REIKI: Reiki Level I, II & Master Course This course includes all three levels of Reiki that is Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, and Master Level . I have explained all Levels of Reiki in a simple and easy way so that everyone understands it. My aim as a Reiki master is to bring clarity and understanding to all who take this course. Reiki energy is already present in everyone, you just have to discover it and I will help you to find your inner healing power. So learn about Reiki which is a universal energy that is being used positively all over the world to heal at different level of emotional, physical, mental & energetic imbalances. Reiki is present in all living things. Your imagination is the only thing that can set limitations on its uses. The skills and techniques associated with Reiki are simple and easy to learn. Small children and adults can equally understand and combine this ancient form of healing into their lives. Regular contact with Reiki will bring your mind body and spirit into balance. It will also help prevent future creation of illness and disease. Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works on the whole body, mind and spirit., Reiki is simply a relaxing treatment and the purpose of a Reiki treatment is to relieve stress and pain, induce relaxation, release emotional blockages, accelerate natural healing, balance restrained bodies energies Perform Reiki sessions on yourself and others Improve your ability to send Reiki Use Reiki as a healing system Know the history of Reiki Send attunements via distance healing to your loved ones & clients Receive Reiki Level I, II and Master distance attunements from a Reiki Master Learn to activate powerful Reiki symbols Obtain Reiki Level I, II and Reiki Master Status Practice Reiki using the Reiki symbols to connect with your insightful self Learn the 5 Reiki principles Know the healing benefits Reiki in all areas of your life Learn different methods for performing Reiki from a distance Explore and understand Chakras for people Learn to attune yourself with the Universal Life Force Energy Become a Certified Reiki Master Level I of Reiki includes the hand positions used when doing Reiki on you and others, the Reiki principles, and history of Reiki. You will receive the attunements. Once you have received the attunements you are a Reiki Practitioner. Level II of Reiki you will learn how to perform Reiki from a distance and this level includes the three Reiki Symbols (Focus, Harmony, and Connection) Level III of Reiki you will learn about the Usui Master Symbol, its meaning and its application. This symbol completes the other three symbols taught at Level II. You will also receive distance attunements for all three levels from me as your Reiki Master. you will also learn in this course about Animal Reiki where you will learn to use the power of Reiki to heal yourself, others, your pets and animals around you. You will explore the deeper meaning of animal Reiki and begin helping your animal’s companion. Animals are good for our soul. They keep us physically active. They help us to relieve stress, sadness, put a smile on our face. They teach children and adults about love, compassion, responsibility, respect. Reiki is a wonderful way to give back to our animal friends. As with humans, Reiki supports the animal body’s natural ability to heal itself on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Animals are very open and sensitive to the Reiki energy. They know exactly how much they need and where they need it. So, if you want to support your pets and animals around you then this course is for you! Use Animal Reiki; a simple, non-invasive substitute therapy to support animals balance on their physical, mental and emotional state. In this course you will learn among others: how to heal animals with Reiki energy Connect with animals so that you can help them to heal Perform Reiki on yourself Perform Reiki on other Perform Reiki on animals Perform Reiki on all animals of all sizes Receive distance attunements to align you to Reiki energy Practice Reiki to improve your life and lives of animals around you Reiki is an alternative therapy that initiated in Japan and is practiced in private and hospitals around the globe. It is easy to learn and non-invasive and makes balance so that healing can occur on all levels. Animals love receiving Reiki energy. You will be able to perform effective Reiki with animals using hands on techniques or from a distance. This animal reiki is ideal for all kinds of animals , from domestic pets to wildlife. I will guide you how to perform Reiki on yourself, with others and on animals with an emphasis on healing and harmonizing. l will explain about the sacred Reiki symbols and how you can use them in your Reiki sessions. Learn the proper method of practicing Animal Reiki sessions from start to end on different kinds of animals and practice Reiki with an animal from short and long distances. Learn the basic information about Reiki Energy and how it works with human and animals and begin performing Reiki self-treatments on you and your animal. This course can be used as a way to enhance personal growth or work on any imbalances within yourself or on your loved ones or clients. People who want to add Reiki to their current practice or wanting to begin their own Reiki practice will benefit highly from this course. You will be able to perform Reiki session on yourself and others around you. You will also be able to teach Reiki to others. I urge you to incorporate Reiki into your lives and use this gift daily or as often as possible. Get busy and heal yourself, your family, your friends and others. Good Luck! NOTE: After completing this course, you will receive a certificate of completion from my side, which you can share with your family, friends, relatives, co-workers. Certificates of completion help demonstrate your accomplishments. Plus you will also receive another certificate from Udemy as well
    In level 1, you will receive 3 attunements in order to open you up to receive reiki energy. You will learn what reiki is and how to channel it for yourself. Once you learn to use reiki on yourself, a major healing and cleansing process will begin. In level 2, you will learn how to use reiki to heal others for fun or  a career. You will also learn the reiki symbols, Gassho, Reiji Ho, Chiryo, past lives and distance reiki. In level 3, you will learn how to teach and attune others to reiki. You will also learn the master symbol, reiki symbology, psychic surgery, and distance attunements. At the end of the course, you will receive an Usui reiki master certification for levels 1, 2, and master. This is a truly life changing course on all levels.
      This course looks at the 'science behind healing' (yes, believe it or not there is a considerable amount of scientific evidence that 'healing' has real physiological and well-being effects). Hands-on Healing has probably been around since humans first graced this earth (if not even before that) and healing through touch is a given ability for us all, though culturally this ability is lost and therefore requires a reconnection. For some people it is still passed down through the generations, others find their own way to healing but for the rest of us we usually need to reconnect to this ability through a spiritual practice (like learning Reiki for example). Although 'healing techniques' are ancient Reiki itself , is a relatively new discipline Since the birth of ‘science’, healing techniques have often annoyed the eminent physicians of the day who often feel they have a monopoly on ‘healing’ and thus they call upon ‘science’ and scientists to label all the other healers as ‘charlatans’ (I must confess that I used to be one of those scientists!) So this short course seeks to make some sense of 'hands-on' healing, Therapeutic Touch and Reiki . I have helped many people overcome mental, emotional, painful or physical conditions using a simple hands-on technique. So like all other healers, I believe the effects to be real and more than placebo. This, of course, is not enough for Newtonian Science which is not accepting of subjective experiences (nor it seems of positive patient outcomes) but rather it requires ‘proof’ that something over and above our human imagination is at work here (and if it were just human imagination at work here, wouldn’t it be good for science to discover how to 'switch on' this health benefit?) In the course, I take a look at what Healers have done since the time of Mesmer to get their practice validated ‘scientifically ’. I also take a look at how scientists behave, how healers themselves behave and how the other interested party (the ‘church’) behaves in these exchanges.Reiki has become very popular because it is so easily 'learnable' (unlike some other healing practices that require years of apprenticeship. I show how research has been done to both explain and validate ‘hands-on’ healing but this research is rarely replicated. Replication is important for science as new ideas only get accepted when many studies start to confirm the same thing. Many of these studies would be relatively easy to replicate but few scientists seem curious, willing, or able to step up to the plate. (Some definitely feel the wrath of their profession when they do actually get involved in such studies). So when a scientist tells us “there is no evidence…..” then they are wrong and in this course I present some of the evidence that is available. There is evidence, the problem is there not enough of it and no large scale trials have been done to my knowledge. As there is no profit in techniques that are not patentable, and large scale trials are expensive, I believe it is the role of Government in these situations to fund the necessary research. Although there is not profit to be made, there are certainly healthcare savings to made, so if the research is successful Government purse strings would be enhanced (although the pharmaceutical 'backhanders' would certainly disappear). When you complete the course you'll receive a Udemy certificate of completion . If you would like a further validated certificate of competence (accredited by the International Association of Therapists, IOATH) then you can take a short exam following the course and on payment of an additional $10 you'll receive a certificate validated by IOATH. For those of you who are Therapists, this certificate demonstrates to your clients that you are able to differentiate the 'mumbo jumbo' that surrounds healing from the science
        Of all of the Mohr Method of Healing classes, this workshop is often viewed as the most magical and inspiring! EXPLORE, IN-DEPTH,  Reiki, The Law of Attraction, Energy hygiene and protection, and how to send distant healing to others. Discover the infinite potential of Reiki Energy in this extraordinary online training. Learn how to Cleanse the Energy in Every Environment. Practice Seeing and Feeling Energy Fields. Learn about sending Reiki Healing Energy to faraway people and/or places, Learn how to Project Protective Bubbles onto others, how to see Auras, create energy healing balls and more! Discover in-depth the mechanics of the Law of Attraction, frequency, pulsing, and how to enhance your life and others. This workshop will increase your Intuitive Awareness substantially, bringing your abilities to new and inspiring levels. This healing system is the only one of its kind and is taught exclusively by Licensed Mohr Method of Healing instructors. Please note: It is suggested that you have completed The Mohr Method of Healing Reiki Level One Online Training before beginning this training. (Please understand that this is a sequential training system, and each level must be mastered within the Mohr Method of Healing System before progressing to the next level) BONUS! -Included with this training is a FREE PDF of Reiki 201-Student Manual (Workbook) -Included with this training is a FREE PDF of Reiki 201-The NEW Mohr Method of Healing Level Two Self Study Guided published book. This includes detailed printed content of this online training. Valued at $49.95 -Included with this training is the MP3 “The Psychic Dial” audio meditation -Certificate of Reiki Level 2 online course completion You will receive a virtual attunement. This will permanently embed a Reiki antenna into your being, allowing you to channel Reiki energy easily, and to broadcast it to others, for the rest of your lifetime. With just 10 individuals between Lisa Mohr and Mikao Usui, the Grand Reiki Master, you will be joining the lineage of a short line of extremely powerful Reiki Healers. This energy has been kept pure and strong since it was officially discovered by Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s.
          In this course you will learn among others: how to heal others with Reiki energy - with different methods, how to heal chakras with Reiki energy, how to heal aura, how to design Reiki treatment to individual needs of a person, how to diagnose energetic problems, how to advice to your clients and much more. I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do. I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list ("Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life. Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. Stay healthy and be happy! Martha
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            Have the tools you need to give yourself, and others, healing Reiki energy and be certified afterwards. All students receive: Consent and Intake Templates Reiki Lineage Certificate 82 page Reiki I Manual 89 Page Reiki II Manual Meridians Handout 7 Day Chakra Balance Workbook Your certificate will be issued upon completion of the course materials and your attunement scheduled.
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              If you want to be an effective healer you MUST know the things from the course. Otherwise, you may fail and struggle with many problems. You don't have to! In the course, you will get to know everything, that you need to heal effectively and show your professionalism. In this course you will learn among others: what are Reiki effects, how to boost Reiki therapy effectiveness, what is an aura and how to diagnose its energetic problems, how feel the energy in your hands, what is a chakra and how it works, what is chakra's influence on emotions and health, what is damaging to chakras and what is helpful for them, how to design Reiki treatment to the individual needs of a person, how to diagnose energetic problems, how to advise your clients and more. I am a teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good at this, what they do. I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on the bestseller list ("Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia", Helion publishing house). In the course, I explain everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start to help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life. Read my course curriculum - you will get to know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful, and worth for you. Stay healthy and be happy! Marta
                This multimedia course, like live courses, certifies you as a Reiki Master for animals, Animal Reiki Master. The course is accredited by the IAOTH, International Association of Therapist, which ensures that the certificate is recognized internationally. Essential requirement, you must have achieved at least the third level of Usui Reiki. You will get the necessary attunements, you will learn the theory and, through the practical exercises and the basics, you will be accompanied step by step in order to be able, as soon as you finish the course, to make professional treatments to animals and plants and to attune people as Animal Reiki Pratictioner and as Animal Reiki Master. Animal Reiki Master is a new figure, therefore very interesting for potential job opportunities. You will also get deeper communication and communion with the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom. Are you ready to enter this new, exciting and fascinating Reiki practice?
                  Take your intuitive abilities and Reiki skills to the next level with this energy and intention mastering class. EXPLORE, IN-DEPTH, how to Super Bubble-Up, Globally heal, Cord Cut from others, create Energy Portals of Intention, and Automatic Write. Receive your final Usui Attunement giving you the ability to amplify your current Reiki skills. Discover in-depth how to use Absentee Healing for a global cause. With this new and powerful skill, you will never again feel helpless when hearing about the tragedies of our planet. Learn how to protect yourself even stronger with a new a more powerful visualization of Super Bubbling-Up. Discover the power of cord connections and how to better regulate the energy ties that you share with others. Develop a deeper awareness of your own energy vs. that of others. Learn how to intend Reiki energy in a space with energy portals of intention. Discover what Auto Writing is, and how to discern what the energy intentions are around you. Enjoy TWO guided visualizations to both cut your current energy connections with others and to completely heal your entire body. This healing system is the only one of its kind and is taught exclusively by Licensed Mohr Method of Healing instructors. Please note: It is suggested that you have completed The Mohr Method of Healing Reiki Levels One AND Two, Online Trainings, before beginning this training. (Please understand that this is a sequential training system, and each level must be mastered within the Mohr Method of Healing System before progressing to the next level) BONUS! - Included with this training is a FREE PDF of Reiki 301-Student Manual (Workbook). - Included with this training is a FREE PDF of Reiki 301-The NEW Mohr Method of Healing Level Two Self Study Guided book. This includes detailed printed content of this online training. Valued at $49.95. - Included with this training is the MP3 “Healing Hands of God” audio meditation AND “Cutting the Cords” audio meditation. - Certificate of Reiki Level 3 online course completion. You will receive a virtual attunement. This will permanently embed a Reiki antenna into your being, allowing you to channel Reiki energy easily, and to broadcast it to others, for the rest of your lifetime. With just 10 individuals between Lisa Mohr and Mikao Usui, the Grand Reiki Master, you will be joining the lineage of a short line of extremely powerful Reiki Healers. This energy has been kept pure and strong since it was officially discovered by Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s.
                    In this course you'll learn all the level 1 techniques within Usui Reiki Ryoho , traditional approach: Gassho meditation ( Gassho Meiso ), the Nentatsu Ho technique, the dry bath ( Kenyoku Ho ), Seika Tanden contemplation (Joshin Kokyu Ho), Byosen Reikan Ho scanning , the intuitive placement of the hands ( Reiji Ho ), the Reiki circle (Reiki Mawashi). On top of that, you'll be presented with the base moral and ethic rules governing Reiki practice, as well as the 5 principles . You'll be briefly presented the self-treatment , you'll learn how to treat another person and you'll also know how to perform the final movements (Ketsueki Kokan Ho). Also, you'll be given an example of the traditional group treatment session (Shuchu Reiki).