LATEST: Guarantee - if you struggle to format your book, I will do it for you and show you how I did it. For less than the price of paying a professional formatter to do one book for you, you can join this course and learn how to format all your books. Join over 600 authors on this course. Learn quickly, get your books in print, and your royalties could be double NEXT MONTH. I am available for advice and support every step of the way. If you get stuck, holler! Double your royalties - really? I did. Well, actually, I more than doubled them. My print sales have overtaken my digital sales on some books. I was shocked - until I published this course and students reported that they were making more money - either by the presence of their print book stimulating sales of their Kindle book (because the print book looks inexpensive in comparison), or by great print sales. You too can make more money from your Kindle books by getting them into print via CreateSpace. A print book can increase your royalties both by making sales itself and by increasing your Kindle sales due to the cost comparison. Sales of eBooks have overtaken sales of paperback and hardback books combined. However, that doesn't mean that physical books don't sell anymore - they do. Amazon sell 118 eBooks for every 100 physical books. That's still a lot of physical books being sold! It depends on your genre, but many authors report that their print sales actually overtake their digital sales in December and August - holiday periods. We all seem to prefer real books on the beach and for use as gifts! There's a lot less competition in the physical book arena as most of the Internet Marketers stick to Kindle books. Kindle eBooks are quick and easy to publish - formatting for paperback takes a bit more time. It's well worth it, though. Having a paperback version of your eBook can help increase your royalties for a number of reasons. More Kindle sales - Your eBook sales can increase because the cost of the paperback is generally more, making the eBook look much better value A new source of royalties - You may find that you make a good number of paperback sales. People still like physical books. They are much better for reading in the bath! I recently had an illness that prevented me from looking at a screen (it hurt). It made me put away my Kindle for the first time in months and dig out a load of paperbacks. There are lots of people who prefer physical books, for various reasons. Increased credibility - Fewer Indie authors take the plunge into print so you will be part of a more select group. That raises your credibility and could lead to more opportunities, such as guest blogging, interviews on podcasts, etc. You need a physical book to schedule a Goodreads Giveaway. If you haven't heard of Goodreads, you might want to check it out, it's where passionate readers hang out. Giveaways are mini competitions that members enter to try to win free books. Even if you can only afford to buy one paperback version of your book, you can schedule a Giveaway and offer that. The beauty of them is that they attract an average of 825 entries each. That's 825 people seeing your book who may not otherwise have come across it - and all their Goodreads friends (and possibly their Facebook) will see it in their update feeds. That's how viral popularity starts. It worked for E.L. James with '50 Shades of Grey'; it worked for Ally Condie with 'Matched'; it could work for you too. However, many authors confess to finding the formatting of their manuscript to CreateSpace's standards to be difficult. Who has the time to spend hours learning, fiddling, tweaking, proofing, and submitting? This course can save you days and days of fumbling around trying to discover the best ways of formatting your manuscript yourself. It will enable you – once you have completed the course – to get a book into CreateSpace-ready format in around an hour. If you struggle at any point, I will do it for you and show you exactly what I did to get it right. The course is packed with information, practical steps and activities, as well as tons of bonuses, such as PDF downloads and checklists to guide you along the way. It won't take you more than an hour or two to complete and the benefits will be with you forever. You can pick and mix to just study the bits you need, if you already know how to do the formatting but want to learn how to produce books that are professional enough to stand side-by-side with traditionally-published books. The course has a full guarantee and will be accessible whenever you need to check back, in case you forget something. I will also keep it up-to-date and add new resources as time goes on. You are welcome to ask questions, I'll support you all I can. You can find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter if I don't respond quickly enough on Udemy! (They don't always send out announcements about new questions.) NOTE: This course is currently mostly suitable for Windows users (due to the demise of my Mac!).
    When society is dysfunctional and parents are shame bound they display unhealthy boundaries and project their shame onto their children. This creates unhealthy boundaries in the children and makes it exceedingly difficult to set healthy boundaries and stop abuse. The first section of this course teaches what healthy and unhealthy boundaries are, how they develop, how shame warps them and impairs an individual’s ability to defend against abusive behavior of self and others. We are able to become intimate and resolve problems to the degree that we are able to communicate effectively. Most of the problems associated with society can be traced to faulty communication and conflict resolution. This video addresses the art of communication. The second section teaches effective communication and assertiveness principles and identifies aggressive and passive-aggressive patterns. It will help you identify emotions and teach paraphrasing and validating.
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      PrestaShop is an open source ecommerce platform that users can have hosted in the cloud or downloaded from the PrestaShop website. The first place in this category is held by Shopify which has a total score of 9.8/10 and is the winner of our Best eCommerce Software Award for 2016 . PrestaShop Used by thousands of business organizations and entrepreneurs all over the world, PrestaShop is one of the most popular online store starter solutions, boasting of extensive and robust features and integrations to help users build their online stores from scratch.The system is backed by a large community with over 800,000 members who are working to keep PrestaShop exclusively dedicated to opens source ecommerce. PrestaShop Benefits It is free forever with a community of opens source experts supporting it to keep it that way. Building online stores from scratch is very easy. Store elements are customizable so users can bring in their corporate elements and make the stores their own. Stores and internal functions can be improved with add-on modules. Expert and comprehensive training materials are provided for users at all levels, ensuring that you get the most out of your Prestashop online store. Extensive feature sets for managing product listing, payments, shipping, manufacturers and suppliers. Integrations with a wide host of leading business services and applications. PrestaShop Features Vast selection of customizable ecommerce themes Mobile commerce PrestaShop Web Agencies Designer Guide Powerful Store Builder Quick Install Features Intuitive Interface Ecommerce Analytics Ecommerce SEO Over 50 world-class payment solutions and gateways Shipping configuration and partnerships Configurable Tax Rules Seamless customer checkout Integrated customer service tools Powerful set of integrations Some of the Important Sections and Lectures of This Course Install & Setup PrestaShop Manage Catalog with PrestaShop Manage and Customize Orders Process at PrestaShop Manage and Customize Customers at PrestaShop Manage and Customize Mudules and Services at PrestaShop Manage and Customize Shipping at PrestaShop Manage and Customize Localization at PrestaShop Manage and Customize Preferences at PrestaShop Advanced Parameters at PrestaShop Administration at PrestaShop Stats at PrestaShop
        This course covers the fundamentals for creating a project in Primavera P6.  The course objectives cover all of the basic scheduling concepts to successfully develop a project schedule, ranging from small to mega projects. The course content applies all of the P6 releases from Version 8.3 onwards. If you are a Project Manager, Project Scheduler, Project Controller, Engineer, Cost Controller, or anyone else who wishes to learn the fundamentals of P6, then this course is for you. All relevant reference material will be available for download. You could also be migrating your skills from one of the other Planning Software Packages and want to get up and running quickly in Primavera P6. You will find that the principles of scheduling you will learn in this course follow the guidelines for the DCMA 14-point Schedule Assessment Checking. This is often a pre-requisite of many companies today. As with all of my courses, I provide a comprehensive real-life exercise (that I have personally worked on) for students to complete in their own time. Answers to exercise questions will be provided in the final session. I encourage all students to complete the exercise. If you would like an eBook (90 pages) for this course, details will be provided in the Bonus Learning Section at the end of the course.
          This is the second course in our series “ People Analytics : Learn ~ Practice ~ Implement ”. Our mission is simple – “Help anyone learn Data Science, create projects they were passionate about, and use those projects to improve their careers and lives”. This hands-on project-based course is the only course on Udemy which offers an end-to end statistical project, guiding you to develop and master practical skills to solve any HR business problem using Step-by-step approach called “Anatomy of a Statistical Model for HR Analytics”. This is the tutorial you’ve been looking for, to start building a portfolio of great HR Analytics projects. This without any doubt , is one of the best ways you can advance your data science career. In fact, when we spoke to data science recruiters and hiring managers all over the world, we heard the same thing over and over again: data science portfolios and Git-hub repositories are among the first things they look at. Employers want to see if you can really do the job you’re being hired for, so having real-world projects to prove your skills you’re claiming on your resume is a must, whether or not you have a fancy degree. Give me 5 minutes of your time to explain to you why we’ve built this course and what is different here than any other Data Science or Machine Learning Course you’ll find all over the internet. 1. In this course you will learn to use a dimension reduction technique known as Exploratory Factor Analysis to address an important HR issue “Employee Satisfaction” 2. This course starts with a fundamental understanding of what is Employee Satisfaction, various metrics of measuring Employee Satisfaction, how do different organizations collect data around employee satisfaction , different tools available to collect data, how employee satisfaction can actually impact a Business financially. 3. After finishing this course, you will be able to convert Employee Satisfaction business problem into a Statistical problem , know how to discover and collect data , how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights using various methods such as Uni-variate and Bi-variate Analysis, hypothesis testing etc, apply the dimension reduction technique to find significant factors for Employee Satisfaction, extract major findings and insights from the statistical solution and finally how the insights will help leaders make strategies and policies to improve employee satisfaction. 4. You will learn all the above with specific tool that is one of the most in demand in the industry right now – R Studio. It’s geared specifically for people who want to learn employable skills in 2019. 5. This course is developed by a team of analytics professional with a in-depth knowledge and understanding of HR domain. We wanted to build something that would not only teach students HR Analytics in a fun, hands-on way, but that would also help motivate them to keep learning. In this course, you will be taken through online videos and exercises where you will be able to do the following things by the end: 1. End-to-end Statistical project on Employee Satisfaction Using Factor Analysis in R 2. Master practical skills to solve an HR business problem using Step-by-step approach called “ Anatomy of a Statistical Model ”. 3. Understand how employee satisfaction affect business in terms of money? 4. Convert Employee Satisfaction business problem into a Statistical problem. 5. Understand how to discover and collect data. 6. Understand how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights. 7. Apply the dimension reduction technique to find significant factors for Employee Satisfaction. 8. Extract major findings and insights from the statistical solution. 9. Understand how the insights will help leaders make strategies and policies to improve employee satisfaction. This course and all other courses in this series is the accumulation of all of our years of working in Data Science, Human Resource, learning, and teaching and all of the frustrations and incomplete information we have encountered along the way. There is so much information out there, so many opinions, and so many ways of doing things. So, this course is the answer to that exact problem. Throughout the years I have taken notes on what has worked, and what hasn't and I've created this course to narrow down the best way to learn and the most relevant information. We firmly believe that you won’t find a course like this out there that is as well organized, and as useful, to build a strong foundation for you.
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            Think about a time when you got a job you really wanted. Think about a huge sale you made. Think about a big win you celebrated. What was most likely involved in those wins? Its simple really. You probably knew somebody on the inside. The thing that people seem to miss when it comes to sales and getting ahead, is there is an easy way and a hard way. The hard way is cold calling/emailing day after day and saying "it's a numbers game". Then there are the smart people that win big. These people network. However, they don't just network to network. They network in a strategic intentional way to connect with the right people until their sales explode. By knowing how to properly network in a strategic way, some amazing things happen. Over the past 5 years I've gone from having 70 of my closest friends literally walk out of a presentation about my business to being recognized as one of the most connected people in New York City. But it hasn't always been this way. I was like everybody else. At first I cold called. Then I thought I would be smart and go to a different networking event every night. And still, I found myself banging my head against the wall, praying that I'd make my sales numbers every month just to pay rent. And then one day, by accident, I met my first Super Connector. And that's when it all changed. This one person opened my eyes to what's possible by teaching me how to: Find extraordinary people Capture the benefits of extreme reciprocity Become friends with the most amazing people on earth Create a funnel of what seem to be magical opportunities This is course is a result of everything that I've learned. All the secret formulas and blueprints for exponentially increasing your sales, winning more business and building amazing friendships with people you never imagined could be in your life. More specifically, you will learn: The secret formula for connecting What a Super Connector is and how you can become one Strategic & intentional networking strategies The fastest ways to expand your network of extraordinary people How to automate and scale your efforts Additionally, I'm going to give you: A blueprint that you can use daily, weekly, or monthly to sky-rocket your success on demand Programs and hacks to save you time so that you can add these skill-sets to your already busy schedule A free report with 100 tips on connecting Methodologies for creating events that force you to befriend other Super Connectors and influencers Action plans to increase your sales and overall success by tomorrow AND you'll have access to all the information in this course for life in addition to the extra material that I'll be releasing to course members over the coming weeks and months. The sooner you try this approach, the sooner I guarantee that you'll stop wasting time, effort, energy and money. And instead, you'll start achieving your goals and living your dreams. REMINDER: This is a risk free purchase with Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. Just imagine what your life and business would be like if within 30 days you doubled your network, doubled your sales and took your life to the next level. Best, Greg Pilla P.S. Due to the recent launch of this course, the course is currently priced at a discount. I plan to increase the price in the near future so sign up at the current price while you can!
              This course is for beginners and intermediate users who need to use Zoom . The Zoom video meeting and chat app has become extremely popular in the wake of COVID-19. While everyone is working remotely, this tool is helping people work, study, and is hosting millions of people during the pandemic. Whether you've been using Zoom for years or have only just signed up , you will be guided through everything you need to be a PRO when using Zoom. This course will provide you with easy, step-by-step training to get you feeling comfortable and looking great on your next zoom call. [BONUS] Knowing how to use Zoom is a definite PLUS to your career, upon completing this course you'll receive a Certificate of Completion that you can add to your resume and LinkedIn Profile.
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                VTiger CRM 6.5 is the world most popular honest open source CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform. Used by millions of people around the world. The open source edition is supported by a vibrant community of thousands of businesses, hundreds of thousands of users, and countless developers and partners that help shape its direction. That means that while its core functionality far surpasses that of alternatives, and it can be easily extended through the hundreds of plugins developed by professional Vtiger developers, and available on the extension marketplace. With all that, it’s no wonder that Vtiger’s free open source CRM ranks #1 in total downloads on SourceForge, at 4.5 million to date. This course provides complete in depth training starting from CRM concepts and definitions, installation (both platform MS Windows & Linux) and then step by step HD video instructions to configure and deploy full features and working CRM application. Further the course helps you to understand the Marketing, Sales & Support management using VTiger CRM 6.5 (Open Source version). You will be able to customize the standard forms available in VTiger CRM 6.5 using the power and flexibility of VTiger CRM studio and will take advantage of Business Analytics & Reports available inside VTiger CRm 6.5.
                  Study for CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply is not an easy task. If you fail, retaking the exams will be very costly. Don't be confused any more, we have done the hard work and bring to you a set of questions that may help you to pass L4M2 exam at the very first intake. Until this moment, CIPS has not released any past papers of OR exams. Though we made the test in the same format as CIPS exams, our work does not violate any intellectual property rights of CIPS or any other person. Some of the explanation excerpts short paragraphs from CIPS study guide, but they are only intended to help students understand the content better. We believe that it will be a good complementary to your study. Why you should buy our practice tests? We promote the ethical practice and creativity in making the practice tests. We have been trusted by CIPS students around the world. Even self-study students can pass the exams with flying colour by practising with our mock tests. We are invited to Udemy for Business programme (note: only 3% of all Udemy Instructors are selected to join this programme) All the tests are provided with external resources, careful explanation and free summarised notes. These supports not only help you pass the exams, but also help you apply the knowledge in real world scenario.
                    The questions and detailed explanations of answers (incl. calculations) prepare students for any Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification exam. They are also for practitioners who wish to keep their knowledge up to date. There are 6 timed tests with a total of 284 different questions. Questions and answers are shown in random order, cover the DMAIC process, and include Minitab 19 output. Tests can be paused and resumed at any time and can be taken as often as you wish. Detailed explanations of answers are shown by clicking "Review questions" after finishing a test. From there you can select which questions to review (all, correct, incorrect, skipped, marked for review). Thanks and best of luck!