In this course you will learn everything you need to truly master the morning meal. You will be able to cook eggs of any style, as well as prepare and present classic upscale breakfast dishes. We will teach you the skills and techniques that we have used for over 42 years in the restaurant business. You can apply these skills in a kitchen anywhere in the world, including your own! Note: Restaurant Kitchen Basics: Restaurant Classics includes all of the material in the Cooking with Eggs Course AND The Breakfast Course, plus nearly a dozen additional classic lunch and diner dishes. If you are interested in more than just breakfast, we recommend you check out our Restaurant Classics course!
    Delicious, yet easy to prepare recipes using chicken as a main ingredient. You will learn different ways to prepare chicken. The meals include Chicken pieces with honey marinade, Chicken thighs in paprika sauce, Baked chicken, Chicken with mushrooms, Chicken and grated potato and more. You will have choice of quick and easy to prepare meals to more elaborate ones.
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      The course is essentially three courses in one. You will learn ideas for using your left over food and how to find even more ideas on the web. Secondly, by the end of the course you will know how to prepare food safely in your home kitchen; based on the controls and practices followed in professional catering outlets. And finally, if you are new to cooking, or nervous about cooking this course will show you how to prepare delicious meals from scratch, including tips on how to take the stress out of cooking.
        English In this course, you will learn how to prepare 4 delicious Spanish tapas: Spanish tortilla, Russian salad, cojonudo, and shrimp scampi. You can prepare these recipes for your family or friends, bring them to work for a convenient snack, or make them for yourself if you’re in the mood for small plates. If you like flavorful Spanish cuisine that is both quick and easy to prepare, I am convinced that you will enjoy this course. Bring the taste and joy of Spain to your table! (English: Elizabeth Granger) (Spanish: Carmen González) Spanish Con este curso aprenderás a elaborar 4 deliciosas tapas españolas, sanas y naturales, como son: el pincho de tortilla de patatas, la tapa de ensaladilla rusa, el cojonudo y la cazuelita y tosta de gambas al ajillo. ¡Verás qué fácil resulta cocinarlas! Iremos viendo en cada clase, todos los pasos necesarios, para que las recetas te salgan siempre perfectas. Te vendrá muy bien para prepararlas en cualquier reunión familiar o de amigos, para llevártelas al trabajo, para tomarlas delante de tu ordenador mientras estás haciendo algún curso o para relajarte después de una jornada de estrés. Si te gusta la cocina tradicional, hecha con cariño y con ingredientes naturales, estoy convencida que disfrutarás con este curso. ¡Anímate y lleva el sabor y la alegría de España a tu mesa! En resumen, con este curso: Aprenderás a cocinar 4 típicas tapas españolas Podrás sustituir la comida rápida en tu oficina, por una comida variada y sana que te además te va a encantar. Quedarás como un rey o como una reina, cuando tengas una reunión familiar o de amigos, en la que cada uno aporta un plato. Empezarás a aficionarte a la cocina, a disfrutar cocinando. La buena compañía, la buena música y el buen vino, son los 3 ingredientes que vas a tener que elegir tú. Todo lo demás lo tienes aquí. Estoy segura que vas a triunfar con estas tapas. ¡Lleva el sabor y la alegría de España a tu mesa! (Español: Carmen González) (Inglés: Elizabeth Granger)
          This is a simple introduction to some fun keto recipes if you are overwhelmed or bored with ketogenic cooking. There are recipes such as keto shepherd's pie, a keto pizza crust, an amazing cheesecake and even bread! This is a place to find some out of the box recipes to keep you from feeling deprived! Many times, when someone starts a ketogenic diet, they are afraid it will be no fun and they will be bored in the kitchen. This does NOT have to be the case. If you love sweets, there is a recipe for you! If savory is your thing, we have you covered. We even have a recipe for Keto cloud bread. This course is designed to give you some EASY "go to's" if you are stuck or feel diet deprived. Let's have some DELICIOUS fun! A ketogenic lifestyle change can mean excitement in the kitchen if you let it!
            **Course Updated - Oct 2018** Life is all about compromises, right? Well, if you think you can ignore your bad eating habits just because you exercise regularly, think again. Unfortunately, spending an hour of rigorous exercise in the gym for a greasy double cheeseburger or relying on a good metabolism to take the place of healthy eating habits completely misses the point of living a healthy lifestyle… Eating a healthy diet is far from simple, simply because we humans are very complex beings. We may have it in the back of our minds that we are eating to fuel our bodies, but we actually make the majority of our food choices based on their enjoyment factor. And that is the main reason why it has become so tough in today’s world to switch to a healthy eating habits because we are just not ready to give up on the taste factor and the happiness it brings with it. Well… what if I tell you can still choose a healthy option? You just need to avoid one things, and that is “OIL” Don’t worry, I am not telling you to eat bland food or make your mind to switch to eating boiled food only. In my course I have explained the magic techniques that is required to cook delicious no oil food. I have provided 9 recipes for you to start with and I will keep adding more recipes. I would appreciate your participation in learning new techniques of no oil cooking and I will look forward to hear from you in the discussion section about what are you interested in learning more and I promise to create it for YOU. My mission is to create a community of healthy eating people who doesn’t follow a crash diet to achieve result rather make lifestyle change to create a HEALTHY YOU
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              Learn Body constitution and imbalances Learn Ayurvedic Lifestyle Understand Natural alignment to Life forces Tailor diet and daily routine to prevent future illnesses. By helping your family enjoy a balanced physiology, you can gain perfection at the level of consciousness, mind, body, and behavior. When Vata, Pitta and Kapha are in balance, the mind and body are at peace, then there are no obstacles for spontaneous growth and development. The appetite is good, elimination is good, thirst and hunger levels are good.
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                Do you struggle with finding low-sodium food options to fill you up and satisfy your taste buds?!?! If you answered yes, then this is the course for you! Enroll today to receive immediate help in lowering the sodium for your loved ones! Do you struggle with finding low-sodium recipes that are easy to prepare, look terrific, and taste great?!?! Udemy provides a 30 day money return for all COURSES. You have nothing to loose and a whole low sodium life ahead of you to gain. Join me in attacking sodium every day. This course is full of ideas to help you keep daily sodium low, over 15 downloads (recipes & tip sheets), and extra tips in the lectures to help lower your sodium intake. LOW SODIUM WATCHERS - It's dangerous to take even a day off of watching your sodium! This course will teach you how to stay on your low sodium food program!!! In this course, I'll share what you need to know to enjoy low sodium meals !!! I created this course for people just like you. Why? Because when my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart disease I was DESPERATE for an answer to "How can I cook for him?". After months of research, tweaking recipes with low-sodium ingredients, and testing the results on my family (some great... some not so great) I have a enough heart healthy, low sodium recipes to fill a cook book!! I'm so excited to share what I've learned with you!! My goal is to make your journey to cooking low sodium easier, and to provide you with information that will enable you to have food that may become your family's new favorites! In this course, l provide the background you'll need to create delicious low sodium meals, and the information to start your journey to becoming a low sodium chef for your family and friends! I'm Judy, The Sodium Attacker, and I'm always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor! YOU can be the sodium attacker for your family! Upon completion of this course, you will learn How to prepare truly great entrees, sides, and snacks Where sodium hides Why it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learn The importance of knowing sodium content of every ingredient in every recipe Low sodium cooking DOES NOT have to be bland There are a lot of low sodium items we can take advantage of Which sour cream has the lowest amount of sodium What to have in your pantry or freezer to prepare great meals To have confidence in ability to eat low sodium Why bottled water has replaced our tap water How to spend daily sodium allowance Upon completion of this course, you will have the following printed recipes or sheets Recipe for Low Sodium Italian Asparagus - 10 Asparagus spears only have 4 mg sodium. Recipe for Low Sodium Balsamic Honey Brussel Sprouts - 84 mg in 12 ounces. Recipe for Low Sodium Burgundy Mushrooms - A great low sodium appetizer. Recipe for the Best Low Sodium Ranch Dip and Dressing - Less than 14 mg per Tablespoon. Recipe for Baked Cabbage - 60 mg per serving. Low Sodium Coffee Cake Recipe - Whole cake has 150 mg sodium. 17 mg per slice List of where to  purchase low sodium Mozzerella - Recipe for Low Sodium Phili Cheese Steak Sandwich - Makes a great Low Sodium Appetizer Recipe for Low Sodium Steakums and Eggs - 165 mg for a big breakfast. Low Sodium recipe for Buttery Squash - combination of different squash makes this baked casserole very tasty. Recipe for Low Sodium Brown Sugar Biscuits - Less than 8 mg sodium each. Surprise your family with these! Recipe for Low Sodium Ground Beef Stroganoff. - 71 mg in each very large serving. Recipe for Low Sodium Butternut Squash Soup - 25 mg sodium in each thick cup of great soup. Low Sodium Blueberry Pancake Recipe. Each pancake has less than12 mg sodium. Low Sodium Glazed Carrots recipe. - Easy and quick to assemble. So very tasty. Low Sodium recipe for Corn Fritters - A taste of southern cooking to enjoy. Video shows how to roast Low Sodium Root Vegetables. - Includes a list of vegies                            complete with sodium counts Low Sodium recipe for Apple Nut Bars - Less than 5 mg in a 2" square bar. Recipe for Low Sodium Poppy Seed Dressing - Less than 5 mg per Tablespoon
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                  Struggle with cooking the basics in the kitchen? Tired of brown eggs and cutting yourself with a knife? We will show you the techniques that chef’s use to create repeatable success. Rob Roath has worked with some of the biggest catering companies and restaurant enterprises in the states. We will tackle everything you need to impress your family, friends and most of all yourself. Here is a quick look at what this course will cover: -Safety in the kitchen -How to choose quality fruits, vegetables, and meats -Cutting with confidence -My pro tips from years in the kitchen Just imagine making these dishes by the end of our journey: -Garlic Guacamole -Fresh Mango Salsa This is just the start of your journey chef. Look for our other courses that will enrich your playbook and expand what you can prepare with mastery. Welcome to Foodie Cooking School.
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                    Paella is a colorful, fun, elegant and incredibly tasty dish. In this class, Dr. Ana Maria Afzali will guide you, with a series of videos, through the process of choosing the right ingredients, knowing what cookware to use, and step by step videos that will show you how fun and easy cooking paella really is! In addition to learning how to cook paella, you will learn its history as well as the history of the land where it comes from, so by the time you finish the class you will be an connoisseur of the food and its history. In this course you will find both videos and written guides that will ensure your success in making the perfect Spanish paella. Ana Maria is a native of Spain and has been teaching Spanish cuisine, culture, history and literature for over 25 years.