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What does it mean to conduct research? What are the distinct stages of the research process? What are the requirements of modern scientific research? How do you analyze a scientific article? This course will teach you to conduct research in accordance with scientific methodology. You'll learn to analyze scientific articles in engineering and science subjects, and how to conduct scientific experiments. The course will help to develop the core skill of a scientist, giving you the research tools to succeed. The course material is well-suited for anyone interested in the problems of uncovering knowledge and science; giving you a methodology for the achievement of educational and scientific activities. This course is for anyone who has ever said, “Science is interesting.” It will appeal to those who want to learn the processes behind modern scientific research.
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    Conoces los procesos que se requieren para llevar la energía eléctrica desde el lugar donde se genera (plantas eléctricas) hasta el lugar donde la necesitas?, ¿sabes cómo funciona una red de distribución? En este curso en línea obtendrás las respuestas, ya que conocerás las formas en las que la energía eléctrica se distribuye al usuario final por medio de la infraestructura existente. Los recientes mercados eléctricos en transición, las nuevas reformas, el aumento de la población, así como las nuevas tecnologías son algunos factores que han generado una gran demanda de electricidad y es indispensable contar con profesionales que comprendan la importancia de estos cambios. A través del estudio de estos temas comprenderás: Los fundamentos de la ingeniería eléctrica Los elementos mecánicos de soporte Los elementos de una subestación eléctrica, el proceso de transformación de alta tensión a baja tensión El funcionamiento de las líneas de distribución, entre otros temas de relevancia En resumen, tomar este curso de ingeniería eléctrica representa una gran oportunidad para aprender todos los procesos tecnológicos y de ingeniería que hay detrás cada vez que utilizas la energía eléctrica.
      What is this course all about? Neuroscience (brain science) is changing -- new brain-imaging technologies are allowing increasingly huge data sets, but analyzing the resulting Big Data is one of the biggest struggles in modern neuroscience (if don't believe me, ask a neuroscientist!). The increases in the number of simultaneously recorded data channels allows new discoveries about spatiotemporal structure in the brain, but also presents new challenges for data analyses. Because data are stored in matrices, algorithms developed in linear algebra are extremely useful. The purpose of this course is to teach you some matrix-based data analysis methods in neural time series data, with a focus on multivariate dimensionality reduction and source-separation methods. This includes covariance matrices, principal components analysis (PCA), generalized eigendecomposition (even better than PCA!), and independent components analysis (ICA). The course is mathematically rigorous but is approachable to individuals with no formal mathematics background. MATLAB is the primary numerical processing engine but the material is easily portable to Python or any other language. You should take this course if you are a... neuroscience researcher who is looking for ways to analyze your multivariate data. student who wants to be competitive for a neuroscience PhD or postdoc position. non-neuroscientist who is interested in learning more about the big questions in modern brain science. independent learner who wants to advance your linear algebra knowledge. mathematician, engineer, or physicist who is curious about applied matrix decompositions in neuroscience. person who wants to learn more about principal components analysis (PCA) and/or independent components analysis (ICA) intrigued by the image that starts off the Course Preview and want to know what it means! (The answers are in this course!) Unsure if this course is right for you? I worked hard to make this course accessible to anyone with at least minimal linear algebra and programming background. But this course is not right for everyone. Check out the preview videos and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you in the course!
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        In 2019 the World Health Organization listed vaccine hesitancy as one of the top ten threats to global health. Vaccine hesitancy is the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate. Even though vaccines are available to many people, doubts about their safety and effectiveness jeopardises important progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases. Numerous countries which had at one time been declared free of vaccine preventable diseases, such as measles, are again experiencing measles outbreaks. Many health workers from around the globe also report encountering parents who are hesitant about having their own children vaccinated. These hesitancies can be fuelled by misinformation about vaccines being harmful or unnecessary, claims that there is a global conspiracy behind vaccines, as well as distrust of government and healthcare professionals. Such vaccine doubts might seem surprising, because vaccination is one the greatest public health achievements in human history, which saves millions of lives every year. Yet vaccine hesitancy is complex, and there are several central reasons why people choose to delay or decline getting vaccinated. This course will enable you to understand this complicated issue and what lies behind vaccine hesitancy. It will also equip you with key skills for responding to antivaccination claims. You will engage with the science of vaccination and learn crucial information about why vaccines are safe and effective. Additionally, the course examines the most well-known vaccine myths and antivaccination persuasion strategies. These myths include stories about vaccines causing autism, questions about whether too many vaccines can overload a child’s immune system, as well conspiratorial claims that vaccines are major money-makers for BigPharma, government and doctors. The course will also prepare you with the most effective strategies for addressing vaccine doubts expressed by hesitant patients, friends, or relatives. You will gain practical advice from leading research on vaccine refusal and learn about ways to improve vaccine advocacy in the face of immunisation hesitancies. This isn’t just a course about vaccines and antivaccination, but it’s a MOOC dedicated to confronting one of the most significant threats to global health today.
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          Through the process of evolution, animals have developed their biological features and their cultures based on their surrounding environments. How we live our lives today is a direct result of features developed from our primate ancestors as they adapted to new environments. In primatology, it is essential to think about how cultural development and biological natures are inseparable. This course will help you rediscover the process of evolution and will introduce primatological studies conducted by researchers at Kyoto University, Japan. Based on carefully conducted research on primate species, we will explore the origins of human beings and provide you with examples of common similarities between human beings and non-human primates. We will analyze basic features, such as foraging, mating, aggression, and communication from the primatological viewpoint. Furthermore, cultural and social aspects of human society, from the formation of family groups to community activities, will be considered thoroughly, in comparison to those of monkeys and apes. Our goal is to broaden your view of humans to a wider extent and think dynamically about your biology in terms of human evolution. Through acquiring knowledge of basic primatology in this course, you will establish a viewpoint to think and discuss the evolutionary process of human, and human society, in conjunction with those of our close relatives.
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            Think about your favourite wine. Imagine the brilliance of its colour in the glass, the ripe fruit aromas on the nose, a hint of toasty oak and lingering tannins on the back palate. Perhaps you like a specific wine, but can’t pinpoint the reason why. The attributes that make wine so enjoyable are achieved through the expertise of viticulturists and winemakers, whose decision-making in the vineyard and winery is underpinned by science – to be precise, viticulture and oenology. The finer details can take years to learn, but in a matter of weeks this course will give you a broad understanding of the principles and practices used to grow grapes and make wine, and their impact on wine appearance, aroma, flavour and taste. You’ll also gain an appreciation for how cutting-edge research is helping to secure the future sustainability of the global wine industry. Whether you’re a wine novice or a seasoned oenophile,, this course is for anyone who loves wine and wine tasting. You’ll even get to make your own wine-- virtually at least! Confidently describe wine appearance, aroma, flavour and taste.
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              The six modules of the course provide the participant with an overview of the context, methodology employed, and technologies and business models reviewed as part of the Innovative Business Models for Expanding Fiber-Optic Networks and Closing the Access Gap report. The first module provides background and context on the importance of expanding broadband Internet infrastructure and introduces the methodology used for the evaluation of 70 projects in the report. The second module provides information on key spectrum policies and technology trends that are relevant for efforts to expand access to broadband. Modules 3-5 provide more detailed information regarding business models for infrastructure deployment, including consideration of market segments and approaches to cross-border, national, middle-mile, and last-mile infrastructure deployment, as well as some of the issues and decisions faced by stakeholders. Module 6 presents lessons learned and recommendations for policymakers seeking to promote broadband deployment.
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                Mankind has always been driven to learn and discoverhow the Universe works. Thispursuit is made possible by our inquisitive minds and our ability to think rationally. You are cordially invited to join us on a 4-week tour to see how we have come to our current understanding of our place in the universe today. Starting about 5000 years ago, our ancestors tracked patterns and movement of celestial objects,making religious, philosophical, and scientific interpretations of what they saw. They discovered answers to the events, shape, and structure of the Universe. Over the course of history, great scientists and astronomers including Eratosthenes, Anaximander, Aristarchus, Ptolemy, andCopernicus have contributed important theories and models that shape our understanding of the world and the Universe as we know it today. What is important torecognize is that we did not develop this knowledge overnight. Rather, it has been a long journey of astronomical explorationthat has developed and changed as we gained new perspectives and understanding. The exciting thing is that the journey continues today and there will always be new frontiersfor us to discover and to understand. The course provides a highly visual tour with high-density videos and special effects animations to help learners understand cosmological patterns and events. It also utilizes a first-of-its-kind e-learning app, “The Armillary Sphere.” The app offersa digital reconstruction of an ancient Armillary Sphere for MOOC learners to download and use to solve astronomical problems in real-time.
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                  Welcome to this course on Clincal Research Methodology . I have designed this course so that even beginners can learn how to do reserch in a methodical way and publish impactful papers. You will come across examples from real research topics in various modules to grasp the subject better. I recommend that you try the "Practice test" before starting the lectures and take the test again after finishing the course to know how much you have imbibed from the lectures In the Overview module , we will learn the advantages of doing good scientific research and publications and you will see glimpses of my journey from being a medical student to coming of age as a researcher. I believe that If I could do it, then so can you. In the module on Literature review , we will go through how to utilize and customize PubMed in the best possible manner for your individual requirements, how to get fresh ideas for research topics and nuances of study designs. In the Biostatistics module, we will build up concepts from the very basics such as "What is a variable" till basic understanding of advanced statistics. You will get exposed to topics like " How to make an effective Excel sheet " and " How to communicate with a biostatistician " Manuscript writing can be daunting. In the module on Manuscript writing, you will learn to use some templates that will simplify your job and make the writing process enjoyable. Each 10-minute lecture is packed with information in a very lucid manner enabling you to grasp concepts while enjoying the learning process. Learn on the go and access lectures on your device anytime anywhere. Lectures feature myself on screen speaking with you directly as well as intermittent slides to enhance the learning experience. It will feel like a LIVE one - on - one lecture. I hope that this will be a fruitful and exciting learning experience for you and I look forward to having you here. At the end, you will be able to design studies including randomized clinical trials , do a good literature search, understand relavant biostatistics and write meaningful manuscripts that can be published in high impact journals. Additionally, you will also be able to interpret the merits of published literature and apply knowledge to improve patient care.
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                    Son muchos los aspectos en el que Antártida se revela de un modo diferente al resto del planeta, los que despiertan nuestro interés. Cada disciplina del conocimiento encuentra en este singular ámbito, una particularidad, ya sea esta la biología, la geología, la geofísica, la geodesia, su historia, y la particular presencia humana. Es el continente de mayor altura media del planeta. Se trata de una gran meseta, cubierta mayoritariamente de hielo. El Polo Sur se encuentra en la gran meseta polar de 2835 metros de altura, en donde el espesor de la capa de hielo alcanza mas de 2700 msnm. Si los hielos que la cubren desaparecieran el continente emergería 900 metros por sobre los niveles actuales de su suelo. Es el continente en el que se registran las temperaturas más bajas del planeta, con una mínima de casi -90° C. En Antártida viven especies con particularidades como mamíferos que nadan o aves que no vuelan. Focas, elefantes, lobos, ballenas, y una gran variedad de pingüinos. La configuración del campo magnético terrestre convierte al Antártico en una ventana abierta la física solar. Esta configuración del campo magnético, con sus líneas de fuerza entrantes en los polos, posibilitan el ingreso de partículas cargadas eléctricamente, o plasma, proveniente del sol. Esta es la causa de una serie de fenómenos propios de altas latitudes, como las grandes variaciones magnéticas, las perturbaciones ionosféricas y las auroras polares. En este curso en línea, conocerás que El Antártico es además el mayor reservorio de agua dulce del planeta. Los icebergs son verdaderos depósitos flotantes de agua dulce. Se identifican cinco polos, el geográfico, el magnético, el geomagnético, el polo de frío y el de inaccesibilidad relativa. En el curso de biología conocerás su significado y porque hay una línea en la que la brújula funciona al revés. El problema del ozono. El vórtice polar o corriente del jet polar, explica el confinamiento de la depresión estacional de ozono, diferente a la del polo Norte. Antártida es el único continente sin población permanente y el único en donde no existe el concepto de espacio nacional, tal como lo conocemos. Se rige por un tratado ejemplar, el Tratado Antártico. El Comité Científico del Tratado Antártico (SCAR.), es su componente de ciencia y aprenderás como funciona esta norma singular.