=  A FEW OF MELISSA'S TESTIMONIALS = " I loved this course (taking it twice!!!) I absolutely adore Melissa and I am blessed to be her student. " - Phoenix "Melissa Crowhurst is an amazing Reiki Master Teacher/Instructor . Her materials, videos and Presentation is Simple, direct and prepares you to take your journey toward becoming a Reiki Master Teacher to the level of Competence." - Andrew "Melissa is my favorite Udemy teacher. I have not only learned course material from her but I’ve also learned from her approach and her demeanor. This was my favorite course so far . " - Keith "amazing... so so amazing" - Ines ====== PREREQUISITES ====== Qualification Prerequisite: You must hold an existing Reiki Master Certification Time Prerequisite: You must be a Reiki Master for at least 6 months before receiving this course's certification. ====== WHAT TO EXPECT ====== Are you feeling the pull to do more than just heal others? Perhaps it's time to develop your teaching skills to show others how to heal! You'll undergo enough practical experience in this course, as well develop your confidence, intuition and spiritual growth, to truly live the life of an Advanced Reiki Master Teacher! It's time to spread your loving ways further! What's more, you'll brainstorm through sessions with Melissa on how to build your course, then use her example templates to start building your own course material! In a nutshell, what's this course like? Firstly you start off by (1) further developing your experience by continued practice sessions. From there Melissa (2) discusses with you various components of strengthening your intuition and spiritual growth as a Reiki Teacher. Next she (3) engages your creativity with brainstorming sessions about building your own course and developing your teaching skills and then (4) inspires you with her example course material (all provided). And finally, she gets you (5) thinking about different administrative and business components for your Reiki business. ====== WHAT'S INCLUDED ====== While anyone can enroll in this course , there are two major prerequisites required to receive your Advanced Teacher certification: to have a Reiki Master Certificate and to have been a Master for at least 6 months . Note, you don't have to be a Master to enroll in this course, you're just required to be a Master for 6 months by the time you complete it. Also, as with all of Melissa's courses, this is self-paced and completely digital , which means you can go as slow or as quick as you like. As always, Melissa reminds when making the choice of becoming a Teacher, to remember that the most important thing is to choose the path that feels right for you . Once you get started, you'll be able to access your course handbook, written by Melissa: Handbook - Reiki Master Teacher Certification (PDF), as well as the accompanying Workbook Exercises book (PDF and Word Docx version) to record your practice sessions and experiences in. The workbook is an important component as it's set up to accept and save you working material as you progress through the course. What's more, in addition to the Brainstorming Sessions and helpful resources Melissa provides, she gives you all the basic teaching material you need to launch your course, including: an Example Course Outline (in Word Doc format), Example Reiki Course Handbook (in Word Doc format), and Example Reiki Course Workbook (in Word Doc format). And since Melissa knows herself how daunting building a course can be, she also provides an Example Student Enrollment & Monitoring Spreadsheet (in Excel format), an Example Final Exam (in Word Doc format), an Example Reiki Level 1 Certificate , Example Reiki Level 2 Certificate , and an Example Reiki Master Certificate (all in Word Doc format)! Melissa's comprehensive manual (which includes how to conduct your Student Attunement Ceremony ), interactive workbook, example course material, additional books and learning tools will ensure you have everything you need, not just to become a Reiki Master Teacher, but to also master your mind, body and soul! Once you've completed the entire course, gone through all the lectures and practiced when prompted, if you choose to, you'll be able to take Melissa's Advanced Reiki Master Teacher Final Submission . Upon successful submission, you'll receive a beautiful Advanced Reiki Master Teacher Certificate (PDF) via email! Some of the additional benefits of this course include: building your confidence , expanding your intuition , uplifting yourself spiritually , as well as tips on how to remove negative energies from around you . What's more when you vibrate at this high level of energy, life's synchronicities will occur more and more and even attract abundance into your life! Melissa also discusses different components for those who want to start their own Reiki Master Teacher business , from pricing and cashflow to marketing ideas. And lastly, as she continues to add more helpful information to this course over time - you'll have lifetime access to it!
    In this course you will learn among others: what are Reiki rules, what is meaning Reiki rules for health, what is meaning Reiki rules for life, understanding Reiki rules in practice and more. I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do. I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list ("Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life. Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. On May my course of second degree of Reiki healing should be available on Udemy. You will learn there to do all these kinds of healing from distance as well as sending Reiki in intention. Stay healthy and be happy! Martha
      Reiki is a sacred practice that requires reverence and our greatest respect if we are to experience the deeper aspects of its value. The benefits of Reiki can be all-encompassing, not only giving us the ability to heal ourselves and others but also bringing guidance for our lives. The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are many, and you don't necessarily have to teach in order for the Master training to be useful. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your innate healing abilities. What you will learn: •The Usui Master attunement which increases the strength of your Reiki energy. •The Usui Master symbol which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing. •Learn Reiki meditations that strengthen the mind and expands consciousness. •Advanced techniques for using Reiki to solve problems and achieve goals. •The use of crystals and stones with Reiki. •How to make a Reiki crystal grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged. •Reiki psychic surgery that allows you to remove negative psychic energy from yourself and others and send it to the light. •The complete Reiki III Usui/Tibetan Master attunement. •Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I&II, ART and full Reiki Master. •The Healing attunement that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful attunement energies to heal. •The Usui system of attunements is taught as well as the Usui/Tibetan system. •Two Tibetan symbols are given for a total of six. •How to give yourself attunements and perform distance attunements. •Advanced Reiki meditation that harmonizes the energy of the chakras. •The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master. •Master Manual •Handouts •Series of Master Resources to ensure your success This class is a powerful healing experience. While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their own use or to use with family and friends. If you: •Are ready to continue your Journey of self healing and healing others •Have a strong desire to learn more as you heal •Are looking for a path of personal growth and transformation •Are feeling drawn to learn and heal more deeply with Reiki •Are looking for support from a strong Master Teacher and a loving community Let's get started!!
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        Are you looking to find or deepen your connection with your purpose, power and passion wherever you are on your journey? Let me start by saying congrats! Hunger for knowledge is the first step to self growth and to manifesting your dreams into reality. What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese healing technique. One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is balancing energy centres/chakras in the body for stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the body's natural healing abilities, aids in better sleep and improves and maintains health. Reiki assist you & the ones you heal in boosting healing and bringing wellness, alleviates pain, symptoms of chronic conditions etc ease stress, anxiety, insomnia. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. some of the effects of reiki are relaxation (almost instant), pain relief, changes in chronic conditions, better sleep, release of old energy, release of trauma, limited beliefs, chakra balancing and more. Level 1 Healer for self, family & pets Level 2 -Practitioner level Your attunment is done through a chosen time, vis distant ATTUNEMENT PROCESS WHERE REIKI SYMBOLS ARE PUT IN YOUR METAPHYSICAL BODY. Attunement process sometimes feels like the reset you always may have wanted, with amplified intuition, rise on consciousness and your gifts! Certificate training course includes- - Reiki basics and fundamentals -Process of reiki -Introduction to Chakra system -- Use of crystals for amplified healing -Manifest and empower goals with reiki -Attunements from master -21 day cleansing process -How to set up a professional practice Level 1 allows you self heal, heal family, friends & pets. Level 2 Practitioner- Start your practice and grow as a lightworker. ""Prachi has a beautiful healing energy and is knowledgeable.." _ Haylie S "Thank you to my Reiki master who attuned me to my amazing gift, not only has Prachi taught me Reiki but I've had many beautiful sound bowl healing sessions with her at her studio. Complete bliss❤?" Katharine Holli " I just love your energy! you are so amazing"- Shona Neave
          =WHAT TO EXPECT = Namaste! Welcome to Reiki Level 2! Thank you to those who are continuing their healing journey with me, and welcome to those who may be joining who are new to my programs! As a Reiki Level 2 practitioner, you will have the ability to channel more than double the healing energy to yourself & others than a Reiki Level 1. This intermediate course is designed to expand your spiritual development and deepen knowledge of Reiki. *Note for students* I message every student at the beginning of the course to introduce myself and as a way of opening up communication if you have any questions through the course. I’m always here for you and happy to help you on your spiritual journey in any way that I can. Here’s a look at what you’ll be learning… =WHAT'S INCLUDED = Over 4 hours of material Comprehensive 72-page guidebook, written by Julie Ann Dawson Receive a Level 2 distance attunement ceremony Learn about Reiki symbols Learn all of the Reiki Level 2 Symbols with tutorials + exercises for each. How to use the symbols & benefits of using each symbol Using Reiki Level 2 symbol combinations Reiki healing shortcut for chakra balancing Steps for a healing session incorporating the Reiki symbols Distance healing technique + tutorials Reiki & Quantum Mechanics with Distance Healing Advanced aura opening & closing technique + tutorial and exercises Reiki for animals + tutorial Reiki for children Creating a healing/prayer list + template & tutorial Group healing techniques + tutorials Reiki for healing our planet Scanning techniques Energetic attachments, symptoms of negative attachments, releasing negative attachment techniques for: cords, astral pests, earthbound spirits, psychic weapons. Activate the second 21-day cleansing process + your 21-day cleansing guide with helpful tips Downloadable worksheets + helpful resources & articles Quizzes Certificate of completion, (PDF) by Julie Ann Dawson, Reiki Master Teacher, founder & CEO of Chakra To Ya, in addition to a second certificate provided by Udemy =Bonuses= Manifesting with Reiki Easy steps to raise your vibration Programming objects for healing with Reiki Clearing a space with Reiki Advanced space clearing with Reiki Removing negative energy from objects with Reiki Meditation exercises Cord-cutting techniques Tips on starting your Reiki business + best business practices Journal prompts Course journal Certificate of completion, (PDF) by Julie Ann Dawson, Reiki Master Teacher, founder & CEO of Chakra To Ya, in addition to a second certificate provided by Udemy Lifetime access =ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTOR, JULIE ANN DAWSON, REIKI MASTER TEACHER = I’ve been a Reiki Master Teacher and proud business owner or Chakra To Ya for 4 years. My credentials include being a master of several healing modalities: and my practice includes a blend of Traditional Usui Reiki, Reiki Tummo, Hypnotherapy, Beyonders, Norri Healing, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, Psychic Healing, Aromatherapy, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree. My goal is to help you find your path to be living your best life. Thank you for letting me be part of your spiritual journey and this life-changing experience. I’ve had much success with this program offered in person and through webinars and I’m excited to expand and connect with you on Udemy!
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            Have the tools you need to give yourself, and others, healing Reiki energy and be certified afterwards. All students receive: Consent and Intake Templates Reiki Lineage Certificate 82 page Reiki I Manual 89 Page Reiki II Manual Meridians Handout 7 Day Chakra Balance Workbook Your certificate will be issued upon completion of the course materials and your attunement scheduled.
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              If you want to be an effective healer you MUST know the things from the course. Otherwise, you may fail and struggle with many problems. You don't have to! In the course, you will get to know everything, that you need to heal effectively and show your professionalism. In this course you will learn among others: what are Reiki effects, how to boost Reiki therapy effectiveness, what is an aura and how to diagnose its energetic problems, how feel the energy in your hands, what is a chakra and how it works, what is chakra's influence on emotions and health, what is damaging to chakras and what is helpful for them, how to design Reiki treatment to the individual needs of a person, how to diagnose energetic problems, how to advise your clients and more. I am a teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good at this, what they do. I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on the bestseller list ("Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia", Helion publishing house). In the course, I explain everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start to help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life. Read my course curriculum - you will get to know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful, and worth for you. Stay healthy and be happy! Marta
                This multimedia course, like live courses, certifies you as a Reiki Master for animals, Animal Reiki Master. The course is accredited by the IAOTH, International Association of Therapist, which ensures that the certificate is recognized internationally. Essential requirement, you must have achieved at least the third level of Usui Reiki. You will get the necessary attunements, you will learn the theory and, through the practical exercises and the basics, you will be accompanied step by step in order to be able, as soon as you finish the course, to make professional treatments to animals and plants and to attune people as Animal Reiki Pratictioner and as Animal Reiki Master. Animal Reiki Master is a new figure, therefore very interesting for potential job opportunities. You will also get deeper communication and communion with the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom. Are you ready to enter this new, exciting and fascinating Reiki practice?
                  Take your intuitive abilities and Reiki skills to the next level with this energy and intention mastering class. EXPLORE, IN-DEPTH, how to Super Bubble-Up, Globally heal, Cord Cut from others, create Energy Portals of Intention, and Automatic Write. Receive your final Usui Attunement giving you the ability to amplify your current Reiki skills. Discover in-depth how to use Absentee Healing for a global cause. With this new and powerful skill, you will never again feel helpless when hearing about the tragedies of our planet. Learn how to protect yourself even stronger with a new a more powerful visualization of Super Bubbling-Up. Discover the power of cord connections and how to better regulate the energy ties that you share with others. Develop a deeper awareness of your own energy vs. that of others. Learn how to intend Reiki energy in a space with energy portals of intention. Discover what Auto Writing is, and how to discern what the energy intentions are around you. Enjoy TWO guided visualizations to both cut your current energy connections with others and to completely heal your entire body. This healing system is the only one of its kind and is taught exclusively by Licensed Mohr Method of Healing instructors. Please note: It is suggested that you have completed The Mohr Method of Healing Reiki Levels One AND Two, Online Trainings, before beginning this training. (Please understand that this is a sequential training system, and each level must be mastered within the Mohr Method of Healing System before progressing to the next level) BONUS! - Included with this training is a FREE PDF of Reiki 301-Student Manual (Workbook). - Included with this training is a FREE PDF of Reiki 301-The NEW Mohr Method of Healing Level Two Self Study Guided book. This includes detailed printed content of this online training. Valued at $49.95. - Included with this training is the MP3 “Healing Hands of God” audio meditation AND “Cutting the Cords” audio meditation. - Certificate of Reiki Level 3 online course completion. You will receive a virtual attunement. This will permanently embed a Reiki antenna into your being, allowing you to channel Reiki energy easily, and to broadcast it to others, for the rest of your lifetime. With just 10 individuals between Lisa Mohr and Mikao Usui, the Grand Reiki Master, you will be joining the lineage of a short line of extremely powerful Reiki Healers. This energy has been kept pure and strong since it was officially discovered by Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s.
                    In this course you'll learn all the level 1 techniques within Usui Reiki Ryoho , traditional approach: Gassho meditation ( Gassho Meiso ), the Nentatsu Ho technique, the dry bath ( Kenyoku Ho ), Seika Tanden contemplation (Joshin Kokyu Ho), Byosen Reikan Ho scanning , the intuitive placement of the hands ( Reiji Ho ), the Reiki circle (Reiki Mawashi). On top of that, you'll be presented with the base moral and ethic rules governing Reiki practice, as well as the 5 principles . You'll be briefly presented the self-treatment , you'll learn how to treat another person and you'll also know how to perform the final movements (Ketsueki Kokan Ho). Also, you'll be given an example of the traditional group treatment session (Shuchu Reiki).