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Si te interesa la lengua griega y has cursado nuestra " Introducción al griego clásico: lengua, nombres y mitología ", ya eres capaz de leer y escribir en griego y conoces lo esencial de la morfología nominal del griego clásico. Es hora de que amplíes tus conocimientos acercándote a la morfología verbal y la sintaxis, y de que consolides lo aprendido. Este curso es el segundo de la XSerie " Aprende griego clásico a través de la mitología, la filosofía y la historia ". Se divide en tres unidades: LOGOS ('palabra', 'discurso', 'razonamiento'), donde abordamos el sistema verbal del griego de la mano de textos filosóficos; NOMOS ('ley'), donde textos de tema político ilustran nuestra iniciación en el estudio de la sintaxis; y EROS ('amor', 'deseo'), donde los textos de temática amorosa son los protagonistas de un repaso general. Te invitamos a continuar la aventura de la lengua griega y a seguir descubriendo con nosotras un mundo fascinante.
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    ¡Bienvenidos y bienvenidas! (Welcome!) In this Spanish course, you will learn basic vocabulary to talk about yourself and your everyday life, in the present and in the past, in simple and brief communication situations, as well as about plans for an immediate future. At the end of the course you will be able to communicate in everyday situations according to the A1 proficiency level as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL, Council of Europe). The course, which is designed for English speakers, offers a variety of exercises after going through the stages of content presentation, comprehension and production. You have videos, small texts and audios to improve your pronunciation, glossaries, activities for oral practice with other course students, quizzes, grammar cards and recommendations on external Internet resources to continue learning more and more Spanish. The topics on which the activities revolve are work life, family life, city life and outdoor life. As you can see, a bit of everything to be able talk about yourself and to engage in everyday communication. We hope you like our menu. ¡Buen provecho! (Bon appétit!)
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      En la antigua Grecia vivieron y escribieron algunos de los autores que sentaron las bases de la cultura occidental, es decir, nuestra cultura. Pensadores como Sócrates, Platón y Aristóteles, poetas como Homero, Hesíodo y Safo, historiadores como Heródoto, Tucídides y Jenofonte o dramaturgos como Esquilo, Sófocles y Eurípides, entre muchos otros, comparten la riqueza expresiva de la lengua griega: un tesoro que este curso pone a tu alcance. El objetivo de este curso en línea es la adquisición de las nociones básicas de la lengua para poder comprender textos sencillos en griego clásico e iniciarte en su estudio. Este curso es el primero de la XSerie " Aprende griego clásico a través de la mitología, la filosofía y la historia ". Contiene tres unidades: XAIRETE ('bienvenidos y bienvenidas'), donde te ofrecemos una introducción al mundo griego; GLOSSA ('lengua'), donde aprendemos el alfabeto, el verbo ser y cómo leer y escribir en griego; y MYTHOS ('mito'), donde leyendas como las de Prometeo y Pandora nos acompañarán en el aprendizaje de la morfología nominal. Te invitamos a embarcarte en la aventura de la lengua griega y a descubrir con nosotras un mundo fascinante.
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        In this course, we will look at how people make sign language work—and to understand this, we have to analyze the actual language. In this course, Professor Ted Supalla will walk you through examples of how alterations within a sign can change its meaning and how this can affect word order in a sentence. This is discussed under the broad term “structure”, because a number of things can influence signed language grammar. Many factors have to be considered, which is why we have to take a layered, cumulative approach here.
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          Take the next step in learning Mandarin Chinese and expand your language skills so you can effectively communicate in Chinese business. In this language training course, you will learn common phrases and scenarios of business and negotiation in Chinese speaking countries. You will also learn about Chinese business culture and etiquette and the needs of businessmen and women. If you enroll in the verified track, you will be able to participate in the Webinar lectured by Dr. Estella Y. Chen, who will lead the discussion with a wide variety of popular topics to accompany you to the world of chinese business culture and trend. What's more, in the verified track, we'll give you three pronunciation lessons that will help you communicate more smoothly and effectively in a business environment. This course was developed with the assistance of Dr. Haohsiang Liao, Director of the Chinese Language Program at MIT. Basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese is required.
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            Andy, an exchange student who as just arrived in Japan, is making greetings and introducing himself through his life in a university dormitory. He learns the taste of the foods he becomes to like by eating with Mr. Sato and Mr. Ono, two upperclassmen in his dormitory. He also orders a hamburger and coffee at local shops as he goes about his daily business.
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              ¡Bienvenidos y bienvenidas! (Welcome!) In this Spanish course, you will learn basic vocabulary to talk about yourself and your everyday life, in the present, in the future and in the past, in simple and brief communication situations. You will learn expressions of time, how to express things that will happen in the future, vocabulary related to the shopping list, how to express an opinion, talking about your health, and about experiences and activities that happened in the past. At the end of the course you will be able to communicate in everyday situations according to the A2 proficiency level (elementary) as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFRL, Council of Europe). The course, which is designed for English speakers, offers a variety of exercises after going through the stages of content presentation, comprehension and production. You have videos, small texts and audios to improve your pronunciation, glossaries, activities for oral practice with other course students, quizzes, grammar cards and recommendations on external Internet resources to continue learning more and more Spanish. The topics on which the activities revolve are work life, family life, city life and outdoor life. As you can see, a bit of everything to be able talk about yourself and to engage in everyday communication. We hope you like our menu. ¡Buen provecho! (Bon appétit!)
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                Andy explains the symptoms of his illness at hospital and describes some problems he has with his room at the dormitory. He also asks for assistance. He asks for help from his friend with a presentation he has to do in Japanese and gets some good advice. He solves his problems using his Japanese.
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                  Effective writing is an important business skill, especially for networking, and most communication takes place using email. In this course, you’ll learnimportant vocabulary and strategies for writing effective emails, starting with the subject line. You'll learn how to write messages for different audiences and understand when tobe formal or direct.You’llalso learn how your choice of words can change the way people view your message.You'll practice writing emails to follow up with people in your network.
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                    In this course you will be introduced to the concepts and techniques used in logic. We will start right from the beginning, assuming no prior exposure to this or similar material, and progress through discussions of the proof and model theories of propositional and first-order logic. All learners receive a complete textbook and software package ($55.00 value). We will proceed by giving a theory of truth, and of logical consequence, based on a formal language called FOL (the language of First-Order Logic). We adopt a formal language for making statements, since natural languages (like English, for example) are far too vague and ambiguous for us to analyze sufficiently. Armed with the formal language, we will be able to model the notions of truth, proof and consequence, among others.