Trading - Advanced Trading Techniques is the compulsory advanced stock trading course which all fund managers must take before they are employed under Reubiks Capital , the fund management arm of Reubiks Academy. They must fully comprehend the contents of this course before they are allowed to even manage a single dollar. Stock Trading is not an easy skill but in this course you will get everything you need to start your stock trading journey as confidently as possible and you will under the theoretical principles behind successful stock trading. After learning the theories, this course will put whatever theory you have learnt into practice and the secret behind how our traders and portfolio are able to make independent decisions on stock trading, will be revealed . You will have access to all the resources, aids, and tools which our traders use in their stock trading journey. The coach and mentor for this course is Mr Japhet Lim, a successful funds manager based in Singapore and the co-founder of Reubiks Academy/Reubiks Capital (A prestigious academy and a fund management firm which currently employs a team of 50 traders with a fund size of 20 Million USD in total) He has also trained and coached at least 2000 currently successful fund managers in the art of stock trading. Besides Mr Japhet Lim, the other co-founder of Reubiks Academy is Mr Melvin Tan, who currently serves as Senior Advisor to New Silkroutes Group Limited. He also serves as Senior Advisor to BraveStandard Pte Ltd, a Singapore based, fully licensed fund management company . Prior to his current role, Melvin was one of the youngest Regional Vice President, Partnerships & Programs for Regional Retail Equities in Maybank Kim Eng Group and before that Vice President, Segment Management for Retail Equities in CIMB Group . Melvin is also Founder & Chairman of the Securities Investors Association Singapore (SIAS) Youth Chapter and a Member of INSPIRIT Community of Young Leaders under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). He was also Vice Chairman of the Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO) Singapore from 2012 - 2015. Mr Melvin Tan co-developed the curriculum for this stock trading course and students can stand to benefit from his wealth of experience in the fund management industry as well . During your time in this course, Mr Japhet will cover advanced and actual techniques used by his traders to do stock trading. This will aid you in your path to breaking through as a trader and becoming a profitable trader in the shortest time possible. Students will learn and fully engage themselves with a revolutionary new angle of performing stock analysis and stock trading . Rest assured that this new angle is not just theoretical, but i t is the actual angle used by Japhet and the traders employed under his wing . Besides learning the angle which Japhet and his team of traders use to analyze stocks and perform their stock trading duties, this course will cover at least 3 actual strategies on how to analyze stocks which the Reubiks Capital team currently uses in their playbook. To further aid you in your quest to becoming a full-time, profitable stock trader, Japhet will also share some of his personal best trades with students who enrolled in this course, through his stocks trading brokerage account , as he wants to make sure that all students know that excellent trades are not difficult to execute and spot. This is a one-time offer which Mr Japhet is making exclusively to students on Udemy . Stock Trading is by no means, an easy journey, however, if executed professionally and strategically, can be a life-changing experience for many people. The satisfaction of watching your stock portfolio grow in terms of fund size and seeing your trades change you and your family's living standards, one trade at a time, is an extremely blissful feeling . Whether or not, you want to become a full-time trader or just looking to generate a side income, trust us when we say that, this course is definitely for you. For those of you who are not aware, this is the 2nd part to a 2 part course, the first course is a foundation course.
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    This course is easy and I have given you exact steps to follow. These are steps that you should be doing daily and it should be a part of trading routine. I was able to find this method after long search for 10 years. The method is to plot the support and resistance which a lot of people miss it. How can you generate passive income with ease? These are like one time learning process which gives you long term effect. Just learn today and use it for 10 years or 20 years. you cannot become like Charlie Munger or Warren Buffett, because their mindset is extremely positive and they are well learnt about the stock markets. You can also be a PRO if you have that discipline! My idea of stock investing is easy and simple, just focus on fewer things. Intelligent investor is a great book and there are some useful investing lessons from that book. But it's not possible for all of us to read that book and find the good principles. I have simplified the course with useful information that can be used for any number of years. I want to give this information to the next generation. I am teaching through udemy which can help to reach more students easily. You will find 1000's of books and they could be confusing. What if there is a neat guide for you?? this is that course!
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      3Keys 2Success is an exclusive course designed to educate traders of all levels on how to effectively take advantage of today's market by identifying the most valued entry points to ensure maximum profits, all while limiting risk to minimize losses. Unlock the doors to success in as little as 1.5 hours and begin your trading adventures for profit same day!
        By the end of this course you will be able to start your investing journey and start growing your wealth. You'll start off by learning everything about the different investment products ( Stocks , Bonds and even commodities like Gold ). Once you completely understand these products, you will learn about the different investment vehicles (so you can invest in these products). You will learn about investing directly in the products you want to buy, or by using investment vehicles like ETFs , Index Funds and Mutual Funds . You'll understand the importance of diversification , and how you can diversify not only across stocks but even across different asset classes. We'll cover ways of investing that are completely passive (where you don't have to do anything but just invest a little bit of your capital on a regular basis) vs more active investing techniques (where you make decisions about your investment products and use advanced portfolio management techniques like portfolio rebalancing , tactical asset allocation and much more). We'll learn about charting, brokerage accounts and how you can choose and open an account. We'll go over different portfolios, from basic portfolios to modern portfolios (based on the portfolios of the biggest investment firms in the world). We'll even build a portfolio together and buy it with real money! And there is so much more. So register now and see you inside the course!
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          Over 2000 Happy Students! Fully updated for 2019! Do you know what a stock option is? If the answer is no then you probably think that a guaranteed protection for yourself from another Market Crash is impossible. But that's why I made this course to show you what an option is and how to use what might arguably be the best way to invest. Just to be clear this is for building wealth longer term not an active day or weekly trading method. If you are willing to learn a little and take a few steps you can accomplish this with this course. Unless you are more comfortable signing a check to your local stock broker or investment "guy". But keep in mind nobody cares more about your money than you. I've laid out this course step by step for beginners explaining any necessary terms and avoiding repetitive mind numbing financial jargon, to give you leverage over the stock market. Click the green button to learn a guaranteed method have no fear of another market crash.
            Investing for Beginners level course on how to start saving so that you can invest. This course will go through the main financial tips and tricks. It's a course that focuses on the most important aspects only. It is for busy people who just want the 80/20 of saving to investing 101. ---------- The course contains the following: ✨ Outlining goals . What's it like to be rich for you? ⛑️ Budgeting, detailing main expenses and revenue streams . How can you reduce your variable and fixed expenses? ⚡ Summary: Ways to save more money on a daily basis. ⛑️ 14 Ways to make money on the side: There's only how much you can cut so let's focus more on how can you earn more. ⚡12 Most Common Investing Mistakes and how to avoid them ✅ Importance of Diversification and How to diversify. You want to have a well-diversified portfolio with multiple index funds across different countries and continents. ✨ How to select an investment asset with your broker. Navigating broker screen, digging through admin fees and other KPIs to look for in a fund ✅ What to look for in stocks? P/E ratio, ROA, Management compensation ⚡ Compound interest and its importance. Albert Einstein reportedly said it. “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it. He who doesn't pays it.” ✨ Why Robo-Investing isn't Working . Critics of Moneyfarm, Moneybox, Wealthify, Wealthfront and other automated platform. How their admin fees are killing your returns. BONUS: UK Individual Savings Account (ISA) Types: Help to Buy ISA, Stocks & Shares ISA, Lifetime ISA, Pension Schemes and how to optimise your taxes. You may skip this 5 min bonus video if you are not a UK resident. --------- The resources to read and compile are the best part of this course. Downloadable files: - Investing for Beginner's pdf presentation - 10 Commandments of Investing One-pager for high-res printing - Admin Fee Calculator excel file - Budgeting template excel file - 4 Essays on: a) Cash is Trash, b) Index fund explained, c) Investing in Gold, d) Investing in Small-Cap Stocks. --------- Why should you invest? You won't build wealth by: - Skipping a $3 coffee - Making your own dishwasher tablets - Clipping coupons - Ordering water at a restaurant You build wealth by taking massive action towards increasing your income and investing the difference in cash-flowing assets. Investing can help you beat inflation You can compound your wealth by investing You can create a source of passive income -------- Don't forget to download the resources to use and read them. They've been carefully produced for this course. By end of this course, you will be able to get your money working for you. Becoming financially savvy is easy. It’s all about fundamentals and we’ll show you how in the least amount of time and hassle. And then we’ll give you tips on how to spend your spare time and money acquired. If you aren't satisfied by the end of this course, please feel free to activate Your money back guaranteed Udemy policy. But I'm sure you won't have to.
              If you are an investor, trader or even a business owner, how would you like to be able to forecast the next recession? You could avoid losing money on the stock market. You could decide how to divert your investments before anything happens. In this course, I will teach a certain exact method to forecast the next recession. This particular method successfully foretasted the early 1990s recession, the tech bubble in 2000, and the financial crisis in 2008. So Who is this course for? This course is made for investors, traders and business executives who want actionable knowledge on the state of economy. Unlike some other courses out there where you just hear instructors talking endlessly, and you only see text in their power point presentation, this course will include animations, images, charts and diagrams help you understand the various concepts. This course includes a basic concept section. So if you have 0 knowledge, you will be able to catch up. I promise I will not be teaching generic unactionable ideas like you must buy low and sell high. Also, this is also not a motivation class where I preach to you that you must work hard to succeed, or you must have discipline to profit from the market. In this course, I will teach you the exact methods, how to execute them, and where to search for resources. In addition, Udemy and I promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If I fail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back after attending the course. No questions asked. So what are you waiting for? Its time to take action! Go ahead to click on the enroll button. I will see you at our course.
                Invest in your portfolio by learning how to invest in Mobile Home Parks. In nine modules you'll learn: 1. You'll learn why mobile home parks is the #1 asset class in America (and it's not just because of Accelerated Depreciation). 2. 20 Hidden and 8 not so hidden places where you can find mobile home park deals. Anywhere . 3. Should you fire your manager in the first 30 days of owning a park? Answer in module 7. 4. Module 4 will show you how you can tell if a park is a good investment in 30 seconds (or less). 5. What to say to a seller who's afraid to sell because "You'll fire all my staff if you buy?"  Find out in Module 6. 6. Is hiring a husband and wife team a good deal to run your parks? That depends...this course tells you why. 7. Module 4 shows you what one thing needs to be near every single mobile home park that can save you thousands, if not millions. 8. Your first phone call with the seller. What questions should you ask him-and what questions you must AVOID.
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                  Warren Buffett is one of the richest man alive. He is regarded as the most influential and successful investor. And now you can follow his investing style! Intrinsic value is the most important metric in order to evaluate stocks and decide which stocks are worth buying and which are not. In this course you'll learn all you need to calculate the intrinsic value of stocks like Warren Buffett (even when you are an absolute beginner - it is easily explained). To receive more informations, watch the "promotional video"! Looking forward to seeing you in this course! :)
                    Join 150+ Students in the #1 Best-Selling complete stock investing course on Udemy! Investing in the stock market can be mastered by anyone and for those who really learn the key concepts and best practices they will be able to reach their most challenging financial goals and lead the life they dream about. Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure when investing in stocks. I went from being a broke college student with 80K in debt, living in a run down 1 bedroom apartment, to growing an investment account worth millions of dollars, and I am here to show you how to do it too! This is why I packed years of real world experience and learning lessons into this stock market course, teaching you how you could make hundreds of thousands of dollars by investing in stocks. I learned these lessons the hard way, through years of trial and error, but you learn from your mistakes and help others succeed and avoid them, thats what is so great about the internet, I can share all the information and knowledge I have learned to help you on your journey. The money you can make in the stock market is incredible 80% of millionaires today made their money through either real estate or the stock market, not small amounts of money were talking minimum of tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds if not millions of dollars, as long as you know what your doing. Becoming a millionaire takes a special set of skills, but if you follow and understand the skills in the course you could set yourself up with a comfortable retirement. But I don't know how to invest, or I don't have a degree in Finance, I won't be able to make that kind of money you might say. Not true, Anyone has the skills to become successful in the stock market , you could be a plumber, a teacher, electrician, retail worker, car salesman, it doesn't matter, as long as you have the desire and know the fundamentals of how to invest properly (which I will teach you), you will make more money than you ever thought possible. It's Never Too Late , The stock market is one of the best ways to generate wealth ever created!! THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU ALL THE SKILLS NECESSARY TO BECOME A SUCSESSFUL STOCK MARKET INVESTOR THE CHOICE IS YOURS, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? ALL THE BEST, NOW LETS GET TO WORK!!!! The information published and contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding such information. Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk.