This course will teach you how to use your written words to become more persuasive. You’ll learn creative ways to use syntax, effective techniques for telling stories, and a clever method for arranging a complex series of information. You’ll also get a chance to both professionalize your use of punctuation and add a bit of style and sophistication to how you craft everything from sentences to slogans. In addition, you’ll get access to a wide range of books and other resources you can use even after you finish the course. These include (1) the readings and exercises provided to the students who have taken the in-person version of this course at the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago; (2) two digital libraries of excellent writing from a diverse collection of journalists, scientists, novelists, poets, historians, and entrepreneurs; and (3) a monthly “Good Sentences” email. Social media has only accelerated the ways in which we all must learn to use our writing to connect, compete, and create—sometimes all at once. So join us for this first course in a four-part series and experience the many benefits, both personal and professional, of becoming “good with words.”
    In a recent survey, 43% of US workers reported working remotely in 2016. What's more, today's companies and their employees are increasingly recognising the benefits of remote working - whether it's lower operating costs or happier, more productive teams. In other words, the remote working trend is here to stay - and is only set to rise. Working Remotely: How To Succeed In The New Workplace is your short, sharp introduction to this new and exciting way of working. It's designed to give you the confidence to make the leap into remote working if you've not done so already. And if you're already working remotely, you'll pick up powerful tips and techniques for making your daily work more productive, fulfilling and suited to your personal work style. Learn from someone who's 'been there, done that' I’m Dr Clare Lynch, founder and director of Doris and Bertie, a London-based consultancy with a particular expertise in helping teams communicate more effectively. This experience matters because - as you'll discover in the course - being able to communicate effectively with your colleagues is one of the most crucial factors for happy, successful remote teams. In my decades-long career, I’ve worked with executives at a wide range of global organisations - from tech start-ups to global banks to national and international regulatory bodies. As a tutor at the University of Cambridge, and a Udemy instructor since March 2015, I’ve taught over 18,000 students how to communicate more effectively. But above all, as director of my own company, I've worked remotely for over 15 years. And in that time, I've discovered the hard way all the perils and pitfalls of working remotely - such as: feelings of isolation and cabin fever when you're not going into an office every day the risk of being 'out of the loop' on key projects failing to establish clear boundaries between work and home - and so feeling constantly 'on call' feeling demotivated by a lack of a daily regime But in that time, I've also learned the most effective ways to work remotely in order to reap its life-changing rewards!  Rewards such as: increased autonomy during the working day more variety in when and where to work greater scope to pursue creatively satisfying projects a massive reduction in work-related stress spending less on day-to-day travel, food and clothing saying 'Goodbye' to the soul-destroying commute What you’ll learn in this course Working Remotely: How To Succeed In The New Workplace , covers the key things you need to know if you're considering - or are already - working remotely. By the end of this course, you’ll have a deeper understanding of remote working - why it's on the up, its many benefits and the pitfalls to watch out for. I'll also be exposing some of the myths that surround remote working and remote workers - like the idea that remote working is the easy option for slackers and slouchers (nothing could be further from the truth!) Become an expert communicator Early on in the course, you'll be armed with techniques for communicating and collaborating more effectively with your colleagues (and clients), so everyone's pulling together on a day to day basis. You'll also learn ideas and techniques for recreating those 'water cooler moments' that are so essential for bonding with your colleagues, even when you're not going into an office each day. Armed with these tips, you'll have a clearer understanding of how to stave off the feelings of isolation that are always a risk when you're working remotely. In this part of the course, you'll also learn how to build a support group of fellow remote workers and expand your network by 'working out loud'. Skyrocket your productivity The autonomy that comes with remote working can be utterly liberating. But the flipside of that autonomy is the strong self-discipline you need to maintain your focus even when you don't have a boss breathing down your neck. So a section of the course is devoted to productivity and motivation. In this part of the course, you'll learn how to beat procrastination and get tons more done - so you don't end up spending all those hours you've saved on commuting trying to catch up. Achieve the perfect work-life balance One of the dangers of working remotely is that the distinction between work and home life can become blurred - leading you to feel like you're always 'on call'. The final part of the course, addresses this danger head on - by considering boundaries and work life balance. In this part of the course, you'll learn how to carve out a working life that makes you happy, productive and fulfilled - without having your work overtake your life. You'll also gain a framework for identifying the times and places where you'll feel most inspired and energised. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Enjoy the benefits of remote working - while avoiding its perils and pitfalls Banish any feelings of isolation and 'cabin fever' when working remotely Adopt the most effective and appropriate ways to stay in touch with your team when you're working remotely Participate in online discussions and video conferences with clarity and confidence Beat procrastination, maintain motivation and get more done when working remotely Choose the right kit for effective remote working Protect your work when working remotely, by following best-practice standards of security Identify the types of workspaces that will make you happiest and most productive - from coffee shops to co-working spaces and more Create - and stick to - an effective morning regime to kickstart your day and set you up for maximum productivity Crush those feelings of cabin fever that can set in when you're working from home Establish - and maintain - an evening ritual that will allow you to wind down effectively at the end of the day Hands-on practice Throughout the course, you’ll get opportunities to put theory into practice with exercises and assignments designed to set you up for more effective remote working - from setting your communication goals to reflecting on your work style to creating a timetable for building in everything from deep work to down time. Enroll now! By the end of this course, you'll be armed with a slew of tips and techniques for being a happy, productive remote worker. So join me on the remote working adventure today - I can't wait to see you inside the course!
      Have you ever felt embarrassed because you made a language mistake during a conversation or an important meeting ? Do you feel confused or uncomfortable when you have to speak in public ? Have you ever failed in striking a deal, in a job interview, or in a relation, or lost the opportunity of getting a promotion because you couldn't choose the right, suitable words for the situation ? ********************************** Whether you are still studying, a professional in your field, or even anyone with many ideas and views to be presented and discussed, we are here for you, we will teach you how to contain your worries and concerns , deal with them, and not allow the negative labels to be an obstacle on your way. ********************************** What did students say about this course? "I started since days, I feel like I was born again and I started to get rid of anxiety and shyness greatly, it is most fantastic." - Jim Steve "I feel very strongly pushing me forward, you freed me from the stress, Khaldoon. Thank you." - Charlie DON "I am extremely thankful to Khaldoon for this excellent course and I find it very valuable in my journey to excellence." - Gil Cameron "I thought my problem was difficult, but it is not! It was absolutely an inspiring and wonderful lecture." - Bill Jensen "Super Course! Thank you khaldoon, you have inspired me and encouraged me to be free and confident, and that I am valuable in this world through my thoughts." - Daniel Kiev "I have gained valuable experience in Self confidence and communication skills, I recorded a lot of notes. It is wonderful!" - William cooper "Excellent, I liked everything especially the modeling strategy and brain programming on it. Thank you." - Bujap Singh "I feel now that I understand myself better, and I can apply what I learned. Very Wonderful." - David Mark "This course is really cool, not long and not boring, Easy and clear, well done." - Cheryl Saliane "The lecture was great, it helped me cope with my fears and feel confident in a short time, I recommend this course." - Rocky Raul "Excellent presentation and inspiring that I know will have a positive impact on my ability to speak to others." - Wesley Pablo "This course is great for anyone suffering from anxiety, stress, and shyness, as well as any junior speaker who is not unsure of himself. This course helped me how to practice speaking in an ideal way." - Jesse Thomas ********************************** The ability to effectively communicate with your managers and colleagues is considered a very essential thing regardless of the field you are in. Communication skills have become a main thing in our time, especially at work; they can help you get the jobs, positions and raises and achieve the desired success in your career. Developing your communication skills can help you in all your life aspects; whither in your career or your personal life and anything between them. The ability to deliver the information accurately and clearly in the desired way is an essential skill in life and is a thing that must not be neglected. We can say that it is not too late to work on developing your communication skills so that you can improve the quality of your life. The effective communication can help you especially if you are specialized in dealing and interacting with people. The good ability of delivering your thoughts to the others and expressing what you want to say in an articulate way contribute greatly to the success of your relations with the others; which facilitates your success in many fields. Your good communication skills and your good performance in your job will help you promote, which can grant you the opportunity to represent your company at some seminars or important meetings. Besides, the people with good communication skills are usually the center of people's attention and appraisal. "Your courage in pursuing your passion and your confidence while speaking in front of people will attract them to you and will open for you the doors' of life more than what you can imagine, the thing that will change your life and the lives of the others as well to the best." Why is this course ?! This course is to help people who have problems with facing audience and strangers which makes them think that they are unqualified to make conversations or public speeches in front of strangers or audience and believe that it is better for them to stay alone and isolated to spare themselves the embarrassment. This course is going to help those people raise their self confidence through reprogramming their thoughts towards positivity. That is besides teaching them helpful exercises that motivate the subconscious mind to get rid of the negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself which were accumulated throughout the years and replace them with better and more credible thoughts. The course also helps in getting rid of the stress, anxiety, and fear of criticism by facing these negative feelings and putting smart strategies to deal with them . ********************************** In this course, I am going to share some of my best strategies with you to become more confident and to raise your ability of sharingy your thoughts. The greatest thing in this course is that you can finish it in one hour and that you can apply most of the strategies we discuss immediately; and you will definitely see amazing results , there is no doubt about that.
        Learn how to communicate more effectively at work and achieve your goals. Taught by award-winning Wharton professor and best-selling author Maurice Schweitzer, Improving Communications Skills is an essential course designed to give you both the tools you need to improve your communication skills, and the most successful strategies for using them to your advantage. You'll learn how to discover if someone is lying (and how to react if they are), how to develop trust, the best method of communication for negotiation, and how to apologize. You'll also learn when to cooperate and when to compete, how to create persuasive messages, ask thoughtful questions, engage in active listening, and choose the right medium (face-to-face conversation, video conference, phone call, or email) for your messages. By the end of the course, you'll be able to understand what others want, respond strategically to their wants and needs, craft convincing and clear messages, and develop the critical communication skills you need to get ahead in business and in life.
          There are many parts to Australia’s superannuation system, but with a basic understanding it all begins to make perfect sense and the earlier you understand it, you’ll have confidence to utilise it to save plenty of tax and make $10,000’s for your retirement. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll give you an overview of the rules and tell you why super is a smart way to save, the tax benefits, and how to put yourself in a strong financial position come retirement. This course is designed for anyone looking to gain a basic, practical knowledge of the superannuation system within Australia. Sound intimidating? Don’t worry! This course is designed with complete beginners in mind. No previous personal finance knowledge (or math!) is required. As for your presenter, Rob has been a Financial Planner and Specialist Self Managed Super Fund Adviser for over 20 years and loves offering common sense solutions to financial problems in the most effective way possible. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! Please note the information provided in this course is for education purposes only. In preparing this information, Robert Goudie has not taken into account your investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making an investment decision, you need to consider whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives and circumstances. You may need to obtain professional advice to help you make an investment decision on whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives and circumstances.
            Hello, The course is basic course for personal financial planning along with some easy and direct actionable steps to fix your finances. Main contents - 1. Basics  of financial planing 2. Features and characteristics of all popular investment products available in India 3. case studies with real world examples Intriguing discussion around - Should we buy/rent home ? If buy, how ? Most effective way to invest in PPF Getting most from NPS Smart way to approach MFs *As a bonus, the course attachments contains retirement planning excel and check-lists for buying term life insurance, health insurance and Mutual Funds.  (Checklist is available under 'Resources' section of last lecture.) Happy Investing !!
              Las finanzas personales es un mundo fascinante e indispensable. Trabajamos para ganar dinero y si no sabemos manejarnos llega un día que nos damos cuenta que no hemos logrado hacer lo mejor con lo ganado. Nos enseñan a ganar dinero, pero muchos están interesados en que no aprendamos a utilizarlo, así le compramos lo que a ellos los hace ricos. Con este curso gratuito buscamos llevar las principales informaciones de manera condensada a los que decidan que puede ser de utilidad para ellos. Deseo que para ti lo sea. Aprenderás desde la importancia de tener una alta autoestima para manejar tus impulsos sobre el dinero y qué es en realidad una alta autoestima, luego pasamos por los financiamientos y caemos en los ahorros. Técnicas y tips para aumentar los ingresos es el siguiente capítulo, para pasar a convertir lo ahorrado en inversión. Explicamos el retiro como libertad financiera, lo que todos deberíamos perseguir, y terminamos con tips para emprender y lograr multiplicar parte de nuestro capital a más velocidad. Espero que decidas por recibir este regalo y con él logres aplicar acciones que te lleven a mejorar tu conocimiento y actuación en tu mundo del dinero. Diego Sosa
                This is an introductory course into the world of financial decision making and financial literacy. Anyone can take course, but the target students are teens and high school students. Ideally you will take this course before graduating from high school. The course was created to help prepare teens and high schoolers for adult life which will require a foundational knowledge of finances and skills in financial decision making. This course can also be beneficial for immigrants or students coming the the USA.
                  Mindshift is designed to help boost your career and life in today’s fast-paced learning environment. Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts (and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of selective ignorance over general competence. We’ll provide practical insights from science about how to learn and change effectively even in maturity, and we’ll build on what you already know to take your life’s learning in fantastic new directions. This course is designed to show you how to look at what you’re learning, and your place in what’s unfolding in the society around you, so you can be what you want to be, given the real world constraints that life puts on us all. You’ll see that by using certain mental tools and insights, you can learn and do more—far more—than you might have ever dreamed! This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or subsequent to, its companion course, Learning How to Learn. (Mindshift is more career focused, and Learning How to Learn is more learning focused.)
                    This course is an interdisciplinary look at how we can make each day the best day of our lives by examining the question, “How can you be your most brilliant, passionate self?” You will be joined on this journey by our animated host, Lewis! You will envision your “perfect day” and then slowly deconstruct the elements of that day to better understand key elements such as finding your purpose, defining success, mental and physical health, the importance of community, and navigating risks and challenges. In addition, you will hear stories from a diverse array of individuals, including students, doctors, teachers, professional storytellers, professional athletes, coaches, and others sharing their own journeys, communities, and sources of inspiration. Finally, you will participate in the What’s Your Purpose? Project, utilizing storytelling techniques to share your own purpose and inspire other members of this global learning community to pursue theirs.