
In this comprehensive course on AI in Web Design, you will discover how to leverage the power of artificial intelligence to create captivating and high-performing websites.

From crafting lightning-fast briefs with ChatGPT and Otter AI to creating customer personas that bring your briefs to life, you will explore a range of AI-driven techniques that will revolutionize your web design process.

The course begins with utilizing ChatGPT and Otter AI to create concise and efficient briefs. With these AI tools, you will learn how to streamline client communication and generate clear and comprehensive project requirements in record time.

Next, you will delve into the world of customer personas. By employing ChatGPT's capabilities, you will develop detailed and relatable customer personas that provide invaluable insights into your target audience. These personas will inform your design decisions and help you create websites that resonate with your intended users.

To spark inspiration, you will utilize the Midjourney platform. Through Midjourney, you can explore a vast collection of page layouts, website photos, and hero units, all generated by AI. This resource will equip you with fresh and innovative design ideas that elevate the visual impact of your websites.

A crucial aspect of web design is search engine optimization (SEO). You will discover how ChatGPT can assist you in seamlessly incorporating relevant keywords into your website content. By optimizing your websites for search engines, you will increase their visibility and attract organic traffic.

Furthermore, you will learn to create persuasive and engaging website copy using ChatGPT. The AI's assistance will empower you to craft compelling narratives that capture the essence of your client's businesses, engaging visitors and driving conversions. Additionally, you will explore Writesonic, a powerful AI tool that generates highly detailed and original blog posts, enhancing your content strategy.

Finally, you will witness Elwyn, our expert instructor, take on the challenge of completing a website within a strict 30-minute timeframe. This practical demonstration showcases the efficiency and effectiveness of the techniques learned throughout the course.

By the end of this course, you will have mastered the integration of AI in web design, enabling you to create visually stunning, user-friendly, and search-engine-optimized websites. Whether you are a seasoned web designer or just starting in the field, this course will provide the knowledge and skills to take your web design projects to new heights, ensuring success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


In this comprehensive course on AI in Web Design, you will discover how to leverage the power of artificial intelligence to create captivating and high-performing websites.

From crafting lightning-fast briefs with ChatGPT and Otter AI to creating customer personas that bring your briefs to life, you will explore a range of AI-driven techniques that will revolutionize your web design process.

The course begins with utilizing ChatGPT and Otter AI to create concise and efficient briefs. With these AI tools, you will learn how to streamline client communication and generate clear and comprehensive project requirements in record time.

Next, you will delve into the world of customer personas. By employing ChatGPT's capabilities, you will develop detailed and relatable customer personas that provide invaluable insights into your target audience. These personas will inform your design decisions and help you create websites that resonate with your intended users.

To spark inspiration, you will utilize the Midjourney platform. Through Midjourney, you can explore a vast collection of page layouts, website photos, and hero units, all generated by AI. This resource will equip you with fresh and innovative design ideas that elevate the visual impact of your websites.

A crucial aspect of web design is search engine optimization (SEO). You will discover how ChatGPT can assist you in seamlessly incorporating relevant keywords into your website content. By optimizing your websites for search engines, you will increase their visibility and attract organic traffic.

Furthermore, you will learn to create persuasive and engaging website copy using ChatGPT. The AI's assistance will empower you to craft compelling narratives that capture the essence of your client's businesses, engaging visitors and driving conversions. Additionally, you will explore Writesonic, a powerful AI tool that generates highly detailed and original blog posts, enhancing your content strategy.

Finally, you will witness Elwyn, our expert instructor, take on the challenge of completing a website within a strict 30-minute timeframe. This practical demonstration showcases the efficiency and effectiveness of the techniques learned throughout the course.

By the end of this course, you will have mastered the integration of AI in web design, enabling you to create visually stunning, user-friendly, and search-engine-optimized websites. Whether you are a seasoned web designer or just starting in the field, this course will provide the knowledge and skills to take your web design projects to new heights, ensuring success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


This course is about AI and it was created by AI, from content to how to make landing page html using chat gpt.

It is all about AI-driven Project Management, you will learn Tricks and Technics of using ChatGPT in you project management life. As a project manager, you need to have the right tools to succeed. With the emergence of ChatGPT technology, you can now take your project management

skills to the next level. In this course, you will learn the basics and advanced features of ChatGPT, and how to use it effectively in project management.

The course will give you an introduction to ChatGPT technology and how it works. You will explore how to use ChatGPT in project management,

including prompt engineering and automating routine tasks such as creating templates, agendas,  project updates, and user stories,

brainstorming new ideas, and boosting your productivity.

You will learn how to quickly learn new skills and work with project metrics and how to manage risks with the help of AI.

Communication is a key component of project management, and you will learn how to use ChatGPT for meeting notes, follow-ups, action plans, and summarizing emails. Finally, you will learn productivity tips and tricks to help you get the most out of ChatGPT.

This Chat GPT/Open AI course provides more than an hour of lectures and explains how to use AI-powered tools for digital marketing activities. You will learn how to simplify your work process and streamline your efforts to achieve better results.

By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of ChatGPT technology and how it can be used to enhance your project management skills.

You will be able to automate routine tasks, communicate more effectively, and work more efficiently, ultimately leading to project success.

Join us today and take the first step towards becoming a ChatGPT-powered project manager.

Basics of ChatGPT, including an introduction to the platform, a comparison with other AI tools, and a walkthrough of the website layout and interface.

You'll learn how to create effective prompts and modify outputs for better results.

We'll also guide you through a learning exercise where you'll create your own ChatGPT prompts.

We'll start with the basics, including what ChatGPT, Google Bard, are, why you should use these tools,

and how they work. You'll learn how to create your account and get started with ChatGPT, Google Bard, & Midjourney.

You will also learn how to use ChatGPT, Google Bard, & Midjourney to improve your business, content, or marketing and strategies.

Getting started with ChatGPT

Understand the world of landing page  html using chat gpt

Collaborate with your new AI assistant

what is The ChatGPT Interface

how you can make account in chat gpt.

how you can make new account or login in chat gpt.

what is the benefit of using chat gpt.

Report Writing With ChatGPT

How chat gpt works

what is the difference between chatgpt and gpt 4 ??

Free Vs. Pay Version Of ChatGPT As Instructor Had Advanced Access And Shares All.

Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT

Translation With ChatGPT

Fun Ways You Can Use ChatGPT Like Writing Music, Poetry, and For Gift Ideas


This course is about AI and it was created by AI, from content to how to make landing page html using chat gpt.

It is all about AI-driven Project Management, you will learn Tricks and Technics of using ChatGPT in you project management life. As a project manager, you need to have the right tools to succeed. With the emergence of ChatGPT technology, you can now take your project management

skills to the next level. In this course, you will learn the basics and advanced features of ChatGPT, and how to use it effectively in project management.

The course will give you an introduction to ChatGPT technology and how it works. You will explore how to use ChatGPT in project management,

including prompt engineering and automating routine tasks such as creating templates, agendas,  project updates, and user stories,

brainstorming new ideas, and boosting your productivity.

You will learn how to quickly learn new skills and work with project metrics and how to manage risks with the help of AI.

Communication is a key component of project management, and you will learn how to use ChatGPT for meeting notes, follow-ups, action plans, and summarizing emails. Finally, you will learn productivity tips and tricks to help you get the most out of ChatGPT.

This Chat GPT/Open AI course provides more than an hour of lectures and explains how to use AI-powered tools for digital marketing activities. You will learn how to simplify your work process and streamline your efforts to achieve better results.

By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of ChatGPT technology and how it can be used to enhance your project management skills.

You will be able to automate routine tasks, communicate more effectively, and work more efficiently, ultimately leading to project success.

Join us today and take the first step towards becoming a ChatGPT-powered project manager.

Basics of ChatGPT, including an introduction to the platform, a comparison with other AI tools, and a walkthrough of the website layout and interface.

You'll learn how to create effective prompts and modify outputs for better results.

We'll also guide you through a learning exercise where you'll create your own ChatGPT prompts.

We'll start with the basics, including what ChatGPT, Google Bard, are, why you should use these tools,

and how they work. You'll learn how to create your account and get started with ChatGPT, Google Bard, & Midjourney.

You will also learn how to use ChatGPT, Google Bard, & Midjourney to improve your business, content, or marketing and strategies.

Getting started with ChatGPT

Understand the world of landing page  html using chat gpt

Collaborate with your new AI assistant

what is The ChatGPT Interface

how you can make account in chat gpt.

how you can make new account or login in chat gpt.

what is the benefit of using chat gpt.

Report Writing With ChatGPT

How chat gpt works

what is the difference between chatgpt and gpt 4 ??

Free Vs. Pay Version Of ChatGPT As Instructor Had Advanced Access And Shares All.

Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT

Translation With ChatGPT

Fun Ways You Can Use ChatGPT Like Writing Music, Poetry, and For Gift Ideas


Artificial intelligence seems to be everywhere these days—whether it's Pope Francis sporting a stylish Balenciaga-inspired puffer jacket or YouTube flooded with videos on how to make money using ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other trending AI tools.

Have you ever wondered how these tools actually work and how you can utilize them without breaking the bank? Look no further! Introducing Stable Diffusion, an open-source AI image generation tool that enables you to produce stunning digital images. Whether you're an experienced artist, a complete novice, or simply an AI enthusiast like me, this course will equip you with the necessary skills to dive into the exhilarating realm of AI art.

The best part? Stable Diffusion is completely free and offers an extensive array of options to customize and enhance your images. With its remarkable capabilities, it becomes a powerful tool for effortless image generation. However, the abundance of functions can also make it challenging to grasp all the available options and utilize Stable Diffusion to achieve optimal results.

But fear not! This course provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to mastering Stable Diffusion using the AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion Web UI. Starting from the installation and setup process, we will delve into its practical usage. You'll gain proficiency in every essential aspect, from text-to-image generation to enhancing existing images through image-to-image generation and inpainting techniques.

As a beginner, you will acquire all the fundamental knowledge required to generate awe-inspiring images. Additionally, I will provide you with a sneak preview of some advanced features within Stable Diffusion that you can explore further.

So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey that will redefine your artistic practice.


Artificial intelligence seems to be everywhere these days—whether it's Pope Francis sporting a stylish Balenciaga-inspired puffer jacket or YouTube flooded with videos on how to make money using ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other trending AI tools.

Have you ever wondered how these tools actually work and how you can utilize them without breaking the bank? Look no further! Introducing Stable Diffusion, an open-source AI image generation tool that enables you to produce stunning digital images. Whether you're an experienced artist, a complete novice, or simply an AI enthusiast like me, this course will equip you with the necessary skills to dive into the exhilarating realm of AI art.

The best part? Stable Diffusion is completely free and offers an extensive array of options to customize and enhance your images. With its remarkable capabilities, it becomes a powerful tool for effortless image generation. However, the abundance of functions can also make it challenging to grasp all the available options and utilize Stable Diffusion to achieve optimal results.

But fear not! This course provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to mastering Stable Diffusion using the AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion Web UI. Starting from the installation and setup process, we will delve into its practical usage. You'll gain proficiency in every essential aspect, from text-to-image generation to enhancing existing images through image-to-image generation and inpainting techniques.

As a beginner, you will acquire all the fundamental knowledge required to generate awe-inspiring images. Additionally, I will provide you with a sneak preview of some advanced features within Stable Diffusion that you can explore further.

So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey that will redefine your artistic practice.


(Nouvelle MAJ du cours avec une nouvelle vidéo qui présente les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Midjourney 5.2).

Découvrez la Création d'art par IA, grâce à l'IA Générative Midjourney :

Dans cette formation en ligne dédiée à la Création de personnages récurrents sur Midjourney, je vous accompagne pas à pas dans le processus de création de personnages. Que vous soyez un artiste ou un professionnel accompli, ce workshop vous propose une méthode détaillée pour donner vie à vos personnages sur Midjourney.

Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez :

  • Nous débuterons par la définition du style de votre personnage, en choisissant le style en fonction de vos objectifs.

  • Ensuite, nous apprendrons à créer un billboard d'inspiration pour votre projet, en exploitant des outils comme Prompt Helper et en recueillant des suggestions grâce à ChatGPT.

  • Puis, nous nous immergerons dans l'univers de Discord et de Midjourney, en apprenant à manipuler les paramètres pour peaufiner votre personnage.

  • Nous traiterons des sujets tels que le choix du style, l'ajustement de l'ambiance et l'utilisation du mode Remix.

  • Enfin, je vous dévoilerai comment générer différentes perspectives pour votre personnage, en modifiant la pose et en intégrant des décors.

  • Nous conclurons par la réalisation d'une planche de personnage, en utilisant des expressions comme "character sheet" et "multiples poses and expressions".

Je vous invite à me rejoindre dans ce workshop pour découvrir comment Midjourney peut révolutionner votre processus créatif.

À l'issue de ce cours, vous aurez acquis les compétences nécessaires pour créer des personnages récurrents uniques et adaptés sur Midjourney.

Prêt à libérer votre créativité ? Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant !

30 JOURS DE GARANTIE : Si ce cours ne répond pas à vos attentes, Udemy vous remboursera intégralement dans les 30 jours suivant l'achat. Vous n'avez rien à perdre et tellement à gagner ! ?

À la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier, vous obtiendrez une certification électronique à insérer sur votre profil LinkedIn.

Alors, qu'attendez-vous ? Ne laissez pas le manque d'expérience ou de connaissances vous retenir.

Inscrivez-vous maintenant et rejoignez la communauté croissante de professionnels qui titrent un avantage de ChatGPT.


(Nouvelle MAJ du cours avec une nouvelle vidéo qui présente les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Midjourney 5.2).

Découvrez la Création d'art par IA, grâce à l'IA Générative Midjourney :

Dans cette formation en ligne dédiée à la Création de personnages récurrents sur Midjourney, je vous accompagne pas à pas dans le processus de création de personnages. Que vous soyez un artiste ou un professionnel accompli, ce workshop vous propose une méthode détaillée pour donner vie à vos personnages sur Midjourney.

Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez :

  • Nous débuterons par la définition du style de votre personnage, en choisissant le style en fonction de vos objectifs.

  • Ensuite, nous apprendrons à créer un billboard d'inspiration pour votre projet, en exploitant des outils comme Prompt Helper et en recueillant des suggestions grâce à ChatGPT.

  • Puis, nous nous immergerons dans l'univers de Discord et de Midjourney, en apprenant à manipuler les paramètres pour peaufiner votre personnage.

  • Nous traiterons des sujets tels que le choix du style, l'ajustement de l'ambiance et l'utilisation du mode Remix.

  • Enfin, je vous dévoilerai comment générer différentes perspectives pour votre personnage, en modifiant la pose et en intégrant des décors.

  • Nous conclurons par la réalisation d'une planche de personnage, en utilisant des expressions comme "character sheet" et "multiples poses and expressions".

Je vous invite à me rejoindre dans ce workshop pour découvrir comment Midjourney peut révolutionner votre processus créatif.

À l'issue de ce cours, vous aurez acquis les compétences nécessaires pour créer des personnages récurrents uniques et adaptés sur Midjourney.

Prêt à libérer votre créativité ? Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant !

30 JOURS DE GARANTIE : Si ce cours ne répond pas à vos attentes, Udemy vous remboursera intégralement dans les 30 jours suivant l'achat. Vous n'avez rien à perdre et tellement à gagner ! ?

À la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier, vous obtiendrez une certification électronique à insérer sur votre profil LinkedIn.

Alors, qu'attendez-vous ? Ne laissez pas le manque d'expérience ou de connaissances vous retenir.

Inscrivez-vous maintenant et rejoignez la communauté croissante de professionnels qui titrent un avantage de ChatGPT.


AI art is simple, but beaufiful. And with a few tweaks you get the most out of it.

And this great tool, DreamStudio, help you to create the best art, photos and pictures in mere minutes. If you know how to use it!

In this class, you'll learn:

  1. How to use DreamStudio

  2. Which configurations help you in your creative process

  3. How to write perfect prompts (=instructions for the machine)

  4. And how to change and vary existing pictures.

I'll take you on a step-by-step journey to becoming an AI art buff in no time.

When you finish this class, you are able to create great art, for business, marketing, for your personal pleasure or for selling.

By the end of the program, you'll have mastery over Stable Diffusion and a portfolio of eye-catching visuals that you can use to create impactful campaigns and generate artwork for your social media channels.

Why me as your teacher?

As an expert in artificial intelligence for marketing and business, I've followed its development and am using AI tools on a daily basis in my projects and firms. I'll share with you my secrets for achieving the best possible results and helping you to do your job as a marketer or potential artist easier and quicker than you ever imagined.

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the innovative potential of AI-generated visuals in business, marketing and art.

Who is this course NOT for:
IT people, anyone with experience in AI. We don't do programming in this course!

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today and start exploring the incredible world of AI-generated visuals! Its so easy to create great art!


AI art is simple, but beaufiful. And with a few tweaks you get the most out of it.

And this great tool, DreamStudio, help you to create the best art, photos and pictures in mere minutes. If you know how to use it!

In this class, you'll learn:

  1. How to use DreamStudio

  2. Which configurations help you in your creative process

  3. How to write perfect prompts (=instructions for the machine)

  4. And how to change and vary existing pictures.

I'll take you on a step-by-step journey to becoming an AI art buff in no time.

When you finish this class, you are able to create great art, for business, marketing, for your personal pleasure or for selling.

By the end of the program, you'll have mastery over Stable Diffusion and a portfolio of eye-catching visuals that you can use to create impactful campaigns and generate artwork for your social media channels.

Why me as your teacher?

As an expert in artificial intelligence for marketing and business, I've followed its development and am using AI tools on a daily basis in my projects and firms. I'll share with you my secrets for achieving the best possible results and helping you to do your job as a marketer or potential artist easier and quicker than you ever imagined.

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the innovative potential of AI-generated visuals in business, marketing and art.

Who is this course NOT for:
IT people, anyone with experience in AI. We don't do programming in this course!

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today and start exploring the incredible world of AI-generated visuals! Its so easy to create great art!