Above and Beyond of Python Programming..! If you are a beginner but you want to be advanced in Python, and if you want to develop your skills and become master of it to do Machine Learning, Data Science or Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects, absolutely Python Programming Masterclass: beginner to professional is one of the best possible options. This course was designed for all who do not have any background but want to learn Python very well and do professional and real-world projects. So you will learn Python from installing on your system to professional concepts, functions, and codes. In this course, the approach is simple: learning useful and practical techniques and tools. So we avoid wasting our time on useless concepts which are not used in real projects. This course teaches you every dimension of Python in which you learn how to use special methods, codes, and tricks to have write complex codes with least codes and finally create professional programs, apps, and games. Generally, some of the topics and concepts you learn in this course are as the following: · Functions · Variables · Rules of coding · Error debugging · Different Python data types such as numbers, strings, lists, slices, dictionaries, tuples, sets, etc. · Python logic such as loops, conditions, exception, inputs, outputs, etc. · Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as Intellisense, Autopep 8, themes, shortcuts, tricks of Visual Studio Code, internal terminals, Installing Git Bash for Linux systems, Plugins, tools, etc. · Object-Oriented Systems in Python such as attributes, methods, self, parent, super, magic methods, yields, class method, static, organizing codes, etc. · Designing tests in Python such as Doctests, unit tests, etc. · Comprehensions · Decorators · Image editing · Date and time · First-class citizens and working with some special functions such as map function, filter function, reduce function, etc. · Data science · Regular Expression (regex) · Object-Oriented Mapper (ORM) · Json and CSV files · SQL Alchemy · Text processing · And much more..! Above all, there are many challenges and exercises in this course which takes you in the depth of Python and real-world projects. Some of these projects are as the following: · Creating  reminder app · Creating  shopping list app · Creating Fizz-buzz game · Creating Dungeon game · Guess number game · Guess word game By the end of this course you will be able to: · Implement websites · Design and create games · Work with Objet-oriented system · Design software · Design complex algorithms · Do Data mining · Work with Artificial intelligence systems · Do image processing · Work Web crawler · Work with APIs Just give it a try and enjoy the result….
    In early 2016, Python passed Java as the #1 beginners language in the world. Why? It's because it's simple enough for beginners yet advanced enough for the pros. SpaceX uses it to launch Rockets Pixar uses Python to run their animation software Instagram & Pinterest use it to run their web application (backend via Django) Come learn with me and I'll show you how you can bend Python to your will. This course is great for beginners in Python at any age and any level of computer literacy. The goal is simple: learn Python by building real projects step-by-step while we explain every concept along the way.  For the next 30 Days you're going to learn how to: Scrape Data from nearly Any Website (including javascript-enabled sites) Build your own Python applications for all types of automation Send Emails & SMS text messages to your friends our your customers Read & Write CSV, aka comma separated values, files to better store your data locally and work in popular programs like Microsoft Excel and Apple Numbers Understand the basics behind the Python programming language so you're ready to build more advanced projects like Web Applications
      Do you want to become a programmer? Do you want to learn how to create games, automate your browser, visualize data, and much more? If you’re looking to learn Python for the very first time or need a quick brush-up , this is the course for you! Python has rapidly become one of the most popular programming languages around the world. Compared to other languages such as Java or C++, Python consistently outranks and outperforms these languages in demand from businesses and job availability. The average Python developer makes over $100,000 - this number is only going to grow in the coming years. The best part? Python is one of the easiest coding languages to learn right now. It doesn’t matter if you have no programming experience or are unfamiliar with the syntax of Python. By the time you finish this course, you'll be an absolute pro at programming! This course will cover all the basics and several advanced concepts of Python. We’ll go over: The fundamentals of Python programming Writing and Reading to Files Automation of Word and Excel Files Web scraping with BeautifulSoup4 Browser automation with Selenium Data Analysis and Visualization with MatPlotLib Regex parsing and Task Management GUI and Gaming with Tkinter And much more! If you read the above list and are feeling a bit confused, don’t worry! As an instructor and student on Udemy for almost 4 years, I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed with boring and mundane. I promise you’ll have a blast learning the ins and outs of python. I’ve successfully taught over 200,000+ students from over 200 countries jumpstart their programming journeys through my courses. Here’s what some of my students have to say: “I wish I started programming at a younger age like Avi.  This Python course was excellent for those that cringe at the thought of starting over from scratch with attempts to write programs once again. Python is a great building language for any beginner programmer. Thank you Avi!” “I had no idea about any programming language. With Avi's lectures, I'm now aware of several python concepts and I'm beginning to write my own programs. Avi is crisp and clear in his lectures and it is easy to catch the concepts and the depth of it through his explanations. Thanks, Avi for the wonderful course, You're awesome! It's helping me a lot :)” "Videos are short and concise and well-defined in their title, this makes them easy to refer back to when a refresher is needed. Explanations aren't convoluted with complicated examples, which adds to the quick pace of the videos. I am very pleased with the decision to enroll in this course. Not only has it increased the pace I'm learning Python but I actively look forward to continuing the course, whenever I get the chance. Avi is friendly and energetic, absolutely delightful as an instructor.” So what are you waiting for? Jumpstart your programming journey and dive into the world of Python by enrolling in this course today!
        Interested in the field of Machine Learning? Then this course is for you! This course has been designed by two professional Data Scientists so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn complex theory, algorithms, and coding libraries in a simple way. We will walk you step-by-step into the World of Machine Learning. With every tutorial, you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative sub-field of Data Science. This course is fun and exciting, but at the same time, we dive deep into Machine Learning. It is structured the following way: Part 1 - Data Preprocessing Part 2 - Regression: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, SVR, Decision Tree Regression, Random Forest Regression Part 3 - Classification: Logistic Regression, K-NN, SVM, Kernel SVM, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree Classification, Random Forest Classification Part 4 - Clustering: K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering Part 5 - Association Rule Learning: Apriori, Eclat Part 6 - Reinforcement Learning: Upper Confidence Bound, Thompson Sampling Part 7 - Natural Language Processing: Bag-of-words model and algorithms for NLP Part 8 - Deep Learning: Artificial Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks Part 9 - Dimensionality Reduction: PCA, LDA, Kernel PCA Part 10 - Model Selection & Boosting: k-fold Cross Validation, Parameter Tuning, Grid Search, XGBoost Moreover, the course is packed with practical exercises that are based on real-life examples. So not only will you learn the theory, but you will also get some hands-on practice building your own models. And as a bonus, this course includes both Python and R code templates which you can download and use on your own projects. Important updates (June 2020): CODES ALL UP TO DATE DEEP LEARNING CODED IN TENSORFLOW 2.0 TOP GRADIENT BOOSTING MODELS INCLUDING XGBOOST AND EVEN CATBOOST!
          If you're an office worker, student, administrator, or just want to become more productive with your computer, programming will allow you write code that can automate tedious tasks. This course follows the popular (and free!) book, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python was written for people who want to get up to speed writing small programs that do practical tasks as soon as possible. You don't need to know sorting algorithms or object-oriented programming, so this course skips all the computer science and concentrates on writing code that gets stuff done. This course is for complete beginners and covers the popular Python programming language. You'll learn basic concepts as well as: Web scraping Parsing PDFs and Excel spreadsheets Automating the keyboard and mouse Sending emails and texts And several other practical topics By the end of this course, you'll be able to write code that not only dramatically increases your productivity, but also be able to list this fun and creative skill on your resume.
            If you want to get started programming in Python , you are going to LOVE this course! This course is designed to fully immerse you in the Python language, so it is great for both beginners and veteran programmers! Learn Python as Nick takes you through the basics of programming, advanced Python concepts, coding a calculator, essential modules, creating a "Final Fantasy-esque" RPG battle script, web scraping, PyMongo, WebPy development, Django web framework, GUI programming, data visualization, machine learning, and much more! We are grateful for the great feedback we have received! "This course it great. Easy to follow and the examples show how powerful python can be for the beginner all the way to the advanced. Even if the RPG may not be your cup of tea it shows you the power of classes, for loops, and others!" "Good course even for non-programmers too." "It's really well explained, clear. Not too slow, not too fast." "Very thorough, quick pace. I'm learning A TON! Thank you :)" "Good explanation, nice and easy to understand. Great audio and video quality. I have been trying to get into Python programming for some time; still a long way to go, but so far so good!" The following topics are covered in this course: Programming Basics Python Fundamentals JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Web Scraping PyMongo (MongoDB) Web Development Django Web Framework Graphical User Interface (GUI) Programming (PyQt) Data Visualization Machine Learning This course is fully subtitled in English ! Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope to see you in the course!
              Welcome to the Complete Python Course! *** Fully updated for 2020 *** The course covers every major Python topic (including Object-Oriented Programming, Web Scraping, and even GUI development), and now includes even more content...! NEW CONTENT: Control your browser using Selenium, to scrape websites or even fill in forms! Learn to interact with REST APIs and build a currency exchange program Create desktop GUIs using Tkinter, so your users can work with your applications very easily Start working with unit testing in Python by learning about the unittest library We've also completely re-recorded the course's introductory Python material... so it’s even clearer and more straightforward! This course will take you from beginner to expert in Python, easily and smartly. We've crafted every piece of content to be concise and straightforward, while never leaving you confused. This course will dive right into Python and get you productive from the very beginning. This is the best investment you can make in your Python journey. Why Learn Python? Over the last few years, Python has become more and more popular. Demand for Python is booming in the job market and it is a skill that can help you enter some of the most exciting industries , including data science, web applications, home automation and many more. Python is one of the "most loved” and “most wanted” programming languages according to recent industry surveys. If people are not using Python already, they want to start using Python. This course will make it easy for you to learn Python and get ahead of your competition. Why Choose THIS Course? You will: Get a broader and deeper experience in Python than with any other Udemy course on the market. Start at zero and become an expert whilst learning all about the inner workings of Python. Learn how to write professional Python code like a professional Python developer. Develop a long-lasting love for Python and programming by creating good programming habits . Explore the wider possibilities of what you can do with Python, including databases, web development and web scraping . Become job-ready by learning about best practices, Selenium, unit testing, and all of the major Python topics. Who Is This Course For? Beginners who have never programmed before. Programmers with experience in other languages who want to kickstart their Python programming. Programmers who know some Python but want to round off their skills and become truly proficient. What Am I Going to Get From This Course? Lifetime access to over 250 lectures covering all aspects of Python, from the foundations to advanced concepts. An interactive screencast video from every lecture AND complete, written notes and code for you to read and refer back to you as you progress through the course. Milestone projects for you to complete throughout the course. These provide a challenge and an opportunity for you to apply what you've learned. We always go over the code after to show you how we would tackle them. Guidance on common pitfalls and best practices including how to make your code "Pythonic" (looking like professional code), Object-Oriented Programming, database interactions, and more. Quizzes and tests for you to check your understanding. High-quality help and support. In the last year alone we've answered over 3000 student questions. We don’t leave a single question unanswered. You'll have 30 days to change your mind and get your money back, with absolutely no questions asked AND you'll get to keep all the course notes and code as a thank you for trying the course out. Don't Wait! Join the Course and Begin Coding in Python today!
                This course is directed at professional Accountants who are already skilled in Microsoft Excel. As such we will often reference how excel works and try to translate that into Python. This course is not designed to teach you everything about Python. The course will skip over many aspects of Python that are not necessary for accountants. If you're looking to geek out on Python and learn every aspect of the language this course is not for you. What this course is: This course will give you the basic to start your journey learning Python. Learning Python will transform you into the most efficient accountant your company has ever seen. This course will teach you critical aspects of Python that accountants need to know without wasting your time. In my journey to learn Python and create this course I've done the following: Spent hundreds of hours going through tutorials where only 15% of the information was relevant to accountant Spent thousands of dollars paying full blown software engineers to tutor me where every tutorial fell short Painstakingly failed countless number of times before finding the "right" way to do almost every accounting tasks Spent all my nights and weekends for months compiling everything I've learned Wrote and rewrote every lesson until I felt they had everything you need without wasting time on things you don't Now you can learn python in a relevant way that impacts your job performance faster.
                  Learn Python 3 and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! An expert level Python Professional can earn minimum $100000 (that's five zeros after 1) in today's economy. This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Python 3 on Udemy! Whether you have never worked with Python before, already know basics of Python, or want to learn the advanced features of Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Python 3, Jupyter, pillow, turtle, and pygame. (Note, we also provide you PDFs, Python 3 code files, and Jupyter Notebooks in case you need them) With over 50 lectures and more than 6.5 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching youPython 3, Pandas with pygame, turtle, and pillow! This course will teach you Python 3 in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you! We will start by helping you get Python3 and other libraries installed on your Windows computer and Raspberry Pi. We cover a wide variety of topics, including: Installation of Python 3 on Windows Setting up Raspberry Pi Tour of Python 3 environment on Raspberry Pi Jupyter installation and basics turtle programming with recursion Image processing with Pillow Game programming with pygame GUI with Tkinter Text based adventure game programming You will get lifetime access to over 50 lectures plus corresponding PDFs, Image Datasets, and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn Python 3 in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!
                    Start coding in Python immediately! If you are a beginner in Programming, then this course will help you learn Python Programming fast. Python is an incredibly efficient language: your programs will do more in fewer lines of code than many other languages would require. It is also used in scientific fields for academic research and applied work. My goal was to create a Course for people of any age who have never programmed in Python before or have never programmed at all, so you can build programs that work. The course is full of examples and projects that are carefully chosen to demonstrate each concept so that you can gain a deeper understand of the language. It is designed to serve as a single, all-inclusive learning resource for all Python newcomers, whether they will be using Python 2.X, Python 3.X, or both Python Programming for Beginners is also perfect for middle school and high school teachers who want to offer their students a project-based introduction to programming. Are you looking to learn practical Python Programming you can put to use instantly? If so, then this is the course for you. It’s entirely project based and it’s full of examples which are fully explained and easy to understand. It has been recorder in full HD 1080p. If you get stacked don’t worry. I have fast and fully support through the discussion board. And if you don’t like the course simply return it. There is a 30-day money back guarantee. At the end of this Python class you will be given a Certificate of Completion. Python is a great language to learn, so enroll in this course and let’s get started!