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Please note that, We have divided the "Econometrics" course in to TWO parts as follows: Econometrics#1:  Regression Modeling, Statistics with EViews Econometrics#2: Econometrics Modeling and Analysis in EViews This is the Second part and will cover Multivariate Modeling, Autocorrelation Techniques, VAR Modeling, Stationarity and Unit Root Testing, CoIntegration Testing and Volatility & ARCH Modeling. This course aims to provide basic to intermediate skills on implementing Econometrics/Predictive modelling concepts using Eviews software. Whilst its important to develop understanding of econometrics/quantitative modelling concepts, its equally important to be able to implement it using suitable software packages. This course fills the gap between understanding the concepts and implementing them practically. The course works across multiple software packages such as Eviews, MS Office, PDF writers, and Paint. Econometric modeling course aims to provide quantitative/econometric modelling skills typically/specifically in Finance sector. Quantitative methods and predictive modelling concepts could be extensively used in understanding the financial markets movements, and studying tests and effects. The course picks theoretical and practical datasets for econometrics/quantitative/predictive analysis. Implementations are done using Eviews software. Observations, interpretations, predictions and conclusions are explained then and there on the examples as we proceed through the training. The course also emphasizes on the regression models, and AIMS to also cover Auto-Correlation, Co-Integration and ARCH (Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) models.  Essential skillsets – Prior knowledge of Quantitative methods and MS Office, Paint  Desired skillsets — Understanding of Data Analysis and VBA toolpack in MS Excel will be useful The course works across multiple software packages such as Eviews, MS Office, PDF writers, and Paint.
    This course provides a framework for how analysts can create and evaluate quantitative measures. Consider the many tricky concepts that are often of interest to analysts, such as health, educational attainment and trust in government. This course will explore various approaches for quantifying these concepts. The course begins with an overview of the different levels of measurement and ways to transform variables. We’ll then discuss how to construct and build a measurement model. We’ll next examine surveys, as they are one of the most frequently used measurement tools. As part of this discussion, we’ll cover survey sampling, design and evaluation. Lastly, we’ll consider different ways to judge the quality of a measure, such as by its level of reliability or validity. By the end of this course, you should be able to develop and critically assess measures for concepts worth study. After all, a good analysis is built on good measures.
      With the next generation of millennial recruits coming into the law enforcement profession, administrators must not only become adapt to the millennial’s unique perspective about work, but hold the line of accountability on their performance. Compstat Analytics-Let the Numbers Do the Talking provides real-world advice for law enforcement managers on how to manage operations based upon predictive data. A transparent process of holding managers and front line personnel accountable for measurable performance results. This course introduces best practices identified in publications by Law & Order and The Police Chief. *** This course is approved by the Georgia POST Council for peace officers with an OKEY number to earn one credit hour of training. The student must complete 100% of the course to receive the one-hour of credit.
        In this course, I will show you how to use Microsoft Excel formulas to analyze financial data. QuickBooks Online has the ability to export reports into Microsoft Excel. The course will include a basic discussion on the features of QuickBooks Online and demonstrate how data can be extracted from QuickBooks Online into Microsoft Excel. Once this data is exported into Microsoft Excel, it can be manipulated (analyzed) to assist in the business decision making process. The Excel topics covered in this course will include: Sorting and Grouping Autosum Sumif Function Sumifs Function Count Function Countifs Function Concatenate Function Pivot Tables V-Lookups Conditional Formatting Data Validation Charting (Pie and Bar Charts) This course includes downloads that supplement the lectures.  It is best to use these downloads in conjunction with the lectures.
          The Problem Data scientist is one of the best suited professions to thrive this century. It is digital, programming-oriented, and analytical. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the demand for data scientists has been surging in the job marketplace. However, supply has been very limited. It is difficult to acquire the skills necessary to be hired as a data scientist. And how can you do that? Universities have been slow at creating specialized data science programs. (not to mention that the ones that exist are very expensive and time consuming) Most online courses focus on a specific topic and it is difficult to understand how the skill they teach fit in the complete picture The Solution Data science is a multidisciplinary field. It encompasses a wide range of topics. Understanding of the data science field and the type of analysis carried out Mathematics Statistics Python Applying advanced statistical techniques in Python Data Visualization Machine Learning Deep Learning Each of these topics builds on the previous ones. And you risk getting lost along the way if you don’t acquire these skills in the right order. For example, one would struggle in the application of Machine Learning techniques before understanding the underlying Mathematics. Or, it can be overwhelming to study regression analysis in Python before knowing what a regression is. So, in an effort to create the most effective, time-efficient, and structured data science training available online, we created The Data Science Course 2021. We believe this is the first training program that solves the biggest challenge to entering the data science field – having all the necessary resources in one place. Moreover, our focus is to teach topics that flow smoothly and complement each other. The course teaches you everything you need to know to become a data scientist at a fraction of the cost of traditional programs (not to mention the amount of time you will save). The Skills 1. Intro to Data and Data Science Big data, business intelligence, business analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. We know these buzzwords belong to the field of data science but what do they all mean? Why learn it? As a candidate data scientist, you must understand the ins and outs of each of these areas and recognise the appropriate approach to solving a problem. This ‘Intro to data and data science’ will give you a comprehensive look at all these buzzwords and where they fit in the realm of data science. 2. Mathematics Learning the tools is the first step to doing data science. You must first see the big picture to then examine the parts in detail. We take a detailed look specifically at calculus and linear algebra as they are the subfields data science relies on. Why learn it? Calculus and linear algebra are essential for programming in data science. If you want to understand advanced machine learning algorithms, then you need these skills in your arsenal. 3. Statistics You need to think like a scientist before you can become a scientist. Statistics trains your mind to frame problems as hypotheses and gives you techniques to test these hypotheses, just like a scientist. Why learn it? This course doesn’t just give you the tools you need but teaches you how to use them. Statistics trains you to think like a scientist. 4. Python Python is a relatively new programming language and, unlike R, it is a general-purpose programming language. You can do anything with it! Web applications, computer games and data science are among many of its capabilities. That’s why, in a short space of time, it has managed to disrupt many disciplines. Extremely powerful libraries have been developed to enable data manipulation, transformation, and visualisation. Where Python really shines however, is when it deals with machine and deep learning. Why learn it? When it comes to developing, implementing, and deploying machine learning models through powerful frameworks such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, etc, Python is a must have programming language. 5. Tableau Data scientists don’t just need to deal with data and solve data driven problems. They also need to convince company executives of the right decisions to make. These executives may not be well versed in data science, so the data scientist must but be able to present and visualise the data’s story in a way they will understand. That’s where Tableau comes in – and we will help you become an expert story teller using the leading visualisation software in business intelligence and data science. Why learn it? A data scientist relies on business intelligence tools like Tableau to communicate complex results to non-technical decision makers. 6. Advanced Statistics Regressions, clustering, and factor analysis are all disciplines that were invented before machine learning. However, now these statistical methods are all performed through machine learning to provide predictions with unparalleled accuracy. This section will look at these techniques in detail. Why learn it? Data science is all about predictive modelling and you can become an expert in these methods through this ‘advance statistics’ section. 7. Machine Learning The final part of the program and what every section has been leading up to is deep learning. Being able to employ machine and deep learning in their work is what often separates a data scientist from a data analyst. This section covers all common machine learning techniques and deep learning methods with TensorFlow. Why learn it? Machine learning is everywhere. Companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon have been using machines that can learn on their own for years. Now is the time for you to control the machines. ***What you get*** A $1250 data science training program Active Q&A support All the knowledge to get hired as a data scientist A community of data science learners A certificate of completion Access to future updates Solve real-life business cases that will get you the job You will become a data scientist from scratch We are happy to offer an unconditional 30-day money back in full guarantee. No risk for you. The content of the course is excellent, and this is a no-brainer for us, as we are certain you will love it. Why wait? Every day is a missed opportunity. Click the “Buy Now” button and become a part of our data scientist program today.
            PLEASE READ BEFORE ENROLLING: 1.) THERE IS AN UPDATED VERSION OF THIS COURSE: "PYTHON FOR DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING BOOTCAMP" 2.) IF YOU ARE A COMPLETE BEGINNER IN PYTHON-CHECK OUT MY OTHER COURSE "COMPLETE PYTHON MASTERCLASS JOURNEY"! CLICK ON MY PROFILE TO FIND IT. (PLEASE WATCH THE FIRST PROMO VIDEO ON THIS PAGE FOR MORE INFO) ********************************************************************************************************** This course will give you the resources to learn python and effectively use it analyze and visualize data! Start your career in Data Science! You'll get a full understanding of how to program with Python and how to use it in conjunction with scientific computing modules and libraries to analyze data. You will also get lifetime access to over 100 example python code notebooks, new and updated videos, as well as future additions of various data analysis projects that you can use for a portfolio to show future employers! By the end of this course you will: - Have an understanding of how to program in Python. - Know how to create and manipulate arrays using numpy and Python. - Know how to use pandas to create and analyze data sets. - Know how to use matplotlib and seaborn libraries to create beautiful data visualization. - Have an amazing portfolio of example python data analysis projects! - Have an understanding of Machine Learning and SciKit Learn! With 100+ lectures and over 20 hours of information and more than 100 example python code notebooks, you will be excellently prepared for a future in data science!
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              This is an introductory course designed to help business professionals and others learn predictive analytic skills that can be applied in a business setting. Since it is designed for business professionals it doesn't delve too deeply into the mathematics of the statistical models. We do the following case studies on Rapidminer software: B2B Churn of an office supply distributor, Market Basket Analysis of a retail computer store, Customer Segmentation of a customer database and Direct Marketing. The following models are used: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Association Rules, K-means Clustering and Decision Trees. Through these practical case studies we generate actionable business insights!
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                Data analysis is critical in business. Get ahead in your career with this important skill. Management depends on decision making and problem solving.   They depend on analytical findings. Not only do we need good sources of data, but we need skills that allow us to interpret and report the results. Discover techniques and best practices for analysis by learning the analytical process.
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                  This course helps you learn simple but powerful ways to work with data. It is designed to be help people with limited statistical or programming skills quickly become productive in an increasingly digitized workplace. In this course you will use R (an open-sourced, easy to use data mining tool) and practice with real life data-sets. We focus on the application and provide you with plenty of support material for your long term learning. It also includes a project that you can attempt when you feel confident in the skills you learn.
                    Challenges are multifarious. Overwhelming nos. of transactions, loss of conventional (paper) audit trail, system based controls, ever increasing and complex compliance requirements are amongst the prime reasons why traditional methods of collecting and evaluating evidence (like vouching and verification) are no longer adequate. The auditor can no longer treat Information Systems as a ‘Black Box’ and audit around it. His methods and techniques have to change. This change is what the world calls today, ‘Assurance Analytics’ i.e. data analysis from an ‘audit perspective’. Using advance features of MS Excel, the auditor can access client’s data from their databases and analyse it to discharge the onerous duty cast on him. Since over 15 years, CA Nikunj Shah has been perfecting these techniques of ‘assurance analytics’. These include digital analysis techniques like Benford’s Law, Relative Size Factor Theory (RSF) and Pareto’s 80-20 rule that have enabled auditors and forensic investigators to identify control failures and over rides, detect non-compliance with laws, zero down on questionable transactions and identify red flags lost in millions of transactions. It is like quickly finding the needle in a hay stack!! In this unique course, your favourite instructor shall share the best of his research, auditing and training experience. The participants shall learn, step-by-step, the nuts-and-bolts details of using advance features of Microsoft® Excel coupled with the instructor’s insights to apply them in real-world audit situations. Each section shall equip participants with assurance analytic techniques using real-world examples and learn-by-doing exercises.