Gut Health | Clinical Management | Healthy eating | Supplements | Probiotics | Lifestyle Gut is the origin of all diseases, rightly said by Hippocrates! Take care of your gut and the rest will take care of itself. Hi! My name is Ryan Fernando and I am the chief nutritionist at QUA Nutrition- Signature Nutrition Clinic, My team and I bring to you a well researched, science backed functional foods, supplements from around the globe and probiotics that have tried and tested in our counselling of over a team of 60 dietitians and is proven to be effective in symptomatic relief, healing and lead to a better gut health. You can also learn the tricks of the trade and start incorporating them in your counselling to build a happy and satisfied clientele who keeps coming back for your secrets. A dip into the insights you would gain from the course: 1) An easy understanding of the digestion process 2) Conditions linked to gut health and the signs and symptoms to look out for 3) Questions to ask your clients to gage the severity of gut issues 3) Gut health restoring foods and its different forms 4) Easy tricks to remember Low FODMAP foods for IBS 4) 20 Dietary Supplements to support gut health, dosage and recommendations to use in consultation with nutritionist 5) 12 Probiotics with a number of active composition micro-organisms and how it helps in gut health 6) Exercise and its influence on gut health 7) Mindful eating techniques to practice for improved digestion 8) Busting  myths and fads associated with gut health 9) You get ready downloadable notes , counselings tips and supplement information Promise which I make: This course will give you confidence and advisory guidance to handling your client's gut condition. Change your perspective in looking at a clients case and identify the areas to apply the knowledge gained from this course. Acknowledgement: Course contributors: 1. Ms Gayatri Shanbhag MSc Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitian at Ryan's Research Audio and Video 2. Mr Mradul Sharma Marketing Executive at QUA Nutrition - Signature Nutrition Clinic For queries related to course Whatsapp/call +91 7353231600
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    何謂「食品安全」? 目前食品安全相關議題儼然已經成為我國學術研究、媒體關注的顯學。所謂食品安全可從兩方面觀察,一方面是傳統意義之安全,即現在現有科技與環境條件之基礎上,人類已經認識並得到公示之安全界定;另一方面,伴隨科學發展與技術進步,當人類認識又提高一個層次而對安全性提出新要求時,必須重新界定看似安全但卻存在值得研究之問題,如補充維生素對人體作用之爭議、油炸食品對健康之影響等。 何謂「風險分析」? 食品科技日新月異,人類對飲食條件日益增高,如麵條口感必須Q彈、茶飲料要有回甘喉韻,食品業者為添增食品風味,在食品製造過程中,往往摻入較以往更加繁雜且多樣化之技術或添加物,在滿足消費者味蕾同時,也帶來諸多食品安全之相關風險。伴隨科技逐漸蓬勃與行銷全球化之趨勢,食品科學領域因而蘊含更多對健康俱為之隱憂之不確定性,行政管制於新興風險社會下面臨前所未見的挑戰,傳統「危險防止」的國家任務被要求提升至「風險預防」。因此,在現今食安事件一再發生,而污染源又極為多元的情況下,與食品安全相關之風險管理措施,已經逐漸受到世界各國之關注,許多國家紛紛透過立法及建立專責機構,強化對現代食品之監督管理。 風險分析其實是進入食品安全生活以及保障我們安全最重要的一個課題,延續過去在食品安全與毒理的概念並加入風險分析的架構,制定一套完整的食品安全系統:以科學為基礎,制定政策上的管理,同時應該公開積極與大眾溝通。食品安全資訊需要客觀的安全和主觀的安心並存,安全是科學、安心是人性,中間的轉換需要消費者、媒體、政府和食品界一起努力,花時間改善。 食品安全與風險分析蘊藏著哪些箇中奧妙,讓我們一起跟隨著姜老師的腳步,一探究竟!
      Immunity Boosting Foods: In This Immunity Course You Will Learn Proven Strategies You Can Implement Right Away To Make Your Immune System Stronger And Body Healthier. This Immunity Training Makes Boosting Your Immune System Fast, Simple & Easy! Gain this HUGE Advantage In Life … One That Could Literally SAVE Your Life! Here’s Why: Inside This Course You Will Learn The Secrets Of Boosting Your Immune System And Preventing Many Diseases. This Will Protect Your Health And Extend Your Life At The Same Time … All The While Felling Better Than Ever! Here’s What You Will Discover Inside This Immunity Boosting Foods Course: Understand The Immune System - How It Works And Science Behind It The Importance Of Having A Strong Immune System And How To Boost It Naturally Proven Strategies You Can Implement Right Away To Make Your Body Stronger And Healthier The Top 10 Superfoods That Will Strengthen Your Immune System How Phytochemicals Can Strengthen Immunity & More How Antioxidants Protect & Boost Your Immune System Discover Specific Cancer-Fighting Foods Learn How Omega-3 Helps Fight Diseases Discover How Prebiotics Boost Your Immunity Explore The Importance Of Probiotics And Your Gut Discover How Polysaccharides Improve Your Immune System & Wellbeing If You Choose To Do Nothing, You Will Remain The Same At The Same Health Level You Are Right Now. Doing Nothing Is A BIG Mistake … And Could Literally Cost You Your Life! Learn Theses Crucial Health Strategies For Yourself & Your Loved Ones! Take Action Now! Sign Up! #Immunity #ImmunityBoosting #ImmunityBoostingFoods #HealthyDiet #Nutrition #HealthyEating #EatingHealthy #Superfoods Here’s What Our Students Say: I Am Absolutely Loving This Couse! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle Subanny “Prof. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. You’ll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because It’s Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul” – Chris Ghring – CEO NO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! Sign Up Now!
        Across the world more than 420 million people are living with diabetes. Two thirds of these have not yet been diagnosed. When discovered late or managed incorrectly, diabetes can damage your heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves, leading to disability and premature death. In fact, more people are dying of diabetes related diseases than of diseases as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. This course will provide you with an introduction to the most recent research in the field of prevention and treatment of diabetes as well as a broader understanding of the situation in different communities, rich and poor, across the world, where diabetes threatens public health. What kind of disease is diabetes, who has it, and who is at risk of getting it? And what are the roles of medicine, exercise and nutrition when trying to prevent, delay or treat diabetes? During the course you will meet researchers and experts from Imperial College London, Emory University in Atlanta, Steno Diabetes Center in Copenhagen as well as the School of Global Health and the Center for Basic Metabolic Research at the University of Copenhagen. They work with very different aspects of diabetes, from microbiology to global public health, but what ties them together is the belief that it is a global responsibility to combat diabetes, and this fight can only be won through new knowledge and global collaboration. We hope you will join us in the course and equip yourself to take part in the ongoing discussions of this truly global and individual health challenge. This course is also part of the EIT Health programme.
          Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:
            Across the globe, more people are suffering from obesity than at any other time in our history. Why has obesity become so common and so challenging? In this course, we will look at the root cause of obesity, as explained by the latest science. We will see how our food environment has evolved over the last half-century, and how it is altering our biology to over-consume calories and resist sustained weight loss. We will also see how stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and inadequate sleep disrupt our appetite control system to promote gaining weight. By developing a better understanding of the physiology behind obesity, you will learn how to work with your body to prevent and manage weight gain. This course will also provide practical tools and strategies for creating a long-term, sustainable weight management plan to leverage your habits and your surroundings.
              The New Nordic Diet is a new food culture developed in 2009-13 with key emphasis on gastronomy, health, and environment. Major research in its effect on acceptability, behaviour and learning skills, and disease prevention have been conducted by the OPUS centre at the University of Copenhagen and the people behind the award-winning restaurant Noma in Copenhagen. This course will give the participants the opportunity to experience a healthy and palatable new food and eating concept diet “The New Nordic Diet” and an understanding of how food and diets can affect mental and physical health and ensure the foundation for a healthier life style for future generations with a regional based diet and food culture. In Denmark “the Nordic cuisine”, has expanded from food eaten at the award-winning Copenhagen restaurant Noma to home-made dishes of local ingredients of whole-grain rye bread, root vegetables, berries, fresh fish and seaweed. This course is also part of the EIT Health Programme
                Due to our complex and busy modern lives, all too many of us have given up on our kitchens and healthy, wholesome homemade meals. In exchange, we see our health, weight, and energy levels failing us, and our quality of life degrading. What if there was something that you could do today that would provide you with one of the most powerful health and nutrition boosts, in a quick and easy way? Thanks to green smoothies , there is! With green smoothies , you can create an ultra-high nutrient-dense meal that is based on wholesome and healing plant foods and is naturally low in calories, in less than 5 minutes! Thanks to green smoothies, you can enjoy a quick, easy, and simple way to incorporate whole plant foods in their natural and raw forms into your diet, including various fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and medicinal plant superfoods. Green smoothies provide a powerful nutritional boost for you to optimize your health, lose weight, and improve your energy levels! This course will provide you with a comprehensive and practical foundation for knowing why green smoothies are one of the healthiest meal choices and how to create them in the healthiest of ways. You will discover the three core ingredients needed to make whole-meal green smoothies and how to diversify these in abundant ways. Plus, you will learn twelve essential recipes to create your own delicious green smoothie combinations! This course is intended for you if you are interested in: Improving your health, such as healing present health conditions or preventing future health problems Losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight Gaining back your energy and vitality through dietary changes Improving your diet to focus on more natural and raw whole plant foods Incorporating more leafy greens into your diet Reducing inflammation in your body Consuming a more alkalizing diet Getting your kids to eat healthier by eating more fruits and vegetables in convenient and enjoyable ways Learning how to create quick and easy wholesome smoothie meals Ending the vicious cycle of being "sick and tired" Learn the multitude of benefits green smoothies provide for your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing!
                  Vitiligo | Lifestyle Management| Healthy Eating| Ancient Ayurvedic Power| VITILIGO is a progressive depigmentation of the skin (appearing as white patches), thereby having a tremendous psycho-social, emotional as well as nutritive impact on the quality of life today. Unfortunately the chronic nature of the disease, lack of appropriate knowledge and unpredictable therapies prove to be highly demoralizing and disfiguring in all races; which brings us to a direction of finding a better treatment response for them. Almost 2% of the population worldwide are victims of the disease which equalizes to approximately 150 million! Even the legend Micheal Jackson was burdened with vitiligo. So here is what I have got for you in the course: 1) A scientific backup of interesting studies and database that will help you to find short, simple and effective remedies for Vitiligo. 2) A powerful and straight forward learning tool to establish yourself as future therapists and nutritionists. 3) To empower, educate and enlighten your clients about the disease and helping them to manage it in the best possible ways. 4) Gain the power to make better choices and grab health in a way you would have never done before! A dip into the insights you would gain from the course: Enlightenment about the progressive nature of the disease. Distinguish between the size and origin of the patches. Identify 10+ triggers from your periodic lifestyle. Learn about the genesis that triggers the white patches. Figure out the triggering compounds in dyes and skin lightening creams. Discover 5+ super foods on your plate that counter vitiligo Learn how 3 identified strains of bacteria enhances the immune response towards vitiligo. Why rigorous exercise is forbidden in vitiligo. 8 dietary supplements every vitiligo patient must know about. Discover the remedies given by ancient ayurveda 100 of years ago. Promise which I make: A person having vitiligo needs this knowledge. The medical fraternity has simply classified it as an autoimmune disease. Nutrition is the only choice for the bearer of this condition. This course will give you confidence and advisory guidance to handling your client's vitiligo condition. Acknowledgement: Course contributors: 1. Ms Prapti Ruia MSc Food and Nutrition, Nutritionist at QUA Nutrition - Signature Nutrition Clinic 2. Ms Gayatri Shanbhag MSc Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitian at Ryan's Research Audio and Video 3. Mr Mradul Sharma Marketing Executive at QUA Nutrition - Signature Nutrition Clinic For queries related to course call +91 7353231600
                    This training course will provide you with all the tools you need to devise a nutritional plan tailored to your needs and preferences. After completing this course, you will be familiar with the basic principles of nutritional science, in accordance with its most recent developments. You will know all about the various food groups and their distinctions, and about the vital nutrients they hold. You will also learn many practical applications of this theoretical knowledge. You know all you need to prepare the tastiest, most nutritious meals. And you have the basic know-how to identify health complaints that a change of diet can alleviate or even cure. Benefits of this course: Learn what to buy and what to avoid Decrease various health risks and increase your life expectancy Valuable information presented clearly, accessibly, professionally, and independently All of the knowledge and experience of various experts, at a fraction of the usual costs Incorporates the latest scientific findings, but with a highly practical cast All materials available in both English and Dutch Purchase online, no hassle Course includes many related course materials as a bonus