
Picture this: you're an ambitious animator, dedicated to bringing your creative visions to life. Despite your talent and hard work, you find yourself frequently bogged down by time-consuming tasks like inbetweening and background creation. These tasks can be not only tedious but also limit your ability to fully explore and expand your artistic potential.

Enter the world of AI-enhanced animation, a revolutionary approach that has already transformed the industry in 2023. Thanks to cutting-edge tools like Ebsynth, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion with Hugging, animators like you are experiencing unprecedented levels of efficiency and creative freedom.

With Ebsynth, you can effortlessly transform static images and footage into dynamic animations, saving you countless hours of laborious work. Midjourney empowers you to add depth and realism to your animations with ease, while Stable Diffusion with Hugging provides a versatile toolkit for refining your artistic style.

This comprehensive course is your gateway to mastering these game-changing AI tools and taking your animation skills to new heights. Through in-depth tutorials, hands-on projects, and expert guidance, you'll learn how to leverage these tools to streamline your workflow and unlock a world of limitless creativity.

Don't let time-consuming tasks hold you back from achieving your animation dreams. Enroll in this course today and join the ranks of animators who are transforming their creative journey with AI-enhanced animation. Your future as an animator has never looked more exciting.


Picture this: you're an ambitious animator, dedicated to bringing your creative visions to life. Despite your talent and hard work, you find yourself frequently bogged down by time-consuming tasks like inbetweening and background creation. These tasks can be not only tedious but also limit your ability to fully explore and expand your artistic potential.

Enter the world of AI-enhanced animation, a revolutionary approach that has already transformed the industry in 2023. Thanks to cutting-edge tools like Ebsynth, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion with Hugging, animators like you are experiencing unprecedented levels of efficiency and creative freedom.

With Ebsynth, you can effortlessly transform static images and footage into dynamic animations, saving you countless hours of laborious work. Midjourney empowers you to add depth and realism to your animations with ease, while Stable Diffusion with Hugging provides a versatile toolkit for refining your artistic style.

This comprehensive course is your gateway to mastering these game-changing AI tools and taking your animation skills to new heights. Through in-depth tutorials, hands-on projects, and expert guidance, you'll learn how to leverage these tools to streamline your workflow and unlock a world of limitless creativity.

Don't let time-consuming tasks hold you back from achieving your animation dreams. Enroll in this course today and join the ranks of animators who are transforming their creative journey with AI-enhanced animation. Your future as an animator has never looked more exciting.











さらに、後半にはついに一般提供開始となったアドビの生成AIツールAdobe Fireflyをご紹介します。

Adobe Fireflyの特徴から、PhotoshopやIllustratorといった馴染みのあるツールとはどのように関係するのか知ることができます。

無料でAdobe Firefly Web版や、実際に使ってみたデモ映像も含まれるので、

この講座を視聴すればAdobe FIreflyでできることが具体的に知ることができます。





<前半>我妻 幸長 Udemy AI 講師




「AI」がテーマのコミュニティ「自由研究室 AIRS-Lab」を主宰。





著書に、「はじめてのディープラーニング」「はじめてのディープラーニング2」(SBクリエイティブ)、「Pythonで動かして学ぶ!あたらしい数学の教科書 機械学習・深層学習に必要な基礎知識」「あたらしい脳科学と人工知能の教科書」「Google Colaboratoryで学ぶ!あたらしい人工知能技術の教科書」(翔泳社)。共著に「No.1スクール講師陣による 世界一受けたいiPhoneアプリ開発の授業」(技術評論社)

<後半>仲尾 毅 Adobe Creative Cloudエバンジェリスト


プロビデオシステムエンジニアとしてキャリアスタート。その後Apple Disability Center、UMAX、Visio、Microsoft MacBU と、IT系ハード・ソフトベンダーで一貫してプロダクトマーケティング業務に携わる。

2012年6月、Adobe 入社 Creative Cloud伝道師として、Adobe の最新技術、製品、サービスの訴求と移行促進に従事。クリエイティブ&テクノロジーの力で世界が変わると ’マジ’ に信じ、願い、実行することがライフワーク。

毎週木曜夜8時 Creative Cloud 道場 on YouTube Live 開講中











さらに、後半にはついに一般提供開始となったアドビの生成AIツールAdobe Fireflyをご紹介します。

Adobe Fireflyの特徴から、PhotoshopやIllustratorといった馴染みのあるツールとはどのように関係するのか知ることができます。

無料でAdobe Firefly Web版や、実際に使ってみたデモ映像も含まれるので、

この講座を視聴すればAdobe FIreflyでできることが具体的に知ることができます。





<前半>我妻 幸長 Udemy AI 講師




「AI」がテーマのコミュニティ「自由研究室 AIRS-Lab」を主宰。





著書に、「はじめてのディープラーニング」「はじめてのディープラーニング2」(SBクリエイティブ)、「Pythonで動かして学ぶ!あたらしい数学の教科書 機械学習・深層学習に必要な基礎知識」「あたらしい脳科学と人工知能の教科書」「Google Colaboratoryで学ぶ!あたらしい人工知能技術の教科書」(翔泳社)。共著に「No.1スクール講師陣による 世界一受けたいiPhoneアプリ開発の授業」(技術評論社)

<後半>仲尾 毅 Adobe Creative Cloudエバンジェリスト


プロビデオシステムエンジニアとしてキャリアスタート。その後Apple Disability Center、UMAX、Visio、Microsoft MacBU と、IT系ハード・ソフトベンダーで一貫してプロダクトマーケティング業務に携わる。

2012年6月、Adobe 入社 Creative Cloud伝道師として、Adobe の最新技術、製品、サービスの訴求と移行促進に従事。クリエイティブ&テクノロジーの力で世界が変わると ’マジ’ に信じ、願い、実行することがライフワーク。

毎週木曜夜8時 Creative Cloud 道場 on YouTube Live 開講中

starstarstarstar_half star_border

В современном мире изображения играют все более важную роль. Они используются в маркетинге, дизайне, образовании и многих других областях. Однако создание изображений может быть трудоемким и дорогостоящим процессом.

Курс Leonardo AI: Создавайте изображения легко и просто поможет вам освоить мощный инструмент для создания изображений с помощью искусственного интеллекта. С помощью Leonardo AI вы сможете создавать изображения с высоким качеством и без каких-либо навыков рисования или дизайна.

В курсе вы узнаете:

  • Как использовать Leonardo AI для создания изображений различных типов, включая фотографии, иллюстрации и графические дизайны

  • Как работать с различными инструментами и функциями Leonardo AI

  • Как применять различные техники для создания уникальных и выразительных изображений

Курс подходит для начинающих и опытных пользователей. Даже если вы никогда раньше не работали с искусственным интеллектом, вы сможете быстро освоить Leonardo AI и начать создавать потрясающие изображения.

Преимущества курса:

  • Курс ориентирован на актуальную тему, связанную с искусственным интеллектом.

  • Курс охватывает широкий спектр тем, что позволит вам создать уникальные и выразительные изображения.

  • Курс подходит для начинающих и опытных пользователей.

  • Курс имеет привлекательное название и описание, которые привлекают внимание потенциальных слушателей.

Целевая аудитория:

  • маркетологи

  • дизайнеры

  • художники

  • предприниматели

  • студенты

  • все, кто интересуется созданием изображений

Кто ведет курс

Курс ведет опытный преподаватель, который поможет вам разобраться в сложных концепциях и освоить навыки, необходимые для создания изображений с помощью Leonardo AI.

starstarstarstar_half star_border

В современном мире изображения играют все более важную роль. Они используются в маркетинге, дизайне, образовании и многих других областях. Однако создание изображений может быть трудоемким и дорогостоящим процессом.

Курс Leonardo AI: Создавайте изображения легко и просто поможет вам освоить мощный инструмент для создания изображений с помощью искусственного интеллекта. С помощью Leonardo AI вы сможете создавать изображения с высоким качеством и без каких-либо навыков рисования или дизайна.

В курсе вы узнаете:

  • Как использовать Leonardo AI для создания изображений различных типов, включая фотографии, иллюстрации и графические дизайны

  • Как работать с различными инструментами и функциями Leonardo AI

  • Как применять различные техники для создания уникальных и выразительных изображений

Курс подходит для начинающих и опытных пользователей. Даже если вы никогда раньше не работали с искусственным интеллектом, вы сможете быстро освоить Leonardo AI и начать создавать потрясающие изображения.

Преимущества курса:

  • Курс ориентирован на актуальную тему, связанную с искусственным интеллектом.

  • Курс охватывает широкий спектр тем, что позволит вам создать уникальные и выразительные изображения.

  • Курс подходит для начинающих и опытных пользователей.

  • Курс имеет привлекательное название и описание, которые привлекают внимание потенциальных слушателей.

Целевая аудитория:

  • маркетологи

  • дизайнеры

  • художники

  • предприниматели

  • студенты

  • все, кто интересуется созданием изображений

Кто ведет курс

Курс ведет опытный преподаватель, который поможет вам разобраться в сложных концепциях и освоить навыки, необходимые для создания изображений с помощью Leonardo AI.


Midjourney is one of the most powerful AI Art Generation programs on the market. The only issue with Midjourney is that you can’t animate the amazing images you create…That is where this course comes in!

By utilising the additional tools and techniques within the Adobe Suite we will be able to animate the amazing AI images that Midjourney creates with a subtle yet realistic camera move. If you don’t have access to Midjourney then that is fine! I will be supplying my image for you or you can use one of the many other free ai image generators shown in the second video of this course! This course is reliant on the use of Photoshop and After Effects. You can get a free trial of Adobe photoshop and After Effects and there will be a lesson and links highlighting this.

The prerequisites for this course are as follows: You will need an internet connection, an email address, Photoshop and After Effects. As mentioned above you can obtain free trials of both photoshop and After Effects.

Course outline

01 - Accessing course software and materials
(A quick overview of the software used and the AI image generators available, both free and subscription based)

02 - Generating our image in Midjourney – (This session will walk you through the process of creating our image. I will be using Midjourney but the skills are interchangeable with the other mentioned AI art generators)

03 - Preparing the image in Photoshop (A key part of this process is preparing our AI image ready for animation, in this session I will walk you through that process step-by-step)

04 - Animating in After Effects (This session will take you through thee process of executing the final animation of our AI image)

Class Project (Assignment) – (This lesson will walk you through the class project that you have been tasked with, summarising the skills and techniques learnt in the course.)

As mentioned above in the course outline, the course will finish with a really fun assignment where you will have the opportunity to practice the skills that you have learnt in this course! I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys create so please upload your work along with any key prompts you made! You may wish to submit a YouTube link in order to share the work you’ve made!


Midjourney is one of the most powerful AI Art Generation programs on the market. The only issue with Midjourney is that you can’t animate the amazing images you create…That is where this course comes in!

By utilising the additional tools and techniques within the Adobe Suite we will be able to animate the amazing AI images that Midjourney creates with a subtle yet realistic camera move. If you don’t have access to Midjourney then that is fine! I will be supplying my image for you or you can use one of the many other free ai image generators shown in the second video of this course! This course is reliant on the use of Photoshop and After Effects. You can get a free trial of Adobe photoshop and After Effects and there will be a lesson and links highlighting this.

The prerequisites for this course are as follows: You will need an internet connection, an email address, Photoshop and After Effects. As mentioned above you can obtain free trials of both photoshop and After Effects.

Course outline

01 - Accessing course software and materials
(A quick overview of the software used and the AI image generators available, both free and subscription based)

02 - Generating our image in Midjourney – (This session will walk you through the process of creating our image. I will be using Midjourney but the skills are interchangeable with the other mentioned AI art generators)

03 - Preparing the image in Photoshop (A key part of this process is preparing our AI image ready for animation, in this session I will walk you through that process step-by-step)

04 - Animating in After Effects (This session will take you through thee process of executing the final animation of our AI image)

Class Project (Assignment) – (This lesson will walk you through the class project that you have been tasked with, summarising the skills and techniques learnt in the course.)

As mentioned above in the course outline, the course will finish with a really fun assignment where you will have the opportunity to practice the skills that you have learnt in this course! I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys create so please upload your work along with any key prompts you made! You may wish to submit a YouTube link in order to share the work you’ve made!


Welcome to the MidJourney AI: The Complete Guide To MidJourney AI Course.

(Updated for Midjourney Version 5.2 ! )

In this course, you will explore the exciting world of artificial intelligence and its intersection with art.

Midjourney is a unique platform that harnesses the power of AI to generate original works of art, and this course will teach you how to use this amazing tool to create your own masterpieces.

The course begins by introducing you to the basics of AI Art Generation, including how to set up a discord account and access the Midjourney Bot.

You'll learn how to use Midjourney to create art, we'll go through all of tools available so you can master this revolutionary new medium. We'll also cover, copyright and how to sell your creations online.

You will then dive into Midjourney's UI and learn how to use this tool to generate your own art. The course covers topics such as Prompt Crafting, Negative Prompting, Navigating Midjourney using various parameters like seed, aspect ratio, text weights & more to generate unique art.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience with Midjourney's platform and learn best practices for creating beautiful, original works of art. You will also learn about ethical considerations in AI art, such as ownership and bias, and how to navigate these issues when creating your own art.

You do not need a fancy computer. In fact, you can do it all on your phone or tablet if you want to!

In this course, we will explore creating A.I. art using Midjourney. We will start by setting Midjourney up using Discord, a popular real-time chat application to "talk" to Midjourney. From there, we will explore the Prompt system for communicating with Midjourney. Then, we will talk about the ins and outs of the Midjourney prompt system to get exciting, explosively stunning images. Finally, we will wrap up by talking about ideas of where you can use those images, how to find additional resources, and even touch on other A.I. art solutions out in the market. I'll even take you through the process I went through on a few of my pieces so you can see how I approach an image.

  • How to create Create stunning AI Art including photo-realistic images, anime characters, picasso-like paintings, etc.

  • We will learn Midjourney Version 5 & 4 and the Newest Midjourney Algorithm, Midjourney Version 4. The course will continue to be updated as Midjourney evolves.

  • We will Create a collection of art you can use to make money and impress your friends.

  • Navigate Midjourney: Use prompts, parameters, and modifiers to create amazing images that showcase your personal style and creativity!

  • We will learn how to use image prompts in MidJourney AI to create cool AI Avatars in various artistic styles.

  • We will learn how to use Niji Mode in MidJourney AI to create Consistent Anime Characters.

  • We will learn how to Create Professional Logos using MidJourney and Adobe Illustrator and make money by selling them on Fiverr & Upwork.

  • We will learn how to create seamless patterns for tiles, backgrounds, and many digital spaces.

  • Want to just mess around and show your friends some cool images, like making various actors as superheroes?

Midjourney can do all of that! And so much more!

There are so many exciting things you can do with what you create with A.I. art! Take the leap and I promise you, you will be happy you did.

So join me, and let's get your first idea on the screen!

By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in AI Art Generation Using the Midjourney platform and will have created several pieces of original art.

Whether you are an artist looking to explore new mediums or a tech enthusiast interested in the cutting edge of AI, this course is the perfect way to explore Midjourney and the exciting world of AI art generation.

Whether you're a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, this course will give you the skills you need to get started in the exciting world of AI art.

This course takes you step-by-step through the process of becoming a professional AI artist.

By the end of the course, you'll have a mastery of Midjourney and a portfolio of visually stunning artwork that you can sell online to make passive income.

I've followed the development of AI art and in the process created 1000s of artworks, I'll share with you my secrets for getting the best possible results and turning your passion into a successful business

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the creative potential of AI.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today and start exploring the amazing world of AI art!


Welcome to the MidJourney AI: The Complete Guide To MidJourney AI Course.

(Updated for Midjourney Version 5.2 ! )

In this course, you will explore the exciting world of artificial intelligence and its intersection with art.

Midjourney is a unique platform that harnesses the power of AI to generate original works of art, and this course will teach you how to use this amazing tool to create your own masterpieces.

The course begins by introducing you to the basics of AI Art Generation, including how to set up a discord account and access the Midjourney Bot.

You'll learn how to use Midjourney to create art, we'll go through all of tools available so you can master this revolutionary new medium. We'll also cover, copyright and how to sell your creations online.

You will then dive into Midjourney's UI and learn how to use this tool to generate your own art. The course covers topics such as Prompt Crafting, Negative Prompting, Navigating Midjourney using various parameters like seed, aspect ratio, text weights & more to generate unique art.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience with Midjourney's platform and learn best practices for creating beautiful, original works of art. You will also learn about ethical considerations in AI art, such as ownership and bias, and how to navigate these issues when creating your own art.

You do not need a fancy computer. In fact, you can do it all on your phone or tablet if you want to!

In this course, we will explore creating A.I. art using Midjourney. We will start by setting Midjourney up using Discord, a popular real-time chat application to "talk" to Midjourney. From there, we will explore the Prompt system for communicating with Midjourney. Then, we will talk about the ins and outs of the Midjourney prompt system to get exciting, explosively stunning images. Finally, we will wrap up by talking about ideas of where you can use those images, how to find additional resources, and even touch on other A.I. art solutions out in the market. I'll even take you through the process I went through on a few of my pieces so you can see how I approach an image.

  • How to create Create stunning AI Art including photo-realistic images, anime characters, picasso-like paintings, etc.

  • We will learn Midjourney Version 5 & 4 and the Newest Midjourney Algorithm, Midjourney Version 4. The course will continue to be updated as Midjourney evolves.

  • We will Create a collection of art you can use to make money and impress your friends.

  • Navigate Midjourney: Use prompts, parameters, and modifiers to create amazing images that showcase your personal style and creativity!

  • We will learn how to use image prompts in MidJourney AI to create cool AI Avatars in various artistic styles.

  • We will learn how to use Niji Mode in MidJourney AI to create Consistent Anime Characters.

  • We will learn how to Create Professional Logos using MidJourney and Adobe Illustrator and make money by selling them on Fiverr & Upwork.

  • We will learn how to create seamless patterns for tiles, backgrounds, and many digital spaces.

  • Want to just mess around and show your friends some cool images, like making various actors as superheroes?

Midjourney can do all of that! And so much more!

There are so many exciting things you can do with what you create with A.I. art! Take the leap and I promise you, you will be happy you did.

So join me, and let's get your first idea on the screen!

By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in AI Art Generation Using the Midjourney platform and will have created several pieces of original art.

Whether you are an artist looking to explore new mediums or a tech enthusiast interested in the cutting edge of AI, this course is the perfect way to explore Midjourney and the exciting world of AI art generation.

Whether you're a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, this course will give you the skills you need to get started in the exciting world of AI art.

This course takes you step-by-step through the process of becoming a professional AI artist.

By the end of the course, you'll have a mastery of Midjourney and a portfolio of visually stunning artwork that you can sell online to make passive income.

I've followed the development of AI art and in the process created 1000s of artworks, I'll share with you my secrets for getting the best possible results and turning your passion into a successful business

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the creative potential of AI.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today and start exploring the amazing world of AI art!