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This course will teach you how to create an asset allocation that has produced an average annual compounded interest rate of 9.7% over the last 30 years. This asset allocation called ‘The All Weather Portfolio’ by Ray Dalio has the least amount of volatility for the highest rewards. You will learn the exact index funds to buy on Vanguard every month to produce these returns for yourself.
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    Mutual funds is one of the financial instruments which is popular due to its inherent characteristic of diversification, professional expertise and options. The individuals with not very high risk appetite, are drawn towards Mutual Funds. This course is for the ones who want to know the basic grounds and functioning of Mutual Funds.
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      Are the prices of stocks, bonds, options and futures completely random? Is there a way to determine their value or price? This course explains basic but important math concepts and formulae used in finance that all investors and traders should know. Filled with examples, the course shows you how to apply what you have learnt to value stocks, bonds, options and futures. You will learn about: Net Present Value (NPV) Perpetuities & Annuities Valuing Stocks & Bonds Compounding Derivative Securities Futures Pricing Option Pricing Theory (Put-Call Parity) Binomial Model for Options Pricing Black-Scholes Model for Options Pricing
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        WARNING: DON’T EVEN THINK OF BUYING REAL ESTATE IN MEXICO UNTIL YOU COMPLETE THIS COURSE! Updated Monday, May 23, 2016, 10:41 A.M. Your investing fate overseas need not be in the hands of ultra-nationalist machete wielding drunks , Chavista sex addicts, and French Civil Code imbeciles… And your problems don’t stop there. Even in “safe Europe” one of the PIGS [Portugal, Italy, Greece, or Spain] can expropriate your home or business in postcard perfect seeming locations such as the scenic South of Umbria. And then there are the bleeding liberals in the Northern “ civilized ” countries of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway that have no problems hammering your returns with pork belly VAT taxes . Let’s face it, international investing is not a cakewalk without a guide. WHAT YOU GET AND HOW IT WORKS! This course offers you a concise overseas investing training based on fact from the halls of such erudite places as Harvard. Section 1: The General Themes of International Investing Section 2: International Real Estate COURSE UPDATE SCHEDULE February 15 & 29: Section 3: International Stock Markets [Forthcoming February 15 2016 — Tuition Increases to $49.99] Section 4: International Bond Markets [Forthcoming February 29 2016 — Tuition Increases to $99.99] March 15 & 31: Section 5: Tax Arbitrage [Forthcoming March 15 2016 — Tuition Increases to $199.99] Section 6: International Portfolio Management [Forthcoming March 31 2016 — Tuition Increases to $299.99] I am not just a professor of finance at major state university but I am also a seasoned international investor with decades of experience since childhood. Read my Udemy profile for more detail regarding my credentials. The Benefits of this Course are T angible! Identify the markets with the best investor protection of your hard earned savings — shown by Ivy League economics research to offer highest expected returns. Identify to avoid the markets most likely to give you bigger headaches and lower returns — that must be pondered with regard to local lifestyle rewards. Find for yourself the safest markets and methods of overseas investing that best matches your personality and goals. Here is just the tip of the iceberg of the buzz about my top rated teaching approach on Udemy ... “ I love this! It's most powerful and effective when concepts are woven around a story, and this looks like it does just that. So much of investment advice seems like scattered bits and pieces, like studying history by memorizing a random bunch of dates and events. Without a narrative to tie it all together it has no meaning. ” -Dr. Joel Wade, California 1/19/2016 Enroll now and get an amazing lifetime membership to guide your journey over the coming decades in international investing. Your tuition is protected by an ironclad 30-day money-back guarantee fulfilled by Udemy as third party. Enroll now before the next tuition hike on this course. You are missing international investment opportunities with every day that passes . ENROLL NOW! You can sit where you are right now like a mushroom in the dark . Or you can come out into the light of knowledge and reason when it comes to international investing overseas. Enroll now! I am waiting inside to guide your investment education, -Dr. Scott Brown Associate Professor of Finance of the AACSB Accredited University of Puerto Rico Graduate School of Business P.S. Enroll now. Remember that as time passes you miss opportunity to ask questions of a major state finance professor regarding investing topics. This alone is worth $1,999 per year at the most conservative world estimates. Enroll now.
          By the end of this course you will be able to start your investing journey and start growing your wealth. You'll start off by learning everything about the different investment products ( Stocks , Bonds and even commodities like Gold ). Once you completely understand these products, you will learn about the different investment vehicles (so you can invest in these products). You will learn about investing directly in the products you want to buy, or by using investment vehicles like ETFs , Index Funds and Mutual Funds . You'll understand the importance of diversification , and how you can diversify not only across stocks but even across different asset classes. We'll cover ways of investing that are completely passive (where you don't have to do anything but just invest a little bit of your capital on a regular basis) vs more active investing techniques (where you make decisions about your investment products and use advanced portfolio management techniques like portfolio rebalancing , tactical asset allocation and much more). We'll learn about charting, brokerage accounts and how you can choose and open an account. We'll go over different portfolios, from basic portfolios to modern portfolios (based on the portfolios of the biggest investment firms in the world). We'll even build a portfolio together and buy it with real money! And there is so much more. So register now and see you inside the course!
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            Over 2000 Happy Students! Fully updated for 2019! Do you know what a stock option is? If the answer is no then you probably think that a guaranteed protection for yourself from another Market Crash is impossible. But that's why I made this course to show you what an option is and how to use what might arguably be the best way to invest. Just to be clear this is for building wealth longer term not an active day or weekly trading method. If you are willing to learn a little and take a few steps you can accomplish this with this course. Unless you are more comfortable signing a check to your local stock broker or investment "guy". But keep in mind nobody cares more about your money than you. I've laid out this course step by step for beginners explaining any necessary terms and avoiding repetitive mind numbing financial jargon, to give you leverage over the stock market. Click the green button to learn a guaranteed method have no fear of another market crash.
              Investing for Beginners level course on how to start saving so that you can invest. This course will go through the main financial tips and tricks. It's a course that focuses on the most important aspects only. It is for busy people who just want the 80/20 of saving to investing 101. ---------- The course contains the following: ✨ Outlining goals . What's it like to be rich for you? ⛑️ Budgeting, detailing main expenses and revenue streams . How can you reduce your variable and fixed expenses? ⚡ Summary: Ways to save more money on a daily basis. ⛑️ 14 Ways to make money on the side: There's only how much you can cut so let's focus more on how can you earn more. ⚡12 Most Common Investing Mistakes and how to avoid them ✅ Importance of Diversification and How to diversify. You want to have a well-diversified portfolio with multiple index funds across different countries and continents. ✨ How to select an investment asset with your broker. Navigating broker screen, digging through admin fees and other KPIs to look for in a fund ✅ What to look for in stocks? P/E ratio, ROA, Management compensation ⚡ Compound interest and its importance. Albert Einstein reportedly said it. “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it. He who doesn't pays it.” ✨ Why Robo-Investing isn't Working . Critics of Moneyfarm, Moneybox, Wealthify, Wealthfront and other automated platform. How their admin fees are killing your returns. BONUS: UK Individual Savings Account (ISA) Types: Help to Buy ISA, Stocks & Shares ISA, Lifetime ISA, Pension Schemes and how to optimise your taxes. You may skip this 5 min bonus video if you are not a UK resident. --------- The resources to read and compile are the best part of this course. Downloadable files: - Investing for Beginner's pdf presentation - 10 Commandments of Investing One-pager for high-res printing - Admin Fee Calculator excel file - Budgeting template excel file - 4 Essays on: a) Cash is Trash, b) Index fund explained, c) Investing in Gold, d) Investing in Small-Cap Stocks. --------- Why should you invest? You won't build wealth by: - Skipping a $3 coffee - Making your own dishwasher tablets - Clipping coupons - Ordering water at a restaurant You build wealth by taking massive action towards increasing your income and investing the difference in cash-flowing assets. Investing can help you beat inflation You can compound your wealth by investing You can create a source of passive income -------- Don't forget to download the resources to use and read them. They've been carefully produced for this course. By end of this course, you will be able to get your money working for you. Becoming financially savvy is easy. It’s all about fundamentals and we’ll show you how in the least amount of time and hassle. And then we’ll give you tips on how to spend your spare time and money acquired. If you aren't satisfied by the end of this course, please feel free to activate Your money back guaranteed Udemy policy. But I'm sure you won't have to.
                If you are an investor, trader or even a business owner, how would you like to be able to forecast the next recession? You could avoid losing money on the stock market. You could decide how to divert your investments before anything happens. In this course, I will teach a certain exact method to forecast the next recession. This particular method successfully foretasted the early 1990s recession, the tech bubble in 2000, and the financial crisis in 2008. So Who is this course for? This course is made for investors, traders and business executives who want actionable knowledge on the state of economy. Unlike some other courses out there where you just hear instructors talking endlessly, and you only see text in their power point presentation, this course will include animations, images, charts and diagrams help you understand the various concepts. This course includes a basic concept section. So if you have 0 knowledge, you will be able to catch up. I promise I will not be teaching generic unactionable ideas like you must buy low and sell high. Also, this is also not a motivation class where I preach to you that you must work hard to succeed, or you must have discipline to profit from the market. In this course, I will teach you the exact methods, how to execute them, and where to search for resources. In addition, Udemy and I promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If I fail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back after attending the course. No questions asked. So what are you waiting for? Its time to take action! Go ahead to click on the enroll button. I will see you at our course.
                  Invest in your portfolio by learning how to invest in Mobile Home Parks. In nine modules you'll learn: 1. You'll learn why mobile home parks is the #1 asset class in America (and it's not just because of Accelerated Depreciation). 2. 20 Hidden and 8 not so hidden places where you can find mobile home park deals. Anywhere . 3. Should you fire your manager in the first 30 days of owning a park? Answer in module 7. 4. Module 4 will show you how you can tell if a park is a good investment in 30 seconds (or less). 5. What to say to a seller who's afraid to sell because "You'll fire all my staff if you buy?"  Find out in Module 6. 6. Is hiring a husband and wife team a good deal to run your parks? That depends...this course tells you why. 7. Module 4 shows you what one thing needs to be near every single mobile home park that can save you thousands, if not millions. 8. Your first phone call with the seller. What questions should you ask him-and what questions you must AVOID.
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                    Warren Buffett is one of the richest man alive. He is regarded as the most influential and successful investor. And now you can follow his investing style! Intrinsic value is the most important metric in order to evaluate stocks and decide which stocks are worth buying and which are not. In this course you'll learn all you need to calculate the intrinsic value of stocks like Warren Buffett (even when you are an absolute beginner - it is easily explained). To receive more informations, watch the "promotional video"! Looking forward to seeing you in this course! :)