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This course is the last in our “Spatial Computational Thinking” program. This “Performative Modelling” course focuses on evaluating alternative spatial configurations to support evidence-based decision making. You will learn methods for calculating various spatial performance metrics related to the built environment that can be used for comparative analysis of design process. This course will build on the previous three courses that covered procedural, semantic, and generative modelling. In this course, you will switch modes from generating to evaluating spatial performance. Thus, you will be creating procedures for evaluating alternative spatial configurations with respect to a set of performance indicators. This will once again require an increase in coding complexity, together with a new set of strategies for managing that complexity. In this course, you will learn how to create your own reusable and customised function libraries. You will use this powerful technique to create a set of generative and performative functions. The generative functions will be used to generate alternative spatial configurations for building designs. The performative functions will be used to evaluate various performance metrics. You will then combine these functions, evaluating each spatial configuration against each performance metric. Finally, you will develop procedures for visualizing and exporting the performance results in order to support decision making. In the process, you will learn a powerful technique, the ability to import one flowchart into another flowchart and to use it as a function. This allows you to execute larger computational processes with many more procedures hidden inside it. The modelling exercises and assignments during this course will mainly focus on evaluating alternative spatial configurations for buildings within the urban environment. A site will be selected, and procedures will be developed for calculating performance metrics using morphological and raytracing analysis methods. The morphological analysis includes plot ratio, compacity ratio, passive zone proportion, etc, while the raytracing analysis includes sky view factor, sun exposure factor, viewsheds, etc. The various metrics will then be weighted and aggregated, in order to allow alternative options to be easily compared. Completing the four courses that make up the “Spatial Computational Thinking” program will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and skills required to tackle a wide variety computational design challenges using digital technologies.
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    Le Design UX c'est plus que de l’idéation : c’est avoir des idées centrées sur l'utilisateur, ancrées dans le contexte technologique et d’affaires unique à son client. Le Design UX est le moment où l’innovation fait son entrée dans le projet. Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez à guider votre équipe vers des concepts de design d’interaction et d’expérience utilisateur innovants. Le Design UX intègre les résultats de la recherche UX, puis identifie les solutions souhaitables, laissant au Design UI le soin de produire des interfaces ergonomiques (le design d’interface utilisateur sera présenté dans le MOOC sur le prototypage). Le Design d’expérience utilisateur soutient l’innovation incrémentale, radicale et disruptive pour des produits et services numériques. Vous apprendrez les méthodes d'idéation divergentes pour résoudre des problème en s’appuyant sur la créativité, qu’il s’agisse d’une simple refonte ou d’un changement majeur dans l’offre numérique. Vous utiliserez des méthodes d'idéation convergentes pour ancrer un nouveau concept dans un contexte d’affaires spécifique, produisant des innovations qui bénéficient toutes les parties impliquées : de l'équipe de projet, à l'organisation, aux utilisateurs externes! Comme l’innovation est nécessaire pour la longévité et la profitabilité des entreprises, le Design UX et le Design Thinking sont des expertises très recherchées. Aucune connaissance préalable n’est requise. Devenez maître dans l’art des idéation divergentes et convergentes. Libérez leur potentiel avec ce cours ou en entreprenant le MicroMasters en Design et évaluation UX.
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      Products and equipment all around us are made of materials: look around you and you will see phones, computers, cars, and buildings. We face challenges in securing the supply of materials and the impact this has on the planet. Innovative product design can help us find solutions to these challenges. This course will explore new ways of designing products. The design of products is an important aspect of a circular economy. The circular economy approach addresses material supply challenges by keeping materials in use much longer and eventually returning materials for new use. The principle is that waste must be minimized. Products will be designed to last longer. They will be easier to Reuse, Repair, and Remanufacture. The product will eventually be broken down and Recycled. This is Design for R and is the focus of this course. Experts from leading European universities and research organizations will explain the latest strategies in product design. Current design approaches lead to waste, loss of value and loss of resources. You will learn about the innovative ways in which companies are creating value, whilst securing their supply chains, by integrating Design for R . This course is suitable for all learners who have an interest in product design, innovative engineering, new business activity, entrepreneurship, sustainability, circular economy and everyone who thinks that the current way we do things today needs a radical rethink.
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        Este curso introductorio de Adobe Illustratorte entregaráconceptos de diseño y de presentación en general que te permitirán tener más argumentos gráficos para tus presentaciones y que ofrezcan un impacto visual. A partir de la suite de Adobe y en particular con Illustrator, conocerás recursos para ser más claro en el lenguaje y mensaje a entregar. Este curso de diseño te introducirá al programa de diseño vectorial Adobe Illustrator, conociendo el entorno y los elementos que hay en este programa. Se explicará el uso de las distintas herramientas que posee la aplicación, así como la manera de trabajar con las paletas de diseño. En este MOOC se crearán trazados sencillos en el programa de diseño Adobe Illustrator: trazados de forma libre, líneas y formas básicas (rectángulos, elipses, polígonos, estrellas, …). También, se describirá la forma de seleccionar y modificar de una manera sencilla los objetos que existen en los documentos (moverlos, girarlos o cambiar su tamaño), así como varias herramientas de ayuda al dibujo (reglas, cuadrícula y guías). Este curso en línea te ayudará a crear presentaciones efectivas con las cuales entregues el mensaje adecuado e impactes a tu público objetivo. Este curso es introductorio, no necesitas habilidades especiales ni conocimientos previos, de una manera muy práctica vas a poder aplicar los conocimientos del curso a tus actividades.
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          In Creative Coding, students learn to design and create media using object-oriented programming as a medium for design, art, and games. With a strong focus on creating interactive experiences for the web, the course moves past the sequential problem solving found in typical beginner programming and coding courses, so that designers and creatives can apply programming concepts to work in a variety of media, such as 2D graphics, animation, image and video processing. By the end of this course, students will be able to read and write javascript for creative and design applications. Whether you are a graphic designer, UX/UI designer, web designer, or accessibility designer, this course will arm you with fundamental coding skills using javascript and other languages as a method of expression.
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            Cities are built site by site. Site planning has been taught in urban planning, landscape architecture and architecture programs for over a century and continues to be a foundation course for those who aspire to plan the built environment. It is a required subject on licensing and certification programs for each of these disciplines. Mastering the art of site planning requires substantive knowledge, well-honed design skills, and familiarity with examples and prototypes of site organization. This course provides the perspectives of leading academics and practitioners on the important issues in preparing site plans. It offers a foundation of knowledge, and the opportunity to apply what is learned in preparing a site plan.
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              Designing and creating skirts will teach learners how to design and make clothing by recording measurements from a person, and creating unique designs and made to measure garments. Learners will understand how to record body measurements used to create skirts, and develop the knowledge and skills to adapt the basic blocks into unique designs, with activities to create different waistbands, pockets, openings, pleats, gathers and different skirt shapes and designs. Learners will develop the skills to create skirt patterns, adapting patterns to individual designs by use of fullness and manipulation techniques, and create specification sheets for commercial patterns and manufacturing. With tutorials in pattern making and sewing techniques learners will develop the skills to hand or machine sew garments to fit their own body shape, to develop the skills and knowledge to manufacture clothing, including fit analysis and adjusting the fit of clothing to fit the body shape and size. Gaining valuable knowledge in the art of made to measure clothing, and how to obtain a perfect fit of a garment. Learners will gain appreciation of the history of design, fashion styles and design elements, to be able to design their own unique range of skirts for a specific body shape and size. This course will prepare learners for a career within the fashion industry, gaining a foundation of knowledge to complete an undergraduate programme, or work within the fashion industry as a designer, pattern cutter, merchandiser or fit technologist. The skills obtained in this course will provide a foundation of core skills used within the fashion industry.
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                Brainstorm, brainstorm! UX Design is not just about having ideas! The user-centred approach fuels innovation in ways that support incremental, radical and disruptive innovations towards great user experience like no other. User experience design helps the team hone down on a new concept, on general interactions, on desired experiences, before jumping into user interface design (the next MOOC!). Learn divergent ideation methods to bring creativity to problem-solving, whether you are called upon for a simple redesign or a major change in a digital offering. Use convergent ideation methods to anchor a new concept within your business context, seeking win-win innovation for all parties involved, within the project team, across the organisation including external end-users. Thinking through innovation helps position even the smallest change into a long-term perspective. No wonder Design Thinking is a highly valued method. No previous knowledge needed. Join us in the journey to master the divergent and convergent ideation methods. Unlock their potential, through the UX Design and Evaluation MicroMasters, or as an individual course.
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                  Prototyping is part art, part science. In this MOOC you will learn both UI design (user interface design) and the ergonomic criteria (grounded in cognitive psychology), which underlies it. With this knowledge, you will learn to drive the creative team from low-tech paper mock-ups to developing high-fidelity interactive prototypes using the latest industry methods and tools. Prototypes serve the dual purpose of determining what the interfaces will look like and test these developing interfaces at every step! The point is to diminish the risk of developing wrong or faulty interfaces. You will learn to appreciate the dynamic relationship shared by prototyping and testing, which good UI designers fully grasp. Prototyping takes the guessing game out of the creative process, delivering business savvy (on-time, on-budget) user-tested, good experiences. No previous knowledge needed. Join us in the journey to unlock the potential of low to high fidelity prototyping techniques, through the UX Design and Evaluation MicroMasters, or as an individual course.
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                    ¿Y si la solución a muchas de las problemáticas sociales se diera al interconectarnos mejor entre humanos y el mundo real por medio de dispositivos electrónicos? Desde esta posibilidad se aborda el curso, buscando aprender a implementar prototipos en el que tener diferentes dispositivos interconectados sea un requerimiento para la solución. Los dispositivos electrónicos que siguen en crecimiento son los teléfonos celulares y por ello se vuelven una herramienta fundamental como puntos de contacto entre los individuos y la red digital. Si hacemos uso de los dispositivos electrónicos para la obtención de información en lo que parece ser tiempo real, intercambiar información para gestionar un proceso, detectar un evento o el valor de algún parámetro físico, se fortalecerá la gestión y toma de decisiones de las sociedad vinculada y beneficiada de dicha red. No pierdas la oportunidad de obtener conocimientos específicos, aplicados y con alcances prácticos, usando herramientas especializadas de alto nivel para crear tu prototipo de impacto tecnológico-social. Puede que tu solución inicie con solo unos cuantos dispositivos para luego alcanzar miles o cientos de miles de ellos, con las herramientas y enseñanzas propuestas no tendrás que pasar por reprocesos o rediseños significativos como sucede con la gran mayoría de herramientas de código abierto. En este curso iniciará con una introducción a las últimas tecnologías en el marco de la revolución 4.0 y la gestión de proyectos de tecnología. Luego, se ahondará en la construcción de prototipos en el contexto del internet del todo para la resolución de problemáticas sociales. Éste curso se articula con el MOOC “Protothinking®️ para proyectos sociales” de forma que tengas la estrategia y la implementación. Aunque este curso no presenta ningún pre o co-requisito, es altamente recomendable que tomes los dos cursos.