PHP is an object oriented general purpose language suitable for a wide variety of tasks. In this course, we'll learn how to use PHP as a server-side scripting language for use in web development. MySQL is a general purpose relational database management system (RDBMS) used mainly to provide a back-end database for web applications. In this course, we'll introduce the concepts of relational database management systems in general, and how they relate to MySQL in particular. Unlike traditional courses that concentrate mainly on theory, we'll take a practical “how-to” approach to working with data. Here's what you'll learn: The course cover following topics: PHP basic syntax, variables,loops and decision constructs. Object oriented features String functions. Arrays REQUEST, GET, and POST Integrate MySQL databases with PHP. Creating databases and tables Adding data to a table with INSERT Reading a table with SELECT How to use WHERE to filter data Using ORDER BY to sort data JOINs and how to use them to read from multiple tables Changing data in a table with UPDATE The DELETE query: removing one or more rows of data from a table Using a text file to load a database schema MySQL I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to working with you!
    The Ultimate MySQL MariaDB Beginner Course Have you ever taught of how Facebook, Google, Twitter, Wikipedia and many others, manages and manipulates data or (post) behind the scene?  Ever wanted to create a dynamic web application and software that could interact with or store information on the database? Then this MySQL MariaDB course is for you. Database is an in-demand skill for any one who want to become IT expert. Learning  SQL opens a new dimension in jobs, where you can work as a database administrator in IT companies or you can become a freelancer. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a programmer new to databases don't worry I designed this MySQL MariaDB programming course to be easily understood by absolute beginners. This course is comprehensive and straight-forward to get you up to speed on how to query and manipulate databases. You will Learn MySQL MariaDB from scratch and build a Database Application. The concept i will be teaching you in this course is basically the same for both MySQL and MariaDB as well as other relational database management systems such as PostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2, Oracle etc. As the most popular database in the world, MySQL is used by FACEBOOK, APPLE, YOUTUBE, EBAY, WORDPRESS etc. While MariaDB  is used by GOOGLE, WIKIPEDIA, REUTER, OLX, TUMBLR, NIMBUZZ etc. No wonder SQL is one of the languages theoretically taught in computer science classes but a lot of what is been said is not applicable in day to day programming, this is one of the reason this course is well structured to teach you the foundation of databases and how you can apply it in real-life.; with over 50 Video lectures leaving no stone on turned. Hence at the end of this course, you will be able to build a PHP application that interact(SQL) with database? BELOW ARE WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE AND THE REASONS YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE Excellent course!! The instructor is very knowledgeable about Database development using MySQL and Maria-db and is able to present the concepts in a detailed and methodical way. Topics are introduced, then explained in detail, this is then followed with hands-on, step-by-step tutorial style demonstrations that further reinforce and allow for a greater understanding of the technology and how a schema can be implemented and accessed - Brava man This is a good course for MySQL beginners, the instructor explains all the topics clearly and uses useful examples in order to understand each topic  - Rafael Godinez Gives you a great explanation of many different SQL commands and how they work. I learned a lot. For a 90 minute course you learn a lot. The example project at the end really tied everything together and I learned some PHP as well - David Leacock This course is a great course and i would recommend to every computer science student in my class. I'm now proficient in SQL. Thank you instructor for your clear explanation - Sampson Stella SOME OF THE MAJOR TOPICS WE WILL COVER IN THIS COURSE INCLUDE: You will learn how to create, alter MySQL MariaDB tables with real world examples. You will learn how to insert, select, update, delete data. Use PHP API to connect and query MySQL and MariaDB. You will learn how to build any database application from scratch using PHP How to use Regular Expressions (REGEXP) in SQL. You will learn how to perform mathematical calculations with numeric functions and Date Time formatting. How to use built-in functions to find, format, extract and convert text. You will learn how to implement transaction in MySQL and MariaDB. You will have a solid foundation for RDBMS databases and SQL in general. Subquery in MySQL and MariaDB Different storage engines in MySQL. How to query multiple table with JOINS. How to combine multiple query with UNION. etc LIFE TIME ACCESS: By enrolling in this course you have an instant Life- Time access 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you will be refunded of your money. THANK YOU AND I HOPE TO SEE YOU IN THE COURSE