In our closely interlinked world, peace and prosperity for everyone crucially depends on harmonious relations between communities and countries. Today, countries and communities can no longer afford to live in isolation from each other. Because we are now all so closely interdependent, peaceful and mutually-beneficial relations between different religious communities have become indispensable. We simply cannot afford to resort to conflict in order to resolve disputes. Today, the world is crying out for peace. Islam positively encourages Muslims to work for peace and for maintaining harmonious relations between them and people belonging to other communities. Given the serious threat to peace posed by terrorism perpetrated in the name of Islam, there is an urgent need to articulate and promote a positive, meaningful approach to conflict-prevention, conflict-resolution and peace- building. This is what this book seeks to do. Although it touches on all three aspects, its central focus is on the first aspect—conflict-prevention. After all, if conflicts are prevented at the very outset, violence can be done away with. Amicably negotiating differences before they degenerate into a conflict is, this book suggests, the most sensible way for us to handle conflicts. The approach to conflict-prevention, conflict-resolution and peace-building outlined in this book is based on the Quran and the life of the Prophet. It draws lessons from these sources that can be applied to efforts to negotiate differences and conflicts at all levels—from between individuals to between communities and entire countries. But the lessons these provide are of universal relevance. According to the Creation plan of God, everyone is free. But when an individual is free, he can also misuse his freedom. As a rule, whenever people find themselves in problematic situations—and life is full of such contingencies—there is a tendency to make an immediate response. This kind of instant reaction, however, serves only to add new problems to the existing ones. Reaction unleashes an unending chain of action and reaction. The results of following this path are disastrous. Whenever a difficult situation arises, the right course is not to take immediate action but to stop and reflect patiently on the possible consequences of one’s response. Those who choose to react by making an immediate emotional response can only cause an exacerbation of their difficulties. On the other hand, those who adopt a well-considered approach will certainly find ways and means of converting problems into opportunities for improving the situation that they are faced with. There is great wisdom in engaging in this sort of result-oriented planning. This is what this book suggests. I pray that God makes this book a means for bringing about the needed transformation in people’s minds and helps them understand the importance of peace. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan Centre for Peace and Spirituality International, New Delhi,
    Are you feeling overwhelmed, pressed for time, and you don’t know how you’ll squeeze another minute out of your day? If so, this is the course for you. In this hands-on, practical course management consultant and author Joseph Phillips will show you how to get more things done, with less stress, and more efficiency. In this course you’ll learn how to: Manage different types of activities Identify and create priorities to add more value Manage constraints that squeeze your options Create to-do lists that actually work Experiment with time management strategies Get organized – for real this time! Remove "time sucks" that rob you of productive time Create duration estimates that are realistic If you’re ready to stop wasting time – and to take back control of your time – this is the course for you. Seeking Professional Development Units? This course is worth two (2) PDUs with PMI for your continuing education hours..
      -Introduction Into Why I Made This Course -My Portfolios -My Strategy -Emotional Perspective On Investing -Exit Strategy This Ratings & Reviews Course will show my personal biases & perspectives as a cryptocurrency investor. Afterwards, you may proceed to seeing my reviews & research on different digital assets. Then, once you've done your own independent research, you should leave a comment giving me your own rating as well as the reason why you may agree or disagree with what I said in that lecture. This course is interactive & I will be editing my ratings based on the community perspective as well. *** THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE DIGITAL ASSET COURSE. THIS MEANS THAT I WILL BE POSTING NUMEROUS TIMES A WEEK*** *I Will Be Giving My In-Depth Analysis Of Various Digital Asset/Cryptocurrency Projects Various Times A Week & Releasing Ratings On Each Of Those Projects* EVERYTHING IS MY OPINION & I ENSURE YOU THAT IT IS BASED ON IN-DEPTH RESEARCH. SOME OF THESE DIGITAL ASSETS ARE HIGHLY VOLATILE & COMPLETE LOSS OF CAPITAL IS POSSIBLE. ITS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR CAPITAL.
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        In this course we will explore an ancient powerful wisdom. A Chinese wisdom called Taoism or Daoism. This wisdom offers a path to reach high levels of consciousness, tranquility, peace and enlightenment. We will follow the path guided by an ancient sacred text called the Tao Te Ching. “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength;  mastering yourself is true power.”, Tao Te Ching Awesome in a box. CAUTION : Awesomeness level may exceed standard levels. Viewer discretion is advised.
          There are many parts to Australia’s superannuation system, but with a basic understanding it all begins to make perfect sense and the earlier you understand it, you’ll have confidence to utilise it to save plenty of tax and make $10,000’s for your retirement. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll give you an overview of the rules and tell you why super is a smart way to save, the tax benefits, and how to put yourself in a strong financial position come retirement. This course is designed for anyone looking to gain a basic, practical knowledge of the superannuation system within Australia. Sound intimidating? Don’t worry! This course is designed with complete beginners in mind. No previous personal finance knowledge (or math!) is required. As for your presenter, Rob has been a Financial Planner and Specialist Self Managed Super Fund Adviser for over 20 years and loves offering common sense solutions to financial problems in the most effective way possible. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! Please note the information provided in this course is for education purposes only. In preparing this information, Robert Goudie has not taken into account your investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making an investment decision, you need to consider whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives and circumstances. You may need to obtain professional advice to help you make an investment decision on whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives and circumstances.
            Hello, The course is basic course for personal financial planning along with some easy and direct actionable steps to fix your finances. Main contents - 1. Basics  of financial planing 2. Features and characteristics of all popular investment products available in India 3. case studies with real world examples Intriguing discussion around - Should we buy/rent home ? If buy, how ? Most effective way to invest in PPF Getting most from NPS Smart way to approach MFs *As a bonus, the course attachments contains retirement planning excel and check-lists for buying term life insurance, health insurance and Mutual Funds.  (Checklist is available under 'Resources' section of last lecture.) Happy Investing !!
              Las finanzas personales es un mundo fascinante e indispensable. Trabajamos para ganar dinero y si no sabemos manejarnos llega un día que nos damos cuenta que no hemos logrado hacer lo mejor con lo ganado. Nos enseñan a ganar dinero, pero muchos están interesados en que no aprendamos a utilizarlo, así le compramos lo que a ellos los hace ricos. Con este curso gratuito buscamos llevar las principales informaciones de manera condensada a los que decidan que puede ser de utilidad para ellos. Deseo que para ti lo sea. Aprenderás desde la importancia de tener una alta autoestima para manejar tus impulsos sobre el dinero y qué es en realidad una alta autoestima, luego pasamos por los financiamientos y caemos en los ahorros. Técnicas y tips para aumentar los ingresos es el siguiente capítulo, para pasar a convertir lo ahorrado en inversión. Explicamos el retiro como libertad financiera, lo que todos deberíamos perseguir, y terminamos con tips para emprender y lograr multiplicar parte de nuestro capital a más velocidad. Espero que decidas por recibir este regalo y con él logres aplicar acciones que te lleven a mejorar tu conocimiento y actuación en tu mundo del dinero. Diego Sosa
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                In this course, Pastor Gil Stieglitz helps Christians understand how God uses the fruits of the Holy Spirit to strengthen relationships. Based on his book, Keys to Grapeness: Growing a Spirit-led Life , students will learn the qualities, actions, reactions, and attitudes that need to be practiced in order to have a successful life. A Spirit-led life is one where you can discern the voice of God and learn to hear Him speak into your life. Many people don’t realize that the Holy Spirit wants to partner with you in life by giving you opportunities to act or respond in godly ways. He may tell you to say something uplifting to your spouse or give you an idea of what to do for your coworker, along with when to do it. We know they are God-given because we wouldn’t have come up with it ourselves! What is God asking you to do when He whispers "be loving" or "practice joy" or "be peaceful," and so on to the people in your life? His power is real and true. And He does speak to us if we’re willing to listen. Get ready to experience life-change, deeper relationships, and more joy in your life.
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                  Yoga is very popular today. You will find answers in this course beyond the physical exercises or the relaxation which yoga is normally associated with. The course is structured in 7 sections which make the journey as short as 2 days and as long as you want. We advise you to take it slowly and meditate at each step. There are plenty resources that may give you room for expanding your horizons and fulfill your expectations. In Yoga there is no competition, no pain and no stress. In the First Section you will find an historical introduction to Yoga and its modern interpretation given by Ananda Marga school of Yoga and Way of Life. In the Second Section we enter into the main characteristics of spirituality associated with Tantra Yoga. In the Third Section we pass through the system of cardinal principles which constitute the moral foundation of Yoga. In the Fourth Section we examine the 8 steps of Astaunga Yoga. In the Fifth Section we open to the social outlook through the philosophy of neo-humanism and neohumanist education. In the Sixth Section we expand the social Philosophy of PROUT - Progressive Utilization Theory And in the Seventh and last section we consider the social service that is done by Ananda Marga globally through its different departments and related welfare projects. The course is structured for giving you a very broad perspective. You are free to get deeper in any of the Sections according to your personal interest. Eventually we hope you will get in direct contact with Ananda Marga in its multifarious endeavor to bring welfare and upliftment to all. May you enjoy the universal peace and advance on the spiritual path towards the supreme desideratum.
                    [July 13th 2015 update: Some students have wondered why I don't teach or talk about common learning strategies like speed reading, advanced note taking or mnemonics. The reason why is because there is no evidence that Elon Musk uses any of these strategies. The value of this course isn't these things anyways, you can learn these strategies in many places. Instead, this course focuses on everything else that has helped Musk learn so many skills so quickly and implement them so rapidly, which is arguable even more valuable a skillset. -Timothy /update] In this course you'll learn how to learn like Elon Musk. Not only that, you'll also learn how to develop the same skillset the Elon has. Accelerated learning isn't just about how fast you learn, it's also about learning the right things. The major skillsets Elon has are these Programming Engineering/Physics/Mathamatics Leadership Entrepreneurship/Economics In this course you'll learn about what books Elon reads, how he devours information and how he educated himself, largely independently, as a young child and teenager. You'll follow him through his college years, where he got a dual bachelors in Physics and Business, and then to Stanford and his first business, Zip2, in Silicon Valley. This course also covers information about Musk that is not included in his recent biography by Ashley Vance, including the pioneering new school he is building for his children and a handful of other kids (who's parents are SpaceX employees). Besides the subjects above, you'll also learn how Elon developed his extraordinary vision in the first place as a child. You'll learn what Elon did to motivate himself to work as hard as he has and to believe in himself so strongly. This course isn't just about intellectual learning, it's also about emotional learning. This might be a term you haven't heard of before... if so, emotional learning is the process of learning to like something or dislike something. It's the foundation of motivation. Pleasure and pain. These twin forces are what drive us to do what we do and avoid doing these things we know we should do but never end up doing. Emotional learning is important when looking at Elon because so much of his success has to do with the fact that at an early age he learned to believe in himself, that anything was possible and that if he learned the right skills he could do whatever he set his mind to. In this course you'll learn how he, often unintentionally, learned these lessons. You'll also learn how to replicated this kind of emotional learning yourself so that you can build the same sort of emotional fitness that has served Elon so well throughout his life. Finally, you don't have to be an engineer or a programmer to take this course or understand how he learns. Even if you don't wish to replicate his exact skillset, there is much to learn in how Elon has managed to learn so much and implement it successfully in such a short amount of time. If you're interested in learning how the mind of one of the most important figures in history has built his mind, this course is the only resource out there, book, course or otherwise that covers these subjects. Learning fast is the biggest advantage you can have in business. Take this course and discover how Elon Musk learned to become the man who he is today.