
Welcome to your complete guide to video creation with Pictory AI. This course will walk you through the ins and outs of creating compelling video content using artificial intelligence. From the basics to the more advanced features, this course has you covered.

What This Course Offers:

1. Text-to-Video Conversion: Master the art of converting written articles, scripts, or any text into visually engaging videos.

2. Create Video Summaries: Learn how to distill long-form content like research papers or lengthy articles into brief, engaging video summaries.

3. Customization and Design: We'll dive into the platform's customization options, teaching you how to tailor video designs to fit your brand or mood, including text overlays, background music, and color schemes.

4. Hands-On Examples: Work through real-world projects to get practical experience. Create videos for different sectors like marketing, education, or entertainment.

5. AI in Video Production: Gain insights into how AI is revolutionizing video production. Learn its advantages and limitations.

6. Tips and Best Practices: Discover how to optimize your workflow, speed up the production process, and get the best results with Pictory AI.

Who Is This Course For:

Perfect for content creators, digital marketers, educators, and anyone who wants to leverage the power of AI in video creation. No prior experience is required.

Benefits You'll Gain:

  • Walk away with the know-how to produce a variety of video types, from informational pieces to promotional materials.

  • Develop a deep understanding of AI’s role in digital content creation, making you more adaptable and forward-thinking in your projects.

  • Become proficient in using Pictory AI as a versatile tool for your digital media needs, from social media posts to corporate presentations.


Welcome to your complete guide to video creation with Pictory AI. This course will walk you through the ins and outs of creating compelling video content using artificial intelligence. From the basics to the more advanced features, this course has you covered.

What This Course Offers:

1. Text-to-Video Conversion: Master the art of converting written articles, scripts, or any text into visually engaging videos.

2. Create Video Summaries: Learn how to distill long-form content like research papers or lengthy articles into brief, engaging video summaries.

3. Customization and Design: We'll dive into the platform's customization options, teaching you how to tailor video designs to fit your brand or mood, including text overlays, background music, and color schemes.

4. Hands-On Examples: Work through real-world projects to get practical experience. Create videos for different sectors like marketing, education, or entertainment.

5. AI in Video Production: Gain insights into how AI is revolutionizing video production. Learn its advantages and limitations.

6. Tips and Best Practices: Discover how to optimize your workflow, speed up the production process, and get the best results with Pictory AI.

Who Is This Course For:

Perfect for content creators, digital marketers, educators, and anyone who wants to leverage the power of AI in video creation. No prior experience is required.

Benefits You'll Gain:

  • Walk away with the know-how to produce a variety of video types, from informational pieces to promotional materials.

  • Develop a deep understanding of AI’s role in digital content creation, making you more adaptable and forward-thinking in your projects.

  • Become proficient in using Pictory AI as a versatile tool for your digital media needs, from social media posts to corporate presentations.

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This comprehensive online course, is your gateway to mastering the art of content creation with the help of cutting-edge AI technology. Throughout this course, you will delve into the world of Chat GPT, gaining invaluable insights and hands-on experience in harnessing its capabilities to elevate your content creation process.

What You Will Learn: By enrolling in this course, you will acquire the following skills, techniques, and knowledge:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Chat GPT and its role in content creation.

  • Conduct effective audience research using Chat GPT to better connect with your target viewers.

  • Create and define your target avatar, ensuring your content resonates with a specific audience.

  • Identify your avatar's needs and develop strategies to address them using Chat GPT.

  • Learn how to brainstorm content ideas, leveraging the creativity and intelligence of Chat GPT.

  • Determine the necessary equipment and tools for enhancing your content quality with AI.

  • Develop a comprehensive long-form content plan, optimizing it for engagement and impact.

  • Transform lengthy content into engaging short-form pieces for different platforms.

  • Master the art of optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags for improved search engine visibility.

Why You Should Take This Class: The skills and knowledge imparted in this course are essential in today's digital landscape. Content creation, audience engagement, and search engine optimization are paramount for anyone looking to succeed in online content creation. By enrolling in this course, you will gain a competitive edge in the following ways:

  • Learn how to use AI technology effectively, staying ahead in the dynamic field of content creation.

  • Develop content that resonates with your audience, leading to increased viewership and engagement.

  • Master SEO strategies to make your content more discoverable and drive organic traffic.

  • Understand the nuances of content planning, ensuring every piece you create serves a specific purpose.

  • Acquire practical skills that can be applied to a wide range of industries, from digital marketing to entertainment and beyond.

Who This Class is For: This course is designed for content creators, digital marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to enhance their online presence and engage with their target audience effectively. Whether you are a beginner or have some prior experience in content creation, this course provides a structured approach to utilizing AI and Chat GPT to improve your content quality and reach. No prior AI knowledge is required; we'll guide you through the entire process, making it accessible for all skill levels.

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This comprehensive online course, is your gateway to mastering the art of content creation with the help of cutting-edge AI technology. Throughout this course, you will delve into the world of Chat GPT, gaining invaluable insights and hands-on experience in harnessing its capabilities to elevate your content creation process.

What You Will Learn: By enrolling in this course, you will acquire the following skills, techniques, and knowledge:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Chat GPT and its role in content creation.

  • Conduct effective audience research using Chat GPT to better connect with your target viewers.

  • Create and define your target avatar, ensuring your content resonates with a specific audience.

  • Identify your avatar's needs and develop strategies to address them using Chat GPT.

  • Learn how to brainstorm content ideas, leveraging the creativity and intelligence of Chat GPT.

  • Determine the necessary equipment and tools for enhancing your content quality with AI.

  • Develop a comprehensive long-form content plan, optimizing it for engagement and impact.

  • Transform lengthy content into engaging short-form pieces for different platforms.

  • Master the art of optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags for improved search engine visibility.

Why You Should Take This Class: The skills and knowledge imparted in this course are essential in today's digital landscape. Content creation, audience engagement, and search engine optimization are paramount for anyone looking to succeed in online content creation. By enrolling in this course, you will gain a competitive edge in the following ways:

  • Learn how to use AI technology effectively, staying ahead in the dynamic field of content creation.

  • Develop content that resonates with your audience, leading to increased viewership and engagement.

  • Master SEO strategies to make your content more discoverable and drive organic traffic.

  • Understand the nuances of content planning, ensuring every piece you create serves a specific purpose.

  • Acquire practical skills that can be applied to a wide range of industries, from digital marketing to entertainment and beyond.

Who This Class is For: This course is designed for content creators, digital marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to enhance their online presence and engage with their target audience effectively. Whether you are a beginner or have some prior experience in content creation, this course provides a structured approach to utilizing AI and Chat GPT to improve your content quality and reach. No prior AI knowledge is required; we'll guide you through the entire process, making it accessible for all skill levels.


Welcome to the advanced realm of Part 2 in our comprehensive AI for Marketing course, Your Guide to Business Growth! In this segment, we're not just taking your expertise to new heights; we're launching it into the stratosphere of cutting-edge marketing strategies powered by AI.

As you delve deeper, automation becomes your ally, streamlining processes and giving you the edge in efficiency. Master the intricate art of delivering personalized marketing campaigns, where AI becomes your creative partner, tailoring messages with precision that resonate with your audience on a personal level. Predict customer behavior with a level of accuracy that transforms marketing from a guessing game into a strategic masterpiece.

Harness the power of advanced AI tools to not just follow but anticipate social media trends, putting you ahead of the curve and ensuring your campaigns are always on point. The journey doesn't stop there; strategically map and optimize customer journeys, ensuring every interaction is not just a step but a leap towards maximum impact.

Our commitment to hands-on learning and affordability is unwavering, ensuring you not only gain high-quality insights but do so without breaking the bank. As you progress through Part 2, you'll not only navigate but also master the evolving landscape of AI in marketing, unlocking the full potential of these transformative technologies.

Don't miss the opportunity to revolutionize your approach, elevate your business to unprecedented heights, and do so ethically and effectively. Enroll today, and let's continue this enriching journey together into the future of marketing success with AI!


Welcome to the advanced realm of Part 2 in our comprehensive AI for Marketing course, Your Guide to Business Growth! In this segment, we're not just taking your expertise to new heights; we're launching it into the stratosphere of cutting-edge marketing strategies powered by AI.

As you delve deeper, automation becomes your ally, streamlining processes and giving you the edge in efficiency. Master the intricate art of delivering personalized marketing campaigns, where AI becomes your creative partner, tailoring messages with precision that resonate with your audience on a personal level. Predict customer behavior with a level of accuracy that transforms marketing from a guessing game into a strategic masterpiece.

Harness the power of advanced AI tools to not just follow but anticipate social media trends, putting you ahead of the curve and ensuring your campaigns are always on point. The journey doesn't stop there; strategically map and optimize customer journeys, ensuring every interaction is not just a step but a leap towards maximum impact.

Our commitment to hands-on learning and affordability is unwavering, ensuring you not only gain high-quality insights but do so without breaking the bank. As you progress through Part 2, you'll not only navigate but also master the evolving landscape of AI in marketing, unlocking the full potential of these transformative technologies.

Don't miss the opportunity to revolutionize your approach, elevate your business to unprecedented heights, and do so ethically and effectively. Enroll today, and let's continue this enriching journey together into the future of marketing success with AI!


Are you ready to unlock the secrets of leveraging AI for SEO?

Meet "Autoblogging AI SEO: ChatGPT SEO Strategies To Rank," a game-changing Udemy course by Julian Goldie that cuts through the fluff and dives straight into how to use Autoblogging techniques.

Here's the deal:

  • Understand Autoblogging: Discover how to set up blogs that virtually run themselves, pulling in traffic day and night.

  • Master ChatGPT for SEO: Learn how to harness the power of AI to create content strategies that have ranked for me

  • Real Strategies, Real Results: No outdated tactics here. You're getting the freshest, AI-driven methods that are reshaping the SEO landscape.

Why this course?

  • It’s current. AI is the present and future of SEO, and you're getting in on the ground floor.

  • It's practical. Apply what you learn immediately, with clear steps that make sense.

  • It's clear-cut. No wandering through the woods of theory. We’re talking actionable insights.

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill course.

I’m Julian Goldie, and I’m here to guide you through Autoblogging AI SEO without the jargon or the filler.

My promise?

By the end, you’ll navigate the AI SEO world with practical, actionable insights.

Plus this is free!

NOTE: The strategies in this course carry inherent risks and should be pursued with caution; always conduct your own research and tailor approaches to your unique SEO context. I just run this technique on case studies and fun experiments not websites I really care about!


Are you ready to unlock the secrets of leveraging AI for SEO?

Meet "Autoblogging AI SEO: ChatGPT SEO Strategies To Rank," a game-changing Udemy course by Julian Goldie that cuts through the fluff and dives straight into how to use Autoblogging techniques.

Here's the deal:

  • Understand Autoblogging: Discover how to set up blogs that virtually run themselves, pulling in traffic day and night.

  • Master ChatGPT for SEO: Learn how to harness the power of AI to create content strategies that have ranked for me

  • Real Strategies, Real Results: No outdated tactics here. You're getting the freshest, AI-driven methods that are reshaping the SEO landscape.

Why this course?

  • It’s current. AI is the present and future of SEO, and you're getting in on the ground floor.

  • It's practical. Apply what you learn immediately, with clear steps that make sense.

  • It's clear-cut. No wandering through the woods of theory. We’re talking actionable insights.

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill course.

I’m Julian Goldie, and I’m here to guide you through Autoblogging AI SEO without the jargon or the filler.

My promise?

By the end, you’ll navigate the AI SEO world with practical, actionable insights.

Plus this is free!

NOTE: The strategies in this course carry inherent risks and should be pursued with caution; always conduct your own research and tailor approaches to your unique SEO context. I just run this technique on case studies and fun experiments not websites I really care about!


Are you ready to unlock the limitless potential of AI, including ChatGPT, DALL·E, and the art of Prompt Engineering? Welcome to our comprehensive AI course designed to empower individuals from all backgrounds! This course is perfect for aspiring AI enthusiasts, creative professionals, data scientists, and anyone eager to harness the power of cutting-edge AI tools for everyday applications.

Who is this course for?

  • Aspiring AI enthusiasts

  • Creative professionals seeking to leverage AI in their work

  • Data scientists looking to enhance their AI skillset

  • Anyone eager to harness the power of AI in their daily tasks

  • Entrepreneurs: who want to start their own AI-powered businesses.

  • Students: who are interested in learning about AI and how it can be used in their studies and future careers.

What will you learn from this course?

In the first segment, you'll delve deep into ChatGPT, gaining the skills to communicate and innovate with this revolutionary language model. Learn how to craft persuasive, informative, and engaging conversations that captivate audiences and drive results. With expert guidance, you'll master the art of Prompt Engineering, creating tailored inputs to elicit precisely the AI-driven responses you desire.

But that's not all – our course extends its focus to DALL·E, the image generation wonder. You'll learn how to generate stunning visuals, designs, and artwork, making your creative visions a reality. Discover the secrets behind crafting prompts that transform your ideas into awe-inspiring AI-generated images.

Throughout this program, we'll also introduce you to a suite of AI tools that will simplify and enhance your daily tasks, from automating repetitive chores to making data-driven decisions with confidence. We've designed this course to be accessible to everyone, ensuring that you don't need a background in AI to excel.

By the end of this transformative journey, you'll not only be a certified expert in ChatGPT, Prompt Engineering, and DALL·E, but you'll also have a toolkit of AI skills that will elevate your work, spark your creativity, and revolutionize your problem-solving approach. Embark on this educational adventure and become a true AI pioneer, making AI work for you, no matter your field or profession.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the world of AI and embark on a journey that will forever change the way you engage with technology.

Join us today and become part of the AI revolution!


Are you ready to unlock the limitless potential of AI, including ChatGPT, DALL·E, and the art of Prompt Engineering? Welcome to our comprehensive AI course designed to empower individuals from all backgrounds! This course is perfect for aspiring AI enthusiasts, creative professionals, data scientists, and anyone eager to harness the power of cutting-edge AI tools for everyday applications.

Who is this course for?

  • Aspiring AI enthusiasts

  • Creative professionals seeking to leverage AI in their work

  • Data scientists looking to enhance their AI skillset

  • Anyone eager to harness the power of AI in their daily tasks

  • Entrepreneurs: who want to start their own AI-powered businesses.

  • Students: who are interested in learning about AI and how it can be used in their studies and future careers.

What will you learn from this course?

In the first segment, you'll delve deep into ChatGPT, gaining the skills to communicate and innovate with this revolutionary language model. Learn how to craft persuasive, informative, and engaging conversations that captivate audiences and drive results. With expert guidance, you'll master the art of Prompt Engineering, creating tailored inputs to elicit precisely the AI-driven responses you desire.

But that's not all – our course extends its focus to DALL·E, the image generation wonder. You'll learn how to generate stunning visuals, designs, and artwork, making your creative visions a reality. Discover the secrets behind crafting prompts that transform your ideas into awe-inspiring AI-generated images.

Throughout this program, we'll also introduce you to a suite of AI tools that will simplify and enhance your daily tasks, from automating repetitive chores to making data-driven decisions with confidence. We've designed this course to be accessible to everyone, ensuring that you don't need a background in AI to excel.

By the end of this transformative journey, you'll not only be a certified expert in ChatGPT, Prompt Engineering, and DALL·E, but you'll also have a toolkit of AI skills that will elevate your work, spark your creativity, and revolutionize your problem-solving approach. Embark on this educational adventure and become a true AI pioneer, making AI work for you, no matter your field or profession.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the world of AI and embark on a journey that will forever change the way you engage with technology.

Join us today and become part of the AI revolution!