PARTIES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!!! Yet not all of us really enjoy them. Some of us actually stay seated or by the bar watching our phones, checking if we have new messages but we all know that very few people text at this type of hour... At some point we look up at the dance floor and... WOAAW some people are busting a small move together, swinging while smiling and having fun, all of this in sync. "Have they rehearsed together?" "Do they know each other?" "Are they dancers?" Most of the time the answer is none of the above. Then, "How do they do that??"  "Oh I wish I could do that too"  "Well anyways, I'm not cut out for that"  "It looks too complicated"  "Wait, the thing they're doing, what is that even called?"  "You know what, I think I actually don't like parties, I'm bored!"... If you have gone through similar experiences, let me tell you that you're not the only one and that it does really SUCKS! PARTIES ARE NOT FUN You may have felt it for the last months, or maybe years, but parties are not fun anymore when we get stuck in a corner while others are having fun. To the point where you get nervous if someone mentions about the next party you WILL HAVE to attend (because yes, some of your "friends" force you) just thinking about going through the same boring and frustrating experience. Meanwhile how can some people comparatively have so much fun on the dance floor?? They're obviously not dancers but they have a minimum of moves which allows them to catch on the vibe and be "part of the party". WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? So what is it? Shyness ? If so how to compensate that shyness? Some would suggest to just "forget about anyone and dance for yourself without caring about what other people think and bla bla bla..." Seriously, if it was that easy don't you think we would be already doing it?? *New Approach Suppose you had mastered the moves, would it make a difference? I bet it would! What you get good at you also get confident at , right? Leads us to the next question: How to get good at it? (Assuming we even know what moves or what it is we're looking for, which is yet another story itself...) YOUTUBE WON'T HELP You have tried, I have tried it, we have all tried it. Why Youtube doesn't work for us? Sadly, I found that YouTubers care a lot more about their views and how cool they look rather than teaching to a real beginner (which doesn't look that cool). You may or may not relate to it but most of the time I have tried YouTube dance tutorials, they were skipping a lot of things in-between, assuming "it made sense" to naturally guess whatever was not explicitly mentioned. IS THERE A MIRACLE SOLUTION? Unfortunately not! BUT THERE IS A METHOD THAT YOU CAN LEARN! I called this the breakdown method : Most of the steps have core moves and the rest is just layers of energy that are added to make it look "better" *METHOD: --> Remove every layers of energy (BREAKDOWN) --> Get to the core move and master it (Very easy) --> Start adding back layers of energy little by little Most of the time people learn the step in its entirety and that's why it so difficult to get! You have to focus on everything at the same time: your rhythm, your legs, your arms, hips... No way, we're beginners! I have spent time to study and understand the nature of steps and have tested it to my private dancing classes, re-crafting it over and over so it could be easily applied today, online. In this course you will: - use this Breakdown method to master 5 of the most popular moves and enjoy your next party - Get familiar with the process so learning moves will become faster for you as you progress throughout the course - Understand the right timing and the right use of these moves - Get feedback from me so I can tell you some personal suggestions - Stay up-to-date with the current trend, as I am always scouting for the freshest moves *Bonus You will also learn a way to multiply those moves with a secret trick so that your range gets even broader than 5 moves THERE IS NOT BETTER TIME TO LEARN THAN NOW Your next party could be next week, in a month from now, or for Christmas and New Year's eve! Let's change the game this time and make it one to remember as the new YOU, who enjoys busting a move and have fun at parties! Hope to see you in class and dramatically improve your game!!  :)
    "Basic Dance Moves for Guys - Completely beginner lessons" is a step-by-step system that helps guys go from being awkward and out-of-place on the dance floor , to becoming d ance-floor-ready in 3 days time. This system teaches you the dance style that's best described as "club dancing." It's that casual, fun dancing people do at night-clubs, or parties! It's done to songs you hear on the radio -- you know, house, pop, R&B, hip hop and other up-beat dance-jams. And the dance moves taught are JUST-FOR-GUYS. In other words, this program does NOT teach you: Ridiculous music video routines that you can never see yourself doing in public Partner dancing stuff that's waaaay too formal. and not suitable for a casual night out Goofy, silly dance moves that make you look like a clown Super feminine dance moves that asks to go waaaay too far beyond your comfort zone This program takes you step-by-step, through the process of: gaining rhythm moving to the beat loosening up your body to stop looking stiff and tensed up learning a set of the most versatile, best looking dance moves connecting these moves together practicing them the right way so you master them within the week Here's the bottom line: Watch -- and follow -- 1 set of video a day -- for 3 Days. Each set of videos runs for around 42 minutes. By the end of day 3, you'll possess the new ability to walk out onto any dance floor - start moving, stepping, grooving to the music, and join in on the fun. Follow exactly as I do, and start seeing results! It's that simple! 3 Bonuses: Footwork starter kit: 3 additional footwork-based dance moves to help you look AWESOMEl! CLUB DANCE Best Practices: Answers to the most commonly asked club-dance questions NEW Dancer's FAQ: Answers to most commonly asked questions by new dancers.
      What is improvisation? I believe there is no such thing like „I can not improvise in dance/ movements.” Everything is within you. Your body remembers all of your movement you have ever made. Your mind might not remember but your body does. It's one of the best way to improve self-knowledgement, awarness, sensitivity and not last to mention (self) expression. In these lectures I will teach you tasks which are very helpful to move your body differently. Every tasks will make you use a different quality of motion. The course contains: techniques which leads your focus to different body parts techniques how to use your enviroment to inspire your movements techniques which helps to read the space around you thoughts which froms your movement build inside rythm build awarness working with different moods and emotions There is no one who can NOT improvising! You don't even have to have a dancer background for it. You always move. Youre thoghts, your emotions, your body, within your body your cells are always moving. I just teach you ways where you can lead your movements. I hope you will face some „difficulties” where you don't have other choice but to step out of your comfort zone. The magic (the improvement) happens there. :) Be happy if you find some task hard. Always practise those more then just the fun task. There is two goals with this: to ENJOY and/ or to GROW. Enjoyment is fun time, growing is always the harder times. But trust yourself, and whatever it brings have fun!
        This course was created for guys that are looking to take their dance skills up a notch; for guys that are looking to jump inside the dance circle at the next party! The dance moves taught in this program are from the dance styles of Hip Hop, House Dancing, Shuffling, Charleston and C-walking. Each move is broken down into a step-by-step, easy to follow format so you don't get overwhelmed or confused when learning the dance moves.
          Wait No More and Start Learning Kizomba Today! Did you always wish to learn KIZOMBA the right way, or to improve your Kizomba technique? Are you looking for a new and exciting hobby to do with your partner? Do you want to impress your friend on the next party? Or even would you like to loose some pounds,  while increasing your self esteem and having a lot of FUN?? João Capela and Vera Gomes , a couple with more than 15 years of dance experience, had made for you a simple to follow KIZOMBA course , with a series of videos and steps that fit like a puzzle, and that will take you from the total ZERO (from having two left feet) to an expert in Kizomba . João and Vera have being teaching Kizomba in their own Dance Studio in Portugal (Academia João Capela), and also in several other studios and countries. In their portuguese version of this Kizomba Online Course, João and Vera have students from Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Fance, Check Republic, Uruguai, Vietname and growing. In this version specially made for Udemy , you will learn EVERYTHING you need to start in this amazing dance that is Kizomba, and start finally dancing in any place or event. As soon as you start you will stop no more! It is more than proven that learning to dance, like KIZOMBA, is one of the best activities that you can take. Improves your social capacities , your coordination , balance and posture , it is an excellent exercice ... and it's a lot of FUN! In this course you will learn not only the KIZOMBA basic steps the right way, but also some more advanced moves . You will also learn how to move your body and hip , you will learn different step combinations, and much more!! Sign Up Today and Start having fun today While Dancing Kizomba! :)
            Ever seen one of those pro Shuffle Dancers bust out a move at a festival? People gather around, to cheer them on. Everyone pulls out their phone to record them and they get featured on YouTube and the EDM online forums. It's gotta be pretty sweet being the center of attention right? Well, if you're looking to also become the center of attention at the next music festival, then I've created this Shuffle Dance Masterclass for you! How is it different from these other 6-min dance tutorials out there? When you're trying to pick up a new language -- let's say French for example -- you can't really watch a "Top 10 useful French phrases" video to learn how to speak French right? Instead, if you want to learn how to speak French, you need to learn the French vocabulary, get the right amount of practice of these words, and then, you need to learn how to put the vocabulary together in the right order. After doing all these things, you can begin to start constructing sentences and speaking speaking French, right? Learning the language of "Shuffle Dancing" is the same way! The free 6-minute Shuffle tutorials out there teach you singular dance moves, but it doesn't teach you how to actually Shuffle DANCE. The Shuffle Dance Masterclass on the other hand, teaches you.. The right dance moves in the right pace Guides you through the right amount of repetition so you can perform the moves effortlessly Show you how to connect the dance moves together How to finally become fluent in the language of Shuffle Dancing Also, you'll learn a 20 second Shuffle Routine so you have something ready for the next music Festival right away! Once you've gone through this course, and follow through with the exercises, you will be ready for the Shuffle dance circle at the next event. Get started with the course now!
              I love music. I love how it makes me feel and I love how it brings people together. No one should ever feel like they can't be a part of it. That's why I created the Colourform learn-to-dance program - the ultimate gateway for absolute beginners to learn how to dance to nearly any genre of music! The pedagogy is galvanised by custom-made music and a fascinating science flare, all wrapped up in a lighthearted 'gamified' experience. Each video has been maticulously designed to be no longer than 5-10 minutes. You'll learn one idea per lesson and instantly be able to put it into practice through 'drills' and simple 'homework' tasks. In Module 1 you'll learn: how to use colour to map out parts of the body how these colours match different elements in a piece of music how to Groove, Sync, and Move In Module 2 you'll learn: a basic dance vocabulary to a variety of popular music genres In Module 3 you'll learn: advanced movement combinations, genre adaptation, weight transfer, contrast and freestyling Colourform is a fun new way of thinking about dance education. It's a language designed to help bring you closer to the music and to the people around you. I can't wait to share it with you!
                Have you ever been in a place where you have seen a pro shuffle dancer who attracts all the attention like in a party or a festival with his dancing moves everybody stars recording him with their phones And you were like " WOW I really want to be that guy, look how he is dancing smoothly and being the center of attention ". I personally always wanted to be that guy, so I started to learn Cutting Shapes and Shuffle Dance especially because it fits the music played in the biggest parties, and guess what, with hard work and determination I finally reached that level, and after watching this course you will be the one who sets the floors on fire. In my courses, I will be teaching you how to Cutting Shapes and Shuffle Dance step by step in a simple way, I won't be doing a lot of boring talk during my courses, all you have to do is to repeat the moves step by step after me, you will need to do a lot of practicing so you can master the moves . This is Ali CHOKAIRY your friendly teacher see you inside the course!
                  I have been dancing everything from hip hop to tap to ballet, and there isn't a dance that gives me as much pleasure as the Charleston! There is a reason why Charleston swept the nation during the 1920s and is once again sweeping the world with an incredible rebirth! This dance is ridiculously fun, easy to learn and some how provides the depth for a life long journey of discovery and improvement. If you don't believe me, just Search "I Charleston" on youtube. In this course you will start out with the basic's, but we are going to take it much further. I am going to give detailed breakdowns of the Advanced Charleston steps that only a handful of dancers in the world know, and took me over 12 years to figure out how to actually do properly. I think Charleston is most natural dance for the human body. It is based the body movement of walking combined with the head boppin' rhythm of authentic jazz and swing music. Now it has evolved to where you can dance it to your not only swing, but just about any for of pop music found today. Though simple at first glance, the Charleston expands into a variety of styles that are exciting and dynamic to dance once learned. They offer a great physical challenge for people looking to improve their dance skills and coordination since it is based on counter body movement and balancing the upper and lower body movements. A lot of the footwork and body movement found in Swing Dancing and Lindy Hop along with modern street dances like Shuffling, Hip Hop, Locking, House is based on the Charleston. Learning this dance is probably one of the best things you can do to strengthen your dance foundation and improve coordination and Rhythm. Once you have mastered the steps in this course, an endless world of improvisation is at your finger tips using vernacular jazz movements and self expression. In addition, it will open the doors to the world of swing dancing, Lindy Hop, Authentic Jazz and an international community of friendly dancers. Lastly, I can get through an hour of CrossFit or yoga but struggle to Charleston for more that 40 minutes. It is simply one of the most intense calorie munching workout's when done right. In this course, getting fit becomes the sweet side effect of having fun.
                    Have you always wanted to swing dance? You’re in the right place! You can learn to swing dance online with virtual dance lessons from world champion swing dancers, Kevin St. Laurent and Jo Hoffberg. Take the course at your own pace and from the comfort of home. *No experience required to get started* If you are ANY of the following: Someone who has never danced before, and always claims to have two left feet You have previous dance experience and want to master the basics of Swing Dance You are a dance instructor and are looking for an organized methodology and clear instructional cues to improve teaching technique A group of friends or a workgroup looking for a fantastic team building activity You are preparing for a special event like a wedding, swing themed party, 1940s gala, or a Great Gatsby soiree Learning to swing dance is really fun. The music is happy, the movement is expressive, rhythmic and energetic and it is a really exciting art form that offers a ton of creative possibilities!  Kevin and Jo’s Intro to Swing course will teach you everything you need to know to get you enjoying the dance floor. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!