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Design, Build, and Live Your Dream Life // Personal Development and Personal Transformation This course is a series of short, practical and fun exercises to help you design, plan and live your ideal life. You’ll be guided through a step-by-step process that will help you get crystal clear on what you want to experience, accomplish and become and create a road map to making it happen. The end goal is that you feel satisfied and fulfilled with your life and avoid having regrets in the future. Taking the time to reflect upon what it means to you to live a good life and make it a reality is perhaps the greatest gift you can offer yourself. I personally go through this process about twice a year, and it has made my life more meaningful and richer. I’m really happy to have the opportunity to share this fun (and quite enlightening) process with you. You can use the complementary workbook provided to do the exercises. It’s a fillable PDF, meaning that you can type your answers directly on your computer. Or, if you prefer, you can also print the PDF and write your answers down. The workbook is meant to be a resource that you can keep and consult when you wish to remind yourself of your dreams, goals and aspirations and of the actions you must take to make them come true. . . . It's said that the most common regret people have during the last few days of their lives is, “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” That’s what Bronnie Ware, a palliative caregiver, wrote in her book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. She says, “Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.” It certainly is sad, but it’s also totally avoidable. You can prevent this from happening to you by intentionally creating your life.
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    Let's face it. We have all been offended by someone in life. The question is, have you forgiven those who offended you or are you still holding on to past? Many people do not want to admit that they have offense in their hearts.  Moreover, many people do not know how devastating it is to hold on to offenses and unforgiveness. Living with offense is one of the biggest limitations you can place on yourself. If not dealt with, offense will destroy your relationships. It will steal your joy. It will kill your destiny. Surprisingly, how to deal with offense is one of the most untaught and unaddressed subjects. You have probably been taught a lot about other stuff: Prosperity, Faith, Breakthroughs, Confidence, Leadership, etc. But what if I told you that your success in all these pursuits is directly linked to how you handle offense! That's right! That is why I have put together this short class on Overcoming Offense and Unforgiveness. Knowing how to deal with Offense is: The key to walking in true  freedom The catalyst for miracles and breakthroughs The conduit for having long lasting relationships The cure for frustration and depression In this class, you will learn about the coming of offense, the costs of offense, and the cure for offense. You will be equiped with knowledge and principles that will help you overcome the deadly trap of offense so you can experience true freedom, joy and restoration in life. Looking forward to seeing you in the class!
      Learners will deepen their understanding and appreciation of ways in which race, ethnicity and cultural diversity have shaped American institutions, ideology, law, and social relationships from the colonial era to the present. Race and ethnicity are ideological and cultural categories that include all groups and individuals. Hence, this course is designed in significant part to take a broad look at the ideology of race and cultural diversity in America’s past and present. The primary focus is on the historical and social relationships among European Americans, Native Americans, African Americans, Latino/as, and Asian/Pacific Americans. Issues of race and ethnicity are examined across different ethno-cultural traditions in order to interweave diverse experiences into a larger synthesis of the meaning of race and ethnicity in American life. In this course, we conceive of “race” and “diversity” as references to the entire American population, even as we recognize that different groups have unique historical experiences resulting in distinctive and even fundamental cultural differences. We treat race and ethnicity as dynamic, complex ideological and cultural processes that shape all social institutions, belief systems, inter-group relationships, and individual experiences.
        There are many parts to Australia’s superannuation system, but with a basic understanding it all begins to make perfect sense and the earlier you understand it, you’ll have confidence to utilise it to save plenty of tax and make $10,000’s for your retirement. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll give you an overview of the rules and tell you why super is a smart way to save, the tax benefits, and how to put yourself in a strong financial position come retirement. This course is designed for anyone looking to gain a basic, practical knowledge of the superannuation system within Australia. Sound intimidating? Don’t worry! This course is designed with complete beginners in mind. No previous personal finance knowledge (or math!) is required. As for your presenter, Rob has been a Financial Planner and Specialist Self Managed Super Fund Adviser for over 20 years and loves offering common sense solutions to financial problems in the most effective way possible. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! Please note the information provided in this course is for education purposes only. In preparing this information, Robert Goudie has not taken into account your investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making an investment decision, you need to consider whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives and circumstances. You may need to obtain professional advice to help you make an investment decision on whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives and circumstances.
          Hello, The course is basic course for personal financial planning along with some easy and direct actionable steps to fix your finances. Main contents - 1. Basics  of financial planing 2. Features and characteristics of all popular investment products available in India 3. case studies with real world examples Intriguing discussion around - Should we buy/rent home ? If buy, how ? Most effective way to invest in PPF Getting most from NPS Smart way to approach MFs *As a bonus, the course attachments contains retirement planning excel and check-lists for buying term life insurance, health insurance and Mutual Funds.  (Checklist is available under 'Resources' section of last lecture.) Happy Investing !!
            Las finanzas personales es un mundo fascinante e indispensable. Trabajamos para ganar dinero y si no sabemos manejarnos llega un día que nos damos cuenta que no hemos logrado hacer lo mejor con lo ganado. Nos enseñan a ganar dinero, pero muchos están interesados en que no aprendamos a utilizarlo, así le compramos lo que a ellos los hace ricos. Con este curso gratuito buscamos llevar las principales informaciones de manera condensada a los que decidan que puede ser de utilidad para ellos. Deseo que para ti lo sea. Aprenderás desde la importancia de tener una alta autoestima para manejar tus impulsos sobre el dinero y qué es en realidad una alta autoestima, luego pasamos por los financiamientos y caemos en los ahorros. Técnicas y tips para aumentar los ingresos es el siguiente capítulo, para pasar a convertir lo ahorrado en inversión. Explicamos el retiro como libertad financiera, lo que todos deberíamos perseguir, y terminamos con tips para emprender y lograr multiplicar parte de nuestro capital a más velocidad. Espero que decidas por recibir este regalo y con él logres aplicar acciones que te lleven a mejorar tu conocimiento y actuación en tu mundo del dinero. Diego Sosa
              This is an introductory course into the world of financial decision making and financial literacy. Anyone can take course, but the target students are teens and high school students. Ideally you will take this course before graduating from high school. The course was created to help prepare teens and high schoolers for adult life which will require a foundational knowledge of finances and skills in financial decision making. This course can also be beneficial for immigrants or students coming the the USA.
                Mindshift is designed to help boost your career and life in today’s fast-paced learning environment. Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts (and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of selective ignorance over general competence. We’ll provide practical insights from science about how to learn and change effectively even in maturity, and we’ll build on what you already know to take your life’s learning in fantastic new directions. This course is designed to show you how to look at what you’re learning, and your place in what’s unfolding in the society around you, so you can be what you want to be, given the real world constraints that life puts on us all. You’ll see that by using certain mental tools and insights, you can learn and do more—far more—than you might have ever dreamed! This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or subsequent to, its companion course, Learning How to Learn. (Mindshift is more career focused, and Learning How to Learn is more learning focused.)
                  This course is an interdisciplinary look at how we can make each day the best day of our lives by examining the question, “How can you be your most brilliant, passionate self?” You will be joined on this journey by our animated host, Lewis! You will envision your “perfect day” and then slowly deconstruct the elements of that day to better understand key elements such as finding your purpose, defining success, mental and physical health, the importance of community, and navigating risks and challenges. In addition, you will hear stories from a diverse array of individuals, including students, doctors, teachers, professional storytellers, professional athletes, coaches, and others sharing their own journeys, communities, and sources of inspiration. Finally, you will participate in the What’s Your Purpose? Project, utilizing storytelling techniques to share your own purpose and inspire other members of this global learning community to pursue theirs.
                    All of us work in a business environment that is constantly changing , is intense and is unrelenting .  This can lead to high levels of anxiety at times. Your resilience refers to your ability to cope and adapt to crises or stressful situations. Emotional resilience refers to how you use your emotions to develop your capability to manage stress and manage your resilience. More resilient managers are able to accept life changes and adapt to adversity without lasting difficulties without anxiety, while less resilient managers have a much harder time with stress and change. Emotions are not about being soft and fluffy, they are vital in help you to make hard, direct management decisions .  Emotional resilience can mean managing the emotions that you yourself experience or managing the emotions of those around you.  Good emotional resilience enables you to increase productivity , improve morale , reduce absenteeism , retain your best people and improve team relations . Effective emotional resilience is a core component of emotional intelligence and can help with the application of emotional intelligence in the workplace to avoid burnout. In this personal development course, we will explore the role of emotions in management , how and why they contain vital bits of information that can help you make better decisions and become more effective at managing stress .  You'll receive all the information you need.  You will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away. The course is made up of a series of lectures, quizzes and a series of interactive practical activities that involve some engagement with other people and some reflection. For example, by completing the Moods, Environments, Situations practical activity you will be able to identify what can help you and what can hinder you in your daily routines.  A better awareness of the moods, environments and situations that impact upon your performance, for better or worse, helps you to develop strategies to cope. Once you are aware of the types of moods, environments and situations that trigger these responses, you can begin to prepare new responses to gain more of what helps and less of what hinders. By completing this course, you will be able to Explore emotional resilience and its place within a business environment Recognise stress; its impact, symptoms and causes Assess and develop your own personal resilience and stress management Evaluate ways to develop resilience within the hearts and minds of your team and your organisation There are SIX practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you to develop your resilience and to manage stress. These are: Moods, Environments, Situations Assess your Stress Management Assess your Flexibility Understanding Stressful Situations How your Work with Optimism Learning Review The Learning Review is a vital (often over-looked) part of the course encouraging you to consider how you are going to apply your learning. The course material makes up a one to two day workshop on emotional intelligence and stress management, so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour's training. PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course.  Emotional resilience and stress management cannot be developed by learning some techniques through watching a few video lectures.  The course requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others.  I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this. The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant. The course is featured in the Udemy for Business catalogue.  A few people are instructed to take the course under duress by their organisation.  The course has recently been given 2 star ratings from a number of learners without comments for some reason  - not the behaviour expected of people with emotional resilience!  I am not sure why this is.  I have thanked each person and asked for some feedback but have had no response and so I am unable to address any issues within the course. Watch the preview lecture on The Inclusive Leader and Feedback .  Constructive feedback is always welcome as I want to made this course the best that it can be.  This is explored in Lecture 8 - Giving and Receiving Feedback in a Manner That Is Not Stressful , which is a free preview lecture. The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.  Feedback is always welcome. All PDFs are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant. All videos have grammatically correct English captions. Latest update - September 2021