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Las reacciones de oxidación-reducción, comunmente denominadas reacciones rédox, se producen diariamente en numerosos procesos. Algunos ejemplos de reacciones rédox: La combustión, La obtención de energía eléctrica mediante pilas y baterías La producción de metales y la corrosión de los mismos La galvanización, la oxidación de los alimentos En estos procesos, en general, se produce una transferencia de electrones entre los reactivos provocando un cambio en los estados de oxidación de los elementos que intervienen. En este curso en línea se tratan los aspectos generales de las reacciones rédox, como se identifican los agentes oxidantes y reductores, el ajuste de las reacciones y sus cálculos estequiométricos. Se aborda también el estudio de la espontaneidad de las reacciones rédox y su relación con la energía eléctrica de las pilas y el potencial de las mismas. Asimismo, se estudia el fenómeno de la electrólisis, su fundamento y su aplicación a la obtención de ciertos metales o la descomposición de compuestos en los elementos que los constituyen. Se presentan aplicaciones relacionadas con estos conceptos en aspectos tecnológicos, biológicos y de la vida cotidiana. Este curso de química va dirigido a los estudiantes que acceden a la Universidad, especialmente aquellos que no han cursado química y que requieren de los conocimientos básicos en estos aspectos.
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    Polymers, typically plastics and fibers, are leading materials providing useful and inexpensive items for modern living. This course deals with basic and recent progress on functional polymers, bioplastics, polymer solar cells, polymeric biomaterials, and hydrogels, which are useful to understand their industrial applications.
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      Gli studenti verranno introdotti allo studio della chimica dei composti organici attraverso la conoscenza della nomenclatura, della struttura e della reattività dei principali gruppi funzionali. In particolare verrà affrontato lo studio della struttura e della reattività di composti organici cominciando dagli idrocarburi (alcani, cicloalcani, alcheni e alchini) per finire ai composti organici contenenti eteroatomi come gli alcoli, gli epossidi e le ammine. Una parte del corso riguarderà lo studio dei sistemi aromatici (benzene e derivati) e coniugati (dieni). Rilievo verrà dato allo studio dei meccanismi di reazione attraverso i quali possono essere razionalizzate le trasformazioni dei composti organici e dei principi fondamentali della stereochimica organica. Learners will be introduced to the chemistry of organic compounds, looking at nomenclature, structure and reactivity of the main functional groups. The main focus will be on the structure and reactivity of organic compounds, especially the hydrocarbons (alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes and alkynes) and the organic compounds containing heteroatoms, like alcohols, epoxides and ammines. Part of the course will focus on aromatic systems (benzines and derivatives) and conjugates (dienes). The course will also highlight those reaction mechanisms which illustrate the transformation of organic compounds and the basic principles of organic stereochemistry.
        This introductory physical chemistry course examines the connections between molecular properties and the behavior of macroscopic chemical systems.
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          Have you ever wondered how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) works? Do you know how one can determine three-dimensional structures of proteins without crystallization? How can chemists know for sure if they succeeded in synthesizing the desired molecules? How can you figure out the structure of a freshly discovered natural product extracted from plants or algae?
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            “Syntheses for Life” will start with the Bohr model of hydrogen atom and discuss chemical evolution, protein synthesis and structure, photosynthesis, and Haber’s synthesis of ammonia. The course provides an overview of remarkable scientific discoveries. First, In 1913 Bohr showed that the hydrogen line spectrum can be explained based on the nuclear model of the atom and quantum theory. Bohr model introduced the concept of energy levels for electrons in an atom and led to wave mechanics and a full understanding of chemical bonding. We will then discuss how amino acids could be produced from methane, ammonia, water and hydrogen using electric discharge as a source of energy. Chromatographic separation of simple compounds will be demonstrated. The 1953 paper in Science by Miller will be the primary source material. Third, The central dogma in protein synthesis will be briefly described. The determination of the primary structure of insulin will be discussed using Sanger’s 1958 Nobel Lecture. Experimental techniques such as electrophoresis and mass spectrometry as well as X-ray crystallography will be highlighted. We focus on the chemical principles of oxidation and reduction in photosynthesis. Calvin’s 1961 Nobel Lecture explains the role of enzymes involved in the dark reaction. How plant life and animal life are coupled by photosynthesis and respiration will be emphasized. Finally, Haber’s synthesis of ammonia is on top of the list among scientific discoveries that saved most lives. How Haber successfully selected the right process conditions and the catalyst will be described using his 1918 Nobel Lecture. Ertl’s discovery of the mechanism of the iron catalyst will also be discussed.
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              During each module of this course, chefs reveal the secrets behind some of their most famous culinary creations — often right in their own restaurants. Inspired by such cooking mastery, the Harvard team will then explain the science behind the recipe. Topics will include: How molecules influence flavor The role of heat in cooking Diffusion, revealed by the phenomenon of spherification, the culinary technique pioneered by Ferran Adrià. You will also have the opportunity to become an experimental scientist in your very own laboratory — your kitchen. By following along with the engaging recipe of the week, taking precise measurements, and making skillful observations, you will learn to think like both a cook and a scientist. The lab is certainly one of the most unique components of this course — after all, in what other science course can you eat your experiments?
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                The use of fossil resources is a controversial topic and there is much scientific research to argue against their use for energy, chemicals, and in the production of almost every product. Because of this, we're seeing a huge shift towards sustainable biobased and renewable resources and away from fossil-based ones. In this new world, it's critical to know how to efficiently and effectively obtain valuable elements from biomass. Jointhis course and gain the latest academic knowledge on biorefinery which can be applied to their ongoing studies or to advance their careers. Just as the petrochemical refinery is a crucial part of the fossil-based industry,so is the biorefinery for the biobased industry. In a biorefinery, a complex biobased feedstock is separated and processed in such a way to maximize sustainability and application opportunities. Upon completing this course, you will understand the tools and techniques needed to efficiently disentangle, separate and convert different biomass based feedstocks into simpler (functional) components. First, you'll learn about available techniques and processes for biomass activation, disentanglement and separation. Next, you'll explore how to design a biorefinery taking into account feedstock and sustainable energy use and dive into: Mass and energy balances Design of biorefinery process units to obtain multiple products from one type of biomass How to recover energy and resources in the biorefinery system Evaluation of the designed system with respect to sustainability and economic criteria Evaluation of criteria for successful implementation This course is part of the MicroMasters programme in Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability : a series of 3 courses and a final capstone project designed to help you develop the skills needed to seize opportunities and embrace the transition from a fossil-based economy to a biobased one.It'sespecially valuable to those who have (or ambition to have) a career in industries such as: (bio)chemical industry, agrifood water companies, energy producers, logistics, and related (non-)governmental organizations. Explore the other courses in the MicroMasters programme: Catalytic Conversions for Biobased Chemicals and Products From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Business and Economics Perspective Capstone - Final project and exam (only available to learner who have obtained a verified certificate in all other courses of the MicroMasters programme).
                  For an entrepreneur thinking about one day starting a craft distillery, a thorough understanding of water and water chemistry is important. Water is a key raw ingredient in the craft distilling process. This course comprises 5 lectures and will help you gain a more thorough appreciation of water and its importance in craft distilling.
                    This course is an introduction to high-throughput experimental methods that accelerate the discovery and development of new materials. It is well recognized that the discovery of new materials is the key to solving many technological problems faced by industry and society. These problems include energy production and utilization, carbon capture, tissue engineering, and sustainable materials production, among many others. This course will introduce the learner to a remarkable new approach to materials discovery and characterization: high-throughput materials development (HTMD). Engineers and scientists working in industry, academic or government will benefit from this course by developing an understanding of how to apply one element of HTMD, high-throughput experimental methods, to real-world materials discovery and characterization problems. Internationally leading faculty experts will provide a historical perspective on HTMD, describe preparation of ‘library’ samples that cover hundreds or thousands of compositions, explain techniques for characterizing the library to determine the structure and various properties including optical, electronic, mechanical, chemical, thermal, and others. Case studies in energy, transportation, and biotechnology are provided to illustrate methodologies for metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. The Georgia Tech Institute for Materials (IMat) developed this course in order to introduce a broad audience to the essential elements of the Materials Genome Initiative. Other courses will be offered by Georgia Tech through Coursera to concentrate on integrating (i) high-throughput experimentation with (ii) modeling and simulation and (iii) materials data sciences and informatics. After completing this course, learners will be able to • Identify key events in the development of High-Throughput Materials Development (HTMD) • Communicate the benefits of HTMDwithin your organization. • Explain what is meant by high throughput methods (both computational and experimental), and their merits for materials discovery/development. • Summarize the principles and methods of high throughput creation/processing of material libraries (samples that contain 100s to 1000s of smaller samples). • State the principles and methods for high-throughput characterization of structure. • State the principles and methods for high throughput property measurements. • Identify when high-throughput screening (HTS) will be valuable to a materials discovery effort. • Select an appropriate HTS method for a property measurement of interest. • Identify companies and organizations working in this field and use this knowledge to select appropriate partners for design and implementation of HTS efforts. • Apply principles of experimental design, library synthesis and screening to solve a materials design challenge. • Conceive complete high-throughput strategies to obtain processing-structure-property (PSP) relationships for materials design and discovery.