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Be a more productive, more confident, more successful, happier writer than you’ve ever been before! Lots of courses teach you how to improve your writing skills, but nearly all of them miss a critical issue writers must master if they want to succeed: the unique mental challenges that are at play when we write. From writer’s block and critical self-talk to distractions and time management, from feeling too close to our words in the editing process to insecurities beginning freelancers and new authors face in getting published, writing is full of emotional and psychological hurdles that can drag down our success and our happiness, no matter how skillful we are at crafting our words. They can also stifle our ability to write and become better writers. They can riddle us with self-doubt and trick us into believing a story we tell ourselves: “My writing isn’t good enough, and it’s never going to be good enough” – when that story simply isn’t true . Welcome to the first course in a new, groundbreaking series of workshops on the psychology of writing , and the mental and emotional challenges writers face. Taught by writing coach, bestselling author, and professional travel writer Dave Fox, this particular workshop – part one in our series – focuses on writer’s block, self-criticism, emotional overwhelm when writing, and how to write about personally difficult topics. We’ll explore: What writer’s block really is, what it isn’t , and ways to overcome it. Why some writers are considered “gifted” and how you can become one of them. How to tame your “inner bully” – that gremlin in your head who whispers demoralizing things to you when you write – things you would never say to anyone else. Writer’s jealousy: Comparing ourselves to other writers can ignite or stifle our success, depending on what we tell ourselves. How to write when writing doesn’t feel good. How to start writing again if you’ve been in a rut. Writing about emotionally sensitive topics, and deciding how much about yourself to reveal. Writer’s overwhelm: From too many ideas and not enough time, to stories that branch off on too many tangents, to the daunting task of starting and finishing books and other large projects. Understanding the difference between “perfect” and “good enough,” and establishing a sane middle ground so you can get your good work out there and be more productive. Unlike many Udemy courses you just download and watch, this course is interactive . It includes hands-on journaling exercises to help you get to the root of your biggest mental challenges. In the forums, you’ll be encouraged to share your thoughts and experiences with other writers, to commiserate and share strategies for success – kind of like group therapy but more fun! Dave teaches with a mix of practical advice, motivation and encouragement, and a sprinkling of tough love to get your words moving. He laces it all together with anecdotes and experiences from his life as a travel writer and bestselling author, and shares his personal journey to becoming a more confident, more productive, happier writer who tripled his hourly freelance income with one client after making one simple change in the way he approached his writing. Get on track and write to your fullest potential! If you’ve ever found yourself wondering why your writing wasn’t “good enough,” or worrying whether it was ever going to be “good enough;” if you’ve ever thrown secret mini-tantrums as you stared at your word processor, frustrated that your words weren’t coming out the way you wanted them to; if you’ve ever felt stuck, stalled, or anxious about what you were writing or how you were writing it; if you’ve ever wondered if writing could be easier and more fun; this course will help you unravel the clogs in your brain and write to your fullest potential. (And if you wrestle with challenges such as distraction, organization, time management, editing insecurities, publishing fears, and a long list of other mental challenges that nearly all writers face at one point or another, check out course number two in this series – "Overcome Writing Distractions: Stop Procrastinating and Write!") Sometimes, writing is hard. That’s a reality all writers face. But it doesn’t have to be a confidence crusher. Knowing how to write to the best of your ability, how to keep growing your skills to new levels, and how to keep writing on days when you’re feeling uncertain, will make writing feel lighter and less arduous. So join us in this fun, high-energy workshop designed to help you tame your mental writing beasts, and become the writer you deserve to be – because you’ve got stories to tell and there are readers out there who are waiting to read them. Dave Fox is dedicated to your success and he’s here to help. So sign up today and become a more productive, more confident, more successful, happier writer than you’ve ever been before! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "(Dave is) the best writing teacher I have ever had. Talented, funny, approachable, and structured." – Leslie in Surrey, England "Dave Fox is an amazing teacher who will give you online feedback as if you were sitting right next to him." – Joan in Bakersfield, California ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Also check out my other courses on Udemy: The Writing Mind 2: Overcome Distractions & Get More Written Globejotting: How to Write Extraordinary Travel Journals (and still have time to enjoy your trip!) Travel Writing: Explore the World and Publish Your Stories Deep Travel: Have Adventures No Guidebook Can Tell You About Professional Humor Tricks for Writers, Speakers, and Other Misfits
    Imagine being able to live wherever you want while earning a great living doing something you love. From the beaches of the tropics to the bustling cafes of Europe, it is very possible to earn a full time income writing for 15-20 hours a week. I know, I've been doing it for over 5 years. In this course I'm going to introduce you to the world of writing and I'll share with you my own experiences being a full time writer. Over this time I have worked as a freelance copywriter, article writer, and author. I've done everything from print advertisements to sales letters to website copy. I've also published 11 of my own books which now provide a significant passive income, and I've also built a loyal audience through writing my own blog and newsletter. In fact, writing has funded the last few incredible years of my life during which time I've lived all over the world... Including the tropical paradise of Costa Rica , and literary destinations like Italy , Barcelona , Prague, and New York . I was inspired to create this course after working with aspiring writers and discovering how little knowledge they often had about the industry. Which, might I add, is huge. Writing is essentially communication...which in a way is, well, everything. So this creates a tremendous opportunity for income, as well as a tremendous opportunity for confusion and mistakes. So where is the best place to start? Is it better to write books for yourself or articles for companies? If you're tight on cash, what's the best route to get started so you can support yourself? What kind of clients are best to work with? Who pays the best? Who is the biggest pain in the ass? There are all these different avenues to go down, all using essentially the same core skill: Your words. The unfortunate thing, at least for those who haven't found this course, is there is a huge gap between the different opportunities. Some areas pay absolute garbage while offering little in the way of stability or satisfaction... Whereas other kinds of writing work can be really fun and fulfilling, while paying upwards of a $100 dollars an hour. Similarly, some kind of work is great to start with and allows you to jumpstart your career at $40-60 an hour...but then you risk getting stuck there. Whereas other areas are tough to get started, but once you do, the sky really is the limit in terms of income. Once you join, you'll learn about each area of writing as an income opportunity. You'll learn about the kind of work you can do and the kind of clients you'd be working with. From here you'll be in a much better position to evaluate writing as a potential career for you, and, if you decide it is for you, you'll be in a great position to plan out your next 6-12 months. You'll have the knowledge you need from the start to bypass many of the hurdles and challenges facing new writers and save yourself from wasting time and money. Once inside, here are some of the things you'll learn: You'll learn all the different kinds of work you can do as a writer, what kinds of companies you can work for, and what kind of money you can expect to earn. As I've said earlier, there is a big difference in pay rates between different kinds of work, so this part is really important. You'll learn the basics of getting new clients and marketing. This course isn't focused on this area, but I'll teach you enough to get started and get your first 2-3 clients, and at least $1,000 in income so you can get a taste of what it feels like to write for a living. You'll learn about client management: The different ways you can be charging and how to bill. When should you charge by the word? The page? The hour? By the project? We'll take a look at ghostwriting. When is it better to write under the client's name, and when should you insist on writing under your own name? You'll find out what your day to day life could, and perhaps should, look like when we go through the lifestyle aspect of writing in terms of productivity and staying focused. You'll learn the best way to set up your days to be a productive and successful writer. I'll also share with you some of my own insights into what makes a successful writer. Why do some writers seem to breeze along making 6-figures while others are just barely scraping by? What is the real reason for this difference and how can you be the kind of writer that prospers? There's a lot more, but I think by now you have a good idea about who I am and what this course is about. By the end of this course you'll have a much better understanding of what life is like as a writer, and all the opportunities available to you today to begin your career as a writer. By taking this course you'll avoid making painful beginner mistakes like: Charging too little money. Going through painful dry spells with no income. Working in the wrong area or with the wrong kinds of clients. Doing work that kills your soul, when you could be getting paid better to do interesting work you actually enjoy! By the end of this training you'll be well on your way to being a professional writer. You're going to understand the industry, the opportunities, and around how much you should charge prospective clients for different kinds of work. You'll also know which areas are the most suited to your current situation, based on the income potential, income steadiness, and the ease in which you can get started. Watch a few of the free videos, or better yet, trust your instincts and join today. Remember, you're protected by a 30 day money back guarantee so if you join and decide after a few days that you really don't like me, or the content isn't for you, you can always get your money back. I think you'll find this course really inspiring and encouraging. It is something I'm really passionate about and I hope that comes through in the lessons. Oh, and one more thing. Once you're inside, feel free to ask lots of questions in the discussions. I'm here to help and I do my best to provide individual feedback for everyone, based on your unique situation. Congratulations on taking the first step and I look forward to seeing you inside. Dan Johnston
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      Make the most of your love of theatre and raise your profile by crafting  reviews to post on your blog or on one of the many theatre review websites in just over an hour. Cheat Sheets help you write your best ever  review and shows you how to gain the right information at every step from scanning websites to showing up to after show talks. The course contains 6 modules that use 5 minute bullet point lectures with fun activities to get you used to the process of putting together reviews in not much time. This course follows you every step of the way from booking the ticket to uploading your first theatre review with ideas on how to go viral. This will be the first of many reviews you write and open up a new window of associates and networks. This course will let you share your love of theatre and bring out the inner writer inside you easily by pleasantly tapping into a social activity you love.
        Advanced Writing Strategies for Immediate Improvement is a comprehensive online guide designed to help provide learners with the writing skills necessary for success in the academic and professional worlds. The course, which is specifically tailored for a completely online learning experience, consists of approximately 40 lectures and dozens of activities to reinforce the concepts discussed in each lecture. This course will take approximately 5-7 weeks to complete, but the actual time will vary depending on the individual learner. Course chapters include detailed explanations of required and optional essay goals and sentence-by-sentence models for various essay types, advanced formal alternatives for common informal vocabulary terms and sentence mechanics, detailed instructions for the usage of advanced punctuation, strategies for identifying and refuting invalid arguments, and methods for reducing subjectivity in essay writing. Chapters also include a model essay demonstrating how each lecture therein can be immediately used. All course materials are included within this course.
          One of the high-rated writing courses on Udemy 4.77 out of 5 all time student rating (95.4%) 35 5-Star reviews Taught by a UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR , Dr. Duncan Koerber Submit your writing to Dr. Koerber for review within the course What students say... "Excellent--I rate it ten stars out of five." — Julie Heyer, Udemy Student "Take this course - improve your writing — end of story!" — James Cochrane, Udemy Student "The content is fantastic." — Chris Lewis, Udemy Student "Information that you can apply right away." — Kim Ruby, Udemy Student "I can tell he's passionate about his work and he shows it throughout the lessons." — Ana, Udemy Student "I recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their writing." — Sheverley Maye, Udemy Student "This is an especially useful and remarkably good course." — Avrohom Meir Greenhut, Udemy Student "The assignments forced me to become more objective and build better habits." — Marla Morris, Udemy Student "The explanation of parallelism and its usage was simply amazing." — Bindu Midha, Udemy Student Do you want to impress employers, editors, or online readers with your writing? Do you want to get A grades on term papers and essays? Do you want to become a good writer – in creative non-fiction, journalism, fiction, or academic writing – as quickly as possible? The secret to this writing success is not studying 200 grammar and style points in the writing textbooks. Instead, this course – designed by an experienced university professor and published author with Oxford University Press – shows you the sentence-level lessons you need to know to write well. These are the 7 most common problems found in people’s writing. These problems most likely lurk – like weeds – in your writing right now. If you complete the lessons, exercises, and assignments honestly and fully as outlined in this course, then your writing will improve in just a few weeks of intensive study. If you do not find this course helpful, you may request a refund within 30 days, no questions asked. These lessons, exercises, and assignments were designed and tested at the University of Toronto and York University with thousands of undergraduate students. Many students improved their grades by a whole grade category after completing these lessons, finding that this short list of key lessons provides clarity. Students have applied these lessons in the workplace to great success. Join now and complete this course to produce writing that gets you the job, earns you an A grade, lands you a writing contract, or impresses that magazine or newspaper editor. In this comprehensive course, I will help you: See sentences more objectively; Understand the factors that interfere with communication; Remove dead language – such as dead verbs and weak nouns – from your writing; Avoid embarrassing clichés; Write more clear, direct, and precise sentences; Use adjectives and adverbs more carefully, in targeted ways; Write poetically and rhythmically with parallelism and sentence variation; Add detail to your writing; Plant vivid images in readers’ minds; and, Become an original writer, not a copy. Your writing transformation awaits...
            Do you have a great idea for a novel, short story, play or screenplay, but don't know how to get started? In this lively and fun course, Steve Alcorn shows you how to turn your idea into reality. Learn the basics of: Story Structure Character Development Viewpoint & Tense Writing Scenes Crafting Dialogue Manuscript Polishing Getting Published Beginning Writer's Workshop shows you how to become a professional author while having fun and learning the tricks of the publishing trade. It's a fun and exciting class for all aspiring writers!
              Hello and welcome to this course on Journalistic Writing! Many people write. Novel authors do it. Secretaries do it. Journalists do it. But every text type is very different. Writing is way more than putting word after word to get a sentence. Different texts have different target groups and different purposes. A novel should entertain you. A business email should lead to a contract or to another form of business relationship. And a journalistic copy should inform you in a way that you are able to form a solid decision about an event or a situation. When it comes to journalism, there are even different kinds of copy types with different purposes and forms. Solid writing techniques are absolutely essential for professional journalists. And in this course, we will teach you everything you need to know about professional journalistic writing. First, we will cover all the basics. You’re going to learn the 5 Ws and 1 H-questions a journalistic copy has to cover, and you will learn what news values are. Second, you’re going to learn the different sections of a text. What is a lead? What are nutgraphs? And what are kickers? You will be able to answer that in detail. Then we’re talking about text composing. There are three composing methods: The Inverted Pyramid, the Hourglass, and the Five Block story form. In the third section of the course, you’re going to learn more about different purposes of texts, namely about news, features, and opinion writing. Then we will take a closer look at reporting and interviewing. Finally, we will talk about the differences you have to pay attention to when writing for print, online, radio, or TV. You see, there is a lot to know about journalistic copies, and professional writing required an in-depth knowledge about all this. See you in the course! The course is based on a script by Kathryn Quigley. Kathryn is an associate professor of journalism at Rowan University in New Jersey, United States. She earned her BA degree in Communications from Villanova University and her MA degree in Journalism from the University of Maryland. She worked as a reporter at daily newspapers in Philadelphia, North Carolina and Florida. She is a freelance writer and author of the textbook Introduction to News-Writing: The Real Scoop, published by Kendall-Hunt in 2012.
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                Negative emotions and life stresses are one of the Three Key Elements that create Writer's Block. While we may want to write, often if our system is processing or dealing with emotions then this is difficult. Created by psychologist Luke La Vie, this course assists anyone writing in any field - academic, legal, research or creative. The training examines the seven major problems that negative emotions cause for our writing. We also implement and fine-tune specific proven solutions to eliminate the writer's block that can result from these problems. Specifically, you will learn: What Writer's Block is, how it is related to changes in brain processing and why it can affect anyone at any time Seven problems that are related to negative emotions that create writer's block Too upset to write Can’t properly focus Regular, daily life stresses i.e. a rough day at work Big, critical stressors i.e. relationship break-up, job loss, death Distraction Lack of ideas Feelings of stress Every lecture in the course has practical exercises that ensure you learn powerful solutions. The result? You will be able to write freely and easily again. Your instructor, Luke La Vie, has over a decade's experience working as a psychologist and assisting people. You will be able to ask questions and will be well-supported with any concerns.
                  Children's books are fun to read, and delightful to write. Share yours with a child, grandchild or the public, by discovering the way to write compelling children's literature in the exciting, hands-on course. Whether your goal is a picture book, storybook, middle reader or young adult novel, this course provides all the tools you need to succeed. You'll discover the joys of all these different children's genres: Picture Books Concept Books Storybooks Emergent Readers First Chapter Books Middle Readers Young Adult Novels The course introduces you to great fiction and nonfiction children's books for all ages. Step by step, you'll learn and practice: What Makes Great Children's Literature The Difference Between Story and Plot Dramatic Elements for Great Fiction Character Building Tips for Polishing Your Work Once you've created your book, you'll learn how to: Find a publisher or agent Capitalize on the lucrative world of self-publishing Market your book for fun and profit! In addition to the lessons, the course offers extensive supplemental materials, including reference lists of great children's books in all categories, and more than a hundred links to web resources vital to any children's author. Whether this is your first children's book or you're an experienced author looking for new techniques, Writing for Children has what you need to get your idea published. Enroll now!
                    This is a superior way to write non-fiction books. My name is Ian Stables, author of more than fifty Kindle books. Since I discovered this method, writing books has been so much easier and quicker. In fact, you can do more than just write books with this process. You can use it to write anything , articles, essays, Kindle book descriptions, Udemy course descriptions, blog posts, emails, and even business reports. It's that versatile. I taught this to a university student. She said it was a breakthrough for her. She found writing her essay far easier. Please note : For non-fiction writers. ============================== Student review Nothing  pleases me more than a book that seems to answer each and every  question I have in mind, and no other book does it better than this  book.  I felt as though Ian was speaking directly to my unspoken  concerns.  From  the unbelievably  great pre-introduction, which  completely captivated  my interest, all the way through the T of C, I  was fascinated and entirely educated. Now that I have finished  this course, I can only heap more praise on the instructor:  he knows  precisely what he wants his students to know and exactly how they can do  it if they follow his instructions. Yes, Ian, I know your  students and your readers love the way you  show the way.  You   certainly have a layer of fans that you can count on to keep looking for  anything (book or course) you do. Thank you so much. - Lillian ============================== I used to write my books using the traditional approach. I'd pick my subject and create a list of topics. Then I'd start to write. This often involved a lot of head scratching. I used to run into road blocks many times, wondering what to write next and how to word it. Plus, the long editing process at the end was long and arduous. To top it all, the book was not as successful as I'd hoped. So I began to read everything I could find on the subject of writing. I spent many hours reading books, taking online courses, and watching Youtube videos. I found some really good ideas. However, the real game-changer was when I made some amazing discoveries of my own. They literally transformed how I wrote books. With this new process, writing books became much easier, faster, and more enjoyable. There was no more long editing process. What's more, I began to produce books I knew a lot of readers wanted. Here are some advantages of this process: - Writing will be a lot easier, faster, and even more enjoyable. - No writer's block. You will always know what to write. The words just flow. - You'll be able to edit out every error in your book. (My highly effective three step editing method.) - Write a book introduction that compels readers to want your book. Enroll in this course and let me transform the way you write books. Please note : For non-fiction writers.