
Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay. It's changing the world and the workplace. AI can complete some tasks much more quickly and efficiently than humans. Want to know more about AI but not sure where to start? Know you need to research the different AI tools out there but can’t find the time?

This introductory course has curated the most relevant AI programmes that will benefit people who work for non profits (charities, social enterprises, community interest companies). The course is of interest to anyone who works in fundraising and specifically Individual Giving. This course explains how AI tools will help people who work in Individual Giving and / or have an interest in fundraising.

Should you let your donors know that you're using AI? Should you let AI near your donors' personal data? it can be a divisive topic. The ethical implications of using AI are considered in the course and students will gain a good understanding of AI and how it can be used.

The course comprises short lectures and quick quizzes with a further reading and resources sheet that can be downloaded.

There are some exciting tools out there that can make your job easier - take part in the course and see for yourself!


Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay. It's changing the world and the workplace. AI can complete some tasks much more quickly and efficiently than humans. Want to know more about AI but not sure where to start? Know you need to research the different AI tools out there but can’t find the time?

This introductory course has curated the most relevant AI programmes that will benefit people who work for non profits (charities, social enterprises, community interest companies). The course is of interest to anyone who works in fundraising and specifically Individual Giving. This course explains how AI tools will help people who work in Individual Giving and / or have an interest in fundraising.

Should you let your donors know that you're using AI? Should you let AI near your donors' personal data? it can be a divisive topic. The ethical implications of using AI are considered in the course and students will gain a good understanding of AI and how it can be used.

The course comprises short lectures and quick quizzes with a further reading and resources sheet that can be downloaded.

There are some exciting tools out there that can make your job easier - take part in the course and see for yourself!














◆ PC・スマホでのChatGPTの使い方

◆ 使いこなす上での注意点と心構え

◆ 複数のAIツールを使った情報検索とファクトチェック

◆ 良質で独創的なアイデア出しの秘訣

◆ マインドマップやフローチャートを使ったアイデアの整理術

◆ 品質の高い文章を安定してうみ出す生成術

◆ 文章からテンプレートを作成する効果的な方法

◆ 日常や仕事への具体的な活用術




  • 学んだ知識を日常や仕事に生かして効率化し、有意義なことに時間が使えるようになる

  • 新たなスキルや知識を身につけ、キャリアアップに繋げることができる

  • 自分の可能性を広げ、副収入の獲得などに繋げることができる
















セクション6:【実践編】: 情報を調べる

セクション7:【実践編】: アイデアを出し整理する

セクション8:【実践編】: 文章を作る





















◆ PC・スマホでのChatGPTの使い方

◆ 使いこなす上での注意点と心構え

◆ 複数のAIツールを使った情報検索とファクトチェック

◆ 良質で独創的なアイデア出しの秘訣

◆ マインドマップやフローチャートを使ったアイデアの整理術

◆ 品質の高い文章を安定してうみ出す生成術

◆ 文章からテンプレートを作成する効果的な方法

◆ 日常や仕事への具体的な活用術




  • 学んだ知識を日常や仕事に生かして効率化し、有意義なことに時間が使えるようになる

  • 新たなスキルや知識を身につけ、キャリアアップに繋げることができる

  • 自分の可能性を広げ、副収入の獲得などに繋げることができる
















セクション6:【実践編】: 情報を調べる

セクション7:【実践編】: アイデアを出し整理する

セクション8:【実践編】: 文章を作る









This comprehensive online course provides everything you need to understand AI's growing role in customer service and leverage it for business success. Taught by Fatima Deeney, a recognised expert in AI technology, this course combines video lectures, case studies, and practical exercises.

Why it's important you take this course?

  1. Understanding Emerging Technologies: AI is rapidly transforming how customer service is delivered. Understanding these technologies is crucial for staying relevant in the industry.

  2. Enhancing Customer Experience: AI can significantly improve customer experience through personalized service, quicker response times, and 24/7 availability. Learning how to implement and manage AI tools can help provide a superior service experience.

  3. Efficiency and Cost Reduction: AI can automate routine tasks, handle large volumes of customer interactions, and reduce operational costs. Knowledge in this area can help optimize business processes and resource allocation.

  4. Competitive Advantage: In a market where customer service can be a key differentiator, knowledge of AI implementation can provide a competitive edge, helping businesses to stand out.

  5. Data-Driven Insights: AI tools can analyze large volumes of customer data to provide insights into customer behavior, preferences, and feedback. Understanding how to leverage this data can inform business strategies and improve services.

  6. Career Advancement: As AI becomes more prevalent, professionals skilled in AI applications in customer service will be in high demand. This makes such a course beneficial for career growth and opportunities.

  7. Problem-Solving Skills: Learning about AI in customer service involves developing problem-solving skills to address unique challenges, such as integrating AI with human-driven processes and ensuring ethical use of AI.

  8. Adapting to Consumer Expectations: With consumers increasingly expecting quick, efficient, and personalized service, a deep understanding of AI can help meet and exceed these expectations.

  9. Risk Management: Understanding AI includes awareness of its limitations and risks, such as privacy concerns and ethical implications, which is crucial for responsible implementation.

  10. Innovation and Growth: Knowledge of AI can spur innovation, encouraging the development of new, more effective customer service solutions.

You'll learn:

  • The fundamentals of AI and key technologies like machine learning, NLP, Generative AI

  • How chatbots and virtual agents improve CX with 24/7 availability

  • Best practices for using AI for functions like automated call routing and predictive analytics

  • The future of AI in areas like sentiment analysis and hyperpersonalisation

  • How to evaluate and implement the latest AI-powered customer service solutions

  • Strategies for optimising human-AI collaboration for improved CX

  • Real world solutions applied along with Case Studies

  • Learn why so many chatbots fails and how you can stand out from competitors with unique customer experiences

  • Designing AI-driven customer service strategies

  • Analyzing AI-driven customer service data

  • Learn privacy concerns, bias and ways to ensure AI applications comply with relevant regulations and guidelines

Enrol now and get ready to lead your company into the future of AI-enhanced customer experience.


This comprehensive online course provides everything you need to understand AI's growing role in customer service and leverage it for business success. Taught by Fatima Deeney, a recognised expert in AI technology, this course combines video lectures, case studies, and practical exercises.

Why it's important you take this course?

  1. Understanding Emerging Technologies: AI is rapidly transforming how customer service is delivered. Understanding these technologies is crucial for staying relevant in the industry.

  2. Enhancing Customer Experience: AI can significantly improve customer experience through personalized service, quicker response times, and 24/7 availability. Learning how to implement and manage AI tools can help provide a superior service experience.

  3. Efficiency and Cost Reduction: AI can automate routine tasks, handle large volumes of customer interactions, and reduce operational costs. Knowledge in this area can help optimize business processes and resource allocation.

  4. Competitive Advantage: In a market where customer service can be a key differentiator, knowledge of AI implementation can provide a competitive edge, helping businesses to stand out.

  5. Data-Driven Insights: AI tools can analyze large volumes of customer data to provide insights into customer behavior, preferences, and feedback. Understanding how to leverage this data can inform business strategies and improve services.

  6. Career Advancement: As AI becomes more prevalent, professionals skilled in AI applications in customer service will be in high demand. This makes such a course beneficial for career growth and opportunities.

  7. Problem-Solving Skills: Learning about AI in customer service involves developing problem-solving skills to address unique challenges, such as integrating AI with human-driven processes and ensuring ethical use of AI.

  8. Adapting to Consumer Expectations: With consumers increasingly expecting quick, efficient, and personalized service, a deep understanding of AI can help meet and exceed these expectations.

  9. Risk Management: Understanding AI includes awareness of its limitations and risks, such as privacy concerns and ethical implications, which is crucial for responsible implementation.

  10. Innovation and Growth: Knowledge of AI can spur innovation, encouraging the development of new, more effective customer service solutions.

You'll learn:

  • The fundamentals of AI and key technologies like machine learning, NLP, Generative AI

  • How chatbots and virtual agents improve CX with 24/7 availability

  • Best practices for using AI for functions like automated call routing and predictive analytics

  • The future of AI in areas like sentiment analysis and hyperpersonalisation

  • How to evaluate and implement the latest AI-powered customer service solutions

  • Strategies for optimising human-AI collaboration for improved CX

  • Real world solutions applied along with Case Studies

  • Learn why so many chatbots fails and how you can stand out from competitors with unique customer experiences

  • Designing AI-driven customer service strategies

  • Analyzing AI-driven customer service data

  • Learn privacy concerns, bias and ways to ensure AI applications comply with relevant regulations and guidelines

Enrol now and get ready to lead your company into the future of AI-enhanced customer experience.


"I think this session will change how I work for the rest of my career [...] It's been mind-blowing for me" - Director, Manufacturing Company.

“We all thought it was great. Really relevant and helpful. Definitely moves our thinking on” - Peter Cooper, CEO, Heart of Mercia Multi-academy trust

About the course

In this course, join Dr James Kuht MBE, as he takes you through the theory you need to know about AI & Machine Learning, and then gets you hands-on: training your first AI algorithms and solving a series of business problems using large language models.

James has taught thousands of senior leaders across the world about AI; from top military Generals, to Politicians, to Senior Civil Servants, to Hospital Directors, to Headteachers. This course is the culmination of all of this experience, condensed into just a few hours of learning.

Is this course for you?

Are you excited by the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and want to learn more?

Do you feel like your organisation could really benefit from AI, but you don't know the first steps to take?

Are you the type of person who likes to get their hands dirty and try something out to really understand it?

If any of these sound like you - then you're in the right place.


"I think this session will change how I work for the rest of my career [...] It's been mind-blowing for me" - Director, Manufacturing Company.

“We all thought it was great. Really relevant and helpful. Definitely moves our thinking on” - Peter Cooper, CEO, Heart of Mercia Multi-academy trust

About the course

In this course, join Dr James Kuht MBE, as he takes you through the theory you need to know about AI & Machine Learning, and then gets you hands-on: training your first AI algorithms and solving a series of business problems using large language models.

James has taught thousands of senior leaders across the world about AI; from top military Generals, to Politicians, to Senior Civil Servants, to Hospital Directors, to Headteachers. This course is the culmination of all of this experience, condensed into just a few hours of learning.

Is this course for you?

Are you excited by the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and want to learn more?

Do you feel like your organisation could really benefit from AI, but you don't know the first steps to take?

Are you the type of person who likes to get their hands dirty and try something out to really understand it?

If any of these sound like you - then you're in the right place.

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In this cutting-edge course, we will dive deep into the fascinating world of ChatGPT, exploring how it has revolutionized how we communicate, problem-solve, and seek information. As the latest breakthrough in Natural Language Processing (NLP), ChatGPT has opened doors to a new era of possibilities, impacting industries ranging from healthcare and finance to customer service and education.

ChatGPT has numerous practical use cases. It can be used to draft emails or other pieces of writing, answer customer service queries, create dynamic characters for video games, and even as a study tool for learning new topics. Some developers have even used it as a coding assistant. It's also a powerful tool for businesses, particularly in fields like marketing, where it can generate advertising copy, social media posts, and more. Its ability to generate human-like text can save time and resources, automate tasks, and provide value in various applications. ChatGPT is wonderful however despite its capabilities, ChatGPT has limitations. It doesn't 'understand' text like humans and instead generates responses based on learned patterns. This can sometimes lead to nonsensical or incorrect answers, especially in complex or nuanced situations.

Another limitation is that it's sensitive to the input prompt: slight changes in the phrasing of a prompt can lead to different responses. It can also be excessively lengthy and tends to overuse specific phrases.

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In this cutting-edge course, we will dive deep into the fascinating world of ChatGPT, exploring how it has revolutionized how we communicate, problem-solve, and seek information. As the latest breakthrough in Natural Language Processing (NLP), ChatGPT has opened doors to a new era of possibilities, impacting industries ranging from healthcare and finance to customer service and education.

ChatGPT has numerous practical use cases. It can be used to draft emails or other pieces of writing, answer customer service queries, create dynamic characters for video games, and even as a study tool for learning new topics. Some developers have even used it as a coding assistant. It's also a powerful tool for businesses, particularly in fields like marketing, where it can generate advertising copy, social media posts, and more. Its ability to generate human-like text can save time and resources, automate tasks, and provide value in various applications. ChatGPT is wonderful however despite its capabilities, ChatGPT has limitations. It doesn't 'understand' text like humans and instead generates responses based on learned patterns. This can sometimes lead to nonsensical or incorrect answers, especially in complex or nuanced situations.

Another limitation is that it's sensitive to the input prompt: slight changes in the phrasing of a prompt can lead to different responses. It can also be excessively lengthy and tends to overuse specific phrases.