About this Course This four-week course titled AI and Law explores the way in which the increasing use of artificially intelligent technologies (AI) affects the practice and administration of law defined in a broad sense. Subject matters discussed include the connection be between AI and Law in the context of legal responsibility, law-making, law-enforcing, criminal law, the medical sector and intellectual property law. The course aims to equip members of the general public with an elementary ability to understand the meaningful potential of AI for their own lives. The course also aims to enable members of the general public to understand the consequences of using AI and to allow them to interact with AIs in a responsible, helpful, conscientious way. At the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to: • Understand the legal significance of the artificially intelligent software and hardware. • Understand the impact of the emergence of artificial intelligence on the application and administration of law in the public sector in connection with the enforcement of criminal law, the modelling of law and in the context of administrative law. • Understand the legal relevance of the use of artificially intelligent software in the private sector in connection with innovation and associated intellectual property rights, in the financial services sector and when predicting outcomes of legal proceedings. • Understand the importance of artificial intelligence for selected legal fields, including labour law, competition law and health law. Syllabus and Format The course consists of four modules where one module represents about one week of part-time studies. A module includes a number of lectures and readings, and finishes with an assessment – a quiz and/or a peer graded assignment. The assessments are intended to encourage learning and ensure that you understand the material of the course. Participating in forum discussions is voluntary. Modules Module 1. AI and Law Module 2. Legal AI in the Public Sector Module 3. Legal AI in the Private Sector Module 4. Selected Challenges Lund University Lund University was founded in 1666 and has for a number of years been ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 47 700 students and 7 500 staff based in Lund, Sweden. Lund University unites tradition with a modern, dynamic, and highly international profile. With eight different faculties and numerous research centers and specialized institutes, Lund is the strongest research university in Sweden and one of Scandinavia's largest institutions for education and research. The university annually attracts a large number of international students and offers a wide range of courses and programmes taught in English. The Faulty of Law is one of Lund University’s four original faculties, dating back to 1666. It is a modern faculty with an international profile, welcoming both international and Swedish students. Education, research and interaction with the surrounding community are the main focus of the Faculty’s work. The connection between the three is particularly apparent in the programmes and courses offered by the university, including the university’s MOOC course in European Business Law. The students get the chance to engross themselves in traditional legal studies, while interacting with both researchers and professionally active lawyers with qualifications and experience from various areas of law. The faculty offers three international Masters: two 2-year Master’s programmes in International Human Rights Law and European Business Law, and a 1-year Master’s in European and International Tax Law. Students from around 40 countries take part in the programmes which offer a unique subject specialization within each field, with highly qualified researchers and professional legal practitioners engaged in the teaching.
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    Afortunadamente, cada vez hay más personas sensibles a las especiales privaciones y sufrimientos que afectan a los menores de edad. La explotación sexual de las niñas, la utilización de los niños como soldados, el trabajo infantil, el tráfico internacional de menores… y todo esto sin contar con el hambre, la guerra y las epidemias. Tras dos tímidos precedentes, la comunidad internacional se hizo eco de estas exigencias en la Convención Internacional de Derechos del Niño de 1989 y en la Convención de las Naciones Unidas con mayor número de ratificaciones, aunque con muy limitada eficacia en la realidad. Nuestro propósito es acercar a todos los profesionales que tratan con la infancia, a los familiares, o a cualquiera que tenga interés y sensibilidad a la respuesta que el Ordenamiento Jurídico puede prestar a esas exigencias específicas. Tomaremos como eje común, sobre el que se articulan los distintos temas, la Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño de 1989. Los cuatro ámbitos sobre los que trabajaremos serán: La sustracción internacional de menores. Menores en desamparo y tutela administrativa. La protección sociolaboral. Situaciones de separación de los progenitores. ¿Cómo abordar los diferentes problemas específicos de la infancia? ¿Qué respuestas puede ofrecer el sistema jurídico? En este curso nos proponemos una aproximación crítica a la realidad y a la regulación jurídica española, europea e internacional de la protección del menor.
      About the course: This is a course for Indian Corporates. Yes! Almost every company borrows from Bank for meeting their project and operating requirements. When they borrow from Bank or Financial Institution, they provide securities which may be assets or properties of the company. When they provide the assets as security to the lender, they are creating right over the assets in favour of the lender and this right is called as Charge and it should be registered with regulatory authority called Registrar of Companies in India. There are certain legal aspects related to registration of charge with Registrar of Companies. Those legal aspects have to be complied in a given time frame. In case, time frame could not be adhered, the delay should be condoned by appropriate authorities in compliance with Indian Companies Act, 2013. Apart from that, when ever charges are modified it should be registered with Registrar of Companies. Similarly when the loans are closed and charges are satisfied, it should also be communicated and registered with Registrar of Companies and again they have to be done or completed in a given time frame. The companies which borrow from Bank have to maintain Register of Charges for inspection by the share holders and creditors. Similarly, the Registrar of Companies will maintain a register of charges of all the companies in the country for inspection by any one upon payment of prescribed fees. Hence, registration of charges is very important for every corporate who have taken secured loans from Banks. In case, the charge is not registered, it will go against the lender in the event of liquidation of the company because at that point, liquidator will consider or rank only those creditors whose charge were registered with Registrar of Companies. Hence, Registration of Charge is highly important from the Lender / Bankers point of view. Terminology: This course uses less legal terminologies. Efforts were taken to explain in simple English without legal jargons. Material used in this course: This course is presented through Video Lectures. Course Structure: This course is structured in self paced learning style. Why take this course? Registration of Charge is mandatory for every company taking secured loan from Banks / Financial Institutions. Hence, absolute knowledge on Charges and its related provisions, sections, rules in Companies Act, 2013 is must for every one who is dealing or will be dealing in charge matters.
        Drawing on the contributions of several academic disciplines including law, psychology, sociology, history, educational and health sciences, economy and anthropology, an interdisciplinary approach guides the student into a selection of critical issues concerning children’s rights. Participants will gain insight relative to the development of this specific human rights category, as well as to the evolution of the challenges faced by children over time and society’s efforts to respond. Successful international strategies and programs promoting children’s rights will be highlighted, as well as the role of key actors involved in international organizations working in this field. This open online course provides an overview of the most important features of children’s human rights. A central portion of the MOOC will consist of a presentation of the international and regional standards on children’s rights and the related international and regional judicial and quasi-judicial bodies designed to ensure their implementation. No prerequisites or specific background is required to register for this MOOC. The course is conceived as an introductory level program, but participants, who wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of children’s rights, or already have some prior knowledge, will have access to additional reading material on a weekly basis. Participants who successfully complete the class activities and final assessment may request for a paid certificate of accomplishment signed by the Instructor and the main professors responsible for the program. However, no credits are awarded. The course consists of seven topical modules distributed on 4 weeks. English is the only language of instruction.
          Welcome to this course on Basics of Indian Companies Act 2013. The Company Law in India witnessed massive change with the enactment of new act called Companies Act 2013. Knowledge of Companies Act and its provisions are very important for every student taking up professional courses like CA / CMA / CS and also for Finance, Accounting and Secretarial Professionals within India. This course will take you through the Introductory part of the Companies Act and it will cover concepts like a) What is Company? b) Classification of Companies c) Registration of Companies d) Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association e) Alteration of Articles f) Prospectus j) Share and Share Capital k) Meetings and Proceedings This course is purely based on Company law prevailing in India. Hence, this is not the right course for students from other countries. This course is structured in self paced learning style. Screen cast model lectures with writings and explanations are used for teaching the provisions and concepts of the act. The course is in its beginning stages only (as on 21st April 2017). It will take months together to upload all the contents in this course as Companies Act is a detailed and comprehensive act. This course will throw lots of practical examples to understand the various provisions of the act and it will help you to prepare for India based Professional Exams like CA / CMA / CS / B.Com / B.L., etc. Listen to this course with your headset connected to your device, alongside with note pad / word application to note down the important case laws and relevant sections. Wish you a happy learning.
            This course will walk you through the fascinating role Legal Assistants play in the day-to-day operations of a Legal Department, Legal Office or Legal Team. Legal support staff are placed in a strategic position within the legal team which enable them to gain exposure, knowledge, information and power that can be used to take that position to higher levels. Whether thinking on improving your legal support skills and/or moving to the lawyer side, this course will equip you with a wide range of resources to become an expert in your area and to showcase your value to faster and more efficiently pursue and achieve your goals. Implementing best practices, being up to date with new technologies and developments in the legal field and talking the same “legal language” will help you to master your role and take it to the next level.
              Note: This course is designed for Indian Students pursuing CA / CMA / CS Professional Courses. This course is structured following the syllabus prescribed for professional examinations of above courses. Hence, Non Indian students, please do not take this course. Welcome to this course Basics of Indian Customs Act A Complete Study. In this course, you will learn about legal provisions prescribed under Indian Customs Act, 1962 and it will help you to understand the act with lots of examples and case studies. Initially only few topics are published. However, over a period of time, following topics also proposed to be included in the course. Hence, go through the course curriculum before purchasing and make your decision to buy only after ensuring, topics you require are covered in this course. Proposed topics: a) Levy & Exemptions from Customs Duty b) Types of Duty c) Classification of Imported & Exported Goods d) Valuation under Customs Act e) Importation, Exportation & Transportation of Goods f) Warehousing g) Duty Drawback h) Demand and Recovery i) Refund j) Provisions / Penalties for Illegal Import, Export, Confiscation & Allied activites k) Appeals & Revisions l) Settlement Commission m) Advance Ruling See you inside the course.
                Following are the course contents. There are 5 video lectures in the course which take you through the entire E-Way Bill mechanism from understanding the concept and reason behind introduction till FAQs regarding the provisions of GST Law Video 1: Basic Concepts & Legal Framework about E-Way Bill Video 2: Exemptions/ Exceptions for Issuance of E-Way Bill Video 3: Mechanism & How to generate E-Way Bill Video 4: E-Way Bill- Procedural Aspects Video 5: FAQ about E-Way Bills
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                  Democracy and the rule of law are two of the fundamental values of the EU that are shared among the EU Member States (MS). As of late, however, they have come under increasing pressure. Not only does the Union face criticism about its own democratic and rule of law shortcomings, but it also appears to struggle to find effective responses when faced with the erosion of these values in several of its MS. In this course, an interdisciplinary team of experts will discuss what democracy and the rule of law mean in Europe, how these principles are put into practice, and how they can be defended against backsliding. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 770142.
                    A Law Masterclass Hi, My name is Shaveen Bandaranayake and I am your instructor for this Masterclass course in Law! Who is this course for? The simplified approach of this Masterclass means that, whether you are an LLB student who's just begun your degree, a student who's about to sit for your examinations or someone who wants to get a head-start in learning the Law - this is a great resource. This course is an essential guide to get a bird's eye overview of the complete UK LLB syllabus, through all 3 years of study. The eleven courses compiled and covered in this course are: The English Legal System Constitutional Law Criminal Law Contract Law Commercial Law Property Law Tort Law Trust Law Jurisprudence Intellectual Property Conflict of Laws History of English Law This course is a great supplement for LL.B students who have just begun their degrees, in order to understand the subject matter ahead of their degree. It is also a great way to recap your material prior to your examinations. This Masterclass incorporates the complete set of tools which I developed and utilized to successfully complete my LL.B degree. Thank you for your interest in this Masterclass Looking forward to seeing you in the course!