Singing is tough! Anyone who has tried to sing before will know how it feels Not being able to sing on pitch... Sounding horrible when singing to friends and family Being called ‘ tone-deaf ’ when trying to sing to yourself, around people, or at a karaoke bar Trying for weeks, months, even years, to learn but failing to do so “Artists are born with natural talent, there’s no way I can do this” “Even if i have what it takes, where do I start? What should I do? ” You see your favorite vocalists doing these crazy things with their voices, and wonder what it takes to get there, if you can get there at all… You wish you could just sing away some of your favorite tunes at a moment’s notice, Or for your significant other Maybe for a special party.. At a campfire at night with a group of people, singing alongside the melody of an acoustic guitar ... __________________________ Now here’s my question... Would you like to eliminate all of the struggles that you've faced when singing? Would you like to break these barriers you’ve put on yourself? Do you want to prove to your friends, family, and most importantly, to YOURSELF , that you can indeed learn to sing? If your answer is YES , then JOIN US in this step-by-step guide to singing This course is your Personal Trainer . It is a direct and to-the-point online course, teaching you how to sound better than before, in JUST 30 DAYS This will be your roadmap, showing you EXACTLY what to do, and when. Learn important singing concepts like body alignment, tongue positions, vocal exercises, vowel modifications , and much more What to Expect From This Course 2.5 HOURS of hard hitting video training Access to an exclusive Discord server to connect with Adam and other students! Organized in a step-by-step, easy-to-follow layout. I can teach people of all levels since I literally started from the bottom and can empathize with students of any level, and direct them to boost their progress with their voice. I am a vocal coach and singer with over 200,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. You might know me from my Singing Transformation video that went viral on YouTube. Through hard work and persistence , I was able to push myself over the years and become the person who I am today. If there is one thing my journey has taught me, it is that ANYONE can learn to be a great singer, and that you are NOT DOOMED just because you don’t have the so-called “Natural Talent” for singing But Don’t Take My Word For It…. “ ...In just a few months I went from my friends asking that I not sing in the car to having strangers compliment my singing voice and saying that they wish they were born with that kind of talent ” - Meital V. “.....After only 5 lessons with Adam , he was able to identify and correct many of the problems I had with my voice.” - Dean D. “Adam is a singing Magician, His expertise are broad and knowledge is priceless! If you want to learn how to really sing Adam is really the man” - Seth See the rest of the reviews below And the list only keeps growing. In fact, I’d also love to have YOU as one of my testimonials soon... After all that being said, If you are ready to take the next step... If you see yourself being the vocalist EVERYONE talks about… If you are willing to put in the hard work and dedication that it takes... If you see yourself SINGING YOUR HEART out whenever you feel like it, or finally proving to yourself that YOU MADE IT as a vocalist, even when the odds seemed to be against you... Then join me, and THOUSANDS of my students who are already taking their first steps to singing success. We can’t wait for you to join us!
    This course is created especially for those Indian music lovers who love the Ghazals. Majority of people like old movie Ghazals, Jagjit Singh, Ghulam Ali, Begum Akhtar etc. In this course, students will be able to grasp and acknowledge the basics of the most popular Indian music genre:Ghazal. They will learn to sing the popular Ghazals of Jagjit Singh & Ghulam Ali from the scratch. Ghazals like "Ye Daulat bhi Lelo, ye Shauhrat bhi lelo", "kal Chaudavi ki raat thi", "Ranjish hi Sahi", "Aaj jaane ki zid na karo" will be discussed and bisected deeply for their understanding. These are all very familiar and ubiquitous Ghazals, thus, it will be fun for the Ghazal lovers to dive deep into its discussion and singing pedagogy. Starting from the knowledge of the notes, ragas, talas in which they are composed, some four to five ghazals would be taught in detail whereas some of them briefly. In the beginning the students will be introduced about the Definition, origin, background, history, terminology  and parts of Ghazal; how one should be singing; what singing technique or voice should be used while singing; pronunciation of the proper ' zabaan ', dialect, of the Urdu language. Furthermore, what attitude and emotions are needed to sing the Ghazals will be discussed. Ghazal vocalism is hugely accompanied and ornamented with Harmonium . Therefore, it's essential for the students to have the basic knowledge of playing harmonium. So, a brief training of harmonium , only on the Ghazals which will be taught in detail, will also be provided. Ghazal singing is the semi-classical genre of Indian music, therefore, it's essential to know Indian classical vocal music on the basic level- Swar, saptaka, pitch, shadja, shruti, raga, tala , etc. which I have already taught in my previous two courses. So, if someone is not aware of Indian music mechanism, I recommend them to first complete the courses on beginner level to have a good understanding of this course.
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      This class is for everyone who wishes to learn the fundamentals of singing. I will be explaining posture, breath and show you vocal exercises that have helped me with my singing a lot. I also understand that a lot of students who wish to learn how to sing better don't play the piano, so for each exercise, I included a part where I play the piano through the register, for you to practice along. Class is suitable for beginners as well as singers who wish to refresh fundamentals or just get another perspective on the subject.
        Updated 8/9/2021 " It's the kind singing course I've been looking for most of my adult life. Serious with lots of practical exercises without having to leave my house." --J.A. " What a fun course! In the first two days, I already felt that my voice can reach places it never did before. With Ramesha's guidance it is easy to visualize how to relax, open and expand my voice. And it's such a short, sweet, easy-to-understand and effective course." -- J., Udemy Student " I love it --manageable sessions, easy to follow, and fun!" -- M.B., Portland, OR " I love this course . It's more practical compared to many courses." -- W.S., Udemy Student Do you want to learn to sing but you're too busy to fit yet one more thing in your schedule? Are you unsatisfied with the sound of your voice? Do you want to develop your voice to its full potential, so you can use it in a natural, relaxed way? Were you told that singing is not for you, and therefore are feeling shy about it? Now you can learn the fundamentals of singing technique while driving your car, as you commute to and from work, turning the unpleasant experience of driving in traffic into a time to look forward to. The audio files offer guided, step-by-step voice training through various simple but effective vocal warm-ups, which will develop the voice, increase the range, and improve the sound. The most common vocal issues are addressed throughout the course. Most importantly, this can all be done using the boring commuting time to and from work, without having to worry about finding extra time for voice lessons and individual practice. If your dream is to learn to sing , but you feel that you couldn't possibly fit voice training into your busy schedule, this course is for you! You will receive simple, yet effective, step-by step vocal instruction by an experienced voice teacher, with over twenty years of experience teaching voice lessons in person and online, both in Europe and US. What I've found is that a lot of people don't sing, don't even try to sing even, because they say they don't have time. But in fact, some of my own students say the very same thing: “I don't have time to practice". So that's why I created this program, Singing for Busy People . Because you can learn to sing while you're commuting to work, while you're walking to work, while you're doing other things around the house; it doesn't have to take hours and hours of time sitting in one place. Based on my years of experience I wanted to simplify the process and make this more widely available to people who really want to learn to express themselves, and who want to feel the joy of what it is to sing from their hearts, without effort. The course consists of downloadable video/audio files with a different vocal exercise for every day of the week. The recording will guide you through the practice of the exercises, giving you special instructions, reminders, and addressing the most common issues students often run into. There are two tracks for each day (except for Day #3, which has three): one is for your commute to work, the other is for your commute from work. If you don't use the course on your commute, I suggest you still use the two tracks at two different times of the day. After the first week, it's recommended that you continue your practice for at least a month, starting again with track #1 the following Monday. Have fun!
          In this course, legendary Hollywood Vocal Coach and Broadcast Trainer for the NFL , Arthur Samuel Joseph, will introduce you to the concept of Visceral Language and how to make your voice more visual when you speak. You will learn how to improve your preparation and practice time by annotating your scripts and text. This will enable you to deliver your presentations and talks with greater vocal awareness and impact. Visceral Language is the audacious practice of making voice visual . It teaches you to annotate your text in Vocal Awareness . Pay attention to language, punctuation, and supportive side bars in the margins of your text. It all matters. It will improve speaking skills, presentation skills, phone skills, sales skills, broadcasting skills, television and acting skills, and lead students towards the ultimate goal of communication mastery. The course includes: 2 Hours of video lessons Script annotation tools Vocal Warm-Ups Exercises and homework Annotated Examples The course will take 5-10 hours to complete, plus involves 7-minutes of practice each morning. The course is structured in 9 units with a video in each unit as well as written explanations and examples, as well as tools for using the technique. The visceral language vocal skills course is essential for anyone who wants to learn to speak more powerfully and authentically in all situations.  It will provide powerful professional presentation skills, pronunciation skills, speech skills, sales skills and general communication skills.
            Study Singing With Award Winning Broadway & National Tour Credited Singing & Voice Instructor! With  20 years of performing and voice training experience, and having studied with the best in the industry, including 2-time Academy Award winning composer A.R. Rahman and Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, I will provide you with a wealth of information, and the tools you need, to bring your singing voice to the next level! How to expand your vocal range, singing from the bottom all the way to the top SEAMLESSLY! How to properly warm up your voiceHow to prevent vocal damage and strain How to utilize your breath efficiently How to eliminate bad vocal and performing habits How to sing with much more emotion and feeling How to sing much more dynamically How to sing with control and power LEARN FROM A TEACHER WHO’S BEEN THERE!
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              A mini-course that condenses all the information about warming up your voice and vocal technique into 4 simple steps - likening the process to that of an athlete. How does an athlete prepare for a marathon? Well this process can also be implemented to the training of your voice and this will be covered in this short-course. A pragmatic viewpoint on refining your vocal technique with basic pedagogy so that even complete beginners can start to understand the science behind their signing voice and how to improve in a fun and sustainable way! Build a fun and contemporary vocal warm up routine with some custom exercises, learn about your voice type and find out the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions amongst singers trying to improve their voice. Then learn to apply all of your knowledge to the practice of learning and rehearsing songs. This course is for singers of all levels and is supplementary to a good voice training regimen. It is strongly advised to continue implementing the resources and trainings used in this mini-course to develop your vocal technique on a regular basis and use it as a foundation for singing with more freedom, expression and mastery of your voice.
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                This course has many different songs that show the words to the songs and the videos also allow people to hear the songs sung by the instructor. This is a fun course that could improve your life through song. This course emphasizes music as a way to teach and to handle groups of children, so they are not wild and disruptive. Some of the songs included are: Make New Friends, The Little Bells of Westminster, Campfire's Burning, Rise Up Oh Flame, Baby Duck and Hey, Ho, Nobody Home.
                  Whether you are a trained singer looking to add new depth and freedom to your voice, or whether you are an inexperienced singer who's looking for a total vocal makeover, this course is guaranteed to help you learn how to improve your singing voice. Step 1: Identify and learn about the most common mistakes vocalists make. Step 2: Use our original exercises to replace your old technique with new healthy singing habits. That's it! This course will apply to those who want to sing with a classical tone, pop/rock/jazz stylings, or any kind of vocal style you wish. The same underlying principles are at work in all styles of singing. Singing isn't a talent you're born with, it's a skill you can learn, and here's why: because every single day those with "natural talent" get surpassed by singers who work hard. This is not a lofty dream, this is proven reality. One of Nathan's students several years ago was a young woman who came in for her first lesson literally only able to sing 5 pitches; everything else would crack or wouldn't come out at all. But she knew she wanted to sing more than anything. She studied these same techniques and practiced hard at home. In time, she had one of the top auditions for her school's honor choir. If you can begin building a habit of singing often, with healthy technique , your voice will improve. That's what this course is all about. It's a thorough guide to helping you uncover the hidden roadblocks you may not realize you have in your vocal technique, and to teach you how to find lasting improvement in your voice. Nathan's original vocal exercises are specifically designed to help singers release vocal tension, using lyrics and patterns that reinforce positive vocal habits. They are available to sing along with on video, or to download and print for personal or educational use. Nathan has a B.A. in Vocal Music Education and leads worship weekly at a growing church in Iowa. He's a composer, pianist, and guitarist. He was section leader in one of the top college choral ensembles in the nation, and he's taught scores of voice students in private lessons. He is also known for the Udemy course Piano Building Blocks, a fun and simple method for learning to play piano by chord. Sign up today!! Keywords: sing, singing, sing better, singing lessons, singing courses, singing from the diaphragm, singing voice, singing lesson, voice lesson, voice training, vocal training, vocal lessons, vocals, vocal course, vocal production, vocal harmony, sing harmony, sing high, sing high notes, singing in tune, sing in tune, sing on pitch, singing pitch, sing lesson, sing lessons, sing professionally, sing rock, sing voice, sing vocal, singing with vibrato, singing with vabrato, singing warm up, singing coach, singing exercises, singing techniques, singing technique, singing transformation, singing training, singing teacher, singing tips, singing advanced, singing success, singing for beginners, singing for busy people, singing for men, singing lessons online, singing classes, singing classical, singing class, singing vibrato, singing voice training, singing voice lessons.
                    Whether you are a beginner, professional or somewhere in the middle, there is something in this course for everyone. Emily will explain how to hit those high notes, breathing techniques, warm ups, good posture, common singing mistakes, how to sing in tune, how to look after your voice, microphone technique, how to structure a song, how to overcome nerves, using vibrato, a basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the voice, tips for going to auditions and a complete strategy to becoming a professional singer! This course will save thousands in singing lessons as the students themselves will learn how to identify mistakes that could normally only be picked up by a vocal coach. For those wanting to become semi-professional or professional, Emily has included bonus material on how to create publicity (photos, audio & video showreels, writing your biography, business cards etc), fully market yourself online for paid work, tools for social media, how to join entertainment agencies and directories, to tips on building your own website, equipment needed for live gigs, working on cruise ships and more.