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Welcome to the "Generative AI for Python Developers with Google AI" course!

Are you a Python developer looking to harness the power of Generative AI in your applications without diving too deep into the complexities of Machine Learning and Data Science? If so, this course is tailor-made for you!

In this comprehensive course, you'll discover how to seamlessly integrate Google's advanced Generative AI capabilities into your Python code through the Vertex AI API. Designed by a developer, for developers, no prior knowledge of Machine Learning or Data Science is needed. It focuses on practically, giving you just enough of the what and why, and then a lot of the how.

Throughout the course, you'll gain a strong foundation in Generative AI, understand the mechanics of how generative AI generates new content, and explore the driving force behind it all—the Google PaLM2 Large Language Model. You'll also learn the art of prompt engineering, using Generative AI Studio, you will craft prompts that yield impressive results tailored to your specific use cases.

The core of the course focuses on practicality. You'll be guided through the process of seamlessly integrating the Google Vertex AI API into your Python applications. And the best part? You'll build your very own generative AI application to practice your newly acquired Gen AI skills.

Course Highlights:

  • Learn how to integrate the Google Vertex AI API into your Python code

  • Develop a GenAI Bot in Python with Flask

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of Generative AI from a Developer's perspective

  • Learn how to use Generative AI Studio to design prompts

  • Learn about Prompt Engineering best practices

  • Understand how LLM model parameters affect creativity in responses

Don't miss this unique opportunity to expand your Python development toolkit with the creative possibilities of Generative AI. Enroll today and unlock a new dimension of software development!

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Welcome to the "Generative AI for Python Developers with Google AI" course!

Are you a Python developer looking to harness the power of Generative AI in your applications without diving too deep into the complexities of Machine Learning and Data Science? If so, this course is tailor-made for you!

In this comprehensive course, you'll discover how to seamlessly integrate Google's advanced Generative AI capabilities into your Python code through the Vertex AI API. Designed by a developer, for developers, no prior knowledge of Machine Learning or Data Science is needed. It focuses on practically, giving you just enough of the what and why, and then a lot of the how.

Throughout the course, you'll gain a strong foundation in Generative AI, understand the mechanics of how generative AI generates new content, and explore the driving force behind it all—the Google PaLM2 Large Language Model. You'll also learn the art of prompt engineering, using Generative AI Studio, you will craft prompts that yield impressive results tailored to your specific use cases.

The core of the course focuses on practicality. You'll be guided through the process of seamlessly integrating the Google Vertex AI API into your Python applications. And the best part? You'll build your very own generative AI application to practice your newly acquired Gen AI skills.

Course Highlights:

  • Learn how to integrate the Google Vertex AI API into your Python code

  • Develop a GenAI Bot in Python with Flask

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of Generative AI from a Developer's perspective

  • Learn how to use Generative AI Studio to design prompts

  • Learn about Prompt Engineering best practices

  • Understand how LLM model parameters affect creativity in responses

Don't miss this unique opportunity to expand your Python development toolkit with the creative possibilities of Generative AI. Enroll today and unlock a new dimension of software development!











注: 本コースに先立ちYouTubeでのライブ講義【Live! 人工知能】がありました。本コースの動画はこのライブ講義をUdemy用に再構成したものになります。


Section1. Transformerの概要

→ Transformerの概要や、開発環境について学びます。

Section2. Attentionの仕組み

→ TransformerのベースであるAttentionの仕組み、実装について学びます。

Section3. Transformerにおける埋め込み

→ Transformerにおける入力のベクトル化について学びます。

Section4. Transformerを組み立てる

→ ここまでの内容を踏まえて、PyTorchを使いTransformerを組み立てます。


Pythonの開発環境にはGoogle Colaboratoryを使用します。











注: 本コースに先立ちYouTubeでのライブ講義【Live! 人工知能】がありました。本コースの動画はこのライブ講義をUdemy用に再構成したものになります。


Section1. Transformerの概要

→ Transformerの概要や、開発環境について学びます。

Section2. Attentionの仕組み

→ TransformerのベースであるAttentionの仕組み、実装について学びます。

Section3. Transformerにおける埋め込み

→ Transformerにおける入力のベクトル化について学びます。

Section4. Transformerを組み立てる

→ ここまでの内容を踏まえて、PyTorchを使いTransformerを組み立てます。


Pythonの開発環境にはGoogle Colaboratoryを使用します。

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Learn how you can make your own AI tools.

You can use these tools yourself, publish them, or sell them.

The software used in this course doesn't require any coding.

These techniques have been used to create:

- AI Book Writers able to write entire fiction and non-fiction books

- Web Content Writers

- Logo Idea Generators

- AI Search Engine

- Legal Contract Analysis

- Personalised Workout and Diet Planner

The block based tool builder we are showing you was created by Skillfusion AI to allow users to make AI Tools without any coding.

See how I made $16,000 selling AI tools.

The blocks in the tool builder have capabilities such as:

- combining multiple prompts get better output

- web access

- image generation

- embedding knowledge

- Zapier connection

- Google search

- Longer output

Fuse Your Knowledge With AI!

Turn your life knowledge and experience in to useful and unique AI tools.

Create tools that can deliver your knowledge in bulk to thousands of potential users. Or use them to streamline your own work.

The hosting of your AI creations and payments from your sales can all be handled by the software you will be using to make the tools.

You can easily publish your tools to their platform to get free exposure.

Use the marketing techniques shown in this course to tell even more people about all the AI tools you make.

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Learn how you can make your own AI tools.

You can use these tools yourself, publish them, or sell them.

The software used in this course doesn't require any coding.

These techniques have been used to create:

- AI Book Writers able to write entire fiction and non-fiction books

- Web Content Writers

- Logo Idea Generators

- AI Search Engine

- Legal Contract Analysis

- Personalised Workout and Diet Planner

The block based tool builder we are showing you was created by Skillfusion AI to allow users to make AI Tools without any coding.

See how I made $16,000 selling AI tools.

The blocks in the tool builder have capabilities such as:

- combining multiple prompts get better output

- web access

- image generation

- embedding knowledge

- Zapier connection

- Google search

- Longer output

Fuse Your Knowledge With AI!

Turn your life knowledge and experience in to useful and unique AI tools.

Create tools that can deliver your knowledge in bulk to thousands of potential users. Or use them to streamline your own work.

The hosting of your AI creations and payments from your sales can all be handled by the software you will be using to make the tools.

You can easily publish your tools to their platform to get free exposure.

Use the marketing techniques shown in this course to tell even more people about all the AI tools you make.


Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Welcome to 'AI Essentials: A Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence,' where we demystify the fascinating realm of AI for newcomers.


In this comprehensive course, you'll dive deep into AI's foundations, core concepts, and real-world applications. Discover the significance of data in AI, the role of algorithms in decision making, and the power of neural networks and deep learning.

Learn to select real-world problems suitable for AI solutions, collect and pre-process data for accurate model building, and understand the critical steps of showcasing and deploying your AI project. Comprehensive explanations are prioritized to ensure a clear understanding of the processes involved.

Exploring AI's influence in everyday life, workplaces, and society, we also delve into ethical considerations and the future of AI. You'll be well-prepared for the AI-driven future, equipped with knowledge and skills to navigate this dynamic field.


  • Foundational Understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Different Types of AI: Narrow vs. General AI

  • Real-world Applications of AI

  • Significance of Data in AI

  • Role of Algorithms in AI Decision Making

  • Basics of Neural Networks and Deep Learning

  • Selecting Real-world Problems for AI Solutions

  • Data Collection and Pre-processing for Accurate Models

  • Model Development and Training

  • Showcasing and Deploying AI Projects

  • Awareness of AI's Influence in Everyday Life and Workplaces

  • Ethical Considerations in AI

  • Emerging Trends in AI

  • How to Prepare for the AI-Driven Future

  • Career Opportunities in AI

  • Joining AI Communities for Networking and Growth

  • Next Steps for Continuous Learning and Specialization


  • Basic Computer Skills: Familiarity with using computers and software is essential to navigate the course materials.

  • Curiosity and Eagerness to Learn: An open mind and a willingness to explore new concepts are the most important prerequisites for this course.


  • 5+ hours of high-quality video lectures and guides

  • Downloadable resources with useful information and links

  • Useful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each section

  • A major practice test in the end of the course

  • Ability to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A section

  • Certificate on course completion

So join me to unlock the potential of AI and gain a solid foundation in this transformative technology. Whether you're driven by curiosity or considering a career in AI, this course sets the stage for your success. Start your AI journey today!


Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Welcome to 'AI Essentials: A Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence,' where we demystify the fascinating realm of AI for newcomers.


In this comprehensive course, you'll dive deep into AI's foundations, core concepts, and real-world applications. Discover the significance of data in AI, the role of algorithms in decision making, and the power of neural networks and deep learning.

Learn to select real-world problems suitable for AI solutions, collect and pre-process data for accurate model building, and understand the critical steps of showcasing and deploying your AI project. Comprehensive explanations are prioritized to ensure a clear understanding of the processes involved.

Exploring AI's influence in everyday life, workplaces, and society, we also delve into ethical considerations and the future of AI. You'll be well-prepared for the AI-driven future, equipped with knowledge and skills to navigate this dynamic field.


  • Foundational Understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Different Types of AI: Narrow vs. General AI

  • Real-world Applications of AI

  • Significance of Data in AI

  • Role of Algorithms in AI Decision Making

  • Basics of Neural Networks and Deep Learning

  • Selecting Real-world Problems for AI Solutions

  • Data Collection and Pre-processing for Accurate Models

  • Model Development and Training

  • Showcasing and Deploying AI Projects

  • Awareness of AI's Influence in Everyday Life and Workplaces

  • Ethical Considerations in AI

  • Emerging Trends in AI

  • How to Prepare for the AI-Driven Future

  • Career Opportunities in AI

  • Joining AI Communities for Networking and Growth

  • Next Steps for Continuous Learning and Specialization


  • Basic Computer Skills: Familiarity with using computers and software is essential to navigate the course materials.

  • Curiosity and Eagerness to Learn: An open mind and a willingness to explore new concepts are the most important prerequisites for this course.


  • 5+ hours of high-quality video lectures and guides

  • Downloadable resources with useful information and links

  • Useful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each section

  • A major practice test in the end of the course

  • Ability to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A section

  • Certificate on course completion

So join me to unlock the potential of AI and gain a solid foundation in this transformative technology. Whether you're driven by curiosity or considering a career in AI, this course sets the stage for your success. Start your AI journey today!


Are you ready to unlock the full potential of AI and revolutionize the way you interact with technology? Welcome to our transformative course, "Prompt Engineering + Python Scripting AI Workflows Guide." In this beginner-friendly yet powerful course, we'll take you on an exhilarating journey through the realms of AI, equipping you with the skills to create dynamic and intelligent AI applications through ChatGPT Prompt Engineering and Python scripting.

Why is this course important?

1. Master the Art of ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful language model that can understand and generate human-like text responses. However, to harness its true potential, you need to learn the art of prompt engineering – crafting precise and effective instructions to guide the AI's responses. In this course, we demystify prompt engineering, teaching you how to ask the right questions and get accurate, context-aware, and reliable AI-driven answers.

2. Empower Your Ideas with Python Scripting Python scripting is the backbone of AI development, offering a user-friendly and versatile programming language that opens up endless possibilities. From data handling to building AI models, Python empowers you to bring your ideas to life efficiently and effectively. In this course, we'll walk you through Python fundamentals, arming you with the coding skills necessary to create smart, AI-driven applications.

3. Create Impactful AI Applications: Imagine building AI-powered chatbots that provide personalized customer support, virtual assistants that streamline daily tasks, or language interfaces that enable seamless communication with smart devices. With ChatGPT Prompt Engineering and Python scripting at your fingertips, you'll be able to develop sophisticated AI applications that add value to businesses, enhance user experiences, and drive innovation across various industries.

4. Transform Your Career and Future: In today's fast-paced world, AI-driven technologies are reshaping industries and driving significant advancements. By mastering ChatGPT Prompt Engineering and Python scripting, you'll be uniquely positioned to stand out in the job market and propel your career to new heights. Whether you're an aspiring AI developer, a seasoned programmer, or a curious tech enthusiast, this course will open doors to exciting opportunities and rewarding positions.

5. Build a Portfolio of Impressive Projects: Learning through hands-on experience is essential for skill mastery. Throughout this course, you'll tackle real-world projects that challenge your creativity and problem-solving abilities. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive portfolio of AI applications, showcasing your expertise to potential employers and clients alike.

7. Change Your Life with AI Innovation: AI is at the forefront of technological innovation, driving transformative changes in every aspect of life. With the knowledge gained from this course, you'll have the power to create solutions that make a difference, not only in your career but also in the lives of countless people worldwide. Imagine the impact of your AI creations in healthcare, education, sustainability, and beyond – this course will empower you to be a catalyst for positive change. Don't miss this opportunity to supercharge your AI creations with ChatGPT Prompt Engineering & Python scripting.

Embrace the future of technology and join us on this incredible journey to unleash the full potential of AI in your life and the world. Enroll now and embark on a life-changing adventure with AI innovation!

Enroll inside this course "Prompt Engineering + Python Scripting AI Workflows Guide"

Enroll now!


Are you ready to unlock the full potential of AI and revolutionize the way you interact with technology? Welcome to our transformative course, "Prompt Engineering + Python Scripting AI Workflows Guide." In this beginner-friendly yet powerful course, we'll take you on an exhilarating journey through the realms of AI, equipping you with the skills to create dynamic and intelligent AI applications through ChatGPT Prompt Engineering and Python scripting.

Why is this course important?

1. Master the Art of ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful language model that can understand and generate human-like text responses. However, to harness its true potential, you need to learn the art of prompt engineering – crafting precise and effective instructions to guide the AI's responses. In this course, we demystify prompt engineering, teaching you how to ask the right questions and get accurate, context-aware, and reliable AI-driven answers.

2. Empower Your Ideas with Python Scripting Python scripting is the backbone of AI development, offering a user-friendly and versatile programming language that opens up endless possibilities. From data handling to building AI models, Python empowers you to bring your ideas to life efficiently and effectively. In this course, we'll walk you through Python fundamentals, arming you with the coding skills necessary to create smart, AI-driven applications.

3. Create Impactful AI Applications: Imagine building AI-powered chatbots that provide personalized customer support, virtual assistants that streamline daily tasks, or language interfaces that enable seamless communication with smart devices. With ChatGPT Prompt Engineering and Python scripting at your fingertips, you'll be able to develop sophisticated AI applications that add value to businesses, enhance user experiences, and drive innovation across various industries.

4. Transform Your Career and Future: In today's fast-paced world, AI-driven technologies are reshaping industries and driving significant advancements. By mastering ChatGPT Prompt Engineering and Python scripting, you'll be uniquely positioned to stand out in the job market and propel your career to new heights. Whether you're an aspiring AI developer, a seasoned programmer, or a curious tech enthusiast, this course will open doors to exciting opportunities and rewarding positions.

5. Build a Portfolio of Impressive Projects: Learning through hands-on experience is essential for skill mastery. Throughout this course, you'll tackle real-world projects that challenge your creativity and problem-solving abilities. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive portfolio of AI applications, showcasing your expertise to potential employers and clients alike.

7. Change Your Life with AI Innovation: AI is at the forefront of technological innovation, driving transformative changes in every aspect of life. With the knowledge gained from this course, you'll have the power to create solutions that make a difference, not only in your career but also in the lives of countless people worldwide. Imagine the impact of your AI creations in healthcare, education, sustainability, and beyond – this course will empower you to be a catalyst for positive change. Don't miss this opportunity to supercharge your AI creations with ChatGPT Prompt Engineering & Python scripting.

Embrace the future of technology and join us on this incredible journey to unleash the full potential of AI in your life and the world. Enroll now and embark on a life-changing adventure with AI innovation!

Enroll inside this course "Prompt Engineering + Python Scripting AI Workflows Guide"

Enroll now!