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When it comes to PowerPoint VBA, there is not much information out there to help you master it compared with Excel, Access and Word.  In this course you will learn how to construct macros and use ActiveX controls using VBA for PowerPoint through example presentations.  You will be taught how to create a complete PowerPoint user interface step by step, including techniques for loading and saving files, manipulating controls, and playing random music playlists across slides.
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    你有多少次想做好PPT,我就有多少次想靠写文章帮助你实现这个愿望。现在,我知道我该行动了。 PPT一直伴随着我,放大我的能力。 我的第一份工作,用了三个月的时间晋升部门主管。主要归功于我的一次关键汇报,用PPT惊艳到了领导。 大领导问:“你的演示使用PPT做的吗?” 我说:“是的。” 领导说:“是你自己做的吗?” 我说:“是的。” 领导说:“真不错!” …… 从那时候,我认识了PPT的重要性。于是,我一直刻意练习这项能力。 后来,我参加了Toastmasters国际演讲俱乐部,PPT再次放大了我的能力。我被问到的最多的问题是,你演讲时的PPT是怎么做的?你做的宣传海报是PPT做的吗?从2014年在青岛,到2016年在北京,都是如此。PPT也成为我收入的一部分。从给俱乐部会员免费分享,到给大众线下收费授课。再后来就有企业找我做培训。在这个过程中,我也不断加深对PPT的理解。当我学设计、营销、心理学的时候,都能为我所用,更新我对PPT的认识。 我认识到, PPT的改良,不是因为你多花了很多时间,而是因为认知和制作技巧的提升。——与其花大量的时间去做PPT,不如先让自己提升技能。 而现在,我想在线上分享我的PPT制作经验,影响和帮助更多的人。
      Discover the Powerful Features of This Popular Program Have complete control over your presentation's information Now have professional presentations for job or project Quickly create top-notch visuals for your audiences Feel confident and show off your new powerful slides Get all of the new tools to master presentation management Effortlessly add text, graphics, audio, video, charts, tables and SmartArt to your slides 6 hours of professional video with over 70 individual lessons that make everything clearer and easy to remember Practice what you learned with included exercise files Use This New Course to Easily Create Beautiful Presentations PowerPoint 2016 is by far the most popular presentation program in the world as it allows users to create, edit, and show illustrative presentations with the help of attention-grabbing slides. This crash course explains how you can combine the text, 3-D graphics, and multi-media to support your presentation-making needs. Using PowerPoint as a presentation tool is the way to go. Do you need some visual impact? Well, look no further. Because this course can show you how to take this program and make it do just that. In fact, making your presentation more interesting through the use of multi-media can only help improve your audience's focus. PowerPoint 2016 allows you to use your choice of images, audio clips, and videos to help you get your points across. These important sound effects and visual cues can also help a presenter like yourself, be more improvisational, and interactive, all of which is a very beneficial thing. This course essentially shows you why PowerPoint 2016 is the best and most complete presentation package available. It gives you 80 individual video tutorials that are quite in-depth. It also has exercise files so that you can practice the lessons you've learned. Everything you need is here so that you can learn how to produce a nice and professional-looking presentation. Once everything is finished, you can begin to prepare your talk. In fact, even if it went well but someone missed your presentation, you could still have them view it online at a time that's convenient for them. Simply upload your presentation to YouTube with everything featured in your work, including all of the slides, commentary, and transitions. So, whether you need processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, or more elaborate presentation management tools - it's all covered in this easy-to-understand course. You can not only create and modify your own presentations, but gain mastery on it eventually, too. All that is needed on your part is a little practice. Overview and Contents PowerPoint 2016 can be used in a number of different yet effective ways to communicate with your audience. Slides are completely customizable. Depending on your approach, you may want to have a presentation that's text-heavy, image-heavy, or some combination of both. Combining the two tends to give your listeners the benefit of both visual aids and notes all at the same time. PowerPoint 2016 also comes with many new features such as the brand-new transition type, Morph, that can help users make animations, transitions, and object movements across your slides. Pretty neat, right? This course covers that and so much more. It also shows you how to make presentations with alternative forms, styles, and custom layouts which are used by working professionals, teachers, students, medical practitioners, politicians, and countless others. They see the value in this unique course on PowerPoint 2016 as they want to know how to use it to quickly showcase their information and data. Perfect for those who are looking for a comprehensive and organized method to presentations. Great for those that want to add value to lectures, make more compelling speeches, or enhance studies and reports. So, what are you waiting for now? If you want to learn how to use the latest version of PowerPoint, then this is for you. At the completion of this course, you will have more knowledge, better skills, and be fully prepared to use PowerPoint 2016 for every single one of your complex presentation needs. * Includes exercise files to practice what you’ve learned. ** Updated June 2017. Course transcripts now available. What People Are Saying: ★★★★★ “Has some really good techniques to save time. I made changes to a real presentation based on what I learned.” –Roberta Shephard, Ph.D. ★★★★★ “ The presenter is outstanding in every respect. She is clear and intuitive in her instruction and quite easy to follow. One of the best! ” –Timothy Lewis ★★★★★ “ Good course for novices. Both the presenter and her presentations are clear, professional, and easy to follow.” –Lyn A. Griffiths ★★★★★ “This course leaves no stones unturned, as it covers everything you need to know from basic to advanced. The transition from these 2 levels goes just at the right pace.” –Linda Wagner ★★★★★ “ The Instructor has the command of the subject. She explains very well with follow-up assignment. I'll take her course again.” -Jonathan O. Olufade
        ▶️ Welcome to the bestseller Powerpoint Video Course! Start creating animated videos now ▶️ Video creation skills are becoming more and more important these days. Video content is growing fast, people prefer to watch videos for all kinds of purposes, and marketers are jumping on this trend. And while there is a lot of complex video software out there, you can actually create pretty beautiful videos with PowerPoint only! The quality of PowerPoint videos is good enough for all kids of informative/educational videos. These can be marketing videos for businesses, videos for online courses or for a YouTube channel for example. There are a lot of YouTube channels with millions of views which have their videos created with PowerPoint! So if you want to use video for business purposes, you don't need fancy/complex software and long training anymore - You can use PowerPoint. And with the right techniques that I will teach you in this course, you can realize beautiful videos which will definitely look like "real videos" and not PowerPoint presentations. This course is full practice, full hands-on. We will create 3 videos together completely from scratch, and every single step will be clearly explained. By then end of it you will master PowerPoint video creation and will be able to produce animated videos at will. And with more experience you will become more efficient. It is totally possible to produce one video per day! Creating video with PowerPoint is a great compromise between the quality of the video (in terms of "complexity") and the time it takes to do it. You can create hours and hours of video relatively fast compared to most specific software. ✅ Created by Business Disruptors
          Hey, welcome to our PowerPoint Presentation in PowerPoint online course. We are glad to see you visit this course. If only we could shake hands! What is this course about? In this course, we will teach you the comprehensive presentation skills to become an expert in creating business finance presentations in PowerPoint. We will illustrate the following broad content topics in great detail in this course: 1) Creating client ready business presentation in PowerPoint 2) Synthesizing the slide information into an effective slide title 3) Story-telling techniques in PowerPoint 4) Modern slide design and animation It is a very comprehensive course that will teach you the complete skills of to create a stunning and effective business presentation in PowerPoint. How is this course useful for YOUR purpose? Hey, did you watch the promo video? If not, please do. If you are looking to create a powerful business presentation in PowerPoint, this course will teach you exactly that. Look, PowerPoint is ubiquitous. It is the most widely used tool for preparing presentations for business meetings. So your job will also possibly require you to do make PowerPoint presentations for business meetings. Our course does exactly that - we make you job ready to create your own business presentation in PowerPoint. This one course covers everything - Creating Slides, Synthesizing, Story-telling and Modern Slide Design. You have lifetime access to the course once you enroll. So even if you don't plan to start now, you can still enroll and come back anytime later. You will love this course once you finish this completely! What makes this course different than others? This course content is unique! You will learn exactly what you are required to do in your daily work. You get access to practical real life illustrations of all key skills to create a complete client ready business presentation in PowerPoint. It is a completely hands-on course. You need to carry out the illustrations in the course along with the instructor. We provide you the same set up as the instructor. All illustration slides and datasheets can be downloaded at your end. You will feel as if somebody is guiding you step by step in all illustrations. It is a very practical on the job training for you. You are going to love our instructor's teaching style. He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience. You will have practice assignments to test your learning from the course You will have unlimited access to our support. Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request. There are manually edited hand typed captions added on all lectures of this course. Feel free to refer to them in case you feel the need. And of course, the price is competitive. What are other students saying about this course? Check our our reviews below. Read what student Larkland Morley wrote - "The course was very good in terms of the details covered. They could avoid repeating some steps to save time but overall good details." Go to the reviews section below to read more such stories. What if YOU do not like the course? Well, we will be very sad to hear that you did not like the course. But you are well protected. You have a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the course. No questions asked. But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course! What  next? If there are any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Start learning now. See you inside the course.
            **ANNOUNCEMENT ** Don't forget to also check out our new companion course, A Consultant's Guide to Presentations ! COURSE OVERVIEW It's no secret that consultants are masters of PowerPoint. At firms like McKinsey, Bain, and BCG, consultants are constantly under pressure to deliver high-quality slides for their clients on very tight deadlines, often spending long hours on 100+ page decks. After thousands of hours in this kind of environment, consultants become PowerPoint wizards, with the incredible and rare ability to build professional, well-structured slides in a matter of minutes. They know all the important keyboard shortcuts, and they understand how to use PowerPoint's hidden features to avoid hours of unnecessary work. If you're a new consultant, or if you're just looking to build slides like a consultant, getting to this skill level can be extremely challenging. Typically it requires thousands of hours building slides in a consulting environment, with managers who are ready and willing to provide you with feedback and guidance. Fortunately, there's a much faster way. A Consultant's Guide to PowerPoint is a premium course designed to take intermediate-level PowerPoint users and turn them into consultant-level experts. With concise lectures, hands-on exercises, and downloadable resources, this course will teach you to use PowerPoint like a McKinsey, Bain, or BCG consultant. Whether you're currently a consultant, planning to become a consultant, or just interested in how management consultants use PowerPoint, this course will give you the tools, training, and resources you need to use PowerPoint like a Pro. COURSE RESOURCES Top 50 PowerPoint Shortcuts for Consultants (PDF) - Download the full list of shortcuts and watch the accompanying video to understand how to apply each shortcut. Now with a version for Mac! Consulting Slide Checklist (PDF) - This checklist provides a comprehensive list of slide-making best practices, designed specifically for the consulting industry. Use it on the job or as a reference as you complete the course. Course Summary (PDF) - Use the comprehensive course summary as a guide as you take the course, or as a reference to use throughout your career as you build slides. Choosing the Right Chart (PDF) - Use this guide to help you understand which chart you should be using to best communicate your message. Shortcut Quizzes - After each section you'll find a shortcut quiz that covers each of the shortcuts that were mentioned in that section. Hands-On Exercises - Real world slide building examples to help you understand, memorize, and internalize new concepts. COURSE SECTIONS Speed and Productivity - See how to customize your setup to maximize your speed within PowerPoint, and learn pro tips for tripling your productivity that go beyond simple keyboard shortcuts. Advanced Slide Construction - Learn how to correctly build a slide by mastering PowerPoint shapes, the foundational elements of all consulting slides. Then take your skills to the next level by learning how to align, group, distribute, and layer objects on a slide. Time-Saving Tools - Understand the tools PowerPoint has in place to help you design your slide. Learn tips for using icons, colors, pictures, tables, and charts to help visualize your message. Managing the Deck - This section is packed with useful tips for building, checking, finalizing, and sharing your presentation. Plus learn tricks for projecting your presentation that will blow your audience away. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Is this course just for new consultants? This course is designed with intermediate-level PowerPoint users in mind, whether they are new to consulting, long-time consultants, or just business professionals looking to learn how to use PowerPoint more efficiently. Why can't I just learn PowerPoint on the job? In consulting, everyone will eventually become really good at PowerPoint. The problem is, it takes most people 3-5 years of trial and error to reach that level. This course is specifically designed to help business professionals jump this learning curve and become highly-skilled PowerPoint users. What makes this course different from the many other PowerPoint courses? This course was designed specifically to teach intermediate-level PowerPoint users how to build slides like an experienced consultant. The principles, tools, and hacks covered in this course were selected by former consultants from top-tier consulting firms, and cover exactly what you need to know. No learning about useless PowerPoint features such as transitions, animations, or clip-art. I am already good at PowerPoint. Why do I need this course? We assume you have already used PowerPoint extensively. This course is specifically designed to take you from intermediate user to consulting-level expert by focusing on the principles, tips, and tricks used by experienced consultants at the world's best firms.
              Do you want to DESIGN TOP-NOTCH SLIDES like a professional designer? Do you want to GET COMFORTABLE WITH ANIMATION in PowerPoint? Do you want to CREATE VIDEOS in PowerPoint that are ready to publish online? Would you like to GET BETTER AS A DESIGNER , entrepreneur, business professional, or …? This course will prepare you with all the tools, knowledge, and skills that you need to reach the goals in the questions above. With this course, you can master PowerPoint and become a more capable and complete designer! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avoid frustration by learning an efficient workflow from a professional designer. I will take you by the hand and teach you to design great presentation templates and slides with confidence. You can be sure that your end results will be of the highest quality. Great presentations involve far more than just making nice PowerPoint slides – they influence your branding, appearance, personal skills etc. so you want to make sure that those are on the highest level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has a core of six comprehensive chapters to teach you everything you need to know: 1. POWERPOINT BASICS - Learn to use the software properly and get a brief grasp over its most important components and tools. I will show you the essentials, so we can work swiftly in PowerPoint going forward. 2. ANIMATION BASICS – Learn how to properly use animation. Discover the different types of animation and how to properly work on the animation timeline. This will make your animation work much easier. 3. SLIDE DESIGN – This chapter is the main slide and presentation design section of this course. Since you already learned the basics in the previous chapters, it's time for us to roll out the big guns and design like a madman (or woman)! I will teach you a consistent, well-prepared design to give you a great starting point for your PowerPoint presentations. 4. ANIMATION DESIGN – In this chapter, we’ll animate some of the slides we prepared and then you’ll learn how to make simple explainer videos or kinetic typography in PowerPoint. I will show you several outstanding tricks which you can use in your daily workflow! 5. VIDEO CREATION - Learn how to create explainer videos and online lectures using only PowerPoint. I’ll show you how to record a presentation with your microphone and export a video that will be ready to publish anywhere online 6. POWERPOINT TEMPLATES - Every respected PowerPoint designer knows how to create PowerPoint templates. For your business, your clients, or as products for sale, making templates is an essential skill to have and utilize! AFTERWARDS: MORE SLIDE DESIGN, MORE TRICKS, MORE ANIMATION PROJECTS! Once you have a solid foundation of slide design and animation, we can explore other possible projects to do. We will create a few more animations, text reveals, and videos that are useful for creating more of your content. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing this course, you will: Have a solid understanding of how to work efficiently in PowerPoint without wasting time and effort Be able to produce top-quality slides and presentations (including videos) to the highest industry standards Gain complete control of the animations you want to create Get better at designing, presenting, and animating to help you advance as an active entrepreneur, creator, and content publisher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): I'm a total beginner in PowerPoint, is this course right for me? This course will teach you all the necessary basics and advanced tools, but it's not a PowerPoint 101 for beginners. I mention basic tools and techniques, but I assume that you are computer savvy and know how to find your way around PowerPoint already. I'm enrolled in your Master PowerPoint presentations course. Should I get this one or is the other one enough? Which one is better? Good Question! Both courses are top PowerPoint courses that teach you the knowledge and tools to create outstanding presentations, animations, and templates. They are just two different versions that use different slides and unique content respectively. The benefit of that is you can follow a different design path on each course. Students who finished the first master course were asking me for more, and I'm happy to provide more if there is demand for it. If you already feel super-comfortable with PowerPoint, one course is enough. But if you seek even more design ideas and slides, and if you like my content and the way I teach, you won't go wrong by taking both courses. With both courses, you can reach a similar level of PPT knowledge, but in different ways and different designs. Each of those two courses has several unique sections that allow them to expand your knowledge on their own way. I've been using PowerPoint for 15+ years and think I know the most already, will I learn anything? I'm an experienced PowerPoint instructor with over 250 YouTube tutorials and more than 10 published PowerPoint courses and series. Over the past few years, I have learned from both beginner and advanced students which areas to address to best influence your workflow in a positive and impactful way. My courses help you to boost your efficiency, using shortcuts and on-trend designs to help you to reach a modern, top-level standard of quality. If you need something that is not already in the course, you can always ask me about topics to add to courses that interest you. I'm still not sure if I want to invest into this course. I don't know if I want to focus on design or on animation? Is there any fall-back plan? Of course! First, you should watch the promo videos and watch the free preview lessons. They will give you a good understanding of the course content, pace, and what to expect from taking the course. Apart from that, you have Udemy’s 30-day Money Back Guarantee with no questions asked!
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                In this course, students will learn the various collaboration tools in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 such as reusing slides, creating slides from a Word outline, and working with Excel data. Students will learn to utilize the power of Slide Masters, create custom themes, and design custom templates. In addition, students will learn to create exciting and dynamic presentations by animating text and objects, add slide transitions, and use advanced graphic features including SmartArt, and audio and video. Finally, students will present like a pro by using advanced presentation features including annotations, hyperlinks and action buttons, timings, recordings, and creating videos, and review additional advanced slideshow options. This IAAP-certified counts for 5.0 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email [email protected] with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.
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                  Topics covered work in PowerPoint 2007, PowerPoint 2010, PowerPoint 2013 and PowerPoint 2016 Join us and learn how to not only create, but deliver a presentation that will knock the socks off your audience members. But Beware, enrolling in this course will forever change the way that you look at PowerPoint presentations . This course will walk you through the various techniques of creating and delivering an engaging, dynamic presentation with PowerPoint as your tool. But PowerPoint is only one part of creating an effective presentation. This course will also focus on you. The presenter. The facilitator. The subject matter expert. You will learn how to take command of the room and deliver a presentation that will not soon be forgotten. This is course is broken into two main sections, each with relative, supporting sub-topics. (With plenty of exercises on each topic) Creating an Impactful PowerPoint Presentation Presenting an Impactful PowerPoint Presentation So, what are you waiting for? Join us now to forever change the way you approach creating and delivering a PowerPoint presentation. Oh, and don't forget to hold onto your socks, they just might get blown off.
                    PowerPoint can be used effectively! Imagine delivering a PowerPoint presentation and people are actually paying attention and following your every word and slide. Wouldn't it be nice to know how to use PowerPoint so that it enhances your ideas and your messages rather than forcing people to zone out? In this How to Deliver a PowerPoint Presentation course you will learn the following: *How to avoid the most common problems that destroy the effectiveness of PowerPoint Presentations *How to use PowerPoint to make your ideas more memorable *How to NOT use the PowerPoint slide as your own speaker notes *How to rehearse your PowerPoint presentation on video This course is delivered primarily through spoken lecture. Because the skill you are learning is speaking related, it only makes sense that you learn through speaking. The skill you will learn in this class is not primarily theoretical or academic. It is a skill that requires physical habits. That is why you will be asked to take part in numerous exercises where you record yourself speaking on video, and then watching yourself. Learning presentation skills is like learning how to ride a bicycle. You simply have to do it numerous times and work past the wobbling and falling off parts until you get it right. This PowerPoint course contains numerous video lectures plus several bonus books for your training library. TJ Walker has been coaching and training people on their PowerPoint presentation skills for 30 years. Now, through the power of Udemy's online platform, he is able to give you the same high quality training that he gives in person to CEOs, Fortune 500 executives, and Presidents of countries. Only you can now receive the training at a tiny fraction of the normal fee for in-person training. How long this course takes is up to you. The longest part of the course involves you speaking on video, critiquing yourself, and doing it over until you like it. But if you get to the point where you love how you look and sound when you present it will be well worth the time spent. And having this skill will save you time for all future presentations in your life. You can begin improving your PowerPoint presentation skills right now. You may have an opportunity to speak out as soon as tomorrow, so why waste another day worried that your presentation skills are not up to high standards. Enroll in this course today. "5 Stars! The content provided and the soft copy/pdf books, provided me with the information I needed to be able to use my power point slides more effectively and to be able to catch the attention of my audience. it has pointed me in the right direction which I need to practice." Basil Chetty What others say: “TJ Walker's single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media." Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg Television “TJ Walker is the leading media trainer in the world." Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer (TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide) “The world's leading presentation and media training firm." Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Channel Anchor