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更年期是女性必经生理过程。大约50%的女性在此时会遇到多种不适,影响生活工作质量,并因反复、多科就诊而增加家庭和社会负担;更年期也是多种老年疾病萌发的时期,是预防并延缓这些疾病进展的关键时期。 通过本课程,学习者可以全面了解到更年期相关知识,从生理、心理变化,到相关疾病早期预防、诊断要点、治疗策略;以及有效锻炼、合理膳食的具体措施,性激素治疗和非性激素治疗的介绍。讲者来自妇产科、内分泌科、心内科、乳腺外科、骨科、营养科、临床药学等专家,从多角度深入讲解更年期相关问题,提供高效、综合、具体的解决问题方案。 学习者可以学习到健步走、盆底机能训练操的具体方法,食物交换份和更年期合理饮食方案,科学用药的具体建议,性激素化验单解读,妇科肿瘤早期预防和筛查,阴道微生态结果解析等等,突出实用性。 本课程中,介绍了北京大学第一医院首创的“更年期综合管理一日门诊”模式,由医生、护士、营养师、临床药师组成团队,把团体治疗和一对一咨询有机结合,提供以患者为中心的全科式服务,并充分利用医疗资源,为患者提供必要的专科转诊建议。这一特色门诊,创立于2012年7月4日,运行至今已得到广泛好评。 学习本课程,最重要的是有对女性中年健康的关爱之心。有医学背景固然好,非医学人士同样欢迎,因为本课程围绕改善女性更年期健康状况而设置,突出精华和实用的特点,将促进健康的措施落实在日常生活之中,并能够帮助医学人士开展更年期相关医疗服务。 "Menopausal women go through physiological processes. About 50% of women at this time will encounter a variety of discomfort, affecting the quality of work life, and because of repeated, multidisciplinary treatment and increase the burden on family and society; menopause are also a variety of age-related diseases germination period, is to prevent and delay these diseases Progress in the critical period. Introduction and effective exercise, specific measures to reasonable diet, hormone treatment and non-hormone treated; through this course, learners can fully understand that menopause-related knowledge, from the physical, psychological changes, to early prevention, diagnostic criteria related diseases, treatment strategies . Speakers from the obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology, cardiology, breast surgery, orthopedics, nutrition, pharmacy and other clinical experts from many angles in-depth explanation of menopause-related issues, to provide efficient, comprehensive, concrete solutions to the problems. Walking learners can learn the specific methods of pelvic floor function training exercise, food exchange copies and menopause proper diet plan, specific recommendations scientific medication, hormone laboratory test interpretation, gynecologic cancer prevention and early screening, vaginal microflora analytical results etc., highlighting practical. This course introduces the Peking University First Hospital's first "integrated management of the 1st menopause clinic" model, by doctors, nurses, nutritionists, clinical pharmacists a team, group therapy and one on one counseling to combine to provide patient as the center of general services, and make full use of medical resources, to provide the necessary specialist referral is recommended for patients. This feature clinic, founded in July 4, 2012, run so far has been widely praised. This course, the most important is to have a healthy middle-aged women caring heart. There are of course good medical background, non-medical people are also welcome, because this course is around improving the health status and settings menopausal women, highlighting the essence and practical features, will promote the health measures implemented in daily life, and to be able to help those who carry out medical menopause related medical services. Each class has a job to evaluate the degree of knowledge to grasp. Require work to achieve an average 60 percent accuracy rate, and at least one statement, party deemed qualified among the entire course of study in the forums, and grant certificates. If the completion of the "flip the classroom," i.e., completion of the Mu Course, Peking University First Hospital, "Integrated Management of the 1st menopause clinic" experience, and forums to speak at least ten times, considered excellent.
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    不论医生、护士,还是其他医务人员,我们共同的目的就是维护人们的健康。要做到这一点,首先我们必须了解人们的健康状况如何?是否存在健康问题?《健康评估》所要介绍的就是作为一个护士应如何对护理对象进行健康状况的评估,进而明确所存在的健康问题和护理需求。 《健 康评估》不仅包括理论知识的学习,更重要的是实践技能的训练。通过10周的学习,你将能够学习到如何运用交谈技巧全面系统地收集护理对象的健康史;运用 视、触、叩、听、嗅等身体评估方法进行全面系统的身体评估;成年人身体评估的正常表现、常见异常体征及其临床意义;如何对所收集的资料进行分析,以明确可 能存在的健康问题;如何进行护理病历的书写等。 本课程的学习共分为8个单元,每个单元需要在观看视频以及阅读相关资料的基础上,完成单元测试、单元作业、参与论坛等。8个单元学习结束后,需要完成期末测试。 其中部分单元作业需要学员上传自己进行资料收集的实际操作视频,如健康史的采集、间接叩诊、头颈部评估等。 本课程将有助于提升你对护理专业的深入理解以及进行健康评估的能力和评判性思维能力,为使自己成为一名优秀的护理人员打下良好的基础。 点击上方绿色按钮报名。
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      在世界范围内,慢性乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎是肝癌的主要病因。接种乙肝疫苗,适当筛查和管理慢性乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎,感染基本上可以预防。 乙肝课程是对初级卫生保健机构从业人员开放的在线课程。该课程的意义,在于让卫生专业人员了解病毒性肝炎的类型、传播途径、如何预防、及乙肝疫苗接种情况,并帮助他们培养如何有效预防、诊断、以及管理慢性乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎感染患者的方法。 我们相信,培养保健专业人员在乙肝和丙肝预防、控制方面的知识和技能,可以提高乙肝疫苗接种覆盖率,有效减少乙肝和丙肝感染以及肝癌的发病率。 世界卫生组织(WHO)和中国卫生部一直在乙肝、丙肝的数据更新和如何防治方面给予指导。