
Welcome to Navigating AI Risks: A Comprehensive Guide For Businesses course where you can learn about Building Resilient AI Strategies: Protecting Your Business Against AI Risks.

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If you want to learn more on How To Identify AI Risks In Your Business, you need to watch this course.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a potent instrument that promotes innovation, efficiency, and growth in today's quickly changing business environment. To ensure long-term success, organizations must handle the inherent risks and difficulties that come with this cutting-edge technology. The goal of this in-depth course, "Building Resilient AI Strategies: Safeguarding Your Business Against AI Risks," is to provide business decision-makers with the knowledge and abilities they need to effectively manage and mitigate AI-related risks.

Participants will delve into the complexities of AI deployment during this course, studying potential dangers, ethical dilemmas, and legal repercussions. They will receive a thorough awareness of the numerous hazards connected to the use of AI, including security flaws, bias and fairness issues, unforeseen effects, and data privacy breaches. Learners will identify and assess AI risk scenarios and learn to proactively address them to protect their companies from potential harm through useful case studies and real-world examples.

In addition to identifying and evaluating risks, the course will emphasize proactive measures for risk reduction. The discussion will center on the best ways to guarantee the fairness, accountability, and transparency of AI systems. They will learn how to build strong data governance frameworks, improve cybersecurity, and put privacy protection first. The workshop will also discuss how to use continuous monitoring and AI auditing to spot and address possible hazards immediately.

Participants will have the skills and knowledge necessary to create businesses that are resistant to AI at the end of the course, fostering confidence among clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies. This course will provide you with the skills to successfully and responsibly navigate the complicated AI landscape, securing the future of your organization in the age of artificial intelligence, whether you're a business executive, an entrepreneur, or an AI practitioner.

Here is what celebrities, leading entrepreneurs, and experts say about Lily Patrascu:

“Congratulations for your work”

- Billionaire Haluk Okutur, Founder of “Simit Sarayi” Bakery Chain

“If you want to improve your sales and marketing skills, communicate more efficiently and effectively, offer better financial criteria for your projects, and make more deals, you should look for Lily, as her passion and effort for her work behind of each words and her way of caring for people is remarkable.”

- Multimillionaire Yavuz Altun, Founder Of “Happy Center” Supermarket Chain

"I would like to thank my friend and branding and marketing expert Lily Patrascu for her continued support"

- Dame Marie Diamond, Author, Feng Shui & Law of Attraction Master, Celebrity featured in "The Secret"

"Because of Lily's great Branding techniques and her network, in the space of 4 months I have seen an amazing transformation in all areas of my life, she helped me publish my book, she has got me on an international stage through her other business "Speakers Are Leaders" and has really put me in the public eye faster than I expected. I have no doubt that I would continue using Lily's services and collaborate on various ventures and opportunities with her brand and companies. I recommend Lily for your Branding and Marketing needs without hesitation."

- Sandro Heitor, Property Developer & Author

"Lily is one of the best at what she does, she is great at branding.  She immediately spotted my ability of delivering a powerful speech, which I did not know I had in me. She helped me create a book out of my ideas, which she helped me create great branding for and she helped me publish my first book Dare To Be Imperfect. "

- Jimmy Asuni, motivational speaker, banker and author of the Book Dare To Be Imperfect


Welcome to Navigating AI Risks: A Comprehensive Guide For Businesses course where you can learn about Building Resilient AI Strategies: Protecting Your Business Against AI Risks.

+ My GIFT for you:
A FREE e-Book!

If you want to learn more on How To Identify AI Risks In Your Business, you need to watch this course.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a potent instrument that promotes innovation, efficiency, and growth in today's quickly changing business environment. To ensure long-term success, organizations must handle the inherent risks and difficulties that come with this cutting-edge technology. The goal of this in-depth course, "Building Resilient AI Strategies: Safeguarding Your Business Against AI Risks," is to provide business decision-makers with the knowledge and abilities they need to effectively manage and mitigate AI-related risks.

Participants will delve into the complexities of AI deployment during this course, studying potential dangers, ethical dilemmas, and legal repercussions. They will receive a thorough awareness of the numerous hazards connected to the use of AI, including security flaws, bias and fairness issues, unforeseen effects, and data privacy breaches. Learners will identify and assess AI risk scenarios and learn to proactively address them to protect their companies from potential harm through useful case studies and real-world examples.

In addition to identifying and evaluating risks, the course will emphasize proactive measures for risk reduction. The discussion will center on the best ways to guarantee the fairness, accountability, and transparency of AI systems. They will learn how to build strong data governance frameworks, improve cybersecurity, and put privacy protection first. The workshop will also discuss how to use continuous monitoring and AI auditing to spot and address possible hazards immediately.

Participants will have the skills and knowledge necessary to create businesses that are resistant to AI at the end of the course, fostering confidence among clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies. This course will provide you with the skills to successfully and responsibly navigate the complicated AI landscape, securing the future of your organization in the age of artificial intelligence, whether you're a business executive, an entrepreneur, or an AI practitioner.

Here is what celebrities, leading entrepreneurs, and experts say about Lily Patrascu:

“Congratulations for your work”

- Billionaire Haluk Okutur, Founder of “Simit Sarayi” Bakery Chain

“If you want to improve your sales and marketing skills, communicate more efficiently and effectively, offer better financial criteria for your projects, and make more deals, you should look for Lily, as her passion and effort for her work behind of each words and her way of caring for people is remarkable.”

- Multimillionaire Yavuz Altun, Founder Of “Happy Center” Supermarket Chain

"I would like to thank my friend and branding and marketing expert Lily Patrascu for her continued support"

- Dame Marie Diamond, Author, Feng Shui & Law of Attraction Master, Celebrity featured in "The Secret"

"Because of Lily's great Branding techniques and her network, in the space of 4 months I have seen an amazing transformation in all areas of my life, she helped me publish my book, she has got me on an international stage through her other business "Speakers Are Leaders" and has really put me in the public eye faster than I expected. I have no doubt that I would continue using Lily's services and collaborate on various ventures and opportunities with her brand and companies. I recommend Lily for your Branding and Marketing needs without hesitation."

- Sandro Heitor, Property Developer & Author

"Lily is one of the best at what she does, she is great at branding.  She immediately spotted my ability of delivering a powerful speech, which I did not know I had in me. She helped me create a book out of my ideas, which she helped me create great branding for and she helped me publish my first book Dare To Be Imperfect. "

- Jimmy Asuni, motivational speaker, banker and author of the Book Dare To Be Imperfect


Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay, and is changing the world and the workplace. AI can complete some tasks much more quickly and efficiently than humans. Want to know more about AI but not sure where to start? Know you need to research the different AI tools out there but can’t find the time?

This introductory course has curated the most relevant AI programmes that will benefit corporate fundraisers and business development professionals in their roles. The course is of interest to anyone with an interest in the AI and explains how AI tools can help you in your job as well as your non profit organisation.

Should you let your Line Manager know that you're using AI to write a funding bid? Should you let your donors know that you're using AI? it can be a divisive topic. The ethical implications of using AI are considered in the course and students will gain a much a good understanding of how AI and how it can be used.

The course comprises short lectures and quick quizzes with a further reading and resources sheet that can be downloaded.

There are some exciting tools out there that can make your job easier - take part in the course and see for yourself!


Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay, and is changing the world and the workplace. AI can complete some tasks much more quickly and efficiently than humans. Want to know more about AI but not sure where to start? Know you need to research the different AI tools out there but can’t find the time?

This introductory course has curated the most relevant AI programmes that will benefit corporate fundraisers and business development professionals in their roles. The course is of interest to anyone with an interest in the AI and explains how AI tools can help you in your job as well as your non profit organisation.

Should you let your Line Manager know that you're using AI to write a funding bid? Should you let your donors know that you're using AI? it can be a divisive topic. The ethical implications of using AI are considered in the course and students will gain a much a good understanding of how AI and how it can be used.

The course comprises short lectures and quick quizzes with a further reading and resources sheet that can be downloaded.

There are some exciting tools out there that can make your job easier - take part in the course and see for yourself!


Discover the art of problem-solving at its core through an innovative course that seamlessly merges time-honored techniques with cutting-edge AI technology. Uncover the secrets of root cause analysis that have long eluded many, as we unveil a comprehensive seven-step approach bolstered by AI integration, empowering you to master the realm of problem resolution.

In today's dynamic landscape, companies often find themselves trapped in a cycle of addressing surface-level concerns without delving into the underlying root causes. This shortsighted "firefighting" approach may temporarily quell issues, but it inevitably leads to recurring problems that cripple both individuals and organizations. The ultimate challenge lies in excavating the true origins of a problem, a task that has confounded even the most seasoned professionals. Despite the multitude of tools available for root cause analysis, none have successfully distilled the process into a clear, methodical sequence—until now.

Embark on a transformative journey through our trailblazing course, where we unravel the intricate threads of root cause analysis. Conventional methods, like cause and effect diagrams and the 5 Whys, can prove labyrinthine in their complexity. However, the course introduces a game-changing ally: AI Chat GPT. Harness the power of AI guidance to expedite the identification of root causes and the formulation of corrective measures. This translates to expedited problem resolution and streamlined report generation.

Understand that every issue harbors an underlying root cause, waiting to be unearthed. Our systematic approach empowers you to not only manage problems but obliterate them from the core. Delve into the integration of AI into pivotal stages of root cause analysis, with real-world case studies providing tangible examples of these methodologies in action.

Embrace the era of swift results, where AI Chat GPT facilitates the journey to root cause revelation. Learn directly from a seasoned expert with over three decades of experience, a practitioner who has salvaged fortunes through problem-solving prowess. Benefit from the distilled wisdom of an instructor who has honed the art of instruction, ensuring that complex concepts are comprehensible, memorable, and instantly applicable.

Immerse yourself in a learning environment where mobile-friendly, visually engaging materials guarantee effective comprehension. Access four supplementary resources and even wield the case study as an interview asset, leaving potential employers awestruck by your mastery of root cause analysis.

Emerge not only as a proficient problem solver but as a trailblazer, armed with unparalleled insights that propel you beyond competitors. Join us in this transformative course and pave your path to becoming an unequivocal expert in root cause analysis.


Discover the art of problem-solving at its core through an innovative course that seamlessly merges time-honored techniques with cutting-edge AI technology. Uncover the secrets of root cause analysis that have long eluded many, as we unveil a comprehensive seven-step approach bolstered by AI integration, empowering you to master the realm of problem resolution.

In today's dynamic landscape, companies often find themselves trapped in a cycle of addressing surface-level concerns without delving into the underlying root causes. This shortsighted "firefighting" approach may temporarily quell issues, but it inevitably leads to recurring problems that cripple both individuals and organizations. The ultimate challenge lies in excavating the true origins of a problem, a task that has confounded even the most seasoned professionals. Despite the multitude of tools available for root cause analysis, none have successfully distilled the process into a clear, methodical sequence—until now.

Embark on a transformative journey through our trailblazing course, where we unravel the intricate threads of root cause analysis. Conventional methods, like cause and effect diagrams and the 5 Whys, can prove labyrinthine in their complexity. However, the course introduces a game-changing ally: AI Chat GPT. Harness the power of AI guidance to expedite the identification of root causes and the formulation of corrective measures. This translates to expedited problem resolution and streamlined report generation.

Understand that every issue harbors an underlying root cause, waiting to be unearthed. Our systematic approach empowers you to not only manage problems but obliterate them from the core. Delve into the integration of AI into pivotal stages of root cause analysis, with real-world case studies providing tangible examples of these methodologies in action.

Embrace the era of swift results, where AI Chat GPT facilitates the journey to root cause revelation. Learn directly from a seasoned expert with over three decades of experience, a practitioner who has salvaged fortunes through problem-solving prowess. Benefit from the distilled wisdom of an instructor who has honed the art of instruction, ensuring that complex concepts are comprehensible, memorable, and instantly applicable.

Immerse yourself in a learning environment where mobile-friendly, visually engaging materials guarantee effective comprehension. Access four supplementary resources and even wield the case study as an interview asset, leaving potential employers awestruck by your mastery of root cause analysis.

Emerge not only as a proficient problem solver but as a trailblazer, armed with unparalleled insights that propel you beyond competitors. Join us in this transformative course and pave your path to becoming an unequivocal expert in root cause analysis.


Are you a business leader, manager, or executive?
Are you feel confident and ready to embrace the potential of AI and stay ahead of the game in the fast-paced business world?

Our AI 101 online course is designed exclusively for business leaders and executives like you.

In the coming months and years, AI is set to revolutionize the business landscape, presenting both exciting opportunities and potential risks.

Executives, Managers, and Business leaders like you must be able to unlock the power of AI to empower their businesses for the future!

But you need to be able to identify the hype from real business opportunities. And risks!

Equip yourself and your team with the knowledge needed to thrive in this AI-driven era.

You do NOT need to learn how to code, use machine learning, or deep learning algorithms as a manager!

  • Most AI-related courses teach you HOW to code and use the technical elements of AI.

  • Here you learn the WHY of AI and the BUSINESS IMPLICATIONS of AI.

  • And WHAT you as a manager have to do.

Not only on an AI implementation level. But (even more so) on a human level!

Because every AI project will fail if you don't know how to get your people on board! And you will know how to do this after completing this course.

Your benefits from enrolling in this course:

1. Be Ahead of the Curve of the application of AI in business
We prepare you and your team to navigate the upcoming changes with confidence, ensuring your business remains resilient and adaptable, even in the face of disruption.

2. Strategic Insights in AI
Gain invaluable information to assess your business strategies in light of AI's profound impact. Make informed decisions that lead to success.

3. Uncover Potential Risks
Explore the essential considerations for AI implementation, empowering you to steer your business towards success while mitigating potential pitfalls.

4. Tailored for Business Leaders
No complex jargon or unnecessary technicalities! This course is specially tailored for leaders seeking to understand AI within the context of their business.

5. Real-World AI Examples
We provide you with multiple real-world examples in areas you would not expect to see AI, like in perfume-production or frail care.

6. The Path Forward with AI
Thanks to the checklists and templates you will develop a clear plan of action on how to leverage AI.

Discover the Why, Impact, and Plan for AI Adoption in your business.

Don't miss this chance to stay ahead in the AI revolution.

Our short, professional, and focused lectures allow you to dive into specific areas of interest, tailoring your learning experience to suit your needs.

Book now and unlock the secrets to harnessing AI's full potential for your business success!

Enroll today and secure your place at the forefront of the AI-driven future.


Are you a business leader, manager, or executive?
Are you feel confident and ready to embrace the potential of AI and stay ahead of the game in the fast-paced business world?

Our AI 101 online course is designed exclusively for business leaders and executives like you.

In the coming months and years, AI is set to revolutionize the business landscape, presenting both exciting opportunities and potential risks.

Executives, Managers, and Business leaders like you must be able to unlock the power of AI to empower their businesses for the future!

But you need to be able to identify the hype from real business opportunities. And risks!

Equip yourself and your team with the knowledge needed to thrive in this AI-driven era.

You do NOT need to learn how to code, use machine learning, or deep learning algorithms as a manager!

  • Most AI-related courses teach you HOW to code and use the technical elements of AI.

  • Here you learn the WHY of AI and the BUSINESS IMPLICATIONS of AI.

  • And WHAT you as a manager have to do.

Not only on an AI implementation level. But (even more so) on a human level!

Because every AI project will fail if you don't know how to get your people on board! And you will know how to do this after completing this course.

Your benefits from enrolling in this course:

1. Be Ahead of the Curve of the application of AI in business
We prepare you and your team to navigate the upcoming changes with confidence, ensuring your business remains resilient and adaptable, even in the face of disruption.

2. Strategic Insights in AI
Gain invaluable information to assess your business strategies in light of AI's profound impact. Make informed decisions that lead to success.

3. Uncover Potential Risks
Explore the essential considerations for AI implementation, empowering you to steer your business towards success while mitigating potential pitfalls.

4. Tailored for Business Leaders
No complex jargon or unnecessary technicalities! This course is specially tailored for leaders seeking to understand AI within the context of their business.

5. Real-World AI Examples
We provide you with multiple real-world examples in areas you would not expect to see AI, like in perfume-production or frail care.

6. The Path Forward with AI
Thanks to the checklists and templates you will develop a clear plan of action on how to leverage AI.

Discover the Why, Impact, and Plan for AI Adoption in your business.

Don't miss this chance to stay ahead in the AI revolution.

Our short, professional, and focused lectures allow you to dive into specific areas of interest, tailoring your learning experience to suit your needs.

Book now and unlock the secrets to harnessing AI's full potential for your business success!

Enroll today and secure your place at the forefront of the AI-driven future.

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Whether you’re a fan of AI or not, it is here, and it is accessible. You may not even be aware of it, but many students and employees are already actively using AI for content creation. That amazing report or promotional piece you read by one of your employees, may well have been created by an AI tool. And so, it is vital that businesses recognise this reality in order to best protect themselves. And of course, to adapt and grow in order to remain current and competitive.

The risks associated with authorised or unauthorised AI in business, has the potential to land a business in a situation that is not favourable. An example of that could be a legal claim made against the business.

The course aims to minimise those risks, by making you aware of some of the potential pitfalls so that you can address them in advance and decide how you wish to move forward as a business or individual when using AI.

This course will be beneficial for individuals, influencers, creators, companies and employees, because it highlights areas that not everyone will have considered in the fast-paced emerging world of AI.

This course looks at:

  • An introduction to AI and its presence within the workplace.

  • The benefits of using AI in business.

  • Legal considerations.

  • Risks and considerations.

  • Employment law considerations.

  • Sustainability and ethical considerations.

  • Ideas for a company policy around AI use

  • Conclusion

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Whether you’re a fan of AI or not, it is here, and it is accessible. You may not even be aware of it, but many students and employees are already actively using AI for content creation. That amazing report or promotional piece you read by one of your employees, may well have been created by an AI tool. And so, it is vital that businesses recognise this reality in order to best protect themselves. And of course, to adapt and grow in order to remain current and competitive.

The risks associated with authorised or unauthorised AI in business, has the potential to land a business in a situation that is not favourable. An example of that could be a legal claim made against the business.

The course aims to minimise those risks, by making you aware of some of the potential pitfalls so that you can address them in advance and decide how you wish to move forward as a business or individual when using AI.

This course will be beneficial for individuals, influencers, creators, companies and employees, because it highlights areas that not everyone will have considered in the fast-paced emerging world of AI.

This course looks at:

  • An introduction to AI and its presence within the workplace.

  • The benefits of using AI in business.

  • Legal considerations.

  • Risks and considerations.

  • Employment law considerations.

  • Sustainability and ethical considerations.

  • Ideas for a company policy around AI use

  • Conclusion