Travel FREE Anywhere with a Virtual Mind Travel Experience 5 Star Review I never thought I could have such an amazing experience at home Craig Thomas Hypnosis will help you to travel to any worldwide holiday destination and only have the people who make you feel happy there with you. Now you can with this course where I am going to teach you how you can experience the most amazing holidays everyday of your life if you wish. But not only that you will also have the ability to feel all those holiday good feelings that come with leaving all your cares and worries behind and getting to see life with a whole new perspective. All experiences are sensory experiences that are stored in your memory bank so you can access those good feelings when you think about that experience. With this hypnotic journey you will be creating many new amazing experiences just as though you have actually been on amazing journeys to amazing destinations creating amazing holiday memories that will be relaxing, inspiring and motivational. I will also be teaching you in the bonus section of this course how to use EFT a amazingly easy to learn tapping technique that will change your life by allowing you to overcome overcome stress in your life, but not only that you can also use this technique to eliminate limiting emotions and beliefs that hold you back from having the life you deserve. Hypnosis - holiday to amazing destinations Guided Hypnosis Bonus Downloads EFT Tapping Points Instructions PDF EFT Instructions EFT Breathing Exercise Tension Relief With EFT Mopping Up EFT Hypnosis Downloads Astral Travel Hypnosis Fear of Turbulence Hypnosis Hypnotic Holiday Past life train Hypnosis Fear of flying Hypnosis
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    Description: The unknown secrets of conversational hypnosis is about to reveal to you , how to hypnotize anyone , anywhere with just the use of language. Through out this course you will be taught by a Master of Hypnosis Scott Jansen and he will be guiding you through simple to learn covert techniques of hypnosis Build a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with ease This is your ABC into the world of hypnosis for fun with engaging lectures , and lecture notes giving you a step by step program to follow A simple formula to follow to create a hypnotic affect from anything How to work with people that say Hypnosis doesn't exist How to " Freak " people out with hypnotic tricks of the mind The steps to any hypnotic phenomena How to stick people body parts to things like a hand to a face How to use the right set up to create a deep instant trance A powerful skill at your finger tips: If you have every had the interest on Hypnosis or seen the likes of 'Derren Brown' or other mind magicians this is for you . The fundamental corner stone of covert , conversational hypnosis is at your finger tips . Soon subjects around you will be dropping like fly's into trance and they will have no idea when you started or how you did it so quickly .
      Description Master the art of conversational hypnosis without the use of scripts, that will teach you how to use powerful hypnotic language strategies and create intense COMA LIKE trances all hidden inside a conversation. Build a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with ease Hypnotic language mastery How to use unconscious moments like a hypnotic genius How to unleash the power of natural trances with just words How to work with even the most resistant of clients and subjects A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips: We send you a warm and inviting welcome to the latest installment from the Conversational Hypnosis Academy, as we answer and reveal the untaught secrets of how to master the hypnotic language without a script, develop unconscious trances and prove the existence of hypnosis with even the most resistant people. Where else will you gain exclusive access to witnessing conversational hypnosis in action than a 1-day event dedicated to the practical elements of hypnosis? " We teach you WHAT to say and WHEN to sat it " ( so you get it right every time ) Content and Overview: The art of crafting the perfect mindset of the expert hypnotist ( the hypnotic attitude switch ) To understand the simple system that put your clients into a therapeutic trance, every time, and in the exact depth of trance needed to create change in a client's reality To gain the elite format of hypnotherapy that creates conversational change in your subjects even without a formal induction. The 10 language based conversational hypnosis categories to sound like a hypnotic wordsmith To learn how to create the exact setup that must be done before any session that creates therapeutic change in minutes not hours How to elevate psychological energy that you can dictate and direct towards anything you want your clients to think of feel How to use language buffers that prevent the conscious mind from interfering and rejecting ideas. How to take control of any conversation when your subjects disprove the theory of hypnosis How to discover the profound and simple to follow knowledge of not just becoming a good hypnotherapist but a truly great one. Ho to generate deep unconscious rapport without being caught or using mechanical rapport strategies And much more Why take this program: We can look at the cycle of the Hypnotist as such... The beginner: Dedicates his or her time to learning, scripting and memorizing words, statements and strategies that he or she has seen other Hypnotists demonstrate The Novice: Still takes to road most traveled and occasionally inputs their own style to gain more range and fluidity. The Master: Does none of the above. They have created an instinctual approach to hypnosis that relies on principles of the mind and principles of Hypnosis, that makes them seem to be able to perform miracles without any of the hiccups. Now while we can not instantly catapult you to master level, we can, however, drop you in between the novice sweet spot. This means that you bypass all the mistakes of the modern Hypnotist, while not missing out on the structural learning that these mistakes can teach.
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        5 Star Review This is just what I have needed for a long time very relaxing Alan has a great voice George Freeman Hypnosis for to Discover your passion with Guided Hypnosis was created to give you an excellent experience of what a private hypnosis session with me is like So If you have ever wondered what you really love to do and what you would be truly passionate about. This hypnosis course will help you discover just that by using Hypnosis to tune into the hidden depths of your mind and character where all you major decisions are made to make you feel great, make you laugh or even just to choose the food you enjoy the most. then by using Hypnosis natures gift of been able to relax mind and body so that you can focus in like a laser and discover your true passion. What I will teach you in this course to discover you true passion in life with Hypnosis for to Discover your passion with Guided Hypnosis 1. You will begin by creating an image in your mind of what you want so that you will know where you are going by having a destination to reach by engaging in your passion. 2. Learn a secret feel good trigger that will help you through any bad times or set backs on your way. 3. learn how your mind and body work together with some fun but important lessons that will improve the results of this hypnotherapy session. 4. Learn how you naturally resist changes even changes that can be very good for you 5. Learn just how powerful words can be and their effect on you physically even if they are only self talk. 6. Learn who can and cannot be hypnotized 7. Learn how you can feel amazing any time you want to 8. Hypnosis course bonus section with 3 mp3 extra hypnosis session A.  Find Your Passion Hypnosis B.  Being more assertive Hypnosis C.  Creativity Hypnosis 9. How to use and apply EFT in the bonus section an amazingly powerful technique that can eliminate any limiting bad feelings that have been stopping you from doing what you need to do to enjoy your passion. All Files and videos are downloadable for easier access
          *** PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS COURSE IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DISCOUNT PROMOTIONS OFFERED BY UDEMY *** Over a 20 year period I have performed across Europe performing as a Stage Hypnotist. Working in venues from the local pub to top corporate companies (even Hypnotising the Queens Guards in 2009). I've earnt good money and more important, I've had great fun doing it....YOU CAN TOO! Hypnotising someone is the easy part, it's the problems and challenges that come your way whilst performing this mesmerising and intriguing craft. I learnt the hard don't have to. Imagine you are on stage, the posters are up everywhere with you name on it, your audience are up on stage with you…and it goes all wrong. Well, I have heard it does. Understanding EXACTLY what is going through their minds is not taught in other courses and is the most important part in learning this skill. There are many Hypnotists worldwide…take your average Hypnotist and place them in a tough corporate company show or an non obedient social club in the North of England and they will fail miserably. Its fine practicing with other Hypnotists on a course or with family and friends wanting to please you and cooperating with you but if you want to be paid with this skill you really do need to be prepared. The problem I see with most training is that it is done ‘working on theory’ not what ‘works in the real world’. It is so often taught by Hypnotists that have just done a handful of shows or none at all! Fancy inductions are often taught that don’t work in a performance environment, even how Stage Hypnotism is taught is not the real (or main) reason to how it works. This leads to thousands of books/dvds purchased and resulting to a small amount of working Stage Hypnotists that either don’t feel confident enough to perform or that have tried it and died on their feet. This must be the worst experience ever…a Hypnotist that cant Hypnotise. You need to go on a Stage Hypnotist training course where you will come away from it feeling confident you can go out and perform shows. AREAS INCLUDED IN THE STAGE HYPNOTIST TRAINING COURSE: THE REAL TRUTH TO HOW & WHY IT WORKS (most Hypnotists either do not know or realise the real psychological state the subject / volunteers are in). This is explained...when you know fully how it works you can be more effective & more powerful as a Comedy Stage Hypnotist. When to use a fast hypnotic induction and when to use a slow one. There are specific advantages/disadvantages to both 3 Hypnotic Inductions including 2 rapid inductions and the hand clasp routine Choosing your best subjects from the available volunteers Creating your own stage persona Sound and lighting / PA equipment Marketing and promoting yourself as a Comedy Stage Hypnotist How and when to use ‘props’ within the show Extra source of income via hypnosis including group stop smoking sessions Routines & skits that always gain laughter Insurance & the law ….and so much more from one of the most experienced Comedy Stage Hypnotists in Europe. The problem with most/all Stage Hypnotist training courses is that they teach that if you ‘do abc’ then ‘xyz’ will happen. You will be taught on a typical Stage Hypnotism course how to induce hypnosis and how to deliver suggestion, how to manage them and how to take them out of hypnosis. Great, job done. But…what if it all goes wrong? And it does. If any Stage Hypnotist says otherwise they are ‘saving face’. If you fully understand how and why it actually works, you will be fully equipped to deal with any abreaction (a negative physiological or psychological response due to the hypnotism or process you are undertaking) or any part of the show that is not going you way (as the Hypnotist). Equipped with the proper know how and true understanding of how from a psychological aspect it works, you can turnaround any situation to your benefit so you can continue the show and get re-booked. Here is a fact…there are thousands of people that have read Stage Hypnotism books, seen Stage Hypnosis DVD’s, that have been on Stage Hypnosis courses, have then gone out there and performed a Stage Hypnosis show and simply ‘died on their feet’. It was the worst and humiliating experience they have ever come across and have never attempted to do it again. I heard the many stories in his time. They were ill equipped and did not have the tools or proper understanding or simply did not know the true and real reason as to why it works. It is very stereotypical to say ‘you will learn this guarded secret’ but this is the case. I can confidently say there are not many Stage Hypnotists (if any) that know how it really works and this understanding has only come after Hypnotising thousands and speaking at length to the subjects/volunteers after the show. Having pushed my volunteers to limits in a way that others worldwide have not ever managed, its this experience and knowledge that has got results that other Stage Hypnotists can only dream of doing.
            [ Strategic Hypnotic Interview ( Intro to full program ) ] Description Become the Sherlock Holmes Of The 21st Century … As You Unlock Hidden Clues That The Unconscious Mind Is Hiding From Your Clients … That Is Preventing Life Long Change This Hypnotic System Will Allow You To Strategically Investigate The Hidden Truths Hidden By The Unconscious Mind, And Redirect Thinking In An Instant Without Your Client Ever Knowing They Are Being Hypnotized Build a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with ease Spotting unconscious moments was the birth place of this program. By combining spotting unconscious moments as a function, conversational postulates to bring to life the naturalness of conversational hypnosis and the distraction of the conscious mind to slowly quieten it down, without setting off the alarm bells of danger, meant we had to rethink unconscious moments and diversify them and almost HIDE our investigation and hunt for them Knowing that when ever we converse with people, friends, family and even our clients, communication is tainted with 2 minds talking at once. And we had to believe firmly that when using hypnosis the conscious mind WILL ALWAYS BE READY to come back to life and ruin all the good work we have done, re-categorize the problem and interfere with unconscious change, we needed some sneaky tricks to absorb its attention and direct it elsewhere, over and over again, in a creative fashion knowing what do when we have direct interaction with the unconscious and how to communicate back. This is the very real assumption that direct language has no use in the unconscious mind. Meaning we had to learn to speak the way the unconscious mind could understand us, as the therapist. We needed to speak its language and also speak its delivery of language. This is why, previously it has been almost impossible for the classical Hypnotist to influence the unconscious mind long enough to completely destroy phobias, addictions, and real world problems. A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips: Did we really design a program just to teach you how to distinguish between how to listen for the unconscious mind talking and the conscious mind talking? … You better believe we did. Gone are the days where hypnosis is just used as an additional tool. To use relaxation techniques to induce a level of trance, and expect the unconscious mind to give up the goods. Instead, we needed to create a formula to directly converse with the unconscious mind and listen for its direct response, that will always be hidden inside distracting conscious talk. If you have found you could never get to the finer details of a client’s problem, you have experienced this very phenomenon and it ( without a shadow of a doubt ) the  reason why Hypnosis fails over and over again "If you are finding that your intervention methods are going around in circles, problems are returning hours after your session and you never really get your client to a respectable depth of hypnosis for you to redirect their thinking, we have the solution" Scott Jansen Content and Overview: Everything you are about to learn is teaching you the functions of the unconscious mind in regards to using Hypnotherapy as a vehicle for change. Without understanding the 3 concepts of this program, it is impossible to how to directly communicate with the unconscious mind that is purposeful and long-lasting. Gone are the days of relaxation techniques and script based therapies. This is the key. Whereas traditional hypnosis is based on the therapy of relaxing a client, then telling the unconscious mind how to think and what to do. This program buffers out all hiccups that this approach causes. It’s not to say it doesn’t have its place. It means that as society evolves so does our ability to use hypnosis in a real world context. Without knowing the hows, why, and when of unconscious moments as a signal for the correct therapeutic trance, your ability to evolve into hypnotic guru will be tough. We had to really reveal the secrets of unconscious moments to the public so your career as a Hypnotists speeds up in strides. Why take this program: With a mix of conscious conclusions, unconscious reasoning, assumptions and emotions, no wonder our client’s problems seem so hard to penetrate and destroy. The majority of Hypnotists are missing out on a crucial part of any hypnotic interaction and are falling for the lies of the conscious mind when asking a client this important question … What is the problem ? Believe it or not,  the response from this question will define the outcome of your session. Your ability to decipher between conscious information and unconscious reasoning will be the elevation to mastery level only a small percentage of Hypnotists will attain. And even then a percentage of these Hypnotists will fluke it, and the others will lose track of how they did it, and why their hypnosis sessions instantly turned into the stuff of miracles
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              In this course ' Learn Conversational Hypnosis For Sale And Influencing ' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn many hypnotic and NLP techniques to influence and persuade your prospective and existing clients better. Conversational hypnosis is about giving suggestions and talking to them and making them do what you want by making them create pictures in their mind and by putting hypnotics suggestions in their mind. This course will help you make your clients remember the benefits of your products only and also forgetting about the competitor and its strengths . Using the powerful and simple techniques your client will have a very clear and vivid picture of your products and its benefits. The techniques can also be used to persuade and influence your boss/colleague/spouse/friends etc . This course contains 8 lectures and over 30 minutes of live video recording The lectures are - Introduction What is conversational hypnosis? How to install pictures and the benefits of your products in your client's mind How to evaluate the above technique How to make your client forget your competitor How to use post hypnotic suggestions on your prospective and existing clients How to use waking hypnosis on your clients Summary of the course
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                Are you curious how you can use conversational hypnosis in public? This no nonsense, straight to the point, super focused program will show you how over 45 minutes of training Create spontaneous hypnotic phenomena like hand levitation's or even sticking someone to their seat, well this program will teach you exactly this Some hypnotists say you need to find the right subject that is easily hypnotisable... But in this program Ill show you how to create hypnotic phenomena with anyone at any time, even if they don't believe in hypnosis [Recorded coaching call with advanced hypnotist including demonstration] You will learn: How to set up the mind for easy hypnosis How to speak directly to the unconscious mind How to create hypnotic phenomena and control it How to use questioning strategies to deepen the hypnotic effect Including live demonstration with over Skype with real student Complete break down of steps and techniques for easy application How to use confusion techniques to deepen the trance How to create powerful open eyed trances with ease By the end of this program: You will have the ability to use conversational hypnosis to create arm levitation's and more hypnotic phenomena that will wow your subjects
                  Dieser Kurs: „Wohlstand anziehen und reich werden“ ist Deine ganz private Hypnose Sitzung mit mir. Du nutzt damit das Gleiche, womit viele meiner Klienten bereits erfolgreich geworden sind. Reichtum und Erfolg kommen aus einer mentalen Einstellung, die Du durch Hypnose förderst. Dadurch ziehst Du Erfolg, Wohlstand und Reichtum ganz natürlich in Dein Leben. Durch Deine starke Motivation für den Erfolg werden Geld und Wohlstand zu einer erfahrbaren Realität in Deinem Leben. Geld fließt Dir – unterstützt durch die Kräfte Deines Unterbewussten – leicht zu. Du erfährst in der Online-Hypnose eine vergleichbare Situation, wie Klienten es direkt bei mir in der Hypnose erleben. Es ist Deine ganz private, geführte Hypnose für Deinen Erfolg. Durch diese Hypnose erkennst Du Deine Möglichkeiten für finanziellen Erfolg viel leichter. Du nutzt gezielt Deine Fähigkeiten um mehr Wohlstand und Reichtum in Dein Leben zu ziehen. Auf die gleiche Weise, wie Millionäre und andere Wohlhabende zu ihrem Reichtum gekommen sind, indem sie  taten, was ihnen lag, wirst auch Du intuitiv Deine Aufmerksamkeit mehr auf die Dinge richten, die Dich vermögend machen. Dadurch wirst Deine guten Fähigkeiten mehr bemerken und schätzen. Auf ganz natürliche Weise wirst Du dadurch anziehen, was Du verdienst: Mehr Wohlstand und Reichtum! Was lernst Du in diesem Hypnose Kurs: 1. Du wirst ein konkretes Ziel für Deinen finanziellen Erfolg entwickeln. Dadurch wird es Dir leicht fallen, Deine Möglichkeiten zu erkennen und Deine Fortschritte zu erkennen. 2. Du wirst Dich der Wirkung von Hypnose und der Macht Deines Unterbewussten versichern. 4. Du wirst lernen, wie Du leicht visualisieren kannst, auch wenn Du daran zweifelst. 5.  Du verwendest eine unterbewusste Technik für richtige Entscheidungen. 6. Du lernst, wie Du Dich schnell in einen hypnotischen Zustand versetzt und was Dir dabei hilft. 7. Du programmierst tief in Deinem Unterbewussten auf mehr Wohlstand und Reichtum. So dass es Dir auf natürliche Weise zufließt. 8. Durch lernst mit der Bonus EFT-Technik, Deinen täglichen Erfolg zu verstärken und zu verbessern. 9. Alle Hypnosesitzungen (MP4) stehen zusätzlich als MP3-Dateien zum Download für den mobilen Player (offline) zur Verfügung. Du kannst alle Materialien und Bonus-Lektionen dieses Kurses für Dich herunter laden. Dadurch kannst Du sie auch immer offline nutzen.