
Welcome to "ChatGPT: Digital Marketing Hacking With AI," a groundbreaking course that unveils the potential of AI in transforming your digital marketing strategy across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and more. This comprehensive program merges the prowess of ChatGPT with strategic techniques, offering you an unparalleled guide to navigate the dynamic landscape of online marketing.

Discover the art of seamlessly integrating ChatGPT across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and beyond, revolutionizing your content creation with AI-driven precision. Dive into the nuances of optimizing your approach on various platforms, from SEO content creation for Google Ads to crafting engaging narratives for sales funnels.

Navigate the intricacies of impactful email marketing campaigns, leveraging ChatGPT for content creation and strategy refinement. Master data-driven decision-making as you analyze AI-generated insights to refine and optimize your digital marketing strategies.

Uncover the secrets of Facebook marketing, understanding how ChatGPT can elevate your campaigns and boost engagement. Learn to strategically navigate and optimize Google Ads for maximum reach and impact.

This course is your key to becoming a digital marketing maestro, armed with the strategic prowess of ChatGPT across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, sales funnels, email marketing, and Google Ads. Join us on this transformative journey to redefine your digital marketing approach and harness the power of AI for unparalleled success in the digital realm.


Welcome to "ChatGPT: Digital Marketing Hacking With AI," a groundbreaking course that unveils the potential of AI in transforming your digital marketing strategy across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and more. This comprehensive program merges the prowess of ChatGPT with strategic techniques, offering you an unparalleled guide to navigate the dynamic landscape of online marketing.

Discover the art of seamlessly integrating ChatGPT across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and beyond, revolutionizing your content creation with AI-driven precision. Dive into the nuances of optimizing your approach on various platforms, from SEO content creation for Google Ads to crafting engaging narratives for sales funnels.

Navigate the intricacies of impactful email marketing campaigns, leveraging ChatGPT for content creation and strategy refinement. Master data-driven decision-making as you analyze AI-generated insights to refine and optimize your digital marketing strategies.

Uncover the secrets of Facebook marketing, understanding how ChatGPT can elevate your campaigns and boost engagement. Learn to strategically navigate and optimize Google Ads for maximum reach and impact.

This course is your key to becoming a digital marketing maestro, armed with the strategic prowess of ChatGPT across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, sales funnels, email marketing, and Google Ads. Join us on this transformative journey to redefine your digital marketing approach and harness the power of AI for unparalleled success in the digital realm.


In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more and more prevalent in our daily lives. It's used in facial recognition technology and even helps with investment decisions. And now, AI is making its way into the world of search engine optimization (SEO). In this course, we'll show you how you can use ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool, to enhance your SEO efforts.

This course is perfect for SEO professionals, marketers, and beginners who want to stay ahead in the constantly changing field of SEO. We'll cover various topics to give you a solid understanding of AI basics and how ChatGPT can optimize your content. You'll also learn the best practices and strategies for using AI (ChatGPT) to boost your search engine rankings.

We'll start by exploring the fundamentals of AI and SEO. Then, we'll dive into the basics of SEO and how ChatGPT can help you optimize your content. You'll discover how to use ChatGPT to create content that matches your target audience's needs and how to optimize it for specific search terms.

Additionally, we'll discuss the best practices for leveraging the power of AI (ChatGPT) in your SEO efforts. You'll learn how to craft optimized content that improves both search engine rankings and user experience. We'll also show you how ChatGPT can identify areas for improvement and how to create clusters and maps for better organization.

With ChatGPT, you can:

  • Conduct keyword research to enhance your SEO performance.

  • Receive guidance on optimizing your website's content for better SEO results.

  • Research trending topics in your industry for your next blog post.

  • Create a user-friendly FAQ section for your website to increase engagement.

  • Develop a content strategy aligned with your business goals and target audience.

And much more! This course covers everything you need to become an SEO expert using ChatGPT.

Finally, you'll gain hands-on experience with ChatGPT, learning how to set up the tool and create SEO-optimized content.

By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT and SEO. Enroll now and start creating SEO-optimized content with ChatGPT.


In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more and more prevalent in our daily lives. It's used in facial recognition technology and even helps with investment decisions. And now, AI is making its way into the world of search engine optimization (SEO). In this course, we'll show you how you can use ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool, to enhance your SEO efforts.

This course is perfect for SEO professionals, marketers, and beginners who want to stay ahead in the constantly changing field of SEO. We'll cover various topics to give you a solid understanding of AI basics and how ChatGPT can optimize your content. You'll also learn the best practices and strategies for using AI (ChatGPT) to boost your search engine rankings.

We'll start by exploring the fundamentals of AI and SEO. Then, we'll dive into the basics of SEO and how ChatGPT can help you optimize your content. You'll discover how to use ChatGPT to create content that matches your target audience's needs and how to optimize it for specific search terms.

Additionally, we'll discuss the best practices for leveraging the power of AI (ChatGPT) in your SEO efforts. You'll learn how to craft optimized content that improves both search engine rankings and user experience. We'll also show you how ChatGPT can identify areas for improvement and how to create clusters and maps for better organization.

With ChatGPT, you can:

  • Conduct keyword research to enhance your SEO performance.

  • Receive guidance on optimizing your website's content for better SEO results.

  • Research trending topics in your industry for your next blog post.

  • Create a user-friendly FAQ section for your website to increase engagement.

  • Develop a content strategy aligned with your business goals and target audience.

And much more! This course covers everything you need to become an SEO expert using ChatGPT.

Finally, you'll gain hands-on experience with ChatGPT, learning how to set up the tool and create SEO-optimized content.

By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT and SEO. Enroll now and start creating SEO-optimized content with ChatGPT.

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** Updated with FAQs and ChatGPT prompts for PMs** 

AI technology is buzzing everywhere, so don't let yourself fall behind in the race. With billions of dollars invested in AI technology, the demand for AI Project Managers with a structured delivery approach and strong technical skills is on the rise. Invest in yourself to advance your career.

Are you a Technical Project Manager looking to step into AI project management? Do you want to master the art of successfully managing AI software projects, ensuring they are delivered on time with quality? If so, AI Project Manager course is for you!

Who you are:

  • A professional who is looking to move up the career ladder

  • A professional who wants to jump on the AI boat and manage complex projects

  • A professional who is ready to challenge themselves and gain new skills and knowledge

  • A professional who added acing project management in AI technology as their goal

Why choose this course?

  • This is a focused course on implementing AI technology projects

  • This course covers beyond project management concepts

  • This course does not need any programming language experience

  • This course covers detailed process, concepts and interdependencies that helps in crafting a comprehensive project plan and efficiently managing related activities

No matter where you are in your career journey, your success is our priority.


  • Willingness to learn new concepts and technology

  • No coding experience is required


  • Advanced Knowledge in AI Project Management: You will gain a deep understanding of AI project management, including the ability to interpret complex AI diagrams and project plans.

  • Mastery in AI Software project delivery: You will learn the art of successfully managing and delivering AI software projects, gaining skills in overseeing teams and managing AI technologies.

  • AI Project Management without coding: The course will equip you with the skills to manage complex AI projects effectively, even without prior coding experience, by using interactive AI interfaces and tools.

  • Career enhancement in AI Technology: You will enhance your career prospects in AI technology and project management, achieving higher levels of success and expertise in the field.

  • Acquisition of new skills and knowledge in AI: The course offers a platform for the delivery professionals to acquire new skills and knowledge in AI, including collaborative problem-solving and innovative project planning strategies.


** Updated with FAQs and ChatGPT prompts for PMs** 

AI technology is buzzing everywhere, so don't let yourself fall behind in the race. With billions of dollars invested in AI technology, the demand for AI Project Managers with a structured delivery approach and strong technical skills is on the rise. Invest in yourself to advance your career.

Are you a Technical Project Manager looking to step into AI project management? Do you want to master the art of successfully managing AI software projects, ensuring they are delivered on time with quality? If so, AI Project Manager course is for you!

Who you are:

  • A professional who is looking to move up the career ladder

  • A professional who wants to jump on the AI boat and manage complex projects

  • A professional who is ready to challenge themselves and gain new skills and knowledge

  • A professional who added acing project management in AI technology as their goal

Why choose this course?

  • This is a focused course on implementing AI technology projects

  • This course covers beyond project management concepts

  • This course does not need any programming language experience

  • This course covers detailed process, concepts and interdependencies that helps in crafting a comprehensive project plan and efficiently managing related activities

No matter where you are in your career journey, your success is our priority.


  • Willingness to learn new concepts and technology

  • No coding experience is required


  • Advanced Knowledge in AI Project Management: You will gain a deep understanding of AI project management, including the ability to interpret complex AI diagrams and project plans.

  • Mastery in AI Software project delivery: You will learn the art of successfully managing and delivering AI software projects, gaining skills in overseeing teams and managing AI technologies.

  • AI Project Management without coding: The course will equip you with the skills to manage complex AI projects effectively, even without prior coding experience, by using interactive AI interfaces and tools.

  • Career enhancement in AI Technology: You will enhance your career prospects in AI technology and project management, achieving higher levels of success and expertise in the field.

  • Acquisition of new skills and knowledge in AI: The course offers a platform for the delivery professionals to acquire new skills and knowledge in AI, including collaborative problem-solving and innovative project planning strategies.

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Naszym celem jest dostarczenie Ci niezbędnych umiejętności i wiedzy, aby rozpocząć karierę w gamedevie oraz wykorzystać sztuczną inteligencję w tworzeniu gier. Niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz tworzyć gry komercyjne, edukować innych, czy rozwijać projekty open source, ten kurs pomoże Ci osiągnąć swoje cele. Opowiem Ci jak możesz wykorzystać najnowszy postęp technologiczny do monetyzowania umiejętności tworzenia gier jak i jej zasobów czy też pisania wniosków o do finansowanie z UE.

  1. Podstawy Game Designu i Tworzenie Assetów

    • Rozpocznijmy od podstaw game designu, uczenia się tworzenia fascynujących koncepcji gier.

    • Tworzenie grafiki, modeli 3D, tekstur, i dźwięku dla Twoich projektów z wykorzystaniem AI (tworzenie grafik, modeli 3D oraz muzyki)

  2. Tworzenie i Monetyzacja na Marketplace

    • Dowiesz się, jak publikować swoje gry i assety na platformach takich jak Epic Games Store oraz Unity Store.

    • Monetyzacja poprzez sprzedaż gier i assetów na rynku.

  3. Korepetycje i Tworzenie Zasobów z Wykorzystaniem AI

    • Udzielanie korepetycji w dziedzinie gamedevu.

    • Korepetycje Unreal Engine

  4. Reskinowanie Gier i Kreacja Własnego Kanału na YouTube

    • Zmiana wyglądu i mechaniki istniejących gier.

    • Tworzenie i promocja własnego kanału na YouTube poświęconego grach.

  5. Projekty Open Source w Gamedevie

    • Tworzenie projektów Open Source oraz dodatkowe subskrypcji wykorzystując YT

  6. Promocja i Marketing Gier

    • Techniki promocji i marketingu gier, w tym wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych.

    • Kreacja kampanii reklamowych i strategii promocji.

  7. Crowdfunding i Dofinansowanie z UE z Wykorzystaniem AI

    • Tworzenie kampanii crowdfundingowych na platformach takich jak Kickstarter czy IndieGoGo.

    • Pisania wniosków o dofinansowanie projektów gamedev z UE z wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji.

  8. Szukanie informacji oraz treściwe przekazanie wiedzy Game Designu

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Naszym celem jest dostarczenie Ci niezbędnych umiejętności i wiedzy, aby rozpocząć karierę w gamedevie oraz wykorzystać sztuczną inteligencję w tworzeniu gier. Niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz tworzyć gry komercyjne, edukować innych, czy rozwijać projekty open source, ten kurs pomoże Ci osiągnąć swoje cele. Opowiem Ci jak możesz wykorzystać najnowszy postęp technologiczny do monetyzowania umiejętności tworzenia gier jak i jej zasobów czy też pisania wniosków o do finansowanie z UE.

  1. Podstawy Game Designu i Tworzenie Assetów

    • Rozpocznijmy od podstaw game designu, uczenia się tworzenia fascynujących koncepcji gier.

    • Tworzenie grafiki, modeli 3D, tekstur, i dźwięku dla Twoich projektów z wykorzystaniem AI (tworzenie grafik, modeli 3D oraz muzyki)

  2. Tworzenie i Monetyzacja na Marketplace

    • Dowiesz się, jak publikować swoje gry i assety na platformach takich jak Epic Games Store oraz Unity Store.

    • Monetyzacja poprzez sprzedaż gier i assetów na rynku.

  3. Korepetycje i Tworzenie Zasobów z Wykorzystaniem AI

    • Udzielanie korepetycji w dziedzinie gamedevu.

    • Korepetycje Unreal Engine

  4. Reskinowanie Gier i Kreacja Własnego Kanału na YouTube

    • Zmiana wyglądu i mechaniki istniejących gier.

    • Tworzenie i promocja własnego kanału na YouTube poświęconego grach.

  5. Projekty Open Source w Gamedevie

    • Tworzenie projektów Open Source oraz dodatkowe subskrypcji wykorzystując YT

  6. Promocja i Marketing Gier

    • Techniki promocji i marketingu gier, w tym wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych.

    • Kreacja kampanii reklamowych i strategii promocji.

  7. Crowdfunding i Dofinansowanie z UE z Wykorzystaniem AI

    • Tworzenie kampanii crowdfundingowych na platformach takich jak Kickstarter czy IndieGoGo.

    • Pisania wniosków o dofinansowanie projektów gamedev z UE z wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji.

  8. Szukanie informacji oraz treściwe przekazanie wiedzy Game Designu